Santino Marella Suffers Car Accident


Lord And Master
Staff member
Administrator has posted an article noting that Santino Marella was involved in a car accident last night, and will miss Raw this Monday as a result of suffering a separated shoulder. The following is an excerpt from the article:

"I had just left home and was going to get my hair cut before I began packing for WWE's trip to Puerto Rico," explained Marella. "[My barber] wasn't around, so I just decided to go home."

He was then hit by another vehicle. The driver of the other vehicle remained at the scene of the collision until police arrived, and no foul play is suspected.

"My car flipped sideways and the trunk hit a light pole, it completely crushed in," Marella said. "The airbags deployed, and all I could smell was gunpowder."

Marella's car came to rest near a light pole, and sustained significant damage.

"There was broken glass everywhere, and I tried to open the passenger door, but it was stuck," Marella said. “Luckily, there was still power in the car. I opened the sunroof and crawled out." You can read more by clicking on the above link.

Sounds like a nasty stroke of luck for the "Italian". I'm glad the injuries are not too severe. If I'm not mistaken, this is the 5th accident involving a wrestler this year. Angle, Helms, Matt, Randy Savage and now Santino. Out of all of those only two were more "natural". Santino and Macho Man's.


With the damage given, I'm glad he walked out with just a bad shoulder rather than something worse.
Quite sad for it to happen to anyone. Glad to hear he's alright though. I thought at first it could have been a work, but upon reading it and seeing the photos it clearly isn't. Hope Santino makes it back onto our screens for Raw or Superstars soon enough.
Crazy news, even if he isn't a main event preformer people still like the guy. Shit, anyone in a car accident famous or not is just a sad thing to hear and to read about. Specially looking at the pictures of this accident. He got hit by a fucking truck!!! Its a good damn thing his SUV had airbags in it. Hopefully he wore his seat belt. The wreck is nasty to look at. We don't need to lose Santino for this guy is crazy funny an talented. I remeber him debuting to this day. I hope he gets better and his shoulder injury isn't that serious. Nasty injury to take. Get better Santino!!:)
That's too bad for Santino but I'm glad his injuries don't seem too severe.

Like a lot of people on the forums, I sometimes give Santino a lot of crap but that's not to say that I don't find him entertaining at times. Truth is, I respect the hell out of the guy because he's a real pro. He does what's asked of him, doesn't piss and moan about it and does the best he possibly can with what he's given.
Read about it when they said there were pictures. Glad to hear he isn't too horribly injured, just a separated shoulder according to reports. Whether he is a jobber, comedic relief, or whatever, you never want to hear reports of an accident with anyone.

As an entertainer, the guy is awesome. He can get a response from the crowd better than some midcard guys. He knows his role is to be a comedic guy, making the crowd laugh, and even getting them excited. Hell, at MITB he and Kozlov got the crowd into it in the dark match. I know, I was there. Ultimate pro, and I'm glad to hear the injuries weren't more severe.
Great person and wonderful entertainer. I Wish him a speedy recovery. The Cobra is one of the silliest finishers ever. I use it on my kids all the time. Get well soon
Hope all turns out well for Santino. It's sad to see him injured, and sad to see that there is no possibility of seeing him next Monday. The guys is one hell of an interesting character, and I truly hope everything turns out well. Good news is he'll be back.
Well i got a way for him to come back now :) he could do a spoof of the vignettes Orton did when he was just getting rolling in WWE and seperated his shoulder.
R.O.N or whatever it was called, coming out each week and doing a newsflash on his recovery which in tern lead to him going heel
I hope he's ok and the WWE don't future endeavor him while he's out of action. I actually want the WWE to return him as a heel and get us Santino circa 2007. That's the Santino we all loved. I hope he returns soon and gets repushed. I really think the WWE dropped the ball with his very entertaining character. And the guy is so talented it's a shame he doesn't get to show it much. Hope he recovers soon.
I'm glad to hear that the injuries weren't too severe, especially given what could have happened in that kind of an accident. Santino's one of my faves, so I hope he's back a position of some comedy prominence. Really, he's the best comic wrestler they've got right now, so I hope they bring him back, even in a non-wrestling position while he heals.

From his statement, he seems to be taking it well, which is something I'd kind of expect from him. Often, those great at making others laugh are also great at making themselves laugh, and thus better able to handle harsh realities like this one.
Never cool to hear about things like this. Santino is always good for a laugh and I hope he makes a speedy recovery and doesn't get completely lost in the shuffle. The brand split hiatus is sure to give him some more time on tv putting guys over, so, I hope to see him jobbing as only Santino can very soon.
Glad to hear Santino's doing alright and that the injuries weren't too severe. Although I'm not a huge fan of his, I do appreciate and respect the fact that he's one of the most over guys on the roster. His absence won't likely have a major impact on screen but hopefully he comes back soon. Even if he is injured and can't compete in the ring, he can still contribute by still doing backstage comedy skits.
This is one of those incidents that makes you count your blessings. Thank God Santino wadn't hurt too badly. Hope to see him back soon but not too soon. e don't want this to become a big mess that involves him losing years onto his carreer because he came back too soon.
... he could do a spoof of the vignettes Orton did when he was just getting rolling in WWE and seperated his shoulder.

Yes, I suppose he could. Santino's sole function is to be the clown prince of WWE, so they might as well fashion a vignette around the accident. I can see it in the same light as Edge posing as Ric Flair in that road rage incident with another person.

There doesn't seem to be much call for Santino's services these days. Hopefully, the separated shoulder won't affect his trombone playing.
He isn't one of my favourites but I wish him a speedy recovery, at times funny & solid enough in the ring... sure his finisher is super whack but ya know!

Get well soon Italian Stallion
It is terrible that this happened, but it is a miracle that he was not hurt worse. I am glad that Santino is alright. Hopefully he will still be able to at least do a backstage promo or skit because he is far better for that than his actual matches anyway. If not they could always do a Ryder skit backstage or something instead of whatever Santino was supposed to be doing this week. I wish him a speedy recovery and hope everything gets taken care of.
I love Santino. I think that he's the most underrated talent (by the IWC) on the roster. A comedy guy is like a lineman. No he doesn't get the glory of the quarterback, but he's just as important to the "team".

I hope he got out of the car all pissed off and hit the cobra on the truck that hit him. Get well soon Santino.
Well it's good to hear that he came out safe and not too badly injured. But it's still bad and the photo looks pretty nasty. I'm not the biggest fan of his but I'll admit that on occasions he entertains me, but I still respect him especially for not asking for his release. I mean he's pretty talented but he becomes the comedy jobber. Anyway I hope he comes back onto our screen in the near future.
I saw the photo before I read that he walked away from it with only minor injuries. I must say, I thought he was gonna be a lot more injured than he was, so I was happy to hear that he was okay. Never great to hear about things like this, no matter what I feel for the character, the guy himself is still probably a decent person. Again, happy to hear he'll be alright.

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