Scott Hall Returning to WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Latest word out their is that WWE is monitoring Scott Hall's progress because he is being released fro mrehab soon...
– A new video on Scott Hall’s YouTube channel features Larry Zbysko doing an independent match in Florida. The video opens up with a graphic that reads: “Quick update on Scott Hall, he’s doing very well in rehab and will be evaluated for his release soon. WWE has been monitoring his stay so you may see him on another channel soon.”

It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I would have to say it would be smart for WWE to hire him, and maybe keep him monitored for the future since WWE has paid out millions of dollars over all for his rehabs through the years. Kepp Scott working and away from the bottle could save his life.

So doesn't anyone else think that WWE will hire him back after this last stint in rehab?

They have hired back NASH,X-PAC,ROAD DOG and now maybe HALL. We can only hope for the return of a healthier RAZOR RAMONE maybe?

On a secondary note on a previous thread i made last night on here is the website WWW.TNAWRESTLINGNEWS.COM states that VINCE MCMAHON is interested in bringing RIC FLAIR for thelaunch of the new WWE NETWORK when it finally starts. So MCMAHON does have a reason to get RIC FLAIR face to face to talk business.
I don't know exactly how much WWE has spent on Hall's rehab, I don't think it's millions, but it's probably a lot. Either ways, I don't think it's a good idea. Scott Hall needs to stay away from the wrestling for a while. Every time he involves himself with the business, it drives him to make stupid, embarrasing decisions.

Not matter how closely WWE monitors him, Scott will do what Scott wants to do. If he wants to go snort cocaine off a hookers ass then he'll do just that. I just don't see this turning out well especially with WWE's schedule. Maybe in a couple of years down the line when we see that maybe he really has changed but now is not a good idea.
WWE from what I read in an interview with Stephanie McMahon was that they have spent more money of Scott Hall for rehab than any other wrestler that they have sponsored in rehab. I hope he finally gets his shit together but he definitely doesn't need to make any kind of return to wrestling, that would just be nothing but trouble.

I hope Flair does come back to WWE to work with them in some capacity but not really anything that is an on screen kind of role, just behind the scenes. Much like Road Dogg and Sean Waltman, and Kevin Nash to an extent, I think Flair can be much more beneficial behind the camera than in front of it.
Scott Hall back in WWE? NO. Ric Flair in the WWE? Yes, after his TNA contact runs out. He could manage the next Dolph Ziggler'esq star in the making. Flairs presence grants instant credibility if he manages them. Scott Hall needs to stay away from the business all together if he truly wants to be healthy. Ric Flair is the business he just needs to be smart with his money and stay away from abusive gold diggers.
Stephanie McMahon has stated that the price paid so far for Hall's rehab has been over the $100,000 mark.
However I doubt that WWE would have Scott Hall back again the man is a ticking time bomb and would be no use backstage nevermind as an in ring performer... too old too out of shape.

I would love to see Scott Hall induct Kevin Nash into the HoF or be part of the on stage lineup when the nWo is inducted... that is all.
id love to see scott back in some type of roll and I'm sure with hhh as a higher up hell hire him back, but for scotts health he should stay as far away as he can, its shown in the past him having a job won't help him at all, I really do hope this is his last rehab stint
Stephanie McMahon has stated that the price paid so far for Hall's rehab has been over the $100,000 mark.
However I doubt that WWE would have Scott Hall back again the man is a ticking time bomb and would be no use backstage nevermind as an in ring performer... too old too out of shape.

I would love to see Scott Hall induct Kevin Nash into the HoF or be part of the on stage lineup when the nWo is inducted... that is all.

