Seeking Mediation Services: BestSportsEntertainer and I Need Your Help


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yesterday, BSE and I shared a brief correspondence regarding my returning his rep approving one of my posts. He didn't understand why I repped him and I didn't understand his confusion as rep4rep is not an uncommon practice.

I don't want this miscommunication to go any further and potentially damage my relationship with one of our most promising new posters. Would anybody here be willing to mediate our dispute?
Post the messages. Caps, not quotes. No tampering with evidence now Coco. Although I'm sure a stand-up individual like yourself would not sink to such an act, we need to do this by the book.
Thanks for calling me a stand-up individual. I appreciate the gender-neutrality of your post.

Like I said, the correspondence was brief. And it was only minor confusion. Still, if we mediate now we might be able to avoid future arbitration or worse. I don't want this to get out of hand.


I've always thought of you as beyond gender really. Anyway, this seems more like a medical condition which commonly afflicts people unfamiliar with Coco's behaviour on the board.

Diagnosis: User "BestSportsEntertainer" (hereafter BSE) is still too green (hah, see what I did there) and is attempting to understand the behaviour of the user "Coco". Coco is known for claiming to uphold absolute rationality at all times, even when said behaviour confuses other members, often either to their amusement or annoyance. Previous victims include Stormtrooper and even Mediator Ollie himself.

Initial suggestion is for BSE to learn to ignore Coco and stop taking rep too seriously. Since Coco offered no point to discuss within the rep message, it is the opinion of Mediator Ollie that Coco simply felt BSE deserved a red in return for a green, thus meeting the requirements of the verbal agreement hereafter known as "rep 4 rep". Once Coco fails to get a rise out of BSE, Coco will move on and find another poster who actually provides some entertainment.

Suggest for treatment that Coco personally handle the additional dispensation of a mixture of red & green reps to BSE at random intervals with no clear explanation, so that BSE builds resistance to the affliction.

Any other mediators with further suggestions should provide addendum now.

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