SCW (Prison Edition)

The Doctor

Great and Devious
Staff member
Super Moderator
NOTE: There are three episodes. I'll post the rest after feedback, if that's OK. Also, there are a load of gimmicks and gimmick changes in this fed, so if it helps, you'll have to log out and check the thread in the Book This! Lounge section. Hope you enjoy, CyDeez and Safari Man.

Episode 1


The theme plays, the credits roll, fireworks shoot into the sky, and SCW is on the air! The crowd roars its approval as the camera pans around to people holding signs, standing, cheering, waiting for the show to start.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to SCW!"

The camera angle abruptly changes to the one pointed at the announce table, where Joey Styles is seen sitting next to his partner in commentary, Wade Barrett.

"We are one night away removed from an incredible pay-per-view," Styles continues, "which saw Goldust finally realize his dream and take the SCW Championship from his longtime nemesis, Doink the Clown!"

"Ah that's right Styles, and what a match it was," says Barrett. "Of course, that wasn't the only thing to happen. After a long and grueling night, The Hurricane won the 24/7 Championship, and earlier in the night The Spirit Squad defeated Team XTC in the final match of their best-of-five series."


"Here he comes!"

The music plays. The crowd roars. The arena is bathed in a gold light. Words appear on the titantron.



Goldust comes marching out from the curtain, gold spotlight shining down on him as he lifts the championship high into the air. In the ring, Howard Finkel clears his throat before speaking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," he says. "Please welcome, the NEW SCW Champion! From Hollywood, California...GOLDUST!"

The Bizarre One continues to walk jerkily down the aisle, doing The Bite and rubbing his championship. He climbs into the ring and takes the mic from Howard Finkel as the music fades.

"They say..." he breathes, "That all that glitters is not gold. They say that Gold begets in brethren hate; Gold in families debate; Gold does friendship separate; Gold does civil wars create. They say that the lust for gold is the last corruption of degenerate man.

They were not talking about me.

I am The Golden One. I have walked the Golden Path, through all of its bumps and twists. It has been a long and hard road, but I have finally won the gold belt. I can smell it. I can feel it. I can hear it. I can taste it...It's mine. Finally, it's mine.

Goldust jerkily looks around at all the members of the crowd. He brings the championship up to his face, and then brings his lips to it. He closes his eyes as his fans cheer. And then...

The adulation turns to boos as Doink the Clown enters, jumping up and down. He runs from side to side down the aisle, laughing maniacally, until he reaches the ring. Abruptly, the laughter stops. The energy ceases. Doink has become deadly serious as he enters the ring and stands face to face with Goldust. The music fades.

"I would like my title back, please." he says, calm as anything.

Goldust stares at Doink, uncomprehending.

"I said," Doink continues. "I want. it. back."

And then, he snaps.


"...Please?" he asks sweetly.

The crowd starts to boo as Goldust appears to be thinking about it.

"No." Goldust replies. The crowd voices its approval. Doink's face changes once more, to a look of pure venom.

"Give me a rematch, Goldie." he says, "or so help me, I will destroy you from the inside out."

Goldust and Doink glare at each other for a few moments, before Goldust turns and leaves, not saying a word.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Everyone pauses to look at the titantron, where the General Manager of SCW, Sandy Scunthorpe, has appeared.

"NOW THAT'S NO FUN AT ALL!" he says, a maniacal grin on his face. "Doink, you had a good run with the title, and logically you'd be the number one contender, but I don't know...I think we need to make things more fun! I'm thinking that tonight, you'll compete in a match to decide the next number one contender."

The camera zooms out from his face, to reveal a strange hissing and clinking machine behind him. Tentacles extend every which way, and from deep within we can hear the rumble of gears turning. Scunthorpe backs up to stand next to it.

"THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the Number One Contender Decider 5000! Using the latest in S....horpian technology, it will pick Doink's opponent for the Number One Contendership match. Watch!!"

He takes a quarter out of his pocket, moves his hands to the machine, and with a flourish drops the quarter into the coin slot. Immediately, the lights dim, and the machine starts clanking loudly. Metal arms fly every which way as the machine works. One arm holding a pencil starts scribbling furiously on a piece of paper. Finally, with a small dinging noise, a card drops out from a hole at the bottom of the machine. Scunthorpe bends down, picks it up, and unfolds it.

"Fabulous!" he exclaims. "Doink, the man you will be facing tonight is none other than...


The crowd boos loudly as Doink stares, emotionless, at the titantron, which has changed to display the graphics for the main event.

The camera cuts back to the commentary table.

"Wow!" says Styles. "What a huge match!"

"It certainly is, Styles," replies Barrett. "Let's just hope The Varsity Villain can stand the games of that freak Doink."

The Hurricane is shown walking to the ring backstage, 24/7 Championship slung over his shoulder, Mighty Molly by his side.

"We'll have to find out tonight." says Styles. "But first, we have a title defense! Our new 24/7 Champion, The Hurricane, is set to go one on one with his first challenger, next!"


The bell rings, and Howard Finkel starts the introductions.

"The following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the 24/7 Championship!"


"Introducing first, the challenger! From Washington D.C., weighing in at 245 pounds...Dr. Kazarian Steel!"

Steel is out in his labcoat, clipboard in hand. He has a painful-looking smile plastered on his face as he goes around to all the kids and starts talking to them. He writes things on his clipboard at lightning speeds before tearing the pieces of paper from it and handing them to the kids. He is twitchy and jittery as he climbs the steel steps and enters the ring. The smile becomes more of a leer as he stares into the crowd.


"And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Mighty Molly, from Smithfield, North Carolina and weighing in at 191 pounds...he is the current 24/7 Champion...The Hurricane!!"

The Hurricane and Mighty Molly dash out of the curtain together to resounding cheers. The Hurricane has his championship fastened securely around his waist, but he unbuckles it as he and his sidekick race towards the ring before leaping into the air and landing on the apron. The Hurricane spreads his arms wide and holds his championship aloft as his cape flaps in the breeze and the crowd cheers. Mighty Molly gives Hurricane's arm a squeeze before heading down to the floor to be at ringside.

As the music fades, the bell rings, and the match begins. Hurricane and Steel circle each other momentarily before tying up at the same time. After a small struggle where neither goes anywhere, Hurricane drops low to take Steel down. Steel quickly gets back up before The Hurricane can do anything, and punches Hurricane square in the face. Hurricane staggers back and hits the rope. Using the slack in the ropes, Hurricane propels himself into Steel, chest-to-chest, knocking his opponent down.

"Innovative use of the ropes there," says Styles.
"That's right, Styles," Barrett replies. "It certainly was making the best of a bad that the champion shouldn't have even been in in the first place."

The Hurricane is on top of the turnbuckle, waiting for Steel to stand up. As soon as he does, The Hurricane leaps forward, hitting Steel with a huge cross body, covering him! The referee slaps his hand to the mat.

"1...2..." he starts to count, but Steel kicks out. He rolls out of the ring, seemingly in order to give him some recuperation time. Grabbing his clipboard, he walks up to Mighty Molly, who eyes him apprehensively. Steel stares at her pensively for a very long time before turning around and starting to write on his clipboard. Molly looks over Steel's shoulder, and a horrified look crosses her face as she sees what he's writing. She spins him around and slaps him, hard, across the face. Steel is rocked, dazed, trying to shake it off. Then he looks to the ring, and his eyes grow wide.

