Scenarios that could help TNA financially?

Jimmy King

Future Moderater
Recently, I've found myself attributing a big part of TNA's problems due to their lack of finances.

Now, of course everyone can say that Dixie needs to trim the roster a bit. Some people may have some other generic, typical IWC responses. However, I'm challenging everyone to think outside of the box.

I have a plan, and would like to hear feedback and different ideas from the readers. My plan would be to push the Spike Executives to help fuel a train into a somewhat quiet partnership with UFC. Now, do I want the two to do crossover events? Hell no. I do not want to see Lesnar show up in TNA. I do not want to see Jay Lethal do an impression of Rampage Jackson. However, cross marketing, name dropping, ads for each company's ppv's during their broadcasts. I feel all of these things will result in phenomenal economic growth for TNA. A lot of company big-wigs look at UFC as an unstoppable force right now. Take for instance when Hogan announce that TNA would be going head to head with WWE at TUF 10 finale. That sent a pretty big shockwave and even Spike TV viewers who had never watched TNA were now interested. Then, what happened? TNA scored a 1.4 rating against the return of Bret Hart.

Now, I'm not saying those results would happen repeatedly. I'm also not saying that this is TNA's only problem. I just want to know what you guys think about it, or what ways you could think up to help them financially.
I think the problem with your idea is a lot of people don't think UFC and wrestling fans cross over. Would seeing UFC ads make me want to watch UFC? No, I know I don't like it.

I think what would help would be partner with a big company. Maybe do Pepsi cans with wrestlers on it. Like they do for movies and games. Even maybe with Burger King and put logo and wrestlers on their cups. But don't do toys. Just logo up their cups like BK is going now with that Nascar driver.
Before a partnership with UFC can benefit TNA, TNA has to learn how to not suck.

"What happened? TNA scored a 1.4 rating against the return of Bret Hart"

A 1.4 rating, popped by the TNA debut of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, a move to Monday night to challenge Raw, a Jeff Hardy appearance, an NWO reunion and a new stage setup. An ad campaign topped with a Times Square billboard

All that advertising to bring eyeballs to the product. But since the product was the same dogcrap it had always been, the ratings are at the same dogcrap level they have always been at.
I think the number one problem with all of this is that you are thinking about TNA's financial situation instead of just watching the program or choosing not to watch the program. I think they are fine with what they are doing.
I think the number one problem with all of this is that you are thinking about TNA's financial situation instead of just watching the program or choosing not to watch the program. I think they are fine with what they are doing.

I see what you're saying, but TNA's financial situation heavily reflects their product. TNA can not make stars and memorable moments like WWE can if they do not get on the road more. However, if they made that move now, they'd lose a lot of money. I went to a TNA house show recently, and that was one of the most personal events I had ever been through. Angle even talked somewhat of the situation with him and Jarrett. The crowd had no idea who the Pope was, but cheered heavily for the likes of Team 3d because those were people who had been established. However, if TNA were to hit city after city TELEVISED each week, their fan base and popularity would grow. Their sponsors would then grow, and their roster could become a bit more star-studded. Everyone wants TNA to be their own company, and they should, but that doesn't mean that you can't lure people into your promotion who were established elsewhere. If they trimmed the roster, and picked up Jericho and Batista, it'd be huge.

Side note, I do feel that Mysterio will eventually show up in TNA.

Anyway, the Impact zone pretty much cheers for everyone. In turn, TNA turns these wrestlers into faces. (Pope, Anderson.) The Impact zone are used to seeing these phenomenal wrestlers put on a good match regardless of stories. Stepping out of there on a weekly basis would help the mainstream home audience create their own views of the wrestlers. If kids are watching TNA and thinking well this guy is bad because he hit this good guy, but the impact crowd are cheering his name at the top of their lungs, it's going to confuse the kids and turn them off of the product.

I do like the idea of partnering with a big company. I remember when WWE was appealing to the teenager demograph by having a big partnership with Super Soaker. TNA could definitely do the same with a similar partnership. Good idea.
I think TNA's problem is that they don't either know what the problem is are they not even seeing the problem. It's like TNA fans are smarter than the company, the people who watches the show for a long time are going to be like "hold up are you crazy" like when they made that big move to Monday, i mean seriously what were they thinking, they weren't ready at all. They looked at it like we got Hogan lets move because he a draw guy, and what happen the ratings drop big time

Now before TNA talks about money, they really need to be talk about the directions and the storylines they creating for the company. I have watched TNA since they were trying to stay on TV then switching to spike tv.. Now there are times when i would watch the show, and somehow things just didn't make sense. How are we going suppose to enjoy the show when they leave too many clues and not even bother to explain it more. Does anybody know what happen to the storyline about Joe being kidnapped???? are they going to explain it or what?? This company really needs to improve its product and somebody please teach RVD how to cut a promo i mean seriously

Also they need to expand out instead of staying in Orlando, i mean what they don't have enough money to travel or something???
Does anybody know what happen to the storyline about Joe being kidnapped???? are they going to explain it or what??

