Scott Goldman?


Getting Noticed By Management
Just think this guy has talent, and he seems like he could have some sort of draw ability if given the right push creatively in character, and in the ring. He is know main eventer by any means at all, but he could be something that the mid card scene hasn't "seen" in a long time, a solid "face" star that more than likely won't win the big one(not including ECW title).

It sounds a bit weird, but it has legitimacy to it. Colt may not be main event material, but he does have natural charsima. No, I don't think a name will destroy career, but it can throw people off. The fact that he isn't Colt Cabana makes no real sense creatively.

I thought that when Carlito returned that we were going to be privileged in seeing a battle for the "Cabana". Colt's "Cabana", or Carlito's "Cabana"? A feud over shows? Scott Goldman coming off the tongue just has no life to it. Just don't feel "it" when I say Scott Goldman. Colt Cabana has solid alliteration, and rolls off the tongue smoother. It just sounds better.

He could be, or could have been the next average "Joe" of the WWE similar to Foley, or even a Dusty Rhodes from NWA, just a common man. Not suggesting that he would have been main event, but a character molded after those gimmicks, or something similar to. Even his moveset is "face" like, and easy to cheer for.

Even if you are not a fan of his you have to admit that he is better than Boogeyman, Kizarney, and even Mark Henry. Colt is worth the air time that the WWE has to offer on either of its 3 shows. When a star as popular, and successful as Punk calls his name out you got to wonder if that respect came from inside the squared cirlcle. If it did, then it makes all the more sense that Colt must have something special to offer the world of professional wrestling.
I don't see why he has such a great fan base, but then again, I've only watched his Smackdown matches and one of his FCW matches. From those 4 times I've seen him, I saw absolutely nothing of value.

Supposedly, he's funny or something.

Now, to me, and I've been saying this for a while...if they think Goldman and Ortiz have charisma but they aren't really doing anything, nor is Ortiz getting over...why not put the two of them together in a tag team? Just make them two "funny" guys that team up with one another, wear some bright outfits, and you've got a decent tag team. Goldman could be the fast guy, Ortiz could be the tougher one.

But to me, I haven't seen anything from Ortiz or Goldman to really prove that they're worth pushing outside of teaming up together. I'd rather see Ryder or Hawkins move into the midcard than Goldman or Ortiz lol.
I actually feel bad about Scotty"don't call me Cabana"Goldman. If he ever does get another break in the WWE(on Raw, Smackdown, or ECW)there is no way he will ever live up to all the hype he has gotten from indy fans.

Just like CM Punk who was a god to indy fans and was praised as being the second coming of a wrestling god, Goldman won't be able to deliver on the "greatest thing since sliced bread level". Goldman was an indy god, but since the indy's and the WWE are completley different it is irrelevant that he was a indy star.

All of Goldman's previous accomplishments mean nothing to the WWE(creative and fans). With that being said I do think he has potential. While I am not super impressed with his WWE/FCW ring work, the guy does have charisma and comedic ability. He could have became the new Carlito(funny face)on Smackdown if he was pushed right(instead of becoming a random jobber who disapears).

In the end a tag team might be the best place for him. I don't know if Ortiz would be the best option, but I do think a tag team could help establish Goldman in the WWE right now, when there is an abundance of younger, newer, singles guys trying to break in and get over. I think he has potential but we will have to wait and see what the future holds for this kid.
No, I don't expect Goldman to become the "star" that Punk is. I never followed Colt's career in the "Indys". Really, I could care less what he has done in the ranks below the WWE. What matters is that he even has a fanbase. You know, the fanbase you keep referring to. I'm not sure I set my expectations so high when some indy star steps up to the big time in the WWE.

All I see is someone with a natural energy, or charisma that could easily establish themselves as a legit wrestler/star. His wrestling ability is all, but short of classic. Nothing says that he is green in the ring by any means. He is an established ring veteran from what I can see in the ring. Not many have a draw appeal like Colt does. No, it won't make him the World champion next year, but it will serve him some good entertaining the fans of the WWE. The talent is there, but the lack of creativity is prominent.
I really like the idea of teaming up GOldman and Ortiz. Both guys have a goofy persona, and I think they could be a lmost like a face version of old-school Edge and Christian. Always just screwing around and being funny, but then having solid matches to back it up. I'm not a big Ortiz fan, but Goldman has potential and they need to make new stars. If anything, it's an easy team to make that might elevate both guys. Also, does anyone else think they could have a good feud with Miz and Morrison?
Cabana could have become ok but not much more than that. His style just flat out doesn't fit in the big leagues. His comedy stuff is great for a company like ROH, but WWE has it's comedy people and it's simpler stuff. Cabana is someone that you have to get to like, as opposed to other comedy guys that are universally funny. They tried to make him just some generic guy and it failed. What was wrong with calling him Colt Cabana? That name is already famous in the indies. Why not let him do it here? Either way, he's not cut out for the WWE and it's showing. Vince hasn't done a good job of playing to his style and it's showing.
WWE should really have cashed in on his Indy success by keeping his name. They could have had an impressive character that worked his way up through the indies (which he did), made it to the WWE (which he did), and made it to the top of the ECW, a former Indyish promotion (Which he will not do as this character). Have a character who is a fan favourite by showing them that he has what it takes to become the best, despite being labeled an Indy wrestler. It would be a great underdog character.
"WWE should really have cashed in on his Indy success by keeping his name. They could have had an impressive character that worked his way up through the indies (which he did), made it to the WWE (which he did), and made it to the top of the ECW, a former Indyish promotion (Which he will not do as this character). Have a character who is a fan favourite by showing them that he has what it takes to become the best, despite being labeled an Indy wrestler. It would be a great underdog character."- TM Punk.

All I have to say is that sums up the point of the thread perfectly. thank you, sir.
WWE should really have cashed in on his Indy success by keeping his name. They could have had an impressive character that worked his way up through the indies (which he did), made it to the WWE (which he did), and made it to the top of the ECW, a former Indyish promotion (Which he will not do as this character). Have a character who is a fan favourite by showing them that he has what it takes to become the best, despite being labeled an Indy wrestler. It would be a great underdog character.

Great idea.

I saw Colt/Scotty/whatever you want to call him at an ROH show a few years ago in Cleveland and was incredibly impressed. I have always hoped I'd get to see him. I'm glad they gave him "What's Crackin?". So far its been pretty funny. I just wish I got to see him on Smackdown/ECW more.

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