Screw all the "who would you fire?" threads; Who are you willing to protect?


Pre-Show Stalwart
TNA Roster:
Shannon Moore Jesse Neal Alex Shelley Chris Sabin
Brother Devon Brother Ray Robert Roode James Storm
Jeremy Buck Max Buck
Douglas Williams Brian Kendrick Amazing Red Homicide
Eric Young Orlando Jordan Magnus Desmond Wolfe Hernandez
Jay Lethal Kazarian Rob Terry Ric Flair Jeff Jarrett
Kevin Nash Sting Kurt Angle D'Angelo Dinero Matt Morgan
Aj Styles Abyss Samoe Joe Jeff Hardy Mr Anderson
Rob Van Dam
Raven Rhino Stevie Richards Tommy Dreamer Mick Foley
Okada Tomko Reid Flair Shark Boy Suicide
*ECW Alumni signed for PPV (Sabu, Sandman etc.) are use able (but Really?!?)
*Only include male wrestlers

Let's say you are the owner of the current TNA brand. Within your company it's been decided that a number of the talent need to be cut and that no wrestler is safe. There is also the WWE and other wrestling promotions trying to persuade your wrestlers to jump ship and join them.

As owner, the company allows you to protect 10 wrestlers and give them whatever they want to stay in TNA. The entire remainder of the roster MAY be fired/leave and the spots will be filled by indy wrestlers and other free agents, so you want to be careful who you choose to keep because if you don't protect them, you may never see them again in TNA.

I would like for this to be as realistic as possible. I'm looking to see who fans like the most, but also who do you think would make you the most money as owner in the long run. Also you can tell us why you are keeping them and why they are so valuable to TNA.

Which 10 TNA Wrestler's are the most valuable to you?

But wait ... THERE'S MORE!

You also are allowed to name five more guys, but you can only protect 1.
(So you pick your top 10 ... and then name A,B,C,D,E and pick say C which would be the 11th and final guy you can protect from being fired or leaving.)

The other 4 will just be the guys who would have been in your Top 15, but missed the cut which should make the thread posts more interesting. I think it'd be interesting if you posted why they didn't make it (too old, not marketable enough etc.) b/c these should be the guys your going to regret losing the most whether they are young with talent or old but still have something left in them or they can't do it anymore but they were your favorite at one point.

If you only want to do the top 10 you'd protect, that's fine. I figure this should be a fun, thought-provoking thread and instead of always hearing about the irrelevant guys everyone thinks should be fired (Yes, we all know Sharkboy who gets zero airtime should be fired) we can focus on the guys who are doing well and who the fans think are the most valuable to TNA's future success.
Without ranking them:
Angle: Recognizable name, good workrate, very good showman, and the fans love him.

Samoa Joe: I like the guy, and with his badass tweener role he does great, and I'd pay to see him.

Matt Morgan: Big guy, etc, etc. Don't see $$$ in him but you need a great foil for your main eventers, and a huge guy that is good works.

Generation Me: I like tag teams, and could see them turning into the next version of Hardys. Maybe they won't, but they could make some $$$ in merch.

The Pope: I don't get why people love him, honestly. He's okay, but I don't personally like him that much. However, he gets a good response, which means maybe people will pay to see him.

Beer Money: I see $$$ in them as a tag team, and they can also do the singles roles as well. James Storm & Robert Rhoode could honestly do a very decent job as foils if I ever did a Two-Man Power Trip type tag team (say Joe & Angle) which I also see money in.

Jeff Hardy: maybe he isn't as over as he was in WWE, but I still think he makes $$$. And could do a stable with him and Generation Me, sort of a mentorship role.

Demond Wolfe: I liked his work with angle and I believe he could get over if given the right role as a mid-to-top guy.

