saturaday Nights Main Event Hulk Hogan returns


Dark Match Jobber
at snme hulk hogan returns with his daughter brook but i think orton is going to do something and will lead to summerslam.
what do you think will happen when Hogan and brook return at Saturaday nights Main event?
I actually guarantee you that Orton is going to interfere and start a feud here. Hogan want's to push his daughters CD, so he decided to do a program with Orton. From what i've heard Hogan is do all the creative work in think storyline, and that might be a bad move by the WWE. If they wanna keep Orton as the Legend Killer they gotta make Hogan loose, whitch is very unlikely.
Orton even said on this Monday's RAW that he would be "meeting" Brooke, which i'm pretty sure he will try to meet while Hulk & Brooke make their apperances. This will lead to their match at SummerSlam
Bad news for Mr Orton is that he was the unlucky one to have to actually go into the ring with hulk hogan, If hogan wouldnt lose to michaels There is no way in hell orton is going over R.I.P Legend Killer
I'm not in the slightest bit intrested in Hogan vs. Orton. The match should only happen if Orton wins so he can ad another name to his Legend Killer list.

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