Sarah Palin Is A Great Cult Leader


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As you've probably heard, last week Palin was on a media tour because people stopped paying attention to her for a week and her media ****e lifestyle was hurting. She stopped in Boston and basically told the story of Paul Revere completely wrong. Instead of you know, saying you were tired and misspoke or something, she's just kind of ignoring it which is acceptable I guess.

Her fans however, continue to follow their overly dense leader.

Cult Leader? You're only 1 letter away from getting it right. How anyone can follow someone who fucks up on such a consistent basis is beyond me.

Now seems like as good a time as any to bring back my sig

In an interview on FOX News, the following was said (paraphrased).

Interviewer: "You know you messed up about Paul Revere the other day."

Palin: "You know I didn't mess that up. It was a shout out/gotcha question. I know my American history."

Is Palin an internet poster or something now? It's ok to say you just slipped up. People wonder why she comes off as a clueless putz. This is a great example.
I dislike Sarah Palin as much as the next person, but I was listening to NPR yesterday and they had a fact-checker on their program, the head of some History department at a University, and they said while she was being a bit loose with the history, everything she said did happen. If I recall, Palin was getting shit on for saying that Paul Revere went around warning the British, when it was the Americans that he warned. She did follow-up on what she said, and mentioned that Revere also was telling the British as a warning that the Americans wouldn't let the British take their arms.

Frankly I'm not sure if she messed this up or not, but she's screwed up so many other things what's +1 or -1 to her credit at this point.

In an interview on FOX News, the following was said (paraphrased).

Interviewer: "You know you messed up about Paul Revere the other day."

Palin: "You know I didn't mess that up. It was a shout out/gotcha question. I know my American history."

Yeah, this was with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. She had a few days to actually figure out she wasn't totally wrong. When she said it, I have no doubt she had no clue what she was talking about.

If you watch that interview with Wallace on Sunday, you can notice Palin looking to her left, very slightly, each time a difficult, specific question is asked. This isn't uncommon, but does this woman have a single original idea? When does she say anything worth listening to??

Seriously, GOP -- stick with Bachmann. Yes, she is also a mean, bitter person, but she isn't a complete moron. Why invest all of this time in Sarah Palin? She isn't smart enough to hold a major office outside of Alaska, and people know this is true. Hell, even her supporters understand this, even if they're unwilling to admit it to someone who dislikes her.

I don't dislike Palin due to her political beliefs. I dislike this woman because she's attempting to be something she isn't. The media is definitely unfair to her now, but that is of her own doing. She acted like a complete bitch in 2008, and didn't know how to take criticism. When you constantly attack the media, which she did, they're going to attack you. Yeah, and it probably doesn't help that she's a conservative. There's definitely a liberal bias, but she's a special case. There was no "gotcha" question. Any 10 year old with an operating brain could have answered that question. It's basic American history, stuff we all learn in, what, the 4th grade??
:whatthe: I don't know if Bachmann is any better.

She's definitely a more intelligent woman, no question. Also, she is nowhere near as thin-skinned as it relates to the media. Bachmann will take interviews from anyone, anywhere. Palin won't even give the "mainstream" media a schedule of her freakin' bus tour.

Not only is Palin an idiot, she's terribly aggressive with her stupidity. What a garbage combination.
Bachmann is definitely smarter which is a scary thing. She's just as out there but at the very least she doesn't talk like a 15 year old.
I really can't see how Obama is going to lose the election in 2012. He has far too much charisma for any potential Republican candidate. For fuck's sake I still see my friends going on about drumming up support for Ron Paul. I love Ron Paul, but no way am I throwing my vote away on an 80 year old man. Just not going to happen.
Yeah barring him developing a goat fetish or something between now and then, he's going to be a lock for all intents and purposes. The economy is very slowly turning around, but at the very least it's stabalized. 54,000 new jobs last month isn't a lot but it's better than losing 54,000.
I don't think Palin or Bachmann would have any shot whatsoever, but I don't think anyone believes they will be the nominee. Most people, including myself, seem to think it will be Romney vs Obama, and I think Romney is a dangerous candidate for Obama to go against.
I don't endorse anybody yet. I do, however, fear Sarah Palin getting the nomination. Not for her politics, but because every teenage boy will be locked in their room "watching" the State of the Union, and going to school acting like they know what they're talking about.
The GOP candidate, whoever that ends up being, is going to have a bitch of a time getting through the primary. The GOP base is so insane right now, I doubt they go with the most electable candidate. But, if someone like Romney ends up getting through, you can bet your last dollar those people will vote for Romney. Anything is better than the socialist black man.
The whole Ryan budget plan is a big thing also. Nearly any senior is going to go against whoever supports that and most big name republicans have. Romney is the only one I could see having a puncher's chance, but I think it'll go against him, or he won't get the nomination, not with him having name "Obamacare" before Obama did it.
I still don't get how Paul Ryan isn't in the discussion. Unless they don't want to throw up the next potential Republican Golden Boy against the Democrat's.

And if Palin doesn't win, I don't see how she can remain in the news. If she loses, I don't see how she can stay in the news.

But honestly...what I can't seem to figure out is how the Republican's just took a nose dive AFTER Bush got out of office. I mean...Jesus they're bat shit crazy now.

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