"The Hurricane is on top of the turnbuckle!" says Styles.
"He will fly tonight."

And fly he does. The Hurricane launches himself off of the top turnbuckle, driving himself into Steel. They two men crash into the ground and skid slightly before The Hurricane rolls off of Steel, holding his ribs. He stand up slowly, breathing hard, before motioning to Mighty Molly to help him pick Steel up and roll him into the ring. The Hurricane slides in afterwards, pushing Steel into the center. He stands over him, staring at Steel's prone body for a few seconds, before extending his arm and wrapping his hand around Steel's neck. Hurricane jerks Steel onto his feet, and raises his free hand in the air.

"Is he doing what I think he's doing?"

The Hurricane tugs on Steel, apparently trying to lift him in the air. However, it's all to no avail. The Hurricane glances at the sky, calling on unseen forces, before hoisting Steel up and planting him with a thunderous chokeslam!

"Oh my God!" squals Styles. "We've never seen him do that before! He actually chokeslammed Steel!"

The Hurricane covers Steel. The ref is counting.


The crowd cheers as Mighty Molly enters the ring, runs to The Hurricane, and raises his hand in the air. The referee hand Hurricane his championship back, and Hurricane buckles it back around his waist.

"Here is your winner, and STILL 24/7 Champion...The Hurricane!!"

"I can't believe it. Who knew that The Hurricane had super strength like that?"
"He may be small - very, very small - but that was quite impressive."
"Wait, what the hell is that?"

Two figures are standing on top of the Titantron. The taller one nods to the smaller one before grabbing a rope and swinging to the ring. As the figures land in the ring, we can see that they are none other than Paul and Katie Lea Burchill. Paul signals to the referee, and then looks at The Hurricane with longing in his eyes.

"He's asking for a match. The referee is there, the champion is there, there's nothing The Hurricane can do!"

The bell rings, and Paul tries to knock the Hurricane down. However, The Hurricane is too quick for him. He jumps out of the ring, grabs Mighty Molly by the hand, and runs out of there, with the Burchills hot on their heels. All through the backstage they run, until Hurricane puts on an extra burst of speed, runs down the hallway, and vanishes from view. Paul tries to give chase, but no matter where he looks, he can't find the champion.

"Damn and blast!" swears Paul. "We've lost 'im."

He walks up to the locker room and opens the door to find 3 Count sitting and laughing on a bench. They stare at Burchill as he enters.

"Aye, mateys," Paul says. "Ye didn't happen to see The Hurricane come a-dashing through here, did ye?"

The members of 3 Count look at each other.

"No," replies Shane.

Paul Burchill sighs.


He leaves the locker room.


We return from commercial to see Paul London's masked face taking up most of the frame. His eyes are closed and his face is pointed to the ceiling. He appears to be irritated. The camera slowly zooms out to reveal that he is standing in front of a women's bathroom door. He opens his eyes and whispers to himself.

"Lord, give me strength..."

He places his hands by his side. His movements, speech, and mannerisms are all very wooden and stilted. As he lowers his head, the bathroom door opens, and Lacey von Erich exits. She smooths her trousers before reaching over and grabbing a microphone from offscreen.

"Sorry about that," she says, before stopping. London is glaring at her. " there a problem?"

London says nothing at first, then speaks in a halting voice.

"Did you wash your hands?"

"Um...yes?" Lacey seems confused. London's right eye twitches slightly.

"With what?" he asks, anger slowly filling his voice.

"Soap and water?"

London's eyes flash in rage. He plunges one of his gloved hands in his pocket and grabs Lacey's wrist with the other one, causing her to scream and try to pull away. From his pocket he draws a sanitary wipe, and he starts forcibly wiping down Lacey's hands.

"Filthy! Disgusting! Dirty! Disease-ridden!" he screams, rubbing harder and harder with his wipe. "Unclean! Vile! ****E!!"

The crowd boos loudly as he releases Lacey, pushes her away, and storms off, leaving Lacey to massage her hands and blink back tears.


The camera cuts to Sandy Scunthorpe's office. The man himself is standing, examining a strange globe featuring fictional countries. There is a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Scunthorpe calls. The door opens, and "Showtime" Percy Watson enters, a smile on his face. The crowd cheers.

"Ah, Showtime," says Scunthorpe, smiling. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, baby," replies Showtime, "I was just thinkin'. I know you made that machine you got over there to inject some new blood in the SCW Title scene baby, and I'm cool with that. But I was thinking, what if you wanted to make things even more interesting and inject more new blood into the match, know what I'm sayin'?"

"I do," Scunthorpe says. "You're saying you want a shot at the number one contendership spot."

Showtime nods. Scunthorpe appears to think about it for a second, before calling over a staff member and whispering in his ear. The staff member nods and runs off.

"So what do you say, Sandy baby?" asks Showtime. Scunthorpe has a mad gleam in his eye as he responds.

"I have just instructed Stan to hide a golden ticket somewhere in this building. You are to wait half an hour, and then search for it. If you can find it, I'll let you in the match."

"OH YEAH!!" Showtime exclaims, pumping his fist in the air. "Thank you baby, I won't let you down!"

He runs off. The camera transitions to the commentators.

"An interesting development," says Styles.

"Stupid, I'd call it," Barrett sniffs. "What is the purpose of having a young and athletic man like Percy Watson go through some silly challenge in order to prove himself worthy of a spot in the main event?"

"I'm sure the GM has some good reasons," says Styles.

"Or he's completely mental."

"Or that. But nevermind him, it's time for the very first women's match in SCW history!"

The bell rings.

"The following matchup is scheduled for one fall!"


"Introducing first, from Roveredo in Piano, Italy...Serena Mancini!!"

Serena Mancini makes her way out of the curtain with one hand holding onto the rim of her fedora. She walks flirtatiously down the ramp before sliding into the ring, standing up, and bending over the ropes on all four sides of the ring. People in the front row whistle as her cleavage is exposed.

"I suppose some people don't value their lives..." mutters Barrett.
"She's extremely attractive, though..." says Styles.
"Yeah, well the prospect that her father watches this show isn't!"


"And her opponent, from Mt. Olympus, "The Colossus"...Beth Phoenix!!"

Out comes Beth Phoenix to the sounds of the horns. She marches purposefully towards the ring, looking neither left nor right. She climbs up the steel steps, steps over the ropes, and stands in the center of the ring, looking out to the audience. She stretches both hands wide as though to draw attention to her physique.

"And here we have an incredible physical specimen," Styles remarks. "One of the strongest women wrestlers in the world, able to lift almost 400 pounds!"
Barrett groans. "She's going to kill poor Serena, and then it'll our necks on the line..."

The bell rings, and the match starts. Serena attempts to start off my striking Phoenix with a forearm. The blow glances off of Phoenix's chest, not even causing her to flinch. Confused, Serena tries again. Once more, it has no effect. Frustrated, she tries to kick Phoenix. Phoenix grabs Serena's leg and tugs it, causing Serena to fall over. She bends down and hoists Serena on her shoulders. However, before Phoenix can slam Serena, Serena manages to struggle her way out of the hold and into a sleeper position. She clamps a sleeper hold on Beth Phoenix!

"Yeah! Did you see that?! What a great counter by Mancini!"

Beth Phoenix is staggering as Serena cinches the hold tighter. She stumbles over to the ropes and grabs hold, and the referee forces Serena to break the hold. Serena complies, and heads over to the opposite corner of the ring. She bends down. Joey Styles clears his throat and starts fumbling with his papers.