I've always thought that they were going to use Joe's kidnapping to bring in the ECW reunion show. I think TNA realized how bad Abyss's face run backfired (as far as him being the face of the company) so they threw the story on him instead. It would have made more sense to see Joe come back and dominate everyone in his path, then finally gave his answer on the mic saying "They'll be here soon; they this they that."

But aside from that, I mean TNA has been doing some solid storytelling. It's not all bad storytelling either!
I'm not a big UFC fan and I also don't know if this would work. UFC's fanbase is pretty different than that of professional wrestling. A lot of those fans don't even like Boxing because they claim there's not enough violence, etc. in it. Sure some of them watch wrestling as well...but a lot of them don't and opt to watch UFC because it's "real" and wrestling is "fake". But who knows. They're somewhat completely different markets.

That being said, they do need a better marketing team. They don't really market themselves well at all. I barely hear about TNA outside of the Spike and even that is very seldom.

WWE is all over the place and they already have a historical name for themselves where they don't even have to market as much as they do.

They certainly can't afford the amount of marketing that WWE does...but they should set aside a good amount for it. They could grab some of the UFC fans but I wouldn't solely focus on just them.

Start having the wrestlers on cups at Six Flags or 7/11's...see if you can get into Subway or other fast food chains. Get the faces of your wrestlers known this way to the fanbase that may not really know them at all.

The answer to TNA is the younger fanbase. Because younger kids like anything associated with something they like. If they like wrestling...they will give TNA a shot. Younger viewers are less likely to be brand loyal or hate the competition as much as irrational young adults are.
Recently, I've found myself attributing a big part of TNA's problems due to their lack of finances.

Now, of course everyone can say that Dixie needs to trim the roster a bit. Some people may have some other generic, typical IWC responses. However, I'm challenging everyone to think outside of the box.
Good, because that whole roster thing makes no sense when most of them get paid per-appearance.

Now, do I want the two to do crossover events? Hell no. I do not want to see Lesnar show up in TNA. I do not want to see Jay Lethal do an impression of Rampage Jackson.
Yeah that'd be pretty terrible.

However, cross marketing, name dropping, ads for each company's ppv's during their broadcasts. I feel all of these things will result in phenomenal economic growth for TNA.
Unlikely, while it's true that since Lesnar and Lashley have crossed over to MMA and brought some wrestling fans with them, the majority of UFC fans don't give two shits about wrestling, the thousands of people who constantly run down Lesnar for being a former wrestler are proof enough.

A lot of company big-wigs look at UFC as an unstoppable force right now.
Which is funny when you consider for a huge part of it's existence it's been on the brink of collapse, but I will agree that since TUF started airing they've been doing well.

Take for instance when Hogan announce that TNA would be going head to head with WWE at TUF 10 finale. That sent a pretty big shockwave and even Spike TV viewers who had never watched TNA were now interested. Then, what happened? TNA scored a 1.4 rating against the return of Bret Hart.

and I'd attribute that more to former WCW fans giving TNA a chance more than anything involving the UFC.

Now, I'm not saying those results would happen repeatedly. I'm also not saying that this is TNA's only problem. I just want to know what you guys think about it, or what ways you could think up to help them financially.

Name dropping TNA at UFC events isn't going to cause some massive influx of income. It just isn't.

johnbragg said:
Before a partnership with UFC can benefit TNA, TNA has to learn how to not suck.

"What happened? TNA scored a 1.4 rating against the return of Bret Hart"

A 1.4 rating, popped by the TNA debut of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, a move to Monday night to challenge Raw, a Jeff Hardy appearance, an NWO reunion and a new stage setup. An ad campaign topped with a Times Square billboard

All that advertising to bring eyeballs to the product. But since the product was the same dogcrap it had always been, the ratings are at the same dogcrap level they have always been at.
You sir are a collossal fuckwit. Sterilisation is something you should seriousl consider.

