Scary Orton-Cena-Hunter stat!

The Dungeon

Dr. Gregory House
Written on the website today.....

It's interesting to note that since the creation of the second WWE Title in September 2002, every Raw title pay-per-view match besides two has featured either Triple H, John Cena or Randy Orton. And in the two shows in which none of the three wrestlers were featured, Triple H was in the main event of both pay-per-views, which of course were pushed bigger than the title matches on those shows. Those two shows are Bad Blood 2004 (featuring Chris Benoit vs. Kane in a long forgotten match with Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels in a 47-minute Hell in the Cell bout as the main event) and Vengeance 2006 (featuring Rob Van Dam vs. Edge in an undercard match and the in-ring reunion of D-Generation X in the main event, who took on the entire Spirit Squad in a 5-on-2 Handicap Match).

That is quite scary....but it's not like we haven't had this same stat before. Difference is...4 guys instead of 3.

RR '98---Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker.
NWO '98---Austin, Owen, Funk & Cactus vs. HHH, Savio & The Outlaws
WM 14---Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels.
UF '98---Steve Austin vs. Dude Love.
OTE '98---Steve Austin vs. Dude Love.
KOTR '98---Steve Austin vs. Kane
FL '98---Steve Austin & Undertaker vs. Mankind & Kane.
SS '98---Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker.
BD '98---Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane
JD '98---Undertaker vs. Kane.
SS '98---Tournament.
RB '98---The Rock vs. Mankind.
The Undertaker vs. Steve Austin.
RR '99---The Rock vs. Mankind.
SVDM '99---Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon.
Mankind vs. The Rock.
WM 15---Steve Austin vs. The Rock.
BL '99---Steve Austin vs. The Rock.
OTE '99---Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker.
KOTR '99---Steve Austin vs. Vince & Shane McMahon.
The Rock vs. Undertaker.
FL '99---Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker.
SS '99---Steve Austin vs. Triple H vs. Mankind.
UF '99---Triple H vs. Kane vs. The Rock vs. Mankind vs. The British Bulldog vs. The Big Show.
NM '99---Steve Austin vs. Triple H
SS '99---Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Austin (later replaced by Big Show).
AG '99---Vince McMahon vs. Triple H
RR '00---Triple H vs. Cactus Jack.
NWO '00---Triple Hvs. Cactus Jack.
WM 16---Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. The Big Show.
BL '00---Triple H vs. The Rock.
JD '00---The Rock vs. Triple H
KOTR '00---The Rock, The Undertaker & Kane vs. Vince, Shane & Triple H.

FL '00---The Rock vs. Chris Benoit.
Triple Hs. Chris Jericho.
SS '00---The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle.
UF '00---The Rock vs. The Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Chris Benoit.
Triple H vs. Kurt Angle.
NM '00---The Rock vs. Kurt Angle.
Steve Austin vs. Rikishi.
Triple H vs. Chris Benoit.
SS '00---The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle.
Triple H vs. Steve Austin.
The Rock vs. Rikishi.
AG '00---Kurt Angle vs. Steve Austin vs. The Rock vs. The Undertaker vs. Triple H vs. Rikishi
RR '01---Kurt Angle vs. Triple H.
NWO '01---Kurt Angle vs. The Rock.
Steve AUstin vs. Triple H.

WM X7---Steve Austin vs. The Rock.
BL '01---The Undertaker & Kane vs. Steve Austin & Triple H.
JD '01---Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker.
Triple H
vs. Kane.
KOTR '01---Steve Austin vs Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho.
Invasion '01---Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho & Kane vs. Booker T, Rhyno, DDP & The Dudley Boys.
SS '01---Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle.
The Rock vs. Booker T.
UF '01---Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle.
The Rock vs. Booker T.
NM '01---Steve Austin vs. RVD vs. Kurt Angle.
The Rock vs. Chris Jericho.
SS '01---The Rock, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, The Big Show & Kane vs. Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, RVD, Booker T & Shane McMahon.
VG '01---Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle.
The Rock vs. Chris Jericho.
RR '02---Chris Jericho vs. The Rock.
NWO '02---Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin.
Triple H
vs. Kurt Angle.
WM X8---The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan.
Chris Jericho vs. Triple H.
Steve Austin
vs. Scott Hall.
BL '02---Triple H vs. Hulk Hogan.
JD '02---Hulk Hogan vs. The Undertaker.
KOTR '02---Triple H vs. The Undertaker.
VG '02---The Undertaker vs. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle.
SS '02---The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar.
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H.
UF' 02---Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker.
Triple H
vs. RVD.
NM '02---Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker.
Triple H
vs. Kane.

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. RVD vs. Kane vs. Booker T.

AG '02---Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels.
Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show.
RR '03---Triple H vs. Scott Steiner.
Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit.
NWO '03---Triple H vs. Scott Steiner.
Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock.
Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit & Edge vs. Kurt Angle & Team Angle.
WM 19---Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle.
Triple H vs. Booker T.
Steve Austin vs. The Rock.
Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon.
BL '03---The Rock vs. Goldberg.
Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena.
Triple H, Chris Jericho & Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash & Booker T.
JD '03---Brock Lesnar vs. The Big Show.
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash.
BB '03---Triple H vs. Kevin Nash.
Brock Lesnar vs. The Big Show.

VG '03---Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show. FIRST SHOW TO NOT FEATURE ANY OF THE SAME 4 NAMES SINCE DECEMBER 1997

You can arrange these stats any way you want...add subtract....basically...what I'm trying to say is...sometimes it's good...sometimes it's downright not good at all!