I want to see Shawn induct Kevin into the HoF because if it hadn't been for Shawn Kevin probably would have never been the star he is/was. I think the only time we will see Scott on a HoF stage is win/if they do induct the nWo and I am not even confident they will ever do that. Scott unfortunately may not ever make it to the HoF until is posthumously
id love to see scott back in some type of roll and I'm sure with hhh as a higher up hell hire him back, but for scotts health he should stay as far away as he can, its shown in the past him having a job won't help him at all, I really do hope this is his last rehab stint

It's not so much that him having a job doesn't help him. It's the fact that being in the wrestling business is basically asking to lead a crazy life which is something Scott Hall just can't handle. Once the spot light is put on him and people are watching, his life just seems to spin out of control every time. If he stays away from wrestling for a while, I think it could really help himself and his family.

As far as Ric Flair returning, I don't see what would be the point. He's not the entertainer he was many years ago and I don't think WWE wants to put him in a wrestling capacity anyways. If he was to manage someone then I think it would be okay at best, but eventually whatever wrestler he manages is going to have to learn to make it on their own without him there for them. As far as a backstage role, I guess that's possible too. He could really offer a lot of great advice to the newer talent as far as wrestling goes. But they already have a lot of people who can do that so I don't know.

Maybe part of me doesn't want him to return because I was at the Wrestlemania where he retired and was part of that special moment. So when I saw him wrestling in TNA, as a fan I felt disrespected and betrayed.
Latest word out their is that WWE is monitoring Scott Hall's progress because he is being released fro mrehab soon...
– A new video on Scott Hall’s YouTube channel features Larry Zbysko doing an independent match in Florida. The video opens up with a graphic that reads: “Quick update on Scott Hall, he’s doing very well in rehab and will be evaluated for his release soon. WWE has been monitoring his stay so you may see him on another channel soon.”

It doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I would have to say it would be smart for WWE to hire him, and maybe keep him monitored for the future since WWE has paid out millions of dollars over all for his rehabs through the years. Kepp Scott working and away from the bottle could save his life.

So doesn't anyone else think that WWE will hire him back after this last stint in rehab?

They have hired back NASH,X-PAC,ROAD DOG and now maybe HALL. We can only hope for the return of a healthier RAZOR RAMONE maybe?

On a secondary note on a previous thread i made last night on here is the website WWW.TNAWRESTLINGNEWS.COM states that VINCE MCMAHON is interested in bringing RIC FLAIR for thelaunch of the new WWE NETWORK when it finally starts. So MCMAHON does have a reason to get RIC FLAIR face to face to talk business.

Will the marks ever leave this place??????

WWE pay for ALL EX WWE EMPLOYEES to undergo drug and alcohol rehabilitaiton. Scott Hall is a serial re-offender, leaving rehab without authorisation. Scott Hall is a complete mess, and WWE, to their credit, are doing everything in there power to help this guy who cannot even help himself.
WWE would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUPID to rehire Scott Hall. He is well over 100lbs over weight from his wrestling days, he slurs his speech, he cannot be trusted. WWE, against better judgement signed Hall in 2002 under HHH and Nash's watch stating Hall was fine and over his issues that plauged him towards the end of his WCW run. Hall proved them wrong as usual, fucking up and being fired after the Plane Ride from Hell 4 months after signing. So what if WWE have given X-Pac a job??? He got arrested a fortnight ago. Where is he now???? Not on WWE tv and not in their trainign facility anymore. RoadDogg is working backstage and doing a DAMN FINE job from all reports. There is not one single sane reason WWE would have to hire Scott Hall. He has nothing to contribute and is another ad story of a guy who could have beenm anything p[issing it all away. I dont care if this sounds harsh, it is all based on facts. Kevin Nash is well liked and is not a drug addict. Scott Hall is not well liked and is a drug addict. End of disucssion
I could see where maybe being back in WWE could help Hall, only because of the positive influences that would be around him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. HHH would be there, and I have no doubt Nash would hop on the road full time just to be by Scott's side to keep him from doing something stupid. I just don't think it would be good to have him perform in the ring, he's out of shape and no where near what he was. If he was to be an agent or something backstage, I think that would be best to help develop talent. As for Naitch, I could see him being a manager type or again, working backstage with Arn. But he doesn't need to perform in ring, and thankfully he has stopped performing in ring in TNA and is only doing the manager thing.
Scott needs someone to watch over him. If they hired him, it wouldn't be for him to be on screen. I know people want "RAZOR" but search him. He looks terrible. They could hire him to be an agent or backstage hand. Maybe have him work on a show like Tough Enough. Have him mentor the younger guys on the pitfalls of the business - basically put him in a place to succeed, not fail.