I see what you're saying, but TNA's financial situation heavily reflects their product. TNA can not make stars and memorable moments like WWE can if they do not get on the road more.
How does being on the road make stars? And memorable moments? Every WWE show is setup exactly the same and all the audience members are the same, they sit on their hands for about 90% of the time and cheer Cena and Orton.

However, if they made that move now, they'd lose a lot of money. I went to a TNA house show recently, and that was one of the most personal events I had ever been through. Angle even talked somewhat of the situation with him and Jarrett. The crowd had no idea who the Pope was, but cheered heavily for the likes of Team 3d because those were people who had been established. However, if TNA were to hit city after city TELEVISED each week, their fan base and popularity would grow.
How would they grow? Are you implying that you get a bigger crowds show up for tv events? Because that just isn't true. And it wouldn't expand the fan base at all, TNA's already broadcast weekly, how does broadcasting it weekly from a different location build your fanbase? Do the people suddenly decide to watch because it's a different location? It's the same show.

Their sponsors would then grow, and their roster could become a bit more star-studded.
How? Sponsors are strictly reliant on advertising during their television broadcasts, going "on the road" won't alter their broadcasts.

Everyone wants TNA to be their own company, and they should, but that doesn't mean that you can't lure people into your promotion who were established elsewhere.
They already did that, see; Anderson, Angle, Hogan, RVD, Hardy etc.

If they trimmed the roster, and picked up Jericho and Batista, it'd be huge.
The majority of TNA's roster are pay-per-appearance they don't need to trim anyone, seeing as the only people getting paid a salary are their major stars. And aside from the fact that Batista is one of the most useless wrestlers in the world, he's also despised by guys like AJ.

Side note, I do feel that Mysterio will eventually show up in TNA.
Ugh, I hope not, Mysterio wouldn't have a place seeing as guys like Amazing Red, The MCMG's etc. all wrestle that style better than he does.

Anyway, the Impact zone pretty much cheers for everyone.
so, appreciation for the performers.

In turn, TNA turns these wrestlers into faces. (Pope, Anderson.)
They turned Pope face because he couldn't get a heel reaction, people weren't interested in him until he was allowed to talk. And seeing as the only time he was a "heel" he was fighting Suicide it's not as though he was up against a top face.

The Impact zone are used to seeing these phenomenal wrestlers put on a good match regardless of stories.
Well that's probably why it's called professional wrestling and not professional story telling.

Stepping out of there on a weekly basis would help the mainstream home audience create their own views of the wrestlers.
How? If someone is too dumb to come to their own decision on who they like and who they don't like without being spoon fed maybe they should stick to watching RAW.

If kids are watching TNA and thinking well this guy is bad because he hit this good guy, but the impact crowd are cheering his name at the top of their lungs, it's going to confuse the kids and turn them off of the product.
Good thing TNA doesn't market themselves to children then. Also ambiguity makes for more interesting stories, there's two sides to a coin.

I do like the idea of partnering with a big company. I remember when WWE was appealing to the teenager demograph by having a big partnership with Super Soaker. TNA could definitely do the same with a similar partnership.

Super Soaker? Super Soaker? Okay then. TNA partnering with the UFC isn't going to benefit them because the majority of MMA fans despise wrestling.

rondiesel2005 said:
I think TNA's problem is that they don't either know what the problem is are they not even seeing the problem.
English! Do you speak it, motherfucker?

It's like TNA fans are smarter than the company, the people who watches the show for a long time are going to be like "hold up are you crazy" like when they made that big move to Monday, i mean seriously what were they thinking, they weren't ready at all. They looked at it like we got Hogan lets move because he a draw guy, and what happen the ratings drop big time
English! Do you speak it, motherfucker?

Now before TNA talks about money, they really need to be talk about the directions and the storylines they creating for the company. I have watched TNA since they were trying to stay on TV then switching to spike tv.. Now there are times when i would watch the show, and somehow things just didn't make sense.
Considering those first two paragraphs, I'm going to assume that it's you who isn't making any sense. Are you a mongoloid?

How are we going suppose to enjoy the show when they leave too many clues and not even bother to explain it more.
Seriously go back to the third grade, you're struggling to put a sentence together.

Does anybody know what happen to the storyline about Joe being kidnapped????
Yeah he got kidnapped, came back and now every time he shows up the announcers mention how he dissappeared and came back with a more competitive edge. At some point it'll probably be revealed that he's working for "Them".