"Oh for the love of- Don't tell me..." sighs Barrett.
"What?" asks Styles indignantly. "I can't help it if God was kind to her!"
"Will you shut up? She could get a team of mobsters to rub us out if you continue like this!"

Beth Phoenix is standing tall again. She walks to the middle of the ring when suddenly Serena launches herself out of the corner and lands a massive spear on Phoenix, actually knocking her off her feet!

"No way!" squeals Styles. "I have to teach my wife to do that!"
"I didn't know you were into sadomasochism, Styles." remarks Barrett. He then turns to his partner incredulously. "Wait..You're married?"

Serena goes for the pin. The referee counts to 2, but Phoenix sits up and shoves Serena off of her. She picks Serena up, only to clothesline her back to the mat. She does it again, and then hoists the now non-moving Serena onto her shoulders before delivering a powerbomb. She covers Serena, and the referee counts to 3.

"Here is your winner, Beth Phoenix!!"

"Well, it was nice knowing all of you."
"Serena would have won that one if she were facing anyone else, Barrett."
"I'm well aware. Not a bad match for SCW's first foray into women's wrestling, except for the ending where Don Mancini finds us all and rubs us out."

As Beth is leaving the ring, the camera cuts to backstage, where Michael Cole is standing with Titus O'Neil and Zack Ryder.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," says Cole, an ingratiating smile plastered on his face. "I'm here with Titus O'Neil to discuss his plans after losing the 24/7 Championship on Sunday. So, Titus, after your horrible loss on Sunday, what is next for you in your life?"

"Well, Cole, I plan to work my way back into the title hunt and go for it again," replies Titus.

"Don't listen to him, bro," Ryder cuts in. "He's just being modest! He's obviously going to go pulverize some peeps and take that belt back. I mean, have you seen the size of this guy? He's more than just jacked...he's Zacked!"

"Thanks, man, but really I-" Titus starts to mumble, but suddenly a commotion from offscreen stops him in midsentence.

"This place is loathsome!"

A hissing sound fills the air, and a mist starts to gather, causing all three men to cough. Paul London makes his way onscreen, spraying disinfectant all over the place.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Don't you have any idea what cleanliness is?"

"Hey!" exclaims Ryder. "Are you serious, bro? You just got spray in my buddy Titus' eyes! You could have hurt him!"

"Nah dude, I'll be fine," says Titus, wiping his eyes. "It's not a big-"

"Yes it is a big deal, bro! That's not cool, not cool at all! It pisses me off!

Hey, London!

Paul London looks into Ryder's eyes.

"Yes?" he asks.

"How about we have a match? You vs. Titus O'Neil. Next."

You can see by London's eyes that he's smiling.

"I look forward to it."

He walks off.

Titus turns to Ryder.

"I dunno, Zack, I didn't really want to be in a match tonight."

"You'll be fine, bro, just go out there, do your thing, and crush that weirdo."


"The following contest is scheduled for one fall!"


"Introducing first, from Austin, Texas, weighing in at 205 pounds...Paul London!!"

The crowd boos loudly as Paul London exits from the curtain and the music swells. He holds the can of disinfectant in his hand and is spraying it as he makes his way down the aisle. He shudders and backs away as people try to touch him, eventually breaking into a run directly down the middle of the aisle in order to avoid contact. When he reaches the ring he withdraws his wipes from his pockets and starts to clean the apron. Gingerly, he steps through the ropes and does the same with the turnbuckles on all four corners. He's taking a while, so the crowd boos even louder. Finally, he sprays the mat with the disinfectant and wipes it down.


"And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Zack Ryder, from Live Oak, Florida, weighing in tonight at 267 pounds...Titus O'Neil!!"

Titus marches out to cheers with Zack Ryder by his side. He raises his hands to his mouth and starts doing the dog bark. At the bottom of the ramp he gets into a starting position before breaking into a sprint and hurling himself under the ring ropes. He pounds the mat and then straightens up with both arms in the air as Zack Ryder looks on from ringside and claps.

"For someone who didn't want to compete, Titus O'Neil looks ready to go."
"Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. Even though you might not want to wrestle, you sometimes have to. Might as well do it right. This may be his first step in regaining the 24/7 Championship."

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Titus immediately rushes London and takes him down with a football tackle. London bounces off the mat, but quickly gets back up. He starts to kick Titus' legs, causing O'Neil to stagger. He runs to the ropes, but stops short, not wanting to touch them. As he hesitates, Titus O'Neil steps up behind him and picks him up. London is struggling to get down as Titus hoists him high and slams him down into the mat, all the while screaming "TOUCHDOWWWWWWWWWNNNNN!!!!". He covers him for the pin.

"Here is your winner...Titus O'Neil!!"

"A very impressive showing from O'Neil!"
"I do think the yelling was a bit unnecessary, though."

Titus exits the ring and heads to the back with Zack Ryder slapping him on the back the whole way through. London staggers to the back, dazed.

The camera cuts to the back. Lacey von Erich, Alex Riley, and Cheerleader Melissa are all standing together. Lacey has a microphone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with Alex Riley and Cheerleader Melissa." she says to the camera before turning to Riley. "Alex, you have the chance to become number one contender to the SCW Championship tonight, something that has never happened before. How do you feel about this?"

Riley chuckles a bit before responding.

"Lacey, I want to talk to you about goals. There are several types of goals. Field goals, soccer goals, goals for life, but I want to focus on Goals For The Future. Everyone has them. Some people want to get famous. Some people want to get rich. Some people want to get married. I...want to get gold."

Riley stretches out his arms and flexes. Cheerleader Melissa looks at him in adoration, rubbing his arms. Riley smiles, and continues to speak.

"Look at my body, Lacey. Don't lie to yourself; you want this body. Now listen to my voice. I am smooth, well-spoken. Now recall some of my matches. They are true masterpieces in every sense of the word. You see, Lacey, I am what they call a Rare Breed. I am the complete package.

I want to talk about another word now. That word is Impact. No one else has made such an impact in SCW as I have. I have defeated all comers, and now it's time for me to move to the next phase of this game, and become the next SCW Champion. And I will do so by making an Impact.

Pay close attention tonight, Lacey. You're going to see big things.

And after I win this match, how about you come over to my place and I touch you down?

Lacey giggles and blushes a bit before walking off. Alex Riley stops staring after her to see that Cheerleader Melissa is staring daggers at him.

"Ugh, I can't believe you said that!" exclaimed Melissa angrily. "Do you not care about me at all?"

"Of course I do, babe, of course I do," says Riley, patting Melissa on the shoulder. "You know I'll love you forever. How about I buy you a nice big diamond after the show?"

Melissa seems placated. She smiles before clinging to Riley and the two walk off screen.


The bell rings. Howard Finkel stands in the center of the ring and raises the microphone to his lips.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the number one contender spot for the SCW Championship!"


"Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Cheerleader Melissa, from Georgetown, Virginia, weighing in tonight at 240 pounds...Alex Riley!!"

The crowd boos as Riley and Melissa exit the curtain. Melissa starts jumping around and cheering, performing cheerleading moves as she follows Alex Riley, who is confidently strutting down the ramp. Melissa shakes her pom-poms wildly as Riley climbs on to the apron. He then motions for her, and she jumps up and holds the ropes open for him. Riley enters the ring, takes Melissa by the hand, and pulls her close to him before going for a deep, over-the-top kiss, which only makes the crowd boo louder.