As for Flair, man....he could be doing something more productive with his career. TNA is a great spot to build stars, but older guys go there for the light schedule and easy money. Flair should go back to WWE and work in a GM type role. It's time that he becomes JJ Dillon. I'm sure u older folks know what I'm sayin.

Give me a follow on twitter @ns530
Hell WWE's best move would be to rehire the man let someone else pay his bills and never let him touch his own money lol.. no honestly that cant happen but as long as he has money he's gonna fuck up...
Scott Hall has been battling his additions for decades and I just don't think Hall is reliable enough for WWE to take a chance on.

A while back, there was a thread in which the topic was whether or not Scott Hall deserved to be in the WWE Hall of Fame. If you're looking at his accomplishments, the the answer is clearly yes. He's the first to hold the IC title more than 3 times, he's a multiple time WCW World Tag Team Champion, he was charismatic, solid on the mic and pretty good in the ring. He was one of the three original members of the nWo, which ultimately lead to one of the biggest angles & most popular factions in wrestling history. When you factor in how unstable Scott Hall has been for the past decade, however, it might not be a safe bet. After all, how embarassing would it be for the WWE and for other legends being inducted into the HOF if Hall no showed the event or showed up to the ceremony completely blown out of his mind?

Scott Hall will ultimately do what he wants to, as SavageTaker pointed out. They can't have people babysitting Hall 24/7 to make sure he doesn't do something to embarass the company.

It'd be great to see him get his act together. If that happened, I wouldn't have any problem with him returning provided that WWE used him in a similar manner as Booker T, namely using his name & star power to elevate younger talent on the roster.
Will the marks ever leave this place??????

WWE pay for ALL EX WWE EMPLOYEES to undergo drug and alcohol rehabilitaiton. Scott Hall is a serial re-offender, leaving rehab without authorisation. Scott Hall is a complete mess, and WWE, to their credit, are doing everything in there power to help this guy who cannot even help himself.
WWE would be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING STUPID to rehire Scott Hall. He is well over 100lbs over weight from his wrestling days, he slurs his speech, he cannot be trusted. WWE, against better judgement signed Hall in 2002 under HHH and Nash's watch stating Hall was fine and over his issues that plauged him towards the end of his WCW run. Hall proved them wrong as usual, fucking up and being fired after the Plane Ride from Hell 4 months after signing. So what if WWE have given X-Pac a job??? He got arrested a fortnight ago. Where is he now???? Not on WWE tv and not in their trainign facility anymore. RoadDogg is working backstage and doing a DAMN FINE job from all reports. There is not one single sane reason WWE would have to hire Scott Hall. He has nothing to contribute and is another ad story of a guy who could have beenm anything p[issing it all away. I dont care if this sounds harsh, it is all based on facts. Kevin Nash is well liked and is not a drug addict. Scott Hall is not well liked and is a drug addict. End of disucssion

Unfortunately, you are right on. I have seen my closest friend go down the road of addiction, and there just isn't anything you can do. I tried forcing help on him, I tired being the friend where if things get hard call me. No judgement, just a person to talk to. In the end he just slipped away from me to the point where in my wedding he was high on heroin and insulted my guests. He pissed his life away totally. He lost his job, his gf of 10 years and everything else he had including his friends. I remain available to him, but he doesn't reach out and when I do he does not respond. He has not been addicted anywhere near as long as Hall has. I really hope the don't try and hire him back. Wrestling, and its schedule is just to much for him to handle. He really needs to focus on maybe trying to get some form of trust back from his family and call it a career as far as anything wrestling is concern. Barber you do not sound harsh at all, what you said is dead on, and I am sorry to say i have seen a friend go through it first hand.
Just no reason to bring Hall back, plain and simple. I, personally, don't have any urge to see him perform in the ring. Nash still had some juice left in him and wasn't screwed up on drugs, but WWE didn't even invest much with the Nash/HHH feud.

