Scotty 2 Hotty Unhappy With Rikishi's WWE Hall Of Fame Speech 2015


Pre-Show Stalwart
Scotty 2 Hotty was seemly unhappy with his former tag partner Rikishi's WWE Hall Of Fame speech tonight tweeting

"In Dec. 99, 3 guys that were pretty much obsolete in the wrestling biz came together and made each other. 1 apparently doesn't remember that"

He went on to explain "It's not at all about us being in the HOF. He absolutely deserves it. Just as we deserved a mention."

He has also retweeted a number of fans who were angered by this.
Really? A big who cares about Scotty Too Hotty. Now, I was a big Too Cool fan when they were dancing their way through the WWE all those years ago. But Rikishi can thank whoever the fuck he wants in his Hall of Fame entrance speech. I don't get why Scotty is so pissed off about this. Yes, he and Rikishi were together for a few years during their run but this just reeks of selfishness from Scotty. I guess when Scotty gets his Hall of Fame nod he can ignore Rikishi...
Maybe Rikishi forgot I don't think it was done on purpose. But I do understand why Scotty would feel slighted.
I know he's throwing a hissy fit but he's not wrong. Kishi is a fringe Hall of Famer at best and without Scott and Brian, he isn't even that. He definitely should have mentioned them. I'd be willing to bet that he didn't snub them intentionally though.
Rikishi went in mostly because of his family ties, something he pretty much acknowledged in his speech by pointing out that a family member of his has been in the company for the past five decades. That's an extraordinary achievement when you think and I think Rikishi was honoured as a way of further honouring his entire family for the work they have done for the McMahons.
I think "2 cool" should've been inducted together. While Rikishi was the main star of the group, he was noted for all of failed gimmicks before their formation and afterwards he never really took off. I remember his "bad man" push and they even had him run over Stone Cold Steve Austin. But that was the beginning and Rikishi became a jobber after that before returning to his party gimmick.

I don't think 2 cool would've gotten over without Rikishi, but Rikishi wouldn't have gotten over without 2 cool, so I understand the annoyance.
Rikishi may not have mentioned Scotty by name but at the end, he and his twin sons did the Too Cool Dance performance of which one of them did do The Worm.
I dont really see anything wrong with that at all. :shrug:
I think it's a bit messed up that they weren't mentioned. Imo Rikishi's most memorable moments, were doing the assface (or whatever it was called) move and putting on the shades while dancing in the ring after wins with Too Cool. And they (Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Saxay) were a very "over" tag team in what I consider to be the most entertaining era of tag teams in the WWE. (Hardys, Dudley Boyz, E&C, APA, New Age Outlaws)
It was probably an oversight, but it's not like Rikishi ran down his entire career. He only briefly mentioned Samu, his Headshrinkers partner (and cousin) with whom he won the tag titles in 1994; he forgot to mention his cousin (and brother of Roman Reigns and Samu) Rosey when listing the Anoa'i family tree. Don't see them getting pissed.
You don't "forget" the most important thing you did that got you over. Obviously not on this kind of scale, but it would be like Waltman note mentioning NWO or DX. That's what he's known for and no way in hell he goes in as the 123 Kid or without being in those factions when he, I'm sure eventually; will go in. No way was it an oversight, I think he just didn't wanna accept the fact that it was those two guys, not himself, that got him over to begin with. Just my opinion. This kind of changes how I feel about Rikishi.
I can see both sides of it to be honest. It must be nerve racking in front of all those people, and I'm sure he's not the only one who's ever forgotten to mention a name. I also realize that Rikishi's singles career wasn't all that fantastic and being part of Too Cool really got him over with the fans.

Unfortunately this is one of those moments in time where you can't go back and undo what's been done. He didn't mention them, even though he did acknowledge them with the dance at the end. They say the greatest form of flattery is imitation and Jimmy Uso paid tribute to Scotty2Hotty by doing the worm. I would rather have had Too Cool reunite on stage at the end of the speech the way the Kliq did, but it is what it is.
To use an NFL analogy, Rikishi is like an offensive lineman. Not many people understand how important his job really was or how well he actually did it.

Rikishi made Too Cool, not the other way around.
Scotty was the star of the trio and the worm was what hooked the crowd on them. Rikishi predictably got pushed to the main event because of his size, and bombed. Basically, the guy got over after a million failed gimmicks (including Fatu, which was never over) because of Scotty. I'd be pissed as well.
If Scotty was the one being inducted I don't think he'd be getting all the credit he is getting from people right now.

That's the odd thing about the IWC.
If Scotty was the one being inducted I don't think he'd be getting all the credit he is getting from people right now.

That's the odd thing about the IWC.

I think that's not a fair comparison because most of us are speaking highly of Scotty 2 Hotty in the context of him being in Too Cool. Not as a standalone talent.

I think Too Cool was yet another case of the writers and talent coming up with a successful gimmick. Two b-boys that put on fast-paced, formulaic, matches. Complete with the dance club lighting, the tryhard clothing, and the music that was clearly inspired by Dr. Dre's beats. Topped off with Grandmaster Sexayy putting on his goggles to do the "hip hop drop" and Scotty 2 Hotty applying a splash after doing the worm.

That gimmick was just well-constructed and well-received. By having Rikishi attach himself to it, gave him the most popular highlight of his career. I think they deserved a mention in a thank you speech that he had quite a long time to prepare for.
Scotty needs to realize Rikishi isn't there because of Too Cool; he's there because he's family to current WWE stars, as well as The Rock. If this were based on what Rikishi actually did in the ring, including his time with Too Cool, he'd never be there.
Too Cool ain't shit this faux-outrage is despicable. Again if it were Scotty getting HOF nods y'all would be shouting him.
Too Cool ain't shit this faux-outrage is despicable. Again if it were Scotty getting HOF nods y'all would be shouting him.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges. This isn't about Scotty getting into the HOF, it's about forgetting to remember to thank someone. It's that simple.

Whether you think Too Cool or Scotty2Hotty is HOF worthy or not, it doesn't matter. They were part of a team that included someone who was just inducted, and a simple thank you would have sufficed.
No. The point is people acting like Scotty was instrumental in something he wasn't. This shit is disingenuous.

Again, seeing as you just keep ignoring what people are actually saying and instead elect to make your own inferences, ZERO people are acting like Scotty was instrumental. We're saying that Too Cool was instrumental. Can you get that through your fucking head now?

Without Too Cool, the last memory we would all have of Rikishi would be The Sultan. He joined a comedy act with Scott and Brian and truly got over for the first time in his career. If that doesn't happen, he is NOT a Hall of Famer. Period.

I'm not saying that Scott or Too Cool deserve to be in there as Kishi himself wouldn't be going in if his kids weren't currently working for the WWE, but Scott and Brian absolutely deserve a thank you.
Rikishi made Too Cool, not the other way around.

Oh now that's just total pish. Too Cool was doing fine when Rikishi joined them, and they made each other better.

I can understand you want to make a point but coating it in bullshit, doesn't make it right.
Rikishi probably should have acknoledged Too Cool in his speach as it was with Too Cool he probably had the most success but it is his speach he shouldn't have to mention someone if for whatever reason he doesn't want to.
Oh now that's just total pish. Too Cool was doing fine when Rikishi joined them, and they made each other better.

I can understand you want to make a point but coating it in bullshit, doesn't make it right.
Feel free to inform me about anything they did before rikishi joined the group.

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