Sandman For Champ!!!


Superbrawl Saturday!?!?!?
ok ok I know this won't happen, but at Vengence John Cena has to put up his title in a match against any former world champion on the Raw roster that wants to compete in the match. So far you have Mick Foley, Randy Orton, "King" Booker, and Bobby Lashley. They even said if any more former world champions are drafted to Raw they could compete too. I know WWE has been burying Sandman, and that they never should have taken him from ECW in the first place because he belongs there, but I think he deserves to be in the match too. Anyone else feel the same? Anyone else disagree? I'd like to hear all sides on this matter.
Yep in theory Sandman should be in the match as well as Ron Simmons who as a Road agent for RAW could say he is on the RAW roster. Though you could also bring in Ricky Steamboat as well. But you are right Sandman can enter into the match but the question is whether they will recognise the original ECW titles heritage and Champions. Im also certain that Stone Cold is also on the roster and is eligible for the match. As could Jerry Lawler, as he has held the AWA world Heavyweight Championship, So there are a few more that are eligible for the match if they wanted to get them in there.
If they recognize the title on TV, then it counts. They acknowledge that Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Taz and Sandman are ECW champions, so why wouldn't they let him in...but problem is that not only will he not be, he SHOULDN'T be. Why have him job again to these people?
I agree, he shouldn't be on Raw. But, i have a feeling he will be the first released in the near future when they go through the wave of release that always happen in the summer.
i think they consider wut the other guy did, who is probly u ihatechildren, as spamming LOL

i really thought now that lashley had left ecw, they would give some guys there a chance to hold the title...sandman or dreamer, but it looks like sandman is gonna be a jobber on raw, where does he really fit in??? but hey he didnt fit in the NEW ecw, so maybe this will work out....maybe
I can see the WWE tossing in a bunch of random people, it's going to be a huge match, and I see someone returning and giving Cena a run for his money near the end of the match. HHH, Mysterio, RVD (Who knows), Jericho, Yokozuna, could be anyone!
LOL Yokozuna's dead where have you been living under a rock? Anyway they should make Sandman a champion even though he cant wrestle but hey neither can Cena and at least the Sandman is athletic enough to bust out a suplex and a front flip unlike Cena. Plus he can actually make a match interesting at times instead of same ol beating same ol superhuman strength same ol 3 moves and definetly same ol finish. Cena is nothing but a fluke and a joke and i bet alot of you guys would agree.
Just throw in Yokozuna's decaying corpse in the ring. That would probably make things more interesting if nothing else.

As for the Sandman, Throw him in the match. It won't matter anyway because Cena is going to win. I think it's going to get to a point where they declare Cena unbeatable and then he becomes God and resurrects Vince McMahon thus bringing in battle of Armageddon which will occur ironically at the Armageddon PPV in which Cena (with McMahon in his corner) fights Jesus Christ (with Andre the Giant in his corner) in a battle of Good vs Evil Hell in a Cell match. All will seem lost for Jesus until the Undertaker makes his return and knocks out Cena with a steel chair then disappear from the ring for no friggin reason whatsoever. Jesus will get the pin and bring on 1000 years of Paradise on earth and casting Cena and all his followers into the lake of fire. Unless I am confusing this with the Left Behind series and the Book of Revelations, that is why the Sandman will be added to the match.
I can see the WWE tossing in a bunch of random people, it's going to be a huge match, and I see someone returning and giving Cena a run for his money near the end of the match. HHH, Mysterio, RVD (Who knows), Jericho, Yokozuna, could be anyone!

HHH wouldn't, Mysterio's still out(and on SD!),RVD is pretty much dead to WWE, Jericho hasnt returned yet, Yokozuna's dead, so it must be... Bret Hart or Billy Graham!!! LOL
As for the Sandman, Throw him in the match. It won't matter anyway because Cena is going to win. I think it's going to get to a point where they declare Cena unbeatable and then he becomes God and resurrects Vince McMahon thus bringing in battle of Armageddon which will occur ironically at the Armageddon PPV in which Cena (with McMahon in his corner) fights Jesus Christ (with Andre the Giant in his corner) in a battle of Good vs Evil Hell in a Cell match. All will seem lost for Jesus until the Undertaker makes his return and knocks out Cena with a steel chair then disappear from the ring for no friggin reason whatsoever. Jesus will get the pin and bring on 1000 years of Paradise on earth and casting Cena and all his followers into the lake of fire. Unless I am confusing this with the Left Behind series and the Book of Revelations, that is why the Sandman will be added to the match.

edited and added as my signature. that's some funny shit man.lmao
back on topic

Looks like sandman is headed for a feud with Carlito with no title shots in his future.I bet they make sandman look weak against Carlito and then shit can him. Or it's an attempt ,like someone else said in a dif thread, to get him fired like sabu got.
ye, i saw sandman run out during carlitos interview on raw, i think its a good starting fued, but i really think they need to turn sandman into a heel and have him complain that he doesnt want to be on raw, he wants to be back on ecw.
but ye he's not gonna be a champ anytime soon unless they bring back the hardcore title, which i think is a decent idea
I feel so bad for the Sandman. A fued with Carlito? It makes no sense. I just don't see how they will have any chemistry in the ring. The good thing is that Sandman may get to swing his cane a little more often since RAW is more hardcore than WWECW. (Of course, flowers and fluffy white clouds are more hardcore than WWECW...but that's another topic) Unfortunately, Sandman will be made to look completely weak and will be squashed by Carlito in just a few weeks. I can only hope that he will get fired before this occurs so that he can go some place else where his strengths can be utilized.
I wouldn't bet against seeing him be the next 'legend" killed by Orton, and then getting released this summer. He will job to Carlito a few times, and then Orton will "kill" him on Raw, just adding to the momentum Orton already has. I hate to say it, but Sandman won't be around much longer.
I wouldn't bet against seeing him be the next 'legend" killed by Orton, and then getting released this summer. He will job to Carlito a few times, and then Orton will "kill" him on Raw, just adding to the momentum Orton already has. I hate to say it, but Sandman won't be around much longer.

That would be fine by me. I am counting down the days until the Sandman hits the Indie circuit so he can be himself. I want to see Hak come out of the crowd smoking a cigarette and actually drinking the beer- not just spitting it out. :headbanger:
I think it is a very real possiblity that he could be used to continue Orton's push. If the WWE is still planning to let him go, they would be wise to make him the next legend on Orton's hitlist- that's just smart business.
I want to see Hak come out of the crowd smoking a cigarette and actually drinking the beer- not just spitting it out.

I thought Sandman legitmately quit smoking am i wrong?

I dont want to see sandman taken out by Orton down the road.It was bad enough watching RVD get the bitch treatment via Orton. Maybe we're all being too negative and there is some good to come out of Sandman on raw .
the sandman 4 champ... naaa i mean not on raw.. he wud fit in ecw. but the sandman on raw?? he doesnt fit there..
well technacally sandman should be in the match because if you consider bobby lashley being a former ecw champion then sandman is aswell he should be in the match. Honestly i dont think he will be but i just want as many people in the match as possible to beat the shit out of cena

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