I guess there's still a generation from the Monday Night Wars era that is still hanging on to the icons of that time period. But let's be honest, their time is gone.
Not a chance. If Shawn Michaels were still around, possibly, because I think out of all of the former kliq members, Shawn is the one that can be used as an example of recovery. Shawn had all of Scott Hall's demons, he was just as big a boozer and drug user, if not even more so...Scott Hall doesn't need someone just to tell him no, he needs someone capable of encouraging him, of being able to say "I have been in your exact shoes, I know what it's like, I believe in you, because I know it's possible". Not only would Shawn be able to tell Scott "no, this behavior is not okay" but he would be able to provide a positive example of someone overcoming those same demons.

Shawn isn't there though. I don't know if there is anyone on the WWE roster right now who could play covert babysitter for Scott Hall nearly as effectively. Without the strong support of someone that Scott Hall can genuinely call a friend that has been there, done that, I don't think there is any way it could work. Scott Hall has not demonstrated that he actually WANTS to get rid of his demons. His multiple rehab stints make him sound like a guy that got rehab because everyone else told him to, not because he wanted to himself. It would take someone who can talk in his language to get through to him...and the one guy that would be best at that isn't there. Scott Hall as an active member of the WWE roster is a bad idea.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me as many times as Scott Hall has, and I am just a fucking moron for not learning.
I don't know exactly how much WWE has spent on Hall's rehab, I don't think it's millions, but it's probably a lot. Either ways, I don't think it's a good idea. Scott Hall needs to stay away from the wrestling for a while. Every time he involves himself with the business, it drives him to make stupid, embarrasing decisions.

Not matter how closely WWE monitors him, Scott will do what Scott wants to do. If he wants to go snort cocaine off a hookers ass then he'll do just that. I just don't see this turning out well especially with WWE's schedule. Maybe in a couple of years down the line when we see that maybe he really has changed but now is not a good idea.

This is a good post... if you're hoping to keep someone away from unhealthy habits, there is no way in hell you'll do it without their cooperation. Also, I have a real craving to put a hogger up my nose off a hookers ass.

I'd only make one other point: this is ten years later and Hall and friends wouldn't be wrestling anymore. Being in the public eye is naturally a huge stress factor. Maybe giving his life a few new goals with a career prospect in a business he knows and loves would help occupy his life without drugs. I know that one of big reasons I abuse drugs like I do is cause I don't have much else going on anyway.

Maybe he's ready to work with his pals at WWE again.
This is a good post... if you're hoping to keep someone away from unhealthy habits, there is no way in hell you'll do it without their cooperation. Also, I have a real craving to put a hogger up my nose off a hookers ass.

I'd only make one other point: this is ten years later and Hall and friends wouldn't be wrestling anymore. Being in the public eye is naturally a huge stress factor. Maybe giving his life a few new goals with a career prospect in a business he knows and loves would help occupy his life without drugs. I know that one of big reasons I abuse drugs like I do is cause I don't have much else going on anyway.

Maybe he's ready to work with his pals at WWE again.

I cannot agree with you on that point. Even when he's been occupied with wrestling, Scott has found time to go and use his drugs. The other thing is, with how much stress would probably be on his back, it would be more likely for him to relapse (that's assuming he stays sober once he's out of rehab) than it is if he was away from wrestling. I certainly wouldn't want to see a drunk or drugged up Scott Hall show his face because it wouldn't bring in any sort of entertainment and I'm sure most fans would agree. It would just be embarrassing and I'm sure that's not what Vince wants either.