"Ugh, that's unnecessary," says Styles.
"You're only angry because that's something that will never happen to you," replies Barrett.

Melissa takes Riley's Letterman jacket off before giving his shoulders a quick massage and going to the outside.


"And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 243 pounds...Doink the Clown!!"

The boos from the crowd intensify as Doink rides out on a unicycle, juggling water balloons. He's laughing insanely as he peddles from side to side. The children in the crowd shrink away as he draws nearer them, still juggling. He peddles to one particularly overweight child, still juggling, before pondering for a bit and throwing all of the balloons into the air. They crash into the boy, breaking and showering him with blue liquid. The boy blinks and starts to cry as Doink laughs wildly and continues to ride his unicycle to the ring.

"Paint balloons!" Styles says in disgust.

As the unicycle reaches the ring, Doink abruptly stops it and gets off. There is no more laughter or smile on his face. He rolls his neck around before slowly getting in the ring to stand face-to-face with Riley. They stand with noses touching, staring each other down. The referee separates them and goes to signal to ring the bell, when...



The music hits and the crowd cheers loudly as Percy Watson comes running down to the ring, one hand held high in the air, holding something shiny. He slides into the ring, causing Doink and Riley to break apart. The referee tries to shove Watson out of the ring, but Showtime waves the shiny object in the ref's face, screaming "I've got the golden ticket, baby! I've got the golden ticket!".

Outside of the ring, a backstage worker comes running towards Howard Finkel, and whispers in his ear. Howard Finkel nods before raising the microphone and speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says. "I have just been informed that this match is now a triple threat match, and that the third man is "Showtime" Percy Watson!!"

The crowd cheers as Percy Watson looks pleased, and takes his place inside the ring.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Doink immediately starts by laying into Watson with some vicious right hands. Alex Riley slides behind Showtime and lifts him up before slamming him down, knocking Doink over in the process. Doink gets up and stares at Riley with rage in his eyes, before kicking Showtime in the side. Riley joins in, and Showtime is screaming in agony as blows rain down on him from all sides!

"This is vicious," says Styles. "Showtime's getting creamed!"

Showtime rolls out of the way of Riley's and Doink's boots and outside of the ring. Doink and Riley turn to each other, pause, and then lock up. After struggling for a bit, Riley forcibly breaks and then tackles Doink, who bounces right back up before Riley can, and locks in a brutal-looking submission on him. Riley screams in pain as Doink cinches the hold and wrenches upward. Riley is struggling to reach the ropes in time, but all that is made void when Percy Watson returns and breaks up the hold!

"Wow! I thought Riley was done for there."
"Oh come on, Styles, you can't have thought that the Rare Breed would be out to a submission so quickly..."

Doink turns to Watson, completely serious and full of rage. Watson looks right back at him. Neither men are moving, and Alex Riley is still writhing on the ground. Suddenly, Doink's fist drives right into Watson's face, knocking his glasses clean off. Watson looks down at the glasses, then looks at Doink. The smile drops from his face.

"This...could be bad."

With a roar, Watson dives towards Doink. Doink tries to get out of the way, but Watson has him. Showtime picks him up by the ankles and starts doing an airplane spin, throwing Doink to the outside! He then runs backwards to the ropes, bounces off, and propels himself towards the now-standing form of Alex Riley. Riley, using the swiftness he gained during his time as a football player, dodges as Watson sails past him and into the ropes at the other end. Watson bounces back the other way as Riley holds up a fist. Watson is unable to stop in time, and gets drilled in the stomach.

"Now THAT is working smart!" says Barrett. "That is why Riley is the rare breed."

Watson hunches over but only for a brief second. He steps towards Riley and tries to take him down, but Riley sprawls and reverses, dragging Watson to the left, before picking him up, swinging him around, and clocking the referee in the face with Watson's legs!

Riley tries to toss Watson, but Watson lands on his feet. He immediately starts to pound Riley with forearm after forearm as the crowd roars.

"He's just not letting up! Showtime could win this! He's- Wait, what's going on?"

Five figures have jumped the barricade and are racing towards the ring.

"That's- That's The Spirit Squad!" exclaims Styles. "What the hell are they doing out here?"

Kenny and Johnny are on the outside. They find the body of Doink, who is groaning and starting to get up. They pound him with kicks to the skull and ribs before leaving Doink laying on the ground. Nicky, Mikey, and Mitch are inside the ring, trying to stop Percy Watson. Together they lift him up on their shoulders. Riley takes Watson from them and holds him over his left shoulder, before hitting him with a fireman's carry cutter.

"Hit the Showers!" Joey cries.
"I bet you heard that a lot in your youth, Styles."

The Spirit Squad tears out of the ring to the back. The referee is slowly waking up. He raises his head slowly and sees Alex Riley pinning Percy Watson. He brings his hand down to the mat.


Boos rain down as Alex Riley stands in the ring with his hand raised. Cheerleader Melissa enters the ring and rolls Watson out. She then throws her arms around Riley with a look of adulation on her face.

"Here is your winner, and the number 1 contender for the SCW Championship...Alex Riley!!"

"This is just disgusting," Styles says. "Watson had this in the bag, and Riley cheated and stole it all away. What was the Spirit Squad doing out there?
"If you ask me, that was a very smart move. He waited until he wouldn't get caught and then he used the numbers game to great effect. Very good work from the new number one contender. Very good work indeed."

The camera lingers on the prone bodies of Watson and Doink before moving on to Riley and Melissa hugging each other as they stumble to the back, and the show ends.​
This is really well wrote. I can't give to much feedback here because quite honestly there isn't to much room for improvement, because it's already great. The only thing I can say, and most people don't seem to think this is a big deal..... But be more descriptive on the enterances. You do a pretty good job, but description is always the key. If you want a really in-depth review I can do that.
I would like an in-depth review for episode 3, now you mention it. I made that like two months after episode 2. Ha. The short reviews work for 1 and 2 though.
Episode 2

The show opens with Howard Finkel standing in the middle of the ring. There is no theme, and no pyro. He raises the microphone to his mouth.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he says, “please welcome, The Spirit Squad!!”


Boos shower down as The Spirit Squad comes leaping down the ramp. Mikey waves his pom-poms in the air as Kenny and Johnny blast their air horns and Nicky and Mitch jump around cheering.

“Welcome to SCW, ladies and gentlemen, and it seems we're starting off with some answers. I am Joey Styles alongside my partner Wade Barrett, and last week as we went off the air we saw what I can only call a travesty as The Spirit Squad interfered in the number one contendership match between Alex Riley, Percy Watson, and Doink the Clown.”

“That's right, Styles. The Spirit Squad helped Riley grab the victory, in a smart move that I can't help but praise.”

“Praise? Why would you want to praise it? They ruined a perfectly good match!”

“It's strength in numbers, Styles. Using your friends wisely. That's something you wouldn't know much about, I'm sure, considering you've probably had one friend in your life, if that. Now shut up, they're getting ready to cheer!”

The Squad makes their way down the ramp, leaping and running, yelling cheers at the crowd. As they reach the bottom of the ramp, they one-by-one take a flying leap over the top rope and into the ring. Landing on their feet, they organize themselves into a line and start doing a cheer routine, with synchronized stepping and much waving of the arms.

