Screw Job?


"The Apex Predator of the WWE"
On Raw we saw stuff heat up between HHH and Vince McMahon leading to HHH leaving Raw and saying he is going to compete against Curtis Axel next week on Raw. We also saw Vince McMahon with Curtis Axel and he was impressed with Axel's work.
There has been talk that Axel and HHH could end up in the ring at Payback.
My question is if this match was to happen, could we see a screw job?
Think about it Vince didnt want HHH to compete and was impressed by Curtis Axel's work and if they were to fight at PayBack we could see Vince come out when HHH has signs of another problem with his head and Vince ending the match having Axel win? Your thoughts on this :)?

Don't do the screwjob angle. Don't end a PPV match the same way you ended at RAW match.

Triple H and Vince don't need to feud, Triple H doesn't need to feud with Axel either. Axel needs a feud with someone that is a full-time veteran, someone like Jericho.

This "feud" Triple H has with Vince is a way to retire Triple H.
Nah, I don't see any sort of screwjob ending coming about from this. Triple H is said to be a big supporter of Axel. Trips has been able to really see how he works since he took over WWE developmental and he's definitely improved since his days as Michael McGuillicutty. I'm not saying he's going to be the next big thing or anything, the jury is still out on Axel, but, for me personally, I've been entertained by what I've seen thus far.

I don't see a screwjob ending really benefitting Axel all that much. I agree with VinnieSunshine that whatever sort of involvement Vince has in this situation will ultimately lead, at some point down the road, to Triple H ultimately hanging up the boots. Whenever that happens, I don't expect Vince to remain as CEO for much longer afterward. Vince obviously has faith in Triple H's judgment and decisions, otherwise Triple H wouldn't have been made an executive or put in charge of NXT.

Ultimately, I think the best way that Triple H can help Axel is to simply put him over in a way that doesn't make him look weak. And yes, I know that some people believe that automatically means to beat him clean but, much of the time, heels don't win clean. They cheat to get ahead. That's why they're heels. They're supposed to be morally questionable people. I'm expecting some sort of ending next week that gives Axel a dubious win over Trips, if they wind up having a match, before Triple H faces Axel one final time at the Payback ppv. At the ppv, I think Axel will get a rock solid pinfall win over Triple H that could initiate the next step for a Vince & Triple H.
I could see something like that happening at some point. Of course I don't think it should be touched and I don't think they will do it very well. I don't think they will do it in this instance though. I agree that Trips might just be trying to get him over. Just let him get an actual victory. Jack-Hammer is right, heels certainly don't need to win clean. They do need to win though to get over. The last match just kind of ended. Stoppage works in MMA because it's legit, but in wrestling there has to be a finish.
Triple H doesn't need to feud with Axel either. Axel needs a feud with someone that is a full-time veteran, someone like Jericho.

That's the point; nothing that happens at this point with Triple H is going to affect his rep one way or the other. Apparently, the company wants to push Curtis Axel to the moon; watching him beat the living hell out of John Cena in two straight matches is indicative of that.....and Cena has a lot more to worry about (kayfabe) than Triple H, who is essentially retired, anyway.

No screwjob is necessary, but if Trips and Axel fight it out at a PPV, I can't see a chance in the world that Triple H wins. I mean, what for? If he beats Axel, he's accomplishing nothing for himself....and if he wins, they've wasted whatever they were doing with Axel in the first place.

Sure, Axel isn't going over Trips cleanly....and Vince/Stephanie may figure in the outcome....but it doesn't make much difference how they bring it about. If they come up with something original, that would be fine.

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