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If You Had To Make One Big Card Superstar Who Would You Get Rid Of

I Know My Answer John Cena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm... Hulk Hogan or John Cena. Hulk Hogan because he's old and can't wrestle anymore, and John Cena because he just can't wrestle.

Flames Out
Yeah Hulk Hogna Is Great And All But Needs To Leave
I Dont Know Why U R Sayin Edge Should Leave Edge Is Great And Has A Lot Of Talent
Yeah Hulk Hogan I Would Never Want Flair To Leave Flair Is Awesome For All The People That Think He Is Washed Up Watch His Summerslam Match With Foley And Tell Me He Sucks Ric Flair Is Great And Old
Hulk Hogans name should not be included here, as he only wrestlers once to twice a year, He is not a year round talent. I would have to go with Ric Flair.

When you have done it all and been around so long you should know when your time has come, Now he can still go alot better then say Hogan or some of the other Veterans, But that guy will die in the ring if he does not watch himself, The time has come for him to live out the rest of his life happily, Now he can still do a Hogan and wrestle once or Twice a year but he cant go on much longer as a full time wrestler, He has way to many injuries and it is just getting sad to watch him in the ring.

So thats my opinion of who needs to be brought down.
Flair produced one great match for his age at Summerslam
Well If you guys consider Cena to be big time.. To me he is Euro title status but for WWE he is big cuz they dont have any decent guys but flair, hbk ect...

Cena and Booker T Welll Batista too he is a joke!
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