Scenes that would make movies better


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Star Wars Episode II Attatck of the clones. That scene happens and the character is never heard of again.

What if you then so the guy rethinking his life? Having a breakdown at home? Just him by himself. It would have to be in an inappropriate part like the massive lightsaber battle. This would be hilarious.
I would actually be interested to see if someone made a film based on that scene alone.

That being said, I think half of the deleted scenes that show up that should have been included in the original cut like Batman Forever's scene where Bruce goes into the cave after the Riddler blows it up, it was vital moment of the film which without it, leaves things going WTF?
The original 70s Willy Wonka movie makes me laugh.

"We need to let the air out of her quick!"
"There's no air in there, it's juice."
"Will you roll the young lady down to the juicing room immediately?"
"Juicing room, what're they gunna do to her there!?"
"She needs to be squeezed immediately before she explodes."

Although, we still have about 4 minutes for a song dance when she doesn't actually get any bigger, she doesn't seem to be in any pain whatsoever.

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