Samoa Joe Is The First 2 Time NXT Champion


In a pretty surprising turn of events, Samoa Joe defeated Shinsuke Nakamura in the main event at NXT TakeOver: Toronto to regain the NXT Championship, making him the first multi time singles champion in NXT's history. The live crowd was genuinely shocked as, I think like most of us, they expected Nakamura to retain. Personally, I felt Nakamura would retain and it would be the beginning of the transition of Samoa Joe heading to the main roster, possibly by popping up as a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble in January.

Since Joe has regained the title, it makes me wonder if WWE is considering bringing Nakamura up to the main roster. There were reports a little while back indicating that there weren't any NXTuntil they felt someone else had come along who could be the "face" of the brand. So his loss tonight has me wondering if those plans have changed or if they were just unreliable rumors to begin with.
Yeah, I did not agree with the result of the Joe VS Nakamura match. Why would they pick Joe as the first 2 time NXT Champion? There are others who would have been better options. Nakamura has to be in line for a promotion to Raw or Smackdown now. There's no other reason to put the belt back on Joe. None. I had predicted (before the match) that this match was Joe's last in NXT and that HE was on his way to Raw after tonight. Now it looks more like Nakamura will be promoted next (likely to Raw) while Joe will probably move into a feud with Roode next. As long as this doesn't lead to Shinsuke getting the belt back again immediately at the rematch, as that would render tonight's win 100% pointless, then I'll try to look at this positively. Shinsuke can go to Raw to feud with Balor in a full feud on the main roster, since their NXT feud ran short. Joe VS Roode for the NXT Championship could be (pun intended) glorious.
Nakamura has to be in line for a promotion to Raw or Smackdown now. There's no other reason to put the belt back on Joe. None.

The only reason I can think of is that they want the fans in attendance at the show in Japan on December 3rd to be able to witness Nakamura winning the title back, as if Nakamura going into that match as champion and successfully defending the title there wouldn't have still received a great reaction in it's own right.
It was a curveball for sure. The NXT roster is a little thin ever since the brand split and all the call ups. This might have just been done to have an excuse for Joe/Nakamura III (no dq? 2/3?) in San Antonio.

Same reason Mickie James was there. Give Moon time to gain momentum. Joe/Nakamura III, Moon/Asuka, Roode/Aries #1 contender. That's a solid card. The tag team title match always delivers.
Speculation, from a negative place:

HHH has free reign on NXT. Raw and Smackdown, he still answers to Vince, and Vince is still not convinced of the value of the "TNA guys". (Maybe apart from NJPW world champion and Mr TNA, AJ Styles.)

Maybe the role of the "TNA guys" is not to be groomed for main-event spots on Raw or Smackdown, but to be steady-hands and stepping-stones for rookie talent coming through NXT. Roode, Aries, Joe could be used as jobbers on Raw/SD, but pretty much anybody can serve as squash-match job-fodder. Their value is that they know how to work a TV feud, so they can credibly put over, build up and educate whoever Vince *does* want to sent through NXT to the main roster.

Maybe I'm wrong and Joe is challenging for the IC/US title while Beer Money goes for tag team gold and Aries challenges for the Cruiserweight title at Wrestlemania 2018. But I think it's more likely that the three of them are are still on NXT at that point.
Or maybe they decide to do a HHH vs Vince feud, with HHH leading the TNA-NXT veterans as a stable invading Raw/SD, guys Vince didn't want but HHH sees as stars.
It looks to me that WWE wants Nakamura's international superstandom for Wrestlemania season on the main roster. Joe will probably be called up after Wrestlemania.

But this is quite suprising. NXT's biggest stars in Roode and Aries are heels. The champion is a heel. I thought we were in for Nakamura vs Roode and vs Itami. I really don't know what they are thinking to do with the NXT Championship now.
Don't be shocked if Nakamura wins it back at the next Takeover, probably in January, leading to a Joe appearance in the Rumble. The way I see it is, they've already done the story of the new superstar (Nakamura) chasing the "unstoppable" champion (Joe) and defeating him. Than they went the with the old champion (Joe) chasing the new, undefeated champion with a chip on his shoulder and a renewed sense of purpose. Now, Nak has suffered his first loss and the story will likely follow the redemption arc. Specifically, how he is able to battle back from adversity while chasing the guy who was finally able to defeat him and, in the end, conquering the guy that put him down. Of course, I could be completely off line in my thinking but I'd assume that's the route they're going with, with the limited knowledge we have available.

I don't have a problem with this. If somebody had to beat Nakamura, I probably would have had that guy be Bobby Roode but Joe's as good an option as any. It keeps both guys looking strong and will lead to the eventual blow-off with both guys claiming a victory over the other.
Don't be shocked if Nakamura wins it back at the next Takeover, probably in January, leading to a Joe appearance in the Rumble. The way I see it is, they've already done the story of the new superstar (Nakamura) chasing the "unstoppable" champion (Joe) and defeating him. Than they went the with the old champion (Joe) chasing the new, undefeated champion with a chip on his shoulder and a renewed sense of purpose. Now, Nak has suffered his first loss and the story will likely follow the redemption arc. Specifically, how he is able to battle back from adversity while chasing the guy who was finally able to defeat him and, in the end, conquering the guy that put him down. Of course, I could be completely off line in my thinking but I'd assume that's the route they're going with, with the limited knowledge we have available.

I don't have a problem with this. If somebody had to beat Nakamura, I probably would have had that guy be Bobby Roode but Joe's as good an option as any. It keeps both guys looking strong and will lead to the eventual blow-off with both guys claiming a victory over the other.

Yeah I agree. As I said in my review of the PPV, this finish makes a lot of sense when you look at the direction Joe's character has taken in the past couple of months since dropping the title. The loss doesn't really hurt Nakamura because he more than played his part in the match, and remember, Joe is the bigger, stronger guy, and would ordinarily be expected to win a match of that type (hard, physical etc). It's gonna be more exciting with Nakamura chasing the title. A lot of people don't like constant title switches (Charlotte and Sasha to name one), but they certainly keep feuds going if done properly and keep the audience second guessing as to who will win - and that's one of the best things about watching a wrestling match - not really knowing what the outcome is gonna be!
I'm kinda glad Nakamura's has lost a match now, there's more than one way to make a wrestler than just having them be undefeated, and with Asuka we don't need the same thing going with Nakamura's. He'll still be the most over.

In New Japan he lost many matches and it never hurt him at all, he was very generous putting others over. He reminds me of the Rock in that regard. Or NXT Tyler Breeze.
I was surprised but I absolutely loved the match. I thought those two had match of the weekend at Takeover Toronto after feeling like their Brooklyn match was a little disappointing. Joe looked as good as ever. He was dominant and the usually dominant Nakamura did a great job showing vulnerability. This will obviously lead to a third match between the two either at the Japan show or the next Takeover and I can't wait for it.

I still think it won't be until after the Rumble that either guy make their way to the main roster though but honestly I'm not mad. If their matches can continue to get better then Joe vs Nakamura 3 should be an entry on everybody's match of the year list
I hope that it doesn't lead to Nakamura regaining the NxT Title in upcoming live event in Japan.

Samoa Joe has definitely upped his game as a dominant badass heel and it's refreshing to get a title change this soon aka in the first defense itself.

What I liked more is that Nakamura was rightly protected booking-wise in the match. The title scene is interesting enough and we have "Glorious" Bobby Roode waiting for a title feud.

A deserved feat for Samoa Joe, indeed. :)

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