Saturday Night's Main Event Cancelled

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Mike Johnson is reporting that the planned 3/10 Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC has been canceled. The special was slated to be taped during the 3/5 Raw tapings in Phoenix, AZ.

Not really a big deal. It's a show that's sole purpose is to promote a P.P.V. that will draw anyway. The last two have been utter shite anyhow.
Damn, I was looking forward to this. I always enjoy it when WWE trys to do something retro.

So is it definately, definately cancelled or is it just being moved to a different date?

Real Reason Why The March SNME Was Cancelled
02/22/2007 by Ryan Clark

As noted earlier, the scheduled WWE Saturday Night's Main Event special that would have been taped on 3.05.07 in Phoenix, Arizona for a 3.10.07 NBC broadcast has been canceled. WWE will now tape RAW on 3.05 in Phoenix. According to industry sources, NBC considered moving the special from primetime to a late night Saturday timeslot due to low ratings for last year's primetime SNME specials, but then backed out due to fear that they would lose ad revenue generated by Saturday Night Live.

Another reason for the cancellation is that NBC requested WWE postpone the SNME special until this June due to the potential Writer's Guild strike looming in Hollywood. Networks are afraid that a strike will happen and they are attempting to lock in programming that wouldn't require members of the Guild. Vince McMahon wasn't happy about this as he viewed SNME as a vital part of the WrestleMania 23 build; but has agreed to moving the special to June.

That's a shame, I always enjoyed the SNME on the road to Wrestlemania. Ah well, have to wait til' June when it will be absolutely pointless. Unless of course they decide to maybe actually have a quality match on TV.
Pesonally I think they should try to push it back to August, so it can be right before SummerSlam. I think that would be better than having it before a one brand PPV. I wish they would've just had it when planned, but that stupid strike is getting in the way of it. Whatever, NBC sucks!
Pesonally I think they should try to push it back to August, so it can be right before SummerSlam. I think that would be better than having it before a one brand PPV. I wish they would've just had it when planned, but that stupid strike is getting in the way of it. Whatever, NBC sucks!

For some reason I find the build up to Summerslam is always great.

Remember two years ago the hype to HBK vs. Hulk? OH MAN, I don't think a match has been well built up like that in a long time.
I do like to see the brands combined once in a while but I don't think it was that special so I don't think it would be worthwhile having anyway, and it is out of place if it is before Wrestlemania, but it does help out PPV's and feuds but like others have said, the last two weren't that good.

I enjoy these types of one off shows and so I think it is a little bit of a shame that we won't see it again but I guess NBC and the WWE have their reasons, but it would work well before the Royal Rumble or Summerslam or a big PPV, or even in a gap between the PPV's, or if they need to use some show vs show feuds, which would be good.

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