Also they need to expand out instead of staying in Orlando, i mean what they don't have enough money to travel or something???
Why spend money travelling when you have a perfectly good setup where you are? the iMPACT zone is perfect for what they're doing, being cost effective is better for TNA. They already do House shows, travelling isn't the issue, the benefits of the iMPACT zone outweigh the downsides.

Jimmy King said:
I've always thought that they were going to use Joe's kidnapping to bring in the ECW reunion show.

I think TNA realized how bad Abyss's face run backfired (as far as him being the face of the company)
The whole purpose of Abyss' face run was to turn him heel. At the begining of his partnership with Hogan, the first thing they said was that they wanted to bring back the monster. Hogan went on air saying that Abyss would turn heel. Months before it happened.

so they threw the story on him instead.
ECW is not the group in charge of Abyss.

It would have made more sense to see Joe come back and dominate everyone in his path, then finally gave his answer on the mic saying "They'll be here soon; they this they that."
Except that ECW is not the group in charge of Abyss. As for Joe working for the people against Hogan, you have no idea if he is or isn't.

Partnering with the UFC is a bad idea, UFC fans hate wrestling because they view it as a fake version of their sport. Wrestling fans hate UFC fans because UFC fans view wrestling as a fake version of MMA. It won't benefit TNA anymore than signing Lashley and Frank Trigg did.
@Reddannihilation (I don't want to sit here and quote everything individually, so I'm just going to go down a list.)

I've began attributing a big part (never said the majority or all of TNA's problems) due to finance issues because I do feel, especially after reading Bischoff's book "Controversy Creates Cash," that there are a few things TNA needs to do to get outside of their comfort zone and gain more viewers. Regardless of how you want to chop it up or analyze everything I say, there's no arguing in the fact that any partnership (whether UFC or not) with a company with some solid $ could help boost TNA's overall product. Someone recently posted that the TNA PPV's do not feel special. Could this be why their buy-rates are so low? Not completely, no. But I could see it being a big decision factor. TNA needs to put a little creativity into the sets. A little off subject, but the first WWE PPV I ordered was No Way Out 2002. I remember everything about the set which always helps re-paint my memories when I think about the card. TNA needs to get on the road to be more personal with fans. Lord knows if someone heard a wrestling show was in your town for $20 tickets. Person "A" says, "oh yea, I've heard of TNA. I don't really watch it though." Person "B" says "yea me neither, but Kurt Angle is supposed to be there." After watching the show (whether televised or a house show,) both people not familiar with their product will go out of their way to watch/record Impact on a weekly basis, granted, if their experience was positive. Back when TNA still had the NWA tagline to it, AJ did a related show here in my hometown. About 90% of the general wrestling population here did not know who he was. After the show, the population were buzzing about him. It's obvious that it would happen more and more each night. I can't sit here and tell you that you're wrong about the wrestling fans not liking UFC. It all depends on your demograph/location. However, here, there's about a 60% crossover population. And, again this may not be the case where you are, but any Lesnar-basher I've talked to only dislikED him because they felt he did not deserve the title shot against Couture, and only got it because he was a former wrestler- which is true and Brock is my favorite fighter. The whole UFC/TNA relationship was never explained in full detail, and I apologize for that. I do not attribute TNA's 1.5** rating against RAW Jan. 4 to them announcing it on TUF Finale. But it did help turn heads, especially to those who feel they outgrew wrestling and got into UFC because it was geared towards older audiences. No comment on your response to johnbragg (I'm scrolling down your post.) Your question about WWE having the same shows night-in and night-out and the crowds are always the same- that's WWE's prerogative. TNA has a different demograph than WWE. (Another side note, back in March at the TNA house show I attended, the crowd booed The Pope because they were used to him being heel Elijah Burke in WWE and cheering for AJ because they still thought he was the "face" of TNA. At the end of the match, Pope had a standing ovation. This is what helps TNA get their stars across.) By the way, yes, televised shows would have a higher crowd attendance than house shows. There are many people that know that titles RARELY change hands at house shows. Within reason, televised shows have a bit more unpredictability. (Not just the only reason, but just one of them.) Sponsors are attracted the the numbers of people watching the program. Why else would someone spend "x" lucrative amount of dollars for a 30 second Super Bowl commercial? Being on the road, becoming a house-hold name, upped viewership from being on the road will greatly affect this. Don't really disagree with you about anything else, except that the Impact Zone cheering for everybody IS appreciation for the performers (even Nasty Boys? ugh) but it's not good for storytelling, kids and inexperienced viewers not knowing who the good guy is and who the bad guy is. Yes, ambiguity when you're older (or don't have a 2nd grade education) helps with stories. But, the current TNA fanbase shouldn't be the only ones TNA tries and appeals to. Though it may not happen, TNA SHOULD find a happy medium for the IWC (original TNA fans as well) and new viewers, including children. Super soaker reference was just for nostalgic purposes and I may have jumped the gun on the Joe/"they" angle.