As for the others, I like Tomko, Lethal, Styles, RVD, and Sabin. If I had to pick I'd take RVD, but I was tempted to take Sabin
Ok, nice thread, first of all i wouldn't put the older guys or recently ex-WWE wrestlers on there as there's much less danger of them being 'poached' by the Big Bad WWE, id be stupid not to put AJ Styles on the list since he just got named number 1 in the top hundred wrestlers...second Robert Roode and James Storm would be up there, maybe not 2 and 3 but in my top 10 to keep, just because they'd be high risk to walk if they weren't chosen i think. Sting would have to be on the list although he's older, WWE is desperate for him. Desmond Wolfe would be top 10, Abyss, Rob Terry, Samoa Joe, Amazing Red & Doug Williams. That's my 10, then i'd pick Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy, Mr Anderson, Jeff Jarrett and Matt Morgan as my five others and pic Mr Anderson as the number 11 guy...this really is all based on the fact i think some of them dont have other options and some of them wouldn't leave TNA for anything so i think some are safe enough without 'listing' them. Like Nash and Jeff Jarrett and Tomko for example.
The 10 I automatically protect:
1. Samoa Joe: He's dominant and draws well.
2. AJ Styles: He's been called the face of TNA. He needs to stay.
3. Douglas Williams: His balanced technical wrestling prowess makes him a nice asset to the roster.
4. Desmond Wolfe: One of THE best in the world at what he does. Nigel McGuinness is highly recognized to most non-WWE loyalists.
5. Jay Lethal: I watched his pre-TNA work as Hydro and Jay Lethal in ROH. I was highly impressed by his work ethic.
6. The Pope Dinero: WWE's stupid for firing this guy. He's quickly becoming one of the most entertaining wrestlers on the roster.
7. James Storm: I love him as a tag wrestler with Robert Roode, but I think he'd have the better chance in singles competition. Nice balance of size, agility, power, and technique.
8. Jesse Neal: He's a young, raw talent that can only get better with experience. I'd take the chance on him.
9. Okada: I've not seen much of him on TNA television but I've watched his work in Japan as well as his Xplosion matches and I was quite impressed. He's one that could work with just about any opponent.
10. Matt Morgan: Every promotion needs their big man and here he is. Can actually wrestle and has a devastating finisher in the Helevator. Great look and great on the mic.

The honorable mentions:
11/12. Max and Jeremy Buck: Ungodly speed, great tag team work. I prefer these two over the Machineguns for the simple reason that the Bucks are younger and would provide a longer-term commitment for me. Problem: Lots of flash, but I haven't seen much substance.
13. Kurt Angle: Legendary technical wrestler. I'd love to see him feud with Wolfe again or maybe Douglas Willams. This would mostly be a name recognition tactic. Problem: Injuries and age.
14. Eric Young: Underrated as a wrestler and on the mic. With a decent booking staff, EY can and would fit whatever role you needed for him. Problem: Shitty booking and lousy opportunities.
15. Hernandez: This man is a freak of nature! Nice power and beautiful plancha dive. Over with the crowds. Problem: Same as the Bucks, I don't see much substance.

Immunity pick goes to Young. He's been there the longest of the 11-15 spots and has the potential to be a main eventer if they'd take him seriously.
Motorcity Machineguns, Beer Money, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, RVD, D'Angelo Dinero and Mr Anderson.

Sting, Flair, Morgan, Hernandez and Jeff Hardy - with Ric Flair winning the wildcard.

Flair is still cuts the best promos and you give him good camera time and I'm willing to watch. In a GM type role when he tells you whats coming up on Pay Per View he'll make it sound like he's gonna bang your wife and you'll be thanking him for it.

I want to see Wolfe, Lethal and Hardy in the WWE.
Kevin Nash is number one for me. He isn't the in ring performer he used to be, but the guy isn't known for putting on headlocks and doing suplexes. He is known for being a genuinely funny guy with loads of charisma and personality. That is something that roughly 90% of TNA roster DOES NOT HAVE. You can always teach some ass-clown how to do flips, but you can't teach being naturally interesting. I believe Nash can really help a lot of the younger guys.

James Storm is second on the list. To be honest, I always thought he was underrated. I think it was because he isn't some twig or midget doing some of the stupid stuff James does in his matches. Whatever the case is, the guy has loads of charisma, can have virtually any kind of match (and adapts his character well it each match) and is funny. I wouldn't put him in the main event scene, but if TNA had a IC-quese title with importance like the IC had in the earlier 90's, he be the one I want carrying that belt.

Jay Lethal has always been solid in the ring. He is among the few guys who were used exclusive for x-division matches that actually knows how to throw a punch and sell.. And at the end of the day, I think that is all you really need in the ring. You don't need to be about to do a backflip to the floor as the guy you landed on completely no sells it so he can do a front flip to a guy charging at him or whatever stupid stuff those X-Divison/Indy clowns do. But more importantly, when he finally got his big push, he proved it was worth it.

AJ falls in the same boat as James Storm. Though he isn't as flashy or charismatic of a character actor as James, I don't see how anyone can deny his matches. He is a great babyface but he is really a cool guy in real life, but they instead that he is a natural heel performer.. huh? Anywho, it would James Storm v AJ in that imaginary IC-quese title I brought up. They have fantastic chemistry.

