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SD! Exclusive Breakout Battle Royal?

Barbedwire Ropes

Im not even going to bother going into a 312 paragraph detailing on why I started this thread. Because you all know the backstory to the RAW Breakout Battleroyal (though featuring one Smackdown star if I can remember correctly) and we all know what it has done (thus far) for Sheamus. So I got to thinking, would a Smackdown Exclusive Breakout Battle Royal be a good thing, or a bad thing? Since I really do not want to see Undertaker/Batista/Edge happen over and over and over and over again, which it very well might in 2010.

Smackdown has a great foundation built on young talent and quite a few of them could really cut it in the main event, but they all need to get there somehow and not all of them could do it with good ol' patience (I.E: John Morrison).

We have guys like:
John Morrison
David Hart Smith
Dolph Ziggler
Matt Hardy
Drew Macintyre
and if we could make a few exceptions for ECW talent we could also include
Shelton Benjamin
William Regal

I can see all of those guys being able to perform in the main event scene. Of course, some more-so than others and a few will forsure make it there one day.

So what do you think?
It could work, and is a great idea for Smackdown. With the way things stand now, Christian is ECW Champ, and involved with William Regal, so that should probably be out unless they wrap it up soon. John Morrison is go the IC Title, so I'll put him out of contention. Personally I would go with Finlay simply because I think a match between him and Undertaker would be simply brutal, and very interesting. But since I figure Batista will end up with the title, I'll go with Matt Hardy, or Shelton Benjamin. In Hardy's case he seems to be pushed to that level but never any further, and it would be nice to see him atleast have the complete shot at it. Shelton has actually turned around and seems to care a lot more than he did in the past. So him getting the shot would be probably more entertaining to me than Hardy.

So I'm going to say Shelton should get the rub here.
Since i'm a Matt mark, i'm gonna go with Hardy, but like kerplin said, he ALMOST gets there and then it fails, whether he gets injured or just bad luck. Matt really deserves it IMO, and one exuse for Matt to win this battle royal, his damn last name!!! The fans automatically get by his side because his last name is HARDY. But idk. I would also like Morrison to get a shot, and I thought he was being pushed hard on SD, but when Jeff left he took a step down to the midcard. So I'd do with Hardy or Morrison.

Although, Christian really deserves it as well. He's over with the fans so I could see him winning a break-through battle royal. But, the WWE doesn't work this way.....
The only problem with this concept on Smackdown! is the champion. Nearly all of the potential participants in such a Breakthrough Battle Royal would be crushed by The Undertaker. The Phenom is the kind of champ that requires someone as big and vicious as they've made Sheamus seem to go toe-to-toe with him, and given the type of performers who tend to compete on the Smackdown! brand, there are none that match that description. The biggest newer guys they have -- people like Mike Knox and Drew Gallows -- have either been jobbed out or aren't ready for even a minimal push.

So where does that leave Smackdown!?

It leaves us with Batista/Undertaker for at least a couple months. Should 'Taker drop the belt to "The Animal," which is entirely possible, at least it opens some doors. Batista has proven less invincible than "The Dead Man," so it takes less to make a match-up seem convincing and plausible.

Were Batista the champ, I could very clearly see someone like John Morrison proving a real challenge for him. As has been said in the past, Morrison matches up well with a young Shawn Michaels, so I could find it 100-percent plausible that Morrison could pull out (even an upset) victory in that one.

Who would I like to see win such a chance at the belt and a #1 contender status though? I'd say Matt Hardy. Having him go over in a battle royal is again entirely believeable, and it would finally give him an opportunity to shine. Besides, I can't believe it's been a full year since he held the ECW title. That's too long. I think he's really got what it takes to make it in the main event, even if only sporadically.
A similar thread happened like this a few months ago last time one of the brands pushed a new talent, and the man on the other brand that people though should have been pushed is John Morrison. Now I am sick of John Morrison threads about pushing the guy now, and I feel he might never advance far on the brand.

The Undertaker is the champion and out of any midcarder never been champion that could beat him, I think the answer is no one. Yes, not a single man could actually beat him in any type of match I see right now. Only one man could beat him on ECW right now, and that is Christian. So if you did included one man, I pick Christian, as there are few people in the WWE with as much of a push that has never been champion than him.
If were adding people from ECW then I'd say Christain too. It's time they pulled the trigger on moving him up to the main brands. But damn part of me would like to see Goldust pull off the biggest upset known to man. Not to mention Goldust and Undertaker have put on some great matches in the past. Anybody remember the Summer when if Undertaker wasn't wrestling Mankind at an In Your House he would be wrestling Goldust? I thought they gelled real well together, not to mention Goldust/Mankind alliance was pretty funny to see. But i wouldn't mind Goldust showing the higher ups that he can take the ball and run with it even if for a little. I'm not saying give him the belt, I'm just saying reward the man for making such a great comeback and remaining in good shape.

But if I was going to go with a SmackDown superstar I say give it to Morrison or I can't believe I'm going to say this R-Truth(he has really been improving lately, so why not at least test the waters with him).
I think this is possible IF the undertaker loses his title to someone who can lose to a younger suserstar and make it look realistic. like PEP3 said it would not be believable if taker lost to this winner. (although nobody is expecting cena to lose) later on down the track, i can see it happening
As long as Undertaker is the champion, this won't work. It's going to take someone who's already a main event talent or a former world champion to take it off him. Undertaker would just crush anyone who won the battle royal.

As far as the battle royal goes, it would be great to see all the mid card on that brand get involved in a shot to face the champion. I'd have Morrison, Hardy, Ziggler, Finlay, Smith, Kidd, McIntyre, and R Truth in it. I think it would be between Morrison and Hardy getting the win here. Hardy could win simply because of who he is and that he's long deserved a shot and just always seems to have bad luck when things go his way. Morrison could get the win just because of the hot hand he's been dealt as of late.

After Undertaker loses the world title, hopefully SmackDown will get a chance to have it's own breakthrough battle royal.
I like this idea, since I generally enjoy battle royales that crown a new number one contender. As the Raw one showed, it can be very unpredictable and even further feuds if that's how they book it. So I'd love to see one on Smackdown to give someone a chance.

And I think that chance should go to Morrison. The guy proved over the summer that he can put on main event level matches, as he did so with CM Punk and Jeff Hardy. You can talk about Punk and Hardy carrying Morrison all you want, but it takes two wrestlers to have a match that good.

Anyway, John Morrison is currently being the IC champion, so he can't go for a world title shot just yet. But I have a feel he'll drop the title to McIntyre, a battle royale would be perfect for him to win to become number one contender. Morrison is the hottest midcarder on SD, so he'd have the people behind him if he won it.

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