I apologize for ranting. But, if I haven't mentioned it enough, not too many people around me watch TNA. So, being on this forum provides me with a chance to chat it up with other viewers, whether they agree with me or not. I'm glad that at least for the time being I haven't bumped into any "yea well I fucked your mom last night" trash-talkers. Your comments to the other guys were pretty funny though.
TNA needs to go back to the things that made it the wrestling alternative.... The X-Division was a big part of that. The knockout division was a part of that. The tag team division was a part of that. While TNA seems to be trying right now to restore relevance to the tag titles with the Best of 5 series with Beer Money/MCMG, I think they have fallen short with the X-Division and Knockout Divisions. TNA has tons of X-Division wrestlers who they are doing nothing with right now, and they could probably have an IMPACT! episode full of X-Division matches if they wanted.

TNA also needs to take it's PPVs on the road. I know they tape IMPACT the next night, but maybe they could work a deal out with Univ. Studios to tape the shows after the PPVs on like a Tuesday or Wednesday night. One of the reasons that the PPVs seem like a glorified IMPACT! is because it looks like IMPACT!. There are wrestling fans everywhere and as long as TNA markets its product correctly, people will go to the shows. This is where they need to bill their top stars.

TNA will make money when they restore their own identity and find something that works for them, and not try to relive what worked for others.
Before a partnership with UFC can benefit TNA, TNA has to learn how to not suck.

"What happened? TNA scored a 1.4 rating against the return of Bret Hart"

A 1.4 rating, popped by the TNA debut of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, a move to Monday night to challenge Raw, a Jeff Hardy appearance, an NWO reunion and a new stage setup. An ad campaign topped with a Times Square billboard

All that advertising to bring eyeballs to the product. But since the product was the same dogcrap it had always been, the ratings are at the same dogcrap level they have always been at.

Can you tell me, exactly, what makes TNA "dogcrap" and WWE entertaining?

Enlighten me please. WWE has infinitely more money, a monopoly on the industry for several years, a well established reputation that goes back several decades, nostalgic factors, brand loyalty that has built up over decades, and countless other resources they are able to use that TNA can't. And you know what? I still don't see how WWE (today) is that much better than TNA...if at all. Which is somewhat embarrassing to be honest.

They both have their well established superstars. They both have their newer younger group of wrestlers (the majority of which, lack personality). They both have tv and pay-per-view deals. And they both have lackluster storylines at the moment.

The only difference I can think of at the that TNA's storylines are jumping around too fast...while WWE's storylines drag on for WAY too long. Neither of which is anything to be proud of.

What else? The WWE pushes little small twerps who have no personality but can flip around and do jumping jacks in the ring? How is that interesting? Like I've said before...I can see a little small twerp guy beating a giant once in a blue moon...but to have these little small turds flipping around constantly beating much bigger and stronger opponents over and over just doesn't make sense. So the big giants who are much bigger and much stronger are now the underdogs in the WWE I'm guessing?? It's a pretty big stretch on reality that is pretty stupid to say the least.

Tell me though...what else?? What else makes WWE that much better? If there is's significantly minor and it's probably contributed to the fact that WWE has all those advantages I've listed above. But even then I probably won't buy the foolishness you're trying to sell.
I don't think there's any "magic" advertising campaign, or crossover promotion that will help TNA. It's a young company, and they tried too much too soon when Hogan & Bischoff arrived. At least they admitted that it was a mistake, and went back to Thursday nights.

The thing that's going to help TNA the most is just to remain constant. They seem to be doing a much better job of that lately. When Hogan & Bischoff first arrived, it seemed like they tried a MILLION different things to get noticed. None of those things worked, so they went back to the drawing board.

Lately (and I just mean the past month or so), we've had a lot of well-thought out storylines that actually seem like they're going to have a decent pay-off. I think they realized that they'll get ahead by having a better product overall, not a bunch of gimmicks.