“Give me an A!”

“Give me an L!”

“Give me an E!”

“Give me an X!”

“Give me an R!” “I!” “L!” “E!” “Y!”

“What does that spell?”


The crowd boos its hardest as Alex Riley and Cheerleader Melissa stroll down the ramp, Riley looking cocky as usual, Melissa rubbing his shoulders and staring adoringly at her boyfriend's face. He walks to the ring and pulls the ropes down for Melissa to get in. She then reciprocates, and they embrace in the ring to the applause of the Spirit Squad and the jeering of the crowd. Riley picks up a microphone from Howard Finkel, and the music fades.

“Hello, ladies and gentlemen!” he says. “How are we all doing tonight?”

The crowd boos in response. Riley smiles, before continuing his speech.

“Now, I'm sure you're all wondering what happened last week. You all just can't believe your eyes. You're wondering how it could be possible – possible that I, Alex Riley, managed to defeat a former SCW champion and a top contender all by myself.”

The crowd is incensed at his smugness, and they voice their displeasure, loudly. Alex Riley takes no notice, and only smirks wider than ever.

“...Well,” he continues, “I had a little help from my friends.”

He gestures towards the Spirit Squad, who blow their air horns and wave their pom poms.

“You may be wondering why I of all people would be associating with a group of male cheerleaders. Surely a popular, athletic, talented stud like me wouldn't be hanging with them? Well, that's where you're wrong. I don't read much, but you know what they say: Don't judge a book by its cover.

On the outside, these five are male cheerleaders, things to laugh at. But on the inside, if you look past the surface, you will see that they are five talented athletes. They are young, they are athletic, they are good-looking, and they hate the dorks that populate SCW. They are just like me.

I have an eye for talent. I sought these men out. And together we formed an alliance. A friendship. A clique. No, not just a clique, but The Clique. The Clique dedicated to ridding SCW from the freaks, geeks, and weirdos that populate it while I ride my path to becoming the next SCW Champion.

He hands the microphone to Cheerleader Melissa. The crowd is furious, booing their lungs out.

“And speaking of dorks,” she says. “We're going to make an example of one right now. Nicky, if you would.”

Nicky nods, and runs to the back. Thirty seconds later...


...he comes out, pushing Drew McIntyre to the ring. The rest of the Spirit Squad jump out to help out, as Alex Riley looks on and smirks. They hoist the struggling McIntyre on their shoulders and throw him into the ring as a referee makes his way down to the ring. The spirit Squad slides into the ring and holds McIntyre in place as the referee signals for the bell and the six-on-one handicap match is underway.

Immediately, the Spirit Squad lay into McIntyre, beating him down. He can't defend himself as their punches and kicks rain down. When McIntyre has been beaten to the ground, each member grabs an arm, a leg, or his head, and start swinging him up and down.

“One! Two! Three!”

On three, the Spirit Squad throws McIntyre high into the air. He comes crashing down with a thud, where he screams and clutches his back. The Squad then picks him back up and carries him to the still smug form of Alex Riley. They place him on Riley's shoulders. Riley looks at the crowd, just for a brief moment, before hitting McIntyre with the fireman's carry cutter he calls Hit The Showers. He stands up and places a foot on McIntyre's chest as the Spirit Squad applauds. The ref begins to count.


The bell rings and the crowd boos as Alex Riley's music begins to play. He grabs a microphone from Howard Finkel before the Fink can announce him the winner. Riley looks directly into the camera.

“Goldust...” he says. “You're next.”

He drops the microphone and leaves, Melissa and the Spirit Squad by his side, crowd booing loudly the whole walk down.

The camera cuts to the commentary booth.

“That's an interesting new development,” says Styles.

“Once again, it's a smart one,” Barrett replies. “That's utilizing strength in numbers and everything Riley said about The Spirit Squad is true.”

“That may be, but let's not focus on that now. We have a show to run down! Tonight we have some great matches planned, including our main event, where SCW Champion Goldust has his first major challenge, facing Big Bully Busick!”

“And that's not all, Styles, because we also have ourselves a women's grudge match, where Mighty Molly takes on Katie Lea Burchill in order to avenge the Burchills' attack on The Hurricane last week.”

“All this and more, when SCW returns!”


We return from commercial to find ourselves in a dark room. Nothing much can be seen in the shadows, though the hum of computers can be heard. Slowly, a soft green light fills the place to illuminate a secret lair. The light is coming from a wall of screens that have just been switched on, showing the place as a reasonably large space. A car stands parked next to a garage door on the right. A large couch sits behind a control panel in front of the screens. Then we see the large “H” logo on the wall. We are in The Hurricave.

After a few seconds, the glow gets bright enough that we can see the two figures sitting on the couch: The Hurricane and Mighty Molly. They are examining the screens, which are showing Paul and Katie Lea Burchill having matches, cutting promos, and simply walking around backstage. After a while, The Hurricane speaks up.

“Molly...” he says. "The time has come for me to go."

Mighty Molly looks at him in alarm.

“What do you mean?” she asks, her voice trembling. The Hurricane looks at her sideways.

“It's time for me to go out into the big city and fight some crime, of course. What did you think I meant?”

Mighty Molly breathed a sigh of relief. “N- nothing. Just...nothing.”

“I'm entrusting my title belt to you. Keep the hideout safe while I am on my journeys.”

The Hurricane gets up from the couch and swings to The Hurri-pole. He pauses before sliding down.

“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight! I fight for things that are good and true, and evil must stand back! And let The Hurricane come through!”

And he slides down the pole.

The camera cuts back to the arena.

“Oh, that Hurricane,” says Styles. “Too much crime, too little time.”

“Oh, how clever, you made a rhyme,” sniffs Barrett.

The bell rings.

“The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!”


“Introducing first, at a combined weight of 393 pounds, representing 3 Count, ”Sugar” Shane and Shannon!!”

The crowd cheers as all three members of 3 Count enter, dancing to the music. The lights are flashing all different colors, from green, to white, to blue, to red, to orange, and back to green again. They're all holding microphones. Shane holds his up to his mouth as the music fades.

“Hello, everybody!!” he says. “I want you all to get on your feet, as we treat you to the ultimate aural orgasm, a delight for the senses, the melodious sounds of our voices...ladies and gentlemen, give it up for 3 Count!!”

The audience cheers as the music resumes. 3 Count are dancing to the ring, singing all the way.

“Get up on your feet!
Put your hands together!
Sing along with 3 Count!
We'll party on forever!

They slide into the ring.

“We like the Backstreet Boys! N'Sync too!
Britney Spears is kinda cute!
We watch TRL on MTV!
Everybody 3 Count, one two three!

Shane holds up a finger.


Evan holds up two.


Shannon holds up three.


The crowd is singing along with them as they look to get ready for another verse, but suddenly their music is interrupted.


“And their opponents, weighing in tonight at 450 pounds...Trent Barretta & Caylen Croft - The Dudebusters!”

The Dudebusters walk slowly out. They're huddled together, and seem to be intensely concentrating on something.

“Is that...a Game Boy?” Styles asks, hardly believing his eyes.
Barrett sighs. “The least they could do is take this seriously...”

The Dudebusters make their way to the ring, still staring at the Game Boy Trent Barretta is playing. He presses the start button before climbing on to the apron and taking his spot. Caylen Croft looks at him for a second before stepping through the ropes and into the ring. Evan and Shannon have left the ring, so it's Shane and Croft starting us off.

