Selling Out


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Wikipedia defines selling out as:

"Selling out" refers to the compromising of one's integrity, morality and principles in exchange for money, 'success' (however defined) or other personal gain. It is commonly associated with attempts to increase mass appeal or acceptability to mainstream society. A person who does this, as opposed to continuing along his or her original path, is labelled a sellout and typically regarded with disgust and immediate loss of respect. Selling out is often seen as gaining success at the cost of credibility.

Over time there will be bands who are on small, indie lables who develop a strong fanbase who could be contacted by a major record label to sign a contract to do 'x' ammount of albums or for 'x' ammount of years. If the band signs with the major record label, automatically the band is labelled as a 'Sell Out' which I don't think is fair.

So, if you had a band or were a singer and were on a small, indie label and were contacted by a major record label like Warner, or Sony BMG, what would you choose to do and why? Would you stay small or would you go big? Also, what is your opinion of the whole concept of 'Selling Out'? Do you agree or disagree that bands who sign onto major record labels are 'Sell Outs' and are only in it for fame or whatever else?

Me, I would take the major record deal. Money wouldn't be the main reason (Although money is very nice), I would want as many people to have access to my music as possible and that would be through major record labels because they would be able to distribute the records and merchandise to more places where people know about. I also don't agree with the whole concept of calling bands 'Sell Outs' because I think that if anyone was in a band, I doubt they would want to stay underground or small for their entire life.
I would take the major label deal in a heartbeat. Not only would I be getting paid well for doing something I love, more people would have access to it. As long as I would not have to change my sound I would go to the majors. But if the major label wanted to change me in anyway way, I'd stay in the indies. I would rather be unknown and true to myself than to be famous and hate myself.
If you say you would not take the record deal, you're lying. It's like having a job at WWE, even if you're forced to do something stupid, ie. Regal's real man's man, you'll still take the job because you'll get to where you want to be, and hopefully get a big break. If you got offered the opportunity to go big, you wouldn't say no, you'd say yes, and work on the best damn album you can.

As for selling out, I think it's unfair that bands are labelled like that. They might've worked for years to get where they are, and they finally get noticed, and once they sign, they're automatically disliked and disrespected. Why can't you just be happy that the band got their big break and now more people will know about the band that you've always been into? Just be happy that they got somewhere with their career, instead of staying underground for their whole career.

Iggy Pop is at the center of a dispute over his involvement in commercials for U.K. car insurance company, after it emerged that musicians were unable to get cover with the company.
The ASA says it has received 12 complaints in relation to the TV ad campaign. The complaints object that it is "misleading because it uses a well-known figure from the music industry to promote an insurance service which they believe excludes musicians," according to an ASA spokesperson. As a result, the ASA has launched an investigation to determine whether the ad breaches the U.K.'s TV Advertising Code.

Iggy himself is actually not covered. Most would say that this makes Iggy a sellout, but I'm certain that it goes with his moral code of "Getheroingetheroingetheroin...".

This demonstrates that the definition sellout is, if anything, subjective. If your morals and principles are to "do whatever I gotta do to get money and fame" then one could do whatever they please. If my original path is this, to be a "sellout" I would have to live in poverty and hate everyone. Doing so would also make it difficult for one to address me as a "sellout".

Selling out is a myth.

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