How did WWF come back after WCW kicked their ass for so long? It wasn't by implementing a slick ad-campaign, it was by making their show the best wrestling show on TV. That's all, and that's what TNA needs to do. In my opinion, they've been showing a lot of improvement. Let's hope that they stick with it. I've been enjoying Impact a lot more than anything WWE programs lately, I hope TNA won't let me down (again).
I think some of you are forgetting the most important partnership of them all, the one that already exists... Panda Energy...

They are a billion dollar company and I was listening to an interview with Flair last week (I think it was a couple weeks old) and he said something about Bob Carter wanting to see TNA stand on its own two legs before investing major money into it... Flair almost seemed excited when he said some like When he does put the money in, look out brother...

I think there is a lot of truth to that... I mean, we all heard the rumors that Hogan and company signed contracts with Panda Energy and not TNA and the way I see it is... Bob wants his daugther to succeed to a certain extent before he sinks a lot of money into it...

I think a lot of people are way out of line thinking that TNA is going out of business... They have a massive amount of cash on the back burner and before they fall, I'd be willing to bet that Daddy Carter will dish out the cash to keep it floating and most likely is just waiting for the right time to put up the cash to help TNA blow up...

Now, the UFC thing would help a little but not much... Wrestling fans watch UFC WHEN brock fights, that's it... We like seeing our "fake" wrestler beat up their "real" fighters... Most MMA fans are not wrestling fans, that's why Brock has been hated so much by UFC fans... He was almost booed out of the building a few times...

The Burger King and 7 11 ideas are good in theory... But TNA is not PG... WWE just got a deal with Burger King, I think its an overseas deal or something and we've seen the WWE 7 11 ads... WWE got those because they are PG now... Most big time chains are worried about linking themselves to anything to risky... That's one of the upsides to WWE being PG... They appeal to bigger and better sponsors... The obvious downsides are the cheesy storylines and the firing of Danielson because of sponsor backlash...

I do think they should reach out somewhere and do more promotional stuff... It's just to find the right sponsors without comprimisng the product...

I think TNA is on the right track now... They just got a toy deal, that will help them out by kids seeing the toys in stores and maybe wanting to watch the product... Also, ratings have been on a slow but steady climb up and their house shows are getting nothing but good reviews and from what I hear, the attendence has been rising as well...

They need to just stay put in the Impact Zone unless they can find another permanent spot that may be a little bigger and better... But if they took Impact on the road and only drew 3,000 people per show it would hurt them image wise and obviously money wise...

TNA will be around for a very long time... They are just taking things slow... People think because they are drawing 1. somethings that they are not doing good... Lots of cable shows draw less than that and they are still around... As long as Spike is happy with the ratings, that's really all that matters...
I think they already tried the UFC/MMA thing when they brought in Lashley and Trigg so I don't see your idea helping them at all. TNA have done adverstising deals with major companies such as Stacker's. I think they need to do more of these. The roster is fine as it is, a blend of establish veterans and young wrestlers looking to prove themselves. I feel the problem lies in not promoting the company in the mainstream enough. If TNA is lucky, they may put out a commercial or two every year campaining products such as the one Kurt Angle did for Stacker's but that's it. If TNA want to grow financially they need to expand their fanbase with marketing, you don't need to go PG like WWE in order to do that too. All they need is to get their top faces such as Angle, Styles, Sting, and even Hogan to do commercials and t.v. shows. This can help them pull in more fans to watch their shows and PPVs imo.
Well 1st TNA need's to improve their product as much as possible (iMPACT & PPV's)

2. Cut 10-15 Wrestlers and spend that money on marketing the improved product
3. 8 highly hyped PPV's a year that live up to the hype (60,000+ PPV Buys Each)
4. Quarterly "PPV Like Specials" LIVE on Thursday Night's
5. Big Money Backer/Sponsor that would be able to give them $$ and exposure in the mainstream
Well 1st TNA need's to improve their product as much as possible (iMPACT & PPV's)
Improve it how?

2. Cut 10-15 Wrestlers and spend that money on marketing the improved product
The majority of the roster is paid-per-appearance. Cuts are unecessary.

3. 8 highly hyped PPV's a year that live up to the hype (60,000+ PPV Buys Each)
Why 8? Also the whole PPV buys thing isn't something you'd ever know about.

4. Quarterly "PPV Like Specials" LIVE on Thursday Night's
4 specials a year? Live on a Thursday? That's just weird. Why ditch out 4 PPV's in favours of elongated iMPACT episodes?

5. Big Money Backer/Sponsor that would be able to give them $$ and exposure in the mainstream
They're owned by Panda Energy. If they bring in someone else it completely alters the company.

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