Sammartino's First Interview After HOF Confirmation

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

Very interesting interview. I've listened to interviews with him before and have always liked his personality and saw where he was coming from - especially as I was never too over on the Attitude Era growing up, and as I matured I realized it was trash television - but this is a really good insight into his perspective on wrestling, where he details why he never accepted the Hall of Fame offer before and why he has decided to now.

It also makes you give Triple H more props on sealing the deal.

Oh, and the interviewer is a condescending ********.
What might be an interesting point is; Might this be an indicator that the WWE will remain PG for some time to come? If otherwise, WWE would risk Bruno trying to leave the Hall of Fame or filing some sort of lawsuit against them. I wouldn't expect WWE to have created this PG scenario merely to lure Sammartino in, but I also wouldn't expect that they would turn their back on it as soon as they had secured his endorsement. In other words, is this an indicator or confirmation of a long-term plan by the WWE with regards to their programming?
Bruno was huge in his prime, he said there he could bench 275 pounds or so with ease?! You'd expect him to be somewhat enlarged.

I'm setting myself up for a penis joke here.

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