The bell rings, and the match is underway. Croft tries to knee Shane in the face, but Shane dodges and spins, coming back with a forearm. It doesn't faze Croft, however, who shrugs off the blow and tries to take Shane down. Shane is caught with a single-leg takedown from Croft, who tries to go for the early pin but only gets a one count. Shane stands up and swings his leg up to kick Croft in the head, connecting in just the right spot to daze him. Shane runs over to his corner and tags in Shannon as Croft is getting his bearings. Shannon gets in the ring, picks up Shane, and throws him at Croft, knocking him off his feet.

“Some intelligent wrestling and teamwork by Shannon and Shane.”
“Oh, so now you're defending ganging up on people?”
Styles says nothing in reply.

Croft is struggling to reach his corner as Shannon taunts him and plays to the crowd. Croft is taking step after step, shaking his head, trying to clear the cobwebs out of his brain, until finally he reaches his tag team partner – only to find that Barretta is too busy playing his Game Boy to tag in. Croft yells at Barretta, trying to get his attention, but Trent is too engrossed in the game and doesn't even look up. Shannon takes this opportunity to sneak up behind Croft and roll him up. The referee slides behind and counts the pin.


The bell rings and 3 Count's music begins to play as the crowd cheers.

"Here are your winners...3 Count!!"

“That's what happens when you don't take wrestling seriously. The Dudebusters should have won that match, as they're far more talented than that wannabe-boy-band, but there you are.”
“A good showing by 3 Count, using their teammates and the conditions wisely.”

3 Count is dancing in the ring as Croft is yelling at Barretta, who still isn't paying attention.

The camera cuts to the back, where Alex Riley and The Clique are walking. The crowd boos loudly.


The boos turn to cheers as Lacey von Erich runs up to them, microphone in her hand. Everyone stops walking and turns to Lacey, who looks in a hurry to leave as she begins to speak.

“Alex, we all know now about The Clique and why it was formed, but my question to you is this: After what Percy Watson said to you on “Showtime With Percy Watson”, are you going to accept his challenge?”

Riley looks slightly bewildered for a second.

“Who?” he asks. The crowd boos. The Clique laughs. Lacey looks annoyed.

“Don't start that with me. You know perfectly well who he is. Answer the question: Yes or no?”

“Considering only losers check out, I have no idea what he said.”

Lacey is getting more annoyed by the second as she taps one of her feet rapidly. She grabs a tech guy from offscreen.

“Tim, roll the clip.”

“Yes ma'am!” Tim replies.

Showtime with Percy Watson said:
"Today, I want to talk about a certain young man who took away one of my biggest opportunities to date. I have had problems with that man in the past, back we both were starting out in this company. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. That man is Alex Riley."

The audience boos.

"Alex, what you did on SCW went beyond the disrespect you showed to me in the past. You should be ashamed of yourself. The interference by the Spirit Squad was worse than any of the times you've shoved me or otherwise inconvenienced me. We were having a great match, and you had to go and ruin it. Fights should be one-on-one, or in that case one-on-one-on-one. They should be fair."

The crowd voices its agreement.

"So, Alex, I am challenging you. You and me, next SCW, one-on-one. It's time for you to pay for what you did and prove to me if you really are all that you say you are, or if your bark is worse than your bite."​

“Once again, Alex. Yes or no?”

Riley is breathing slightly harder than usual as he takes the microphone.

“I don't see why not,” he says. “Percy Watson is nothing to me. By the time I am through with him, he will be crawling off the field, begging to hit the showers.”

The Clique walks off, and Lacey sprints the other way.


We return from commercial to see SCW Champion Goldust standing in a nondescript, single-color room. The crowd cheers at the sight of him. He breathes deeply, twitching slightly, before beginning to speak.

“I live in a world of color, a world of lights, a world of sound. I live in the world of Hollywood today, a world of glitz, glamor, and gold. This world is not perfect, but it is much more than any world that came before it. The old life portrayed in movies called “talkies” are nothing more than an idealized way of looking at the past, making it seem brighter than it really is.

My opponent tonight, Big Bully Busick, still lives in that world. He lives in a place that is black and white, a place where popping a child's balloon is considered the height of heinous activity. He is living in a vision. He is living in the clouds. He is living in...a dream.

It's time for him to wake up. It's time for The Golden One to shatter his dreams...

Goldust eyes the camera, breathing loudly, before doing The Bite to the cheers of the crowd.

The camera cuts back to the arena.

“Powerful words from our SCW Champion.”
“Very true, Barrett, and what a match that will be!”
“It's sure to be a good one, Styles, much like this next match.”

The bell rings.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!”


“Introducing first, from Austin, Texas, weighing in tonight at 205 pounds...Paul London!!”

The crowd boos loudly as Paul London exits from the curtain, wearing his surgical mask and rubber gloves, spraying his disinfectant.

“This is a grudge match, based on Titus O'Neil's squash of London last week. Paul London specifically requested this match earlier today.”

A video of London appears in the top left corner of the screen.

Earlier Today said:
”Last week was a mistake,” London said. “I erred, but that's not going to happen this time. Titus O'Neil may have beaten me last week, but I don't want him this time around. I want the one person worse then him, more unclean than him. I want that loudmouth he's always hanging around with. Zack Ryder, I want a match against you, and this time you're going to be the one to go down. I'm prepared this time. I have a secret weapon that will shut you up for good.”​

London is in the ring, spraying it down. He withdraws his wipes from his pocket and wipes the turnbuckles down. He then takes special care to wipe the ropes down.

“You see that? A good wrestler learns from his mistakes.”

The crowd is booing like mad because of how long the setup is taking. Finally, London is done, and he stands in the corner and waits.


The crowd cheers as Zack Ryder and Titus O'Neil make their way out.

“And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by Titus O'Neil, coming down the aisle, weighing in tonight at 214 pounds, from Long Island, New York...Zack Ryder!!”

Ryder is walking down the aisle with O'Neil behind him, pointing at various girls in the audience and signaling them to call him. He smiles at London as he reaches the ring, before sliding in and holding his hands up to his mouth and calling for the Woo Woo Woo. The crowd chants it right back at him. Titus takes his spot outside of the ring, and Zack and London stare each other down.

As soon as the bell rings, Zack tries to club London with a forearm smash. London just barely dodges, coming back at Ryder with a gloved slap to the face. Ryder looks stunned, but he quickly recovers and tries a single-leg takedown on London. London falls to the mat, but he kicks out of Ryder's grip, sending Ryder down. He dashes to the ropes, this time jumping on top of them and springing off, doing a leg drop on the prone form of Ryder.

“Nice move there by London! Just see what learning from your mistakes can do.”

Ryder is laying on the ground, groaning, but London isn't going for the pin. Instead, he's digging in his pocket, trying to find something.

“What is he doing...?”

You can tell London is grinning as he pulls out a sponge from his pocket. He runs to the apron to grab his disinfectant, which he then uses to soak the sponge. Holding it in his gloved hand, he goes over to Ryder, who has just started to sit up. With one hand, London takes Ryder's head. He then takes the sponge and shoves it in Ryder's open mouth and with his other hand applies the Mandible Claw.

“The mandible claw!” shrieks Styles. “He's going to kill Ryder! Someone stop him!”

Ryder is kicking and screaming, his mouth foaming, as London clamps the hold harder and harder. He twitches spasmodically before slamming his hand repeatedly down on the mat.