If he couldn't even handle being in TNA for that long without messing everything up, what makes anyone think that he'll be able to handle the much more stressful schedule that the WWE has?
I cannot agree with you on that point. Even when he's been occupied with wrestling, Scott has found time to go and use his drugs. The other thing is, with how much stress would probably be on his back, it would be more likely for him to relapse (that's assuming he stays sober once he's out of rehab) than it is if he was away from wrestling. I certainly wouldn't want to see a drunk or drugged up Scott Hall show his face because it wouldn't bring in any sort of entertainment and I'm sure most fans would agree. It would just be embarrassing and I'm sure that's not what Vince wants either.

If he couldn't even handle being in TNA for that long without messing everything up, what makes anyone think that he'll be able to handle the much more stressful schedule that the WWE has?

I gotta be honest, it's really hard to argue this point even though I'd so lime to give him the benefit of the doubt. I was kinda gambling in the VIP section when I made that comment.

My thought would be that working in a job he's knowledgeable in and enjoys in a less stressful role (working for the office side would minus extra physical pain he got as a performer) alongside friends that also want the best for him, might be enough to help him rid his demons.

The realist in me knows that after a couple years of abuse, it takes acceptance of your mistakes before you can get past it, not just a new job. Mr Hall has logged more than a couple of years...

And there's my D.A.R.E speech/alc-anon sponsor speech; back on the question:

It's probably, no, definitely a huge risk hiring Razor. Not usually the risk most businesses would assume, however if he was going to be in a wrestling company successfully again I don't see a better chance to succeed then with the folks looking out for him at WWE.
If they hire him for an off camera role like Road Dogg, I think that would be great. It would speak volumes to the character of the company. It would show they want him to be better long term, not just during his time in rehab.

However, it would say just the opposite to their character, if they get him out of rehab and throw him on camera. With all the publicity he got for his situation on ESPN, it would be exploitative of them to put him out there.

From all the wrestling books I've read, he had a great wrestling mind. They should use what they can of it to help him and WWE. Neither side, needs anything else from the other.
Steph has said they have spent in the 6 figures for his rehab. As for his return, there is no place in today's wrestling for Scott Hall. He has been described as a manipulator and a cancer in the locker room. The qlik ruined many careers in the 90's and based on the actions of them all lately, I doubt they have grown up or changed much.
I could see Scott Hall maybe making a one off appearance, but I can't imagine the WWE would hire him full or even part-time in any capacity.

Honestly, addicts like Scott Hall make the company look bad. The biggest reason for the Wellness Policy is to change the perception that wrestlers are drug addicts and that the WWE doesn't care.

I like Scott Hall alot and wish him well, but I don't think he can be counted on to stay clean and not embarrass the company.
There is no way in hell Scott Hall should ever be allowed in a WWE ring again. The man is so far past his prime, messed up from drugs and unreliable it would be a crazy decision for WWE to take.

However, from all accounts Scott has a very good mind for the business. Picking his brains in some kind of backstage or creative role could be useful and with guys like HHH and Big Sexy around there would be alot of support for Hall to stay off the booze and drugs. It would be a damm shame for Hall never to be involved in the wrestling business again.

BUT, his health is most important. If Hall believes being on the road, or involved in wrestling will prevent him from getting over his demons then he shouldnt do it, it just isnt worth it. That is a decision that a sober Scott Hall needs to think carefully over.

I jsut want to see the guy healthy and clean, and up on that stage when the nWo goes into the HOF, maybe even an individual HOF entry as he did accomplish alot in the business both as Razor Ramon and as a tag-team wrestler with Nash.
I agree, the only way Scott should be given a job is if it's some sort of backstage position, but I'd be very shocked if he was even given that opportunity. I'm a huge fan of the guy, but I don't think they can take any more chances on him. They don't owe him a thing, they've spent six figures on him to try and help him get clean. The only way he he'll appear on camera again is when Nash, himself or the NWO are inducted into the HOF.

As for Flair, I'd love to see him come back and manage someone, or even have a small stable of guys. Ziggler, Rhodes, Jericho and Christian would make a great Four Horsemen. Just kidding, they shouldn't call themselves the Horsemen, but these are guys that would be a good match with Flair. Especially Ziggler.

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