Santino & Tamina: Where Is This Going?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Tonight on Raw Tamina decided to sing for Santino. She kissed him after she was done singing, and she made sure to tell him to call her. We've seen Santino have Maria and Beth Phoenix as love interests in the past, and their relationships were always comical. Things will be the same if Santino and Tamina decide to officially become a couple.

When The Usos were somewhat relevant, Tamina looked like she might be going somewhere in the women's division, but she's been flirting with Santino for quite some time now, and things continue to heat up. If WWE does decide to go the distance with this, then Tamina will surely get more spotlight, because Santino is being featured on Raw a lot more now. She won't get near the Divas title because Lay-Cool is still around, and Beth Phoenix has returned, so there really isn't any room for her in the Divas Championship picture.

Do you want to see Santino and Tamina become a couple? Would you care?
I just think it's something for her to do while she's not part of the Diva's division. You're right about Beth Phoenix, Laycool, etc. I think the WWE is realizing that they need to continue to give these diva's face time while they're not in the ring very often. No one watches NXT on so they need face time another way. I think that's why the Bella's came out with Daniel Bryan tonight as well. As far as ring time, only a handful of diva's get any, so any way to get the on the screen they can I guess they'll do. Haven't you noticed more arm candy nowadays? Maryse has been with Dibiase for awhile now. This Bella thing could be ongoing. And I think Tamina will be find a decent niche with Santino since the tag division is pretty bad right now. And that's not aided very much by the fact that the Uso's just aren't over. Santino can get some of the lesser used talent over very well. Look at Kozlov... I'm not saying this is gonna help the Uso's very well, but he can help her. Though I have to admit I haven't seen enough of her in ring work to say if she has the ability to run with it or not :shrug:
I think it's good for both of them to get some air time. I'm assuming Beth Phoenix is still on Smackdown since she wasn't on RAW tonight. If she was still RAW I would have loved to see Beth trying to win back over Santino which would cause an interesting feud between Beth Phoenix and Tamina. Watching them fight over Santino would give all three of them decent air time. Just an intriguing thought though. I know it won't happen since I feel as if there will be an on going feud between Laycool and Natalya/Beth Phoenix.

Anyway, on another note, maybe this could help get the USO's some more air time. I think they do decent promos, and I think it would be funny to watch them being heel against Santino, basically bullying Santino as typical brothers being protective of their sister. This could lead to a tag match between Santino/Kozlov vs The USO's for the opportunity for Santino to "date" Tamina. Just something to give all parties a decent small angle.
Hopefully this will go right out the window and be forgotten. I feel like this has been done before with Beth Phoenix.

In the end though, perhaps the saving grace is it keeps tamina around and not forgotten which the Usos have pretty much become. It also lets her separate herself from them so once they get future endeavored she won't have to be lumped in with them and let go too.
I do not want to see them become a couple because then we would be in for more pointless segments like that one. That kind of trash was all over raw a year ago and it had become such a better show lately. Santino is hilarious as he is, he doesn't need a boring diva along for the ride. I don't care for Tamina whatsoever. So what if she's related to Snuka? She's not Snuka. She sucks. I would be disappointed if Raw went in that direction. Just future endeavour along with those useless Usos she managed, while Santino and Kozlov can keep going where they had been with their comedy act. Raw would be better off without another terrible segment between these two.
I can see this as being a remake of The Dudleys and Hollys feud when Spike Dudley and Molly Holly were an 'item'. This should lead to The Usos being used more and hopefully some credibility being bought back to the lackluster Tag Team Division.
I can see this as being a remake of The Dudleys and Hollys feud when Spike Dudley and Molly Holly were an 'item'. This should lead to The Usos being used more and hopefully some credibility being bought back to the lackluster Tag Team Division.

I like how you remember this idea.! Also the whole Dean Malenko and Lita love storyline as well. Sometimes poor Dean was on the other hand. To me I wish it would slowly build into a feud like one of these two thats been mention. Because we've already had the whole Beth and Santino love story and we need to move on here. I don't mind giving them air time as long as it leads into something. Like what has been mention already the Uso pick on Santino which leads to beat down and kind of made fun. Leavin Kozlov away or some how not their to make the save until the damage as already been done. Of course let Uso get a handicap or some cheap wins over them leading into a Number Condership for the Tag Titles which Santino and Kozlov can win or draw.

