SAW: Better Off As A TV Series?


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
So today was the official release date for Saw VI here in the states, and the fact the series is still going brought this question to mind: Is the movie series killing the "fun" of it? Would it be better as a TV series on a channel like HBO or Cinemax?

I think it has to be "yes". I enjoy the movies. Although the quality has gone downhill since the 1st one, they're still entertaining. If they decided to make episodes instead of movies, you can stretch 3 hours of movie material into 8, maybe 9, weeks of television shows. you can go more in depth with the characters, you can get a bigger story, and you can have more gruesome games.

Another idea, is just to have each season be it's own game. Start each season with character depth, and let it build from there. I'm not saying this is the only way for it to be a success. As long as it's making money on the big screen, then good for them. I just think it'd be more entertaining as a TV show.
I'm not sure on this one. Part of what makes it work is the time of year it's in. It's around Halloween, the scary things are starting to pop up, and the whole atmosphere is there. That's such a huge part of a good scary movie. You don't watch Halloween in the middle of a bright sunny day. You watch it at night int he dark for the atmosphere. Having it as a series would take away a lot of the fun of it for me. Also, having only one a year keeps it from getting stale. Instead you have a year of waiting for it, making it a lot better.
Not sure what you mean here by "better off as a TV series". Better off for who? Certainly not the people making these films or Lions Gate, because Saw rakes in millions and millions of dollars, it's easily the most successful film franchise of this past decade, you wouldn't believe the amount of money these things pull in.

As for creatively...again, not seeing how this would help. They already rush these things into theaters anyways (to make and release a film in less than a year is ridiculous), having it be a television series would only rush it even sooner. I don't see how it would particularly help the series in any way.

Really the series isn't as bad as some have said it is. The only film in the franchise that's really unacceptably bad is probably Part 5 (though I thought Part 4 was mediocre at best as well), and I've heard very good things about the new film from some of my fellow horror fans, so I'm not really sure what you're getting at here NSL.
I really wanted to see it yesterday, but I have two friends of mine that are away on a trip, and we were going to all go see it once they get back next week. So I am trying my best to stay off any spoiler sites.

But I was actually just thinking about this franchise being a TV series the other day as I was rewatching the others. Great minds think alike.

I could definitely see them pulling this off as a weekly series, because it actually comes across as a crime drama series when watching it. It's simply longer than what you would see on TV.

But this is one of my favorite series. The movies in the franchise are all of consistent quality, although I know people will disagree with me. But I would fight back on that assertion if challenged. Just a very compelling series that does a magnificent job of keeping viewer interest.

I think the producers making it somewhat of a Halloween tradition and being disciplined enough each year to ensure they actually produce one a year and have it ready in time ... was brilliant. It has become a tradition with people now.
i can see SAW as a really good TV show, but i think it would make me less of a fan of the series. i love being able to watch all the movies whenever i want to. they are some of my favorite movies and i think they would just be a little worse on TV. they probably wouldn't have as much gore, or swearing. it just wouldn't be the same SAW that i'm used to. so i have to say that i think SAW is a better movie franchise.

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