Sometimes it depends on who the guys are!
The thing is, those are the biggest names in the company, so it makes more financial sense to put your big names as high in the card as you can to attract as many fans in as possible. I mean, Snitsky vs Khali as a main event is nowhere near as appealing as HHH vs Cena (poor a quality as it may be). Who would buy that PPV with midcarders as the main event?

Ok, the same names clogging the main event for so long isn't good, as some other names deserve a chance, but odds are they'll be in the main event with one of these 3 guys to build them up as main event mainstays, and it needs to be done soon
But lets also keep in mind, that around mid 2001, PPV buys started going down dramatically....

And lets not forget about the one guy who's on both lists....Hunter!
I agree. The WWE needs to build new main eventers and fast.

Mr. Kennedy, CM Punk and John Morrison all need a big push to the main event level and I hope at least 2 out of 3 of them win a World Championship within 12 months.
Good god. It´s time for new main eventers on the WWE... Not going to happen soon tough.
I think this goes to show you that the WWE is not very good at building up new stars. All those guys were around during the Attitude/Monday Night War era, and during that time it was a lot easier to make stars because wrestling was huge.
I think this goes to show you that the WWE is not very good at building up new stars. All those guys were around during the Attitude/Monday Night War era, and during that time it was a lot easier to make stars because wrestling was huge.

Ok partly agree, WWE has not been able to build many new stars over the last few years. But if you watch the product, you'll see that they have tried.

1. Carlito: a failed push. The extent of his push was being put in the elimination chamber match NYR 2006. Being in the match, made him a future candidate for the title. The WWE turned him face a lil while after this PPV, and Carlito didn't like it.

2. Chris Masters: Everyone knows his story. He feuded with HBK 5 MONTHS!!!! after debuting. If thats not an indication of moving the future main event matches, then I don't know what is. He also was in the chamber match w/ Carlito. But, he F***ED it all up by using roids or HGH.

3. Brock Lesnar: 3x champ. Left to go play football, and never came back.

4. Mr. Kennedy: He's on his way!!! Just give him a lil more time and he'll be at the top. Remember people, he's only been in WWE for 3 years. It took The Rock and Triple H a few years to reach the top as well

5. William Regal; Obviously getting a push, but THE WELLNESS POLICY AGAIN F***ED HIM UP!!!

6. Batista: I think he's done ok for himself. In my opinion he isn't the best World Champion for his lack of mic skills, but I can tell he's trying.

I could have listed more superstars, but I think 6 is a good #.
Comments or questions?
Just because wrestlers you think should be in the main event aren't that doesn't mean you don't get to watch them on the under-card. Sure it sucks when a really good wrestler doesn't get the glory you think he deserves but ultimately they still wrestle and you still get to enjoy their matches.

Y2J for wwe champ :)
1. Carlito: a failed push. The extent of his push was being put in the elimination chamber match NYR 2006. Being in the match, made him a future candidate for the title. The WWE turned him face a lil while after this PPV, and Carlito didn't like it.

Carlito's push failed, because Vince did nothing with no...they didn't try!!!! Who did he beat??? He friggin needed Torrie's help to beat Chris Masters.

2. Chris Masters: Everyone knows his story. He feuded with HBK 5 MONTHS!!!! after debuting. If thats not an indication of moving the future main event matches, then I don't know what is. He also was in the chamber match w/ Carlito. But, he F***ED it all up by using roids or HGH.

Casual fans can barely remember that HBK/Masters ever feuded (I actually talked to a few friends about today), when I mentioned Unforgiven '05, that "Oh yeah", was the same response I got.

Speaking for myself, I never bought Masters, and judging by his reactions, and the fact that his departure practically meant nothing and didn't hurt anything...he was just another guy Vince pushed, that nobody cared about!

3. Brock Lesnar: 3x champ. Left to go play football, and never came back.

You're right...but the subject of the stat was, Raw main events, and Lesnar was on Smackdown!

4. Mr. Kennedy: He's on his way!!! Just give him a lil more time and he'll be at the top. Remember people, he's only been in WWE for 3 years. It took The Rock and Triple H a few years to reach the top as well

He's been on his way for over 2 years's either soon...or never for him. Partially his well as the one case, a Doctor's fault...depending on the situation.

5. William Regal; Obviously getting a push, but THE WELLNESS POLICY AGAIN F***ED HIM UP!!!

Can't argue that one...I've waited years for a Regal push! So he's one guy!

6. Batista: I think he's done ok for himself. In my opinion he isn't the best World Champion for his lack of mic skills, but I can tell he's trying.

Again...talking Raw here. Batista is the main event guy on Smackdown, along with 'Taker & Edge.

The only reason I put the list of the 4 guys from '98-03, was as a template to show that the WWF was no stranger to doing that sort of thing.
Sometimes the affect is better than other times!
I'm well aware of what brand each superstar is on sir.
My post was in response to someone saying WWE "isn't" pushing new stars.

The fact is, Batista was pushed as a main-event star on "RAW". He became World Champ FOR RAW. But of course, he got drafted to SD!

And Vince was doing plenty with Carlito, but word backstage was that Carlito was not interested in becoming a top babyface in the company.

On a final note, don't bash Kennedy. I already explained, that not all title pushed come right away. Be a little patient. If Kennedy's push is not done properly, we could end up with another crappy baby-face champ (i.e. Orton and Cena )
On a final note, don't bash Kennedy. I already explained, that not all title pushed come right away. Be a little patient. If Kennedy's push is not done properly, we could end up with another crappy baby-face champ (i.e. Orton and Cena )

The guy did get suspended that is his fault...and nobody elses!

But as for the other circumstances...yeah, they were beyond his control! I LIKE Kennedy!

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