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Santino Killed Beth Phoenix


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
We don't care about the Diva's too much, but hell I think Beth Phoenix is pretty solid. She reminds me of Chyna in many obvious ways. She should've been working with a main event or upper mid card heel, instead of that lame jackass Santino (who is in no way funny or entertaining to me. He had his 15 minutes with the honk-o-meter, that's it). Since she was paired up with him, I didn't take her seriously anymore, and she slowly faded away and turned into a push over.

Why did they pair up the Glamazon with a clown like Santino? She should've been with an Orton, or a Batista, or an Edge! She could've dominated and sort of created a small resurgence in the women's division. Just think, wouldn't a group like Legacy be interesting with a dominant heel woman as a stable member?

Why did they push her so much and then dump Santino the asshole on her? Santino is a comedy jobber, Beth is a true dominant heel diva. The Santina angle buried her even more. Now she is coming down the aisle to Maryse's music, with Maryse scolding her after a match. What a waste of great opportunity.
Beth Phoenix has no personality, and is incredibly bland. She's not a good enough worker to overcome being bland, and when your position on the card is solely dependent upon the fact that you're only on the card to appeal to a certain niche of fans, then you better be entertaining or a damn good worker, and Phoenix is neither.

Putting her with Santino was the best chance she had of making a mark. But, she failed. She was completely outdone by Santino, and so now she's pushed to the back, to either learn how to be more entertaining, or to be fired.

Either way, the reason Phoenix is in the place she is can only be blamed upon Phoenix.
Actually, being with Santino made her somewhat interesting for 6 months or so, after being pushed as the unstoppable force of the womens division for 2 years and nobody caring she finally started getting a reaction, albeit because of Santino.

I don't get all the love for Beth, she's so sloppy in the ring and is just boring to watch, and for someone considered the best female worker in the company I honestly can't think of an exciting match she's ever had, I for one am glad that she's finally taking a back seat to the likes of Mickie and Maryse.
Its really a shame, cause Beth is very talented and has tons of potential, but by GOD is she boring. There is nothing about her that makes me want to sit back and watch. She cant speak. She has no charisma. No personality.

Give me Mikki James, who not only can wrestle, but actually HAS a personality.
Its really a shame, cause Beth is very talented and has tons of potential, but by GOD is she boring. There is nothing about her that makes me want to sit back and watch. She cant speak. She has no charisma. No personality.

The Glamazon was strong and had a refreshing move set for a diva, but she wasn't great by any means, as she had a tendency to be sloppy, and I'm pretty sure she was the one who injured Candice. And she definitely wasn't devoid of charisma. When Santina started out and Beth was the face and Santino was the heel, she showed a lot of personality. Beth may not always show it, but she can work the mic in addition to doing some above par ring work.

Maryse is a very good wrestler/entertainer, and has kept things very interesting in the women's division on RAW. And there are plenty of other good divas on the roster who can wrestle and have personality, with Maryse leading the pack. McCool isn't bad, and has done pretty well for herself as a heel, and Eve is also promising. The Bellas also look pretty good from time to time, and supposedly Rosa Mendez isn't bad either, though I am yet to be impressed.
Allow me to be the first to say, DUH.

Santino kills everything he touches for one reason: he's horrible as a wrestling character. A good entertainer, but not as a wrestling character. While the women's division was awful, Beth was the most dominant thing in it. She had her old level of dominance back and looked like the best women's wrestler on the roster. So what else can we do with her? We can put her in a comedy angle of course. That's where things went downhill. She lost to Santino like 5 times in a row and it made her look completely inept and she wasn't someone to fear anymore, but a joke. I've said it so many times: Santino was far worse than he was made out to me. It was for Vince's amusement and it hurt a lot of things, including Beth and the IC Title.
Allow me to be the first to say, DUH.