Lacey Von Erich gets too much slack. I really don't get it, but I can understand why someone would be so critical of her given her family history.. Not. She is prolly the first (and last if the WWE got anything to do with it) generational wrestler on TV that isn't depending on what Daddy did to build a character. Lacey is legit funny, has more charisma than Tara, Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Madison Rayne and Hamada combined * 521 + 6, and I think more importantly.. She still young. I think she is pretty athletic, but she just needs more in ring time. She has everything else one would look for in a wrestler (look, acting, charisma), she just needs to freakin' get in the ring.

Jeff Jarrett may be one overpushed mofo, but he is also one of the best wrestlers TNA has ever had. He knows when it is time to get all Southern and brawl-y. He knows when it is time to show a little color. Heck, he even knows when it is time to do some rasstlin'. He may not be anyone's #1 guy if it wasn't for the fact TNA was his baby, but he is and has always been damn good in the ring.

Eric Young maybe the only guy who can get over despite what they have booked him as. He has a background in theater, and it shows. The man has been through more bad gimmicks than Kevin Nash in 90'-93', but he manages to make them all work. Heck, he is one of the few guys that get a reaction outside of the iMPACT! Zone.

Admit I have a soft spot for Abyss. I don't know if it because he has been the biggest victim of Vince Russo booking and he still gives 110% or what. You always need a bad guy to make the babyfaces seem that much better.

Velvet Skye is the other Knockout I would protect. Most guys want to do things to her that they couldn't tell their friend because their friends would think they are weird. But also, she's a great character. She doesn't go for finesse in the ring, she goes for the hair. Her character matches her wrestling and her wrestling is good for TV.

And.. I can't think of anyone else.

But the bottom line:

I would build around people who are interesting characters and kinda let the wrestling skills come naturally. Kevin Nash said in an interview "You can have the best storyline in the world, but if the execution is bad, what's the point?"
Jeff hardy: Hes a fan favourite who brings in heat everywhere he goes.
AJ Styles: Natural great wrestler
Kevin Nash: Amazing for cutting promos
Samoa Joe: Hes a great wreslter with a good personalaty
Mr. Andreson: I think hes a great wrestler who is amazing on the mic
Abyss: Great Gimmick
RVD: I think he is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.


1.Aj styles-he is my very first priority ,he is over with the fans, he is loyal and he is a work horse
2.Rick Flair-woooo! all he has done since he has been there is help put young wrestlers over and that could help later when indy wrestlers come in to make a name for themselves
3.jeff hardy-he does not have the work ethic to be a part of the company but his name brings alot of veiwers and thats what pro wrestling is all about
4&5.Beer money-without a dought the best tag team in professional wrestling enough said
6.Desmond wolf-dedicated to tna and still has a long time in this buisness
7.The pope-willing to go out there and work his ass off for the sake of the company defiantly high in my book
8.Mrrrrrr.Anderson ANDERSONNNN-great on the mic decant worker not my first priority but dont want to see him go
9.Eric bischoff-have dixie give him full booking powers over impact(storyline wise)and have him be the gm pretty much,alot like now but without hogan
10.MCMG-i put both these guys in one because there half the size of evryone else on the list haha but seriously both guys are dedicated and are a great addition to the tag division

A.hulk hogan-Brings great name power but doesnt care about the company,he is out for himself so i would let him go
B.Samoa joe-wouldn't want to see him go,but if he is gonna go backstage and throw a hissy fit then see you later
C.RVD-again wouldn't want to see him go but he doesn't seem like he feels the same about wrestling as he did 5 or 10 years ago and if i had to...... good bye
D.Hernandez-out of this list he is the one i would keep around great work ethic
E.Jay lethal-this is sort of a tie with hernandez seems like he has agreat future but hasn't found the right gimmick yet as to hernandez his gimmick fits him perfect,lethal just needs to find his calling

now i didnt include any of the x-division because i would revolve that around young independent guys and i would have it be a more realistic style of wrestling with a lot of submissions and grappling maybe have x division bouts be 3 five minute rounds like ufc
The Untouchables

In no particular order…

• AJ Styles

Arguably the face of TNA and without a doubt the most valuable "player" on the roster. AJ has the charisma, the look and most of all the performance to be "Mr. TNA" for it's foreseeable future. He's been there since day one, and he'll be there to the last day if I have anything to say about it.