“He's tapping! He's tapping! Ring the bell, ref!”
“Oh shut up, Styles! Don't be such a baby!”

The ref, however, agrees with Styles and signals for the bell.

“Here is your winner, by way of submission...Paul London!!”

London's eyes are cold as he releases the hold and straightens up, staring down at Ryder who is still twitching on the mat. Slowly, London peels off the glove that was in Ryder's mouth and withdraws another from his pocket, which he puts on as the crowd boos.

The camera cuts to the commentary booth.

“That was just...I don't know what to call it,” says Styles, shaking his head.
“Personally, I would call it unique and innovative.”
“Maybe...but speaking of innovative, we have a new team debuting soon.”
“Aye that's right Styles, and what a treat it's going to be. I've seen this team during my times fighting in the pubs and I can say...they're talented. Very strange, but definitely very talented.”
“Strange is the word, all right. I don't think there has ever been a team like them. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for you to meet The Green Steam Circus.”

A video package begins to play.

The scene is a large, blue sky, littered with wispy white clouds. After a few seconds, a large grey airship comes rumbling into view. It flies past the camera as a name painted on its side becomes clearly visible: The SS Alistair. The camera circles around it until it gets to the windows at the front of the control car, where a woman in flight goggles and a fedora is sitting, piloting the ship. This woman is Natalya. After a few seconds, she switches to autopilot and walks out of the control car. The camera follows her down the hall, through a door, and into a loud and riotous party. In fact, it is more than a party – it's a circus. Cages line the walls, filled with animals. Men are performing stunts, surrounded by excited crowds.

“Kevin!” Natalya calls.

A strange, gaunt man with jet black hair comes slowly walking towards her. She signals for him to go to the wall and pull a lever, which he does. With a hiss of steam and a clicking of clockwork, the floor below Natalya starts to rise up, putting her on a higher level than everyone else. A microphone drops from the ceiling.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages!” she says into it. The crowd turns to stare at her. “Welcome, one and all, to the greatest show on Earth! Welcome to The Green Steam Circus! Only here can you see legendary feats of wonder and magic! Only here can you see the inventions only a true genius could design! Only here can you see freaks of the highest nature, performers that are the best of the best!”

The crowd cheers as Kevin makes his way onto a separate stage in the center of the circus. He is holding a flaming torch in his hands. Natalya continues speaking.

“Feast your eyes on the one and only Kevin Rickett! Many have tried to do what he does, but none have succeeded! He is a man with innards of steel and a heart of iron!”

The crowd watches as Kevin Rickett raises the torch into the air, turns it upside-down, and swallows the fire. There are gasps and whoops from the crowd. As Rickett leaves the stage, a man with long hair and heavily shadowed eyes, covered in tattoos and hunched over, almost on all fours, makes his way on.

“Recoil in horror at the man that nature forgot! The man that pain itself forgot! Kizarny!”

Kizarny raises his hands and places one in a mousetrap, which snaps shut onto his hand. The crowd gasps and screams, but Kizarny doesn't even flinch.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is only a taste of what The Green Steam Circus has to offer! Stay a while...stay forever! This is an experience you will never forget, one that you will never see the likes of again!

The Green Steam Circus – Coming to SCW.


As the show comes back on the air, we see Mighty Molly already in the ring, with The Hurricane at ringside, their music playing. The bell rings.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring, from Forest Lake, Minnesota...Mighty Molly!!”

The crowd cheers as Molly paces from side to side in the ring.

“This match was made by our general manager as a result of the Burchills' actions last week.”
“I think you've said something similar already today, Styles.”
“Yes, yes, I know, just reminding the viewers at home, just in case some tuned in late.”


“And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by her brother Paul, from St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands...Katie Lea Burchill!!”

On top of the titantron stands Paul and Katie Lea Burchill, holding a large, thick rope. Together they swing down to the ring as their music plays. Landing smoothly, Paul rolls out of the ring as Katie Lea stands to face Mighty Molly.

The bell rings, and the two women lock up. They try and overpower each other, but neither is making much headway. They break apart and begin to circle each other, looking for an opening. Suddenly, Katie Lea dodges backwards and leaps onto the top rope. Molly runs to try and catch her, but to her surprise Katie Lea jumps backwards, flying over and knocking The Hurricane off his feet with a huge crossbody!

“What?!” exclaims Styles. “Wait...”

Paul Burchill is busy kicking The Hurricane in the head. He signals for the referee to come down. The ref signals for the bell.

“Are we having a match within a match?!”
“He's going for the title! Paul Burchill is going to take the 24/7 Championship!”

Paul and Katie Lea pick up The Hurricane, but before they can do anything, Mighty Molly grabs Katie Lea by the hair and is pulling her backwards. Both women are screaming and struggling, and in the confusion, The Hurricane has gotten up and grabbed a chair. He smashes it into Paul's face, knocking the pirate out cold. Hurricane covers him and the referee counts for the three.

“Here is your winner, and still 24/7 Champion...The Hurricane!!”

The Hurricane and Molly run up the ramp before the Burchills can try anything again. Paul slams the mat in frustration, as Katie Lea consoles him gently.

The camera cuts to the commentary booth.

“Well, that was exciting. We nearly had a new 24/7 Champion!”
“And come SCW Walk of Fame, we could have a new SCW Champion!”
“That's right, Barrett, and the number one contender for that title is going to be going one-on-one with a man he cheated out of being the number one contender! Let's have a look at how this all came about.”

SCW 1 said:
Watson hunches over but only for a brief second. He steps towards Riley and tries to take him down, but Riley sprawls and reverses, dragging Watson to the left, before picking him up, swinging him around, and clocking the referee in the face with Watson's legs!

Riley tries to toss Watson, but Watson lands on his feet. He immediately starts to pound Riley with forearm after forearm as the crowd roars.

"He's just not letting up! Showtime could win this! He's- Wait, what's going on?"

Five figures have jumped the barricade and are racing towards the ring.

"That's- That's The Spirit Squad!" exclaims Styles. "What the hell are they doing out here?"

Kenny and Johnny are on the outside. They find the body of Doink, who is groaning and starting to get up. They pound him with kicks to the skull and ribs before leaving Doink laying on the ground. Nicky, Mikey, and Mitch are inside the ring, trying to stop Percy Watson. Together they lift him up on their shoulders. Riley takes Watson from them and holds him over his left shoulder, before hitting him with a fireman's carry cutter.

"Hit the Showers!" Joey cries.
"I bet you heard that a lot in your youth, Styles."

The Spirit Squad tears out of the ring to the back. The referee is slowly waking up. He raises his head slowly and sees Alex Riley pinning Percy Watson. He brings his hand down to the mat.


Boos rain down as Alex Riley stands in the ring with his hand raised. Cheerleader Melissa enters the ring and rolls Watson out. She then throws her arms around Riley with a look of adulation on her face.

"Here is your winner, and the number 1 contender for the SCW Championship...Alex Riley!!"​

The bell rings.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall!”


“Introducing first, from South Beach, Florida, weighing in tonight at 235 pounds...”Showtime” Percy Watson!!”

The crowd cheers as everything goes sparkly and Percy Watson comes dancing out of the curtain.

“As a result of those actions by Alex Riley last week, Watson challenged him to a match tonight – and that match is next!”


Percy Watson is still in the ring when the show returns. He does his dance before raising an arm in the air and shouting “OH YEAH!!”