Santino kills everything he touches for one reason: he's horrible as a wrestling character. A good entertainer, but not as a wrestling character. While the women's division was awful, Beth was the most dominant thing in it. She had her old level of dominance back and looked like the best women's wrestler on the roster. So what else can we do with her? We can put her in a comedy angle of course. That's where things went downhill. She lost to Santino like 5 times in a row and it made her look completely inept and she wasn't someone to fear anymore, but a joke. I've said it so many times: Santino was far worse than he was made out to me. It was for Vince's amusement and it hurt a lot of things, including Beth and the IC Title.

I'm glad someone sees the travestity that Santino is other than me. He is not entertaining for a wrestling show, and he is not funny. One off promos here and there are fine, but to implement that into wrestling angles and matches just didn't go over well with me.

Although a Diva, Beth was dominant and we took her a lot more seriously than the rest of the Diva roster. Any momentum she had is now completely gone or close to being gone because of Santino. I wouldn't be surprised to see her cleanly jobbing to Kelly Kelly soon.

She got attention from the angle yes, but it was the wrong type of attention for her gimmick. They turned her into a joke and he made her character look harmless. She goes from throwing people around the ring, to getting rolled up by a man in drag who can't even beat Mickie James and Candice Michelle?
A clown like Santino? Are you serious? The guy has the potential to be a huge star. He's got more charisma than any other wreslter I've seen since The Rock. IMO, pairing Santino with Beth Phoenix was the best thing for Beth Phoenix. Like someone else pointed out she can't really talk on the mic and doesn't have too much charisma. With Santino, she didn't need to do much talking and Santino kept the storyline very funny and entertaining.
She certainly isn't a flashy wrestler, but she does have talent and the potential to go far. She's not that bad on the mic from the few times I've heard her talk. It's up to creative to see if they can find a storyline to bring out her abilities better.
Well, beth won't really shine unless they make her go one on one vs someone like mickie james. You could have beth dominating all the divas untill around the rumble, while mickie shines as womans champion on the other brand (either have beth on smackdown or mickie) then you switch either of them to the other show and build it up as a "the battle between the 2 most dominant divas".

Back on topic: I don't think santino killed beth, beth didn't have anywhere else to go before pairing up with santino. It made beth look like a human being rather than a monster who kills girls. Besides, this angle with santino brought rosa mendez into the ecuation which will bring us to a rosa vs beth feud somewhere down the line and i think its gonna be a decent feud. I still see beth as a dominant girl, just not a "goldberg" anymore.
A clown like Santino? Are you serious?

That's a stupid question. Of course I'm serious.

The guy has the potential to be a huge star.

Oh yeah buddy, I see him headlining Wrestlemania 26 for sure. Maybe he'll dress up as his mom for that one.

He's got more charisma than any other wreslter I've seen since The Rock.

Then you must not know the definition of charisma. Have you ever heard of Edge, Jericho, Cena, or even The Miz? Santino is a clown. Literally. He comes out and clowns around.

IMO, pairing Santino with Beth Phoenix was the best thing for Beth Phoenix.

So why does Beth Phoenix have less credibility now than before she was paired with Santino?

Like someone else pointed out she can't really talk on the mic and doesn't have too much charisma.

She doesn't need to talk much. She should've been paired up with someone better. Chyna didn't talk much, but she was as bad ass as a woman can get, just because of who she was associated with.

With Santino, she didn't need to do much talking and Santino kept the storyline very funny and entertaining.

You think that was funny? A man dressing in drag, jobbing to women, and getting beat up by his girlfriend is funny? Burying your women's division even further by having a man dress up in drag and prancing around like an asshole is funny? Take that bullshit else where is what I say. I'm a grown man and I don't think a 30 year old athlete who can actually wrestle and cut a promo when given the chance being wasted by dressing in drag and destroying the womens division is entertaining. Its actually quite stupid. If this shit was so entertaining ratings wouldn't be down.
Back on topic: I don't think santino killed beth, beth didn't have anywhere else to go before pairing up with santino. It made beth look like a human being rather than a monster who kills girls. Besides, this angle with santino brought rosa mendez into the ecuation which will bring us to a rosa vs beth feud somewhere down the line and i think its gonna be a decent feud. I still see beth as a dominant girl, just not a "goldberg" anymore.