• Kevin Nash

While he's certainly no young buck, few on the roster are as intelligent as well as behind the youth of the company as it's future as Kevin. For this reason alone I would protect him, but factoring in his ability to still perform when required, as well as his name recognition and it becomes far less difficult to make the decision to keep him.

• Kurt Angle

The greatest wrestler in the world and arguably the biggest "name" to ever have joined TNA in the first place, Kurt is unfortunately reaching the end of his wrestling career at the age of 42 with a bum neck and a myriad of other injuries, but regardless, Angle's name value alone, as well as his historic career and influence make him more than worthy of a spot in this list.

• Alex Shelley

While he quite obviously struggles in a live tic-for-tac situation where mic-work is the concentration, Shelley has more potential than any other young and budding star in the company in my opinion, and when it comes to charisma, the ability to make fans care about you and wrestling talent, he's got all he needs to make this cut. The fact he reminds me of a young Chris Jericho is certainly nothing to scoff at in his case, as with the right amount of time and the right work put in, I'm convinced he can reach that same level of success in the future.

• Desmond Wolfe

While his propensity to be difficult to work with has certainly (seemingly) landed him in the dog house with TNA over the last few months, Wolfe's raw natural talent is remarkable, and when it comes to playing the prototypical pretentious and cocky heel, he's unrivaled in the company when you also factor in the value brought in with his age and technical ability.

• Mr. Anderson

Mr. Charisma is more like it. While his name recognition in the wrestling industry isn't that of a Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash or Ric Flair, he is still a very valuable veteran piece that helps to compliment a young roster.

• D'Angelo Dinero

Arguably the most regrettable mistake made by WWE management was letting this young buck go. Dinero has everything it takes – mind, body and ability – to make it big in the industry, and as far as I'm concerned he's a sure-fire future World Champion presuming things pick up or even stay the same for him.

• Matt Morgan

Morgan is one of the guys I can't quite grasp the criticisms over, honestly. Morgan is the total package if I've ever seen it in TNA when it's not named Styles, Dinero, etc. His size is tremendous, and he's the most agile giant I've seen since Giant circa WCW. I'd even go so far as to say he's even more agile than the WCW version far and away.

• James Storm

Storms career for the most part has been primarily spent in two incredibly successful tag teams – America's Most Wanted with Chris Harris and Beer Money, Inc. with Robert Roode – but an oft-forgotten aspect of his career was a short stint as a singles wrestler after AMW broke up initially in which he epitomized the throwback cowboy heel character that just simply worked for him. In the event BMI split at some point in the future, I see a ton of potential success for Storm in singles competition.

• Robert Roode

Storms current partner, Roode had a fairly successful stint in singles competition prior to joining Beer Money, Inc. in which he, much like Storm, performed admirably as a very prototypical cocky heel. His character is quite obviously a fusion between Curt Hennig and Rick Rude, and while the two were drastically different (aside from the cockiness), Roode manages to mesh them well. He, like Storm, has a big future in singles competition once Beer Money, Inc. has run it's course.

Additional Safety

• Ric Flair

Like Nash, Flair is well past his prime and even came out of retirement to wrestle in TNA again, but Ric Flair is Ric fucking Flair. Regardless of the fact he may look like an old leather boot, he's an icon in the industry, and his name value and his ability to put others over by being involved in a program with him is uncanny.

Unlucky by a Hair

• Chris Sabin

Shelley's current partner in the Motor City Machineguns, Sabin had a very successful career in singles competition in the X Division prior to joining forces with Alex, and presuming the squad did in fact split I do think he'd return to it flawlessly, but unfortunately he lacks the same charisma and personality Shelley owns.

• Doug Williams

One of the finer technical wrestlers in the industry right now, Williams' age is the factor for me here. While he's certainly not showing it very much, I do feel his career has less remaining years than some of my safe picks, and because he doesn't' have the same name recognition as an Angle, Flair or Nash, he unfortunately doesn't make the cut.

• Samoa Joe

One of the more dominant wrestlers from 2005-2007, Joe's poor attitude and his poor physique that's only worsened over the years are two of the primary reasons I can't safety him as a pick. While the angry Samoan who can dominate a match is in and of itself a valuable thing, Joe also has a difficult time doing otherwise once the act has grown stale.

• Jeff Hardy

Certainly one of the most popular face wrestlers in recent years, and a draw without a doubt, Hardy's issue has nothing to do with anything in the wrestling world –*it has to do with everything outside of it, namely his drug use. It's gotten him in some serious hot water with major charges pending against him currently, and TNA's lacking drug policy doesn't' help that any. Presuming the drugs were a non-factor, Hardy would have topped my list.
In No Particular Order

1. Alex Shelley (Age: 27) Small, but witty with the ability to put on a good show in the ring. The better of the two MCMG's. If he had same hair as he did 3-4 yrs ago or so that'd help his look out as well.