The only thing I want to see out of this feud is the Uso finally getting over as heel considering the Hart Dynasty is no longer together.

If Kozlov and Santion get a title shot which the Uso should screw them over leading to a Triple THreat. I'm not a fan of giving the Uso the titles just yet but its better then letting the Nexus wearing them.

That's just my opinion.!!
I don't mind it, it gives Tamina (and vicariously the Usos) something to do. I would really like to see them utilize Tamina more as a wrestler though. She and Natalya could have some solid matches.
You mean you haven't realised this is one of the longest running storylines the WWE has had? Santino is the WWE's resident playboy, getting more tail than anyone before him (kayfabe wise anyway). He's dated Maria Kannellis, Beth Phoenix and now Tamina. If nothing else, he's a pimp. :lmao:
Santino is comedy jobber for life, and divas have become eye-candy nothing more nothing less. So your question is kindof 0 + 0 =. Well theres your answer I guess. There is no reason, given the way that women and santino have been used in recent memory, to say this is anything other than a devise to engage a tiny weeny bit more attention out of the audience in a direction other than seriousness and other run-of-the-mill frivolities. Its just something to look and and you say "awwww thats sweet, santino has a girlfriend!".....NOW WHENS RANDY ORTON GONNA KICK BARRETT TEETH THROUGH HIS NECK!!!!!!

Thats what I think anyway.

OK this is a little off topic but....forget a healthy mind and body, and the right to brag...CM punk's dating list is a reason enough to turn straight edge.
I smell a Spike Dudley and Molly Holly like relationship here. I think this will eventually lead to the Usos vs. Santino for the hand of Tamina. I don't see this as a bad thing, only except for the part where Santino gets Tamina and then everything just sizzles out.
I don't care for it, honestly. It takes away from other, more important things, such as, wrestling? Take for example the match between Daniel Bryan and Ted DiBiase. While I don't mind Bryan getting the win, there's no way he should be rolling through DiBiase like he did in all of two minutes. The reason why? Because they devoted 3 minutes that could have been given to a match to a pointless backstage segment like this. It's not going anywhere, they've been flirting off and on for months. So why bother wasting our time with it? Tamina isn't relevant as a Diva, she can't wrestle, and she manages a team that barely makes it onto TV. So why should she be given TV time for a terrible love segment? I can't believe Im saying this, but even Santino is above this crap.
I don't care for it, honestly. It takes away from other, more important things, such as, wrestling? Take for example the match between Daniel Bryan and Ted DiBiase. While I don't mind Bryan getting the win, there's no way he should be rolling through DiBiase like he did in all of two minutes. The reason why? Because they devoted 3 minutes that could have been given to a match to a pointless backstage segment like this. It's not going anywhere, they've been flirting off and on for months. So why bother wasting our time with it? Tamina isn't relevant as a Diva, she can't wrestle, and she manages a team that barely makes it onto TV. So why should she be given TV time for a terrible love segment? I can't believe Im saying this, but even Santino is above this crap.

Not sure if you've gotten this by now but RAW is mostly entertainment and Smackdown is mostly wrestling. I'm sure that is not the only thing that supposedly takes away from wrestling. You need a little comedy every week and that's what Santino provides and he is one of the most interesting characters on the show. These two or three minute comedy segments aren't hurting anybody and it's just another thing for people to nitpick about.
i agree with jack--sos this does seem like the dudleys hollys feud. i personally would like to see them as a couple only so santino has more thinqs to be funny about. i think it will make tamina relevent and could lead to some hilarious promos.
OK this is a little off topic but....forget a healthy mind and body, and the right to brag...CM punk's dating list is a reason enough to turn straight edge.

Hell yeah it is!!!

Seriously though, I think its good for both Santino and Tamina as it gives them both a bit more TV time and something to do without taking up too much Raw time, and it will probably lead to a few fun promos/backstage scenes, as Santino is always good for a laugh.

I am fine with it
i don't really care about them, i think they should be removed from the program and fast, because it's wasted time. I really don't want to see a santino phoenix II( santino and tamina).
I'm completely indifferent. These segments don't take anything away from the show for me. And besides, it's not like we'll see Tamina in the title picture anytime soon anyway so this gives her something to do without losing relevance. Some posters already have suggested this leading to a deep feud between Santino/Kozlov and the Usos which I wouldn't mind. In the grand scheme of things, I don't think it really matters.

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