This is wrestling. We don't want humans, we want larger than life humans. We want monsters and extravagant characters. Would you pair Chyna with Santino, or would you pair Chyna with HHH? The same goes for Beth. The women's division is suffering now and this is one of the contributing factors.

On a side note...people actually like Santino...still? I could understand maybe a couple of months ago, but jeez you want this guy on TV still doing the dumb shit he has been doing? Damn, that is one of the reasons why wrestling is going downhill now. You have come to settle for less and accept mediocrity as excellence. That's really sad. Sidious turned off RAW for a couple of weeks, and I think I am going to do the same. I've been griping about RAW for quite some time now. I'll make a thread about it probably.
I'm sorry but Sanino killed Beth. I know it's hard for you santinomaniacs to accept but it's true. He made her look like a total monkey. Oh and Santino being funny is a matter of opinion not fact. My opinion is, Santino sucks and Beth is better off without him.
Heh, I haven't a clue because I always fast forward when the shitty women's division comes on because they cannot wrestle to save their lives and then that santino crap OMG why the fucking hell is he still on TV? I mean what the flipping crap has he done fuckin' done since he came to the WWE. You see people like Umaga and Kennedy getting fired but not this nutter? Hell, the only time my finger doesn't go on the fast forward button whilst watching RAW is the opening promo, and the main event and the GOOD matches. All the other useless and utter crap is just a waste of time. Smackdown is much better in terms of quality but it just doesn't have that big 'feel' behind it for some reason.
If anyone killed Beth Phoenix it is Beth Phoenix herself. She has no personality, she is duller than a butter knife, and basically no one gave a shit about her. Santino was used to develop her character, which he did. When Santino was around she at least had some personality. You shouldn't blame Santino Marella for Beth's blandness, you should blame none other than Beth herself.
If anyone killed Beth Phoenix it is Beth Phoenix herself.
How, what did she do?

She has no personality, she is duller than a butter knife, and basically no one gave a shit about her.

She was the center of the women's division and a dominant women's champion, how did no one give a shit about her? She came out every week, and she performed well. She was over as a heel diva also.

Santino was used to develop her character, which he did. When Santino was around she at least had some personality.

Santino didn't give her personality, or develop her character. Santino made her into a joke. That's why they got her away from him, and they have her focusing on re-establishing herself in the women's division.

You shouldn't blame Santino Marella for Beth's blandness, you should blame none other than Beth herself.

Beth wouldn't seem so bland if she was paired with the right heel. I'm dissapointed they gave her Santino. She should've ran with a guy like Edge or someone along those lines and help them cheat to win World Titles. Santino wasn't an upgrade for her, he was a downgrade.
Boo Hoo. What a crock of shit. If she couldn't develop a personality being paired with Santino she didn't have a personality. She is no Chyna for one simple reason: people gave a shit about Chyna. So what if it "hurt" her in the Women's Division. Look who it is centered around right now? If they really wanna reestablish her, how hard could it be? On a side note, anyone else notice how fuckin incredibly skinny Rosa's arms are? It was distracting.
Santino helped Beth Phoenix as much as he hurt her. Phoenix had no personality before she hooked up with Santino. He tried to give her some but it just wouldn't work out. Trish had personality and that was why she was at the top for a while, but I just don't see that working out for Beth.
I feel for Beth, She is one of the few divas who can wrestle and she is now tagging with Rosa and Maryse? This often confuses me with WWE Diva's matches. I get alot of people dont care for the women matches but I am one who loves to see them every week. Personally I think its time to buckle up on the womens division and make it stronger again like it was years ago. Beth is one of few women who can dominate and shine as long as they allow her to lead the pack. I think the same applies to Mickie James who I LOVE. Just sad to see Two of the best in the business not being truely allowed to shine.

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