“OH YEAH!!” the crowd yells back.


“And his opponent, representing The Clique, from Georgetown, Virginia, weighing in tonight at 240 pounds...Alex Riley!!”

The boos coming from the crowd are insane as The Spirit Squad comes cartwheeling down the ramp and Alex Riley, with Cheerleader Melissa hanging off of his arm, comes strutting down to the ring. The Spirit Squad makes it to the ring and split into a row of three and a row of two. They bend down and place their hands on the floor, ready to receive Riley and Melissa, who they then lift to ring level. Riley and Melissa step off of their hands and into the ring, and the Squad disperses, surrounding the ring. Melissa takes Riley's jacket off for him, and leaves.

Watson and Riley stare each other down as the bell rings. They circle each other for a bit, before locking up. Riley puts Watson in a headlock and is wrenching him all over the place. Watson battles out to cheers and tries to tackle Riley, but Riley pushes back, hard. Realizing that this is getting him nowhere, Watson tries to take Riley down, but Riley sprawls. Watson circles around and drops his hips, leaving himself in the perfect position to suplex Riley, but Riley drops lower and escapes. The two men are left facing each other once more.

“It's like they're perfectly matched! I don't see how either one could win at this rate!”

Riley and Watson circle each other once more, neither daring to make the first move. Suddenly, Watson leaps forward with a forearm smash, catching Riley right in the face! Riley recoils, clutching his nose. Glaring at Watson, he comes rushing right back at him, fist raised. Watson dodges backwards to avoid the blow, but suddenly he feels someone grabbing his leg! He looks down, and sees that Nicky has grabbed a hold of his leg. Nicky yanks, hard, and Percy Watson falls flat on his face.

“That's cheating! Are you blind, ref?”
“It's not cheating – It's charity!”

Riley runs over to Watson, who is groaning. He rolls him over and pins him.


The bell rings.

“Here is your winner...Alex Riley!!”

The crowd is booing harder than ever.

“That is just not fair,” sighs Styles, shaking his head. “Highway robbery.”
“Oh come now, I wouldn't go that far.”

Percy Watson looks furious as The Clique celebrates. With a roar, he charges into the fray, and The Clique scatters. Watson gives chase, running after all of them on the way to the back. He lunges forward and grabs Mitch by the ankle, but Mitch fights out and disappears behind the curtain.

(Continued in the next post...)​
After a minute, Riley comes jogging right back out, and sits in a chair next to Styles and Barrett.

“Um, hello, Alex. Are you planning on joining us on commentary?”
“Yes, yes I am.” Alex has put on a headset
“And it's good to have you with us, Mr. Riley.”

The bell rings.

“The following contest is set for one fall!”


“Introducing first, the challenger, from Finchley, London, England, weighing in tonight at 275 pounds...Big Bully Busick!!”

The crowd boos as everything goes black and white. Big Bully Busick walks out, cigar clamped firmly between his teeth, bowler hat on his head.

“And here we have the perfect example of an upper-class twit, a man who is as strong as an ox, one who could present quite the challenge to Goldust. What say you, Riley?”
“He's fat!”
Styles and Barrett look at each other.

Busick walks up to a child in the audience who is booing him furiously. He looks down his nose at the child, contemplating him. The child looks scared. Busick removes the cigar from his mouth, pauses, and then blows smoke in the child's face. The child begins to cry. Busick laughs and walks away, leaving the kid's parents to comfort him.

“Did you see that? What a bully. We could get sued!”
“Kid probably deserved it. Maybe he was looking at him wrong.”

Busick climbs the steps and enters the ring, still laughing.


The crowd comes alive as the arena is bathed in a golden light, and stars appear on the ramp. Words appear on the titantron.



The crowd's cheers only gets louder as Goldust comes walking down the ramp, SCW Championship on his waist, arms spread wide. As he reaches the middle of the first star, he raises an arm, and pyro shoots off in an arc behind him. The crowd cheers as he walks down the aisle and pyro continues to fire in spurts.

“And his opponent, from Hollywood, California, weighing in tonight at 238 pounds...He is the current SCW Champion...Goldust!!”

“You hear that? That's the respect this crowd has for a veteran like Goldust.”
“So he's old. Big deal.”

Goldust climbs into the ring and beneath the ropes, holding his arms aloft. The crowd cheers. He unhooks his belt and hands it to the ref, puts it at ringside and signals for the bell to ring.

As soon as the match starts, Goldust goes into hunting mode. He stalks around Big Bully Busick, looking for an opening. Finding one, he slides towards Busick, and they lock up. The two men are pushing each other around until Busick manages to back Goldust into a corner. He is shoving Goldust against the turnbuckle. The ref starts to count to five.


Busick breaks the hold and goes to punch Goldust, but Goldust ducks under Busick's arm and punches Busick in the face! Goldust stares at Busick, who is holding his face, and begins to taunt him, but Busick fires back with a slap that echoes around the arena.

“Ouch! They felt that one up in the cheap seats!”
“Indeed, the champion opened himself up for that one. He may be the best, but he can't get cocky.”
“Busick should have punched him harder. Maybe he would have killed Goldust and won by DQ.”

Goldust is holding his jaw in the center of the ring, and Busick runs up to him. He tries to Irish whip Goldust into the ropes, but he gets countered. Busick hurtles against the ropes and his momentum swings him back the other way, right into a jumping shoulder block by Goldust! Goldust whips the challenger into the turnbuckle and starts laying him out with haymakers.

“One!” the crowd chants. “Two! Three! Four! Five!”

Goldust breaks it up at the ref's insistence, and Busick uses the opportunity to tackle Goldust. The champion goes flying into the opposite turnbuckle, and Busick charges, hoping to squash the Bizarre One.

“You know, I've always wondered, when Goldust takes a shower, is it called a Golden Shower?”

Goldust gets out of the way at the right moment, and Busick rams into the turnbuckle. He's winded, and Goldust sneaks up behind him and clamps a sleeper on him! Busick is flailing, trying to get the champion off of him! He's going down, losing consciousness, until one last burst of strength allows him to throw Goldust off.

Busick is angry now. He grabs Goldust in a tight bear hug and is squeezing for all he's worth. Goldust screams, fighting to get out. Busick lifts Goldust off of his feet and slams him into the mat. Goldust is writhing in agony and kicking his feet as Busick just laughs. His laugh is what would do him in. From his position on the mat, Goldust quickly sits up and lands a massive uppercut, knocking Busick off of his feet!

“He looks to be out cold!”

He isn't, however, but he's rocked. Busick slowly stands up, dazed. Goldust moves behind him and grabs him by the neck, bending him backwards. The crowd knows what's coming. Goldust jumps, somehow lifting the big man off of his feet and planting him into the mat!

“The Curtain Call!” exclaims Styles. “How did he manage to lift a giant like Busick off of his feet?”
“Whatever, it wasn't that impressive.”

Goldust covers Busick for the pin. The crowd says it along with the ref.


The crowd explodes as Goldust's hand is lifted into the air.

“Here is your winner...Goldust!!”

“Impressive showing by Goldust, taking out Big Bully Busick like that.”
“You got that right, Barrett. Amazing!”

Alex Riley says nothing. He just stares at Goldust, who stares right back. Riley motions an imaginary belt around his waist. Goldust simply smiles and raises his championship high, music playing, as the show goes off the air.​

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