2. Chris Sabin (Age: 28) Small, funny as well and puts on a good show in the ring. As a tag team, the two can accomplish great things in ring and promos. I could also see him and Shelley having a nasty feud that stems from a prank gone wrong or something and while they feud they try to enlist the help of others to take out each other.

3. Robert Roode (Age: 33) Has good size/ring ability and I can see him as a solo face if Beer Money broke up. Too valuable as a tag team to pass up b/c as two they are threatening.

4. James Storm (Age: 33) Same basically as Roode. If you weren't expecting him on this list Sorry ... about your damn luck!

5. Magnus (Age: 23) I'm probably the only person who is saying this. Look at this guys age, height, physique and he lead British Invasion at like 21-22 yrs old. I think the new character he's been is pretty cool as well, just might have to change the name or maybe not. I see a lot more potential in this guy then people give him credit for. The mic seems to come naturally to him, BI was a bad gimmick.

6. Desmond Wolfe (Age: 32) Everyone knows this guy is capable of good stuff. Good promos, good in the ring, nice size. I can't wait to see him get a belt so he can wear it backwards lol.

7. Kurt Angle (Age: 41) Name recognition, first of all. Angle's name alone gives a company credibility. I might be worried a little by age/injuries, but he's also a world class athlete who would be the type like Flair not to quit easily b/c he knows nothing else or would be bored otherwise. Angle is a machine pure and simple.
8. Jeff Hardy (Age: 32) Name recognition. If you let this guy go, he's going to be back in WWE one day being the huge draw he is. The drug problems and his dedication worry you, but you try to make him comfortable as possible and keep an eye on him.

9. Mr Anderson (Age: 34) This is a guy who was on a fast rise in WWE and has proven why in TNA with the matches he had with Angle and some of the promos he's given. I would like him to come across tougher and not over sell as much in the ring, but he has the ability to show brilliance at times. Whether, be it face/heel .. this guy would be a big part of my show for years to come.

10. Rob Van Dam (Age: 39) Name recognition as well. I would definitely give him a mouth piece or just someone he can have a dialogue with, I mean if he was in a stable were he could be his laid back self is more like it for him. I can put him anywhere on the card and in match ups with guys Angle, Styles, MCMG, and I know he's willing to take a bump. (If you heard Bryan Danielson vs RVD you wouldn't be excited?) The only assurance you'd need is that RVD wasn't being pushed and could lose.

Then there's ...

Ric Flair (Age: 61) I've just recently started to really appreciate Flair's promo skills and even in-ring intensity, but not enough to keep around a 61 year old.

Matt Morgan (Age: 33, could of sworn I seen him listed at 36 a bunch of times) Big guy, makes a good heel, but not a good enough heel he could be the top heel of your company. I know big guys are usually a draw, but I'm gonna have to pass on this one.

Kevin Nash (Age: 51) In a company like this, him wrestling only makes the rest of the roster look bad, but his promo and backstage skills make him worth it if only I had room to spare(Would be great to see him and Anderson doing promos.)

Abyss (Age: 36) As just a monster with someone doing the talking for him and being in the type of shape he was years ago, I'd consider giving him a shot, but he's too old and looks terrible now.

MY 11th Pick:
AJ Styles (Age: 32) Though I believe AJ has proven he can't be the face of the company, I can see him playing a role like Chris Jericho(but w/o actually succeeding to the degree of Jericho.) AJ can say he's been World Champion, whine and complain and all of what Jericho does now and say he's the best in the world, while he helps get guys over and puts on a good in ring show in the mid-card/tag division.
1. Kurt Angle He maybe getting older and bagged up, but he's still a great wrestler. He is needed as well to help younger talent improve to take his spot one day,

2. AJ When most people think TNA they think Styles. He is the backbone of TNA since the beginning.

3.Jarrett For his ability to promote,and to train the young guys.

4. Chris Saban
TNA needs tag teams these two are great workers
5. Alex Sheeley

6. Anderson if he stays healthy he will be huge one day.

7.The Pope still has a lot to improve on, but in a few years he will be a star.

