Scott Williams

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Real Name: Scott Williams

Gimmick Name: Scott Williams

Nickname: n/a

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 218 lbs.

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Billed From: Atlanta, GA


----------------Hair Colour/Length
Black shoulder length hair
----------------Eye Colour
----------------Facial Hair
Full beard
----------------Ring attire
Blue trunks with white diagonal stripes on the side and SW on the back
----------------Backstage Attire
Leather jacket, jeans, leather boots, white shirt
----------------Physical Features
Average build for a wrestler
----------------Tattoos: None

Alignment: Heel

Main Gimmick: intelligent psychological anti-establishment heel

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: 1. He is very intelligent, and will use his intelligence to take the easy way out. 2. He is a bit crazy.

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):


1. Very technically sound in the ring

2. Will cheat as much as he has to in order to win

3. Diverse in the ring; can over power the cruiserweights and can use high flying against the big men


1. Taunts his opponents too much, and can make them angry.

2. Sometimes, he takes his sights off his match in order to do some other antic. EXAMPLE: He has just hit his opponent with his signature. Instead of trying to win, he takes a mic and talks down the company and fans, and his opponent as well. This sometimes costs him matches.

3. When he loses, he gets frustrated. This hurts him from a psychological standpoint and leads him to lose more matches.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History

Was born and raised in Atlanta. Got kicked out of school due to disrespecting all authority. Ran away at 17 and became a wrestler.

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description: Dark blue lighting. Comes out and walks slowly, looking disapprovingly at the fans. Poses with his arms outstretches at his sides on the second turnbuckle.

Finishing Moves:

Faithbreaker (Tiger Bomb)
Figure 4 Leg Lock

15 Most Used Moves: (No finishers, 3 signature moves):

Northern Lights Suplex
Fisherman's Suplex
Knee Drop (from second rope against big men)
Diving European Uppercut
Reverse Hotshot
Moonsault (against standing opponent)
Snap Powerslam
Neck Snap
Atomic Drop
Chop Block
Running reverse elbow
Inverted facelock backbreaker into neckbreaker combination (used by Miz for reference)
Slingshot Crossbody
Pumphandle Drop
Fireman's Carry Flapjack

Sample RP.

(Young Man Sitting in a Chair)

Young Man: WZCW is in need of a man who sees through the lies and deception of the powers-that-be. It needs a man who will stand against authority who blantantly does not know what the hell they're doing. Whether the sheep that buy into this product like it or not, I, Scott Williams, am that man.

And here's the link to my new sample pic:,r:6,s:20,i:172
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