8.James Storm
Same reason to keep MCMG
9.Robert Roode

10. RVD I say RVD is amazingly talented can help other guys. I just don't know if he's heart is in it.

I left Hardy off the list, because I don't see him lasting long. The same for Samoa Joe.
In no particular order

AJ - TNA has made him the deserving poster boy for the company. Losing him while he still has great years left would be terrible.

James Storm - A loyal wrestler with a lot you can build on. I think TNA would miss him more than they would miss Roode. Roode is more replaceable.

Lethal - The next AJ Styles. A little undersized but poised for a nice career. Good to great mic work is a nice plus to go with his exciting moveset. Possible questions about his marketability but I think if he continues his plus mic work then he will find something.

Dinero - A total package. Plus mic work, unique look/gimmick and works a good match.

Anderson - The Hansel of TNA, he's so hot right now. He was poised to be a golden boy for the WWE then they fucked up and Anderson is showing just how much they fucked up with his chance in TNA. Sells merch, plus plus mic work and a better wrestler than he gets credit for.

Angle - Still has it and TNA still needs his prescence.

RVD - You have to keep some vets and RVD can still work and has his cult following.

Morgan - Hit or miss some lately but his potential is so high you have to hold on to him.

Wolfe - He could be something special one day.

Abyss - You picked who?!?!? Yes, Abyss. Where else is TNA going to get a monster prescence? Not to mention losing your top heel is not a good thing usually. Abyss is loyal to the company, provides size with mic skills and works good enough all things considered. That does not grow on trees and I am keeping him.

So basically I am looking at upper to main event guys. You could remake the x-division easily off the indy talent. Same for the KOs. I think it is easier to replace a high flying tag-team than some would like to admit. You will not get the MCMG, and their built in crowd connection, but if you can get 85 percent of that and just build it up again then it is hard to take them. There will always be unemployeed former big names to pick from as well.

My extra 5 are Joe, Hardy, Flair, Hogan, Velvet. Joe won my safety. I just cannot give up on what TNA has done to build him up in the past. Even if he is not entirely in the right mindset, even if he is dancing the out of shape line, he still has that potential to make TNA distinct. Hardy could really be a huge asset for TNA if he gets his in-ring act together and clears up his trial stuff. The trial is a non-issue long-term IMO but I think Hardy's style at this point in his career may not be versatile enough for TNA. He is so damn good at selling those t-shirts though. Flair and Hogan fall victim for just not having a long amount of useful time left. Flair has been doing great work, putting over a lot of people, and Hogan opens doors in many places no matter how you feel about what he brings on-screen. Velvet almost made the cut to keep one holdover KO that has established her TNA as synonymous with TNA.
Gold Plated 10:

Kurt Angle: The single biggest draw in the company. Doesn't have much time left, but can still wrestle one hell of a match.

Christopher Daniels: Bring the guy back, another great wrestler.

AJ Styles: He is TNA, you think TNA and you think AJ Styles.

Samoa Joe: 4 picks, 4 great wrestlers. Joe is no exception, would utilise him as a much bigger name as TNA is doing recently.

Mr............ AN-DER-SON: - Charisma to burn, and keeping this guy around will be one big middle finger up to the WWE.

The Pope (And his congregation): Another big young talent, I want him around long term.

Beer Money & The Motor City Machine Guns: I want to keep two tag teams, so this is a no brainer.

The Unlucky 5:

Jay Lethal & Desmonde Wolfe - two young guys that I'd really like to stick around.
The Beautiful People: If I'm trying to keep 5 more, I want some semblence to a KO's Division.
1. AJ Styles- Do i have to even explain why AJ is saved?
2. Samoa Joe- Just as important to TNA as AJ plus he has the bad ass/monster thing going for him.
3. Kurt Angle- The best in the world plain n simple
4. Alex Shelly- Has the ability, charisma, n look of a future big time player
5. Desmond Wolfe- Amazing technical wrestler and a guy you love to hate but respect so much
6. Pope- WWE screwed the pooch on letting him go. Talent, skill, look, charisma.
7. RVD- Can still go in the ring. Still a big name. Fans go nuts for him
8. Robert Roode- He has all the tools to be a big time player in TNA if he gets rid of James(Im getting a little to soggy around the mid section)Storm.
9. Jay Lethal- Young, athletic, load of charisma, talented.
10. Jeff Hardy- See RVD

11. Sting- Legend
12. Mr. Anderson- A tad overrated but potnetial to be big big big
13. Matt Morgan- Very athletic for his size n not bad on the mic
14. Magnus- So much potential
15. Chris Sabin- Great ring presence n very well rounded

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