Sami Callihan

Bone For Tuna

Registered Loser
Anybody on here pay any attention to indy wrestling, besides ROH?


Sami Callihan just recently celebrated his 25th birthday in a good showing, but losing effort at PWG’s Battle of Los Angeles tournament. Despite being so young he has already made quite a name for himself and is regarded as one of the hottest independent wrestlers going today. Sami can do it all, he’s technically sound and can also brawl with the best of him. He also cuts arguably the best promos not only on the independent scene, but in professional wrestling as a whole. This is something that really helps Sami stand out from the rest of the pack and something people are really starting to take notice to. Between his awesome promos and his hard hitting in ring style, Sami Callihan has gained one hell of a fan base, so much so that according to reports he is actually on WWE’s radar having wrestled a couple dark matches for them in the last couple of months.

Despite coming up short at the 2012 BOLA tourney, Sami has had a very impressive year winning championships and tournaments all over the world. He might have initially made his name by competing in bullshit CZW death matches, but his year alone he has had awesome technical bouts with Fit Finlay, El Generico and Kevin Steen just to name a few. Sami also got his name out there by beating the hell out of Sabu and piledriving Mia Yim off the apron through a table at the last show ever from the ECW arena. Anybody who refuses not to watch more of Sami`s stuff just because he has competed in crazy brawls and piledrove a woman through a table, I’m telling you, you are only robbing yourself.

The only thing I could see that might hold Sami back is maybe his size. Although he is super jacked, he is pretty short. Having said that though, Sami is so convincing I don’t think his size will really be too much of a factor. I think he also has a pretty awesome look too, definitely wouldn’t say he has a typical cookie cutter WWE look by any means. I think he could be really big in TNA and although not have quite the success in WWE, I don’t think he would be a complete failure there either. A lot of people have compared his promos to Raven’s from back in the day and for all you Dean Ambrose fans, Sami and Ambrose tagged on the independents for a while when Ambrose was going by Jon Moxley.

So, what do you guys think about the “Death Machine” Sami Callihan?

For those that don’t know who he is, he has a lot of shit on youtube.

Here’s just a taste. Some highlight videos and a couple promos.

Sami hypes an upcoming match with Fit Finlay.

Sami talks about respect.

Sami is a beast and thoroughly enjoys beating the hell out of people.
I liked his matches with Delirious in International Wrestling Cartel (a Pittsburgh area indy fed) and think he has a lot offer as a heel in a fed like ROH or TNA. I remember hearing he recently had a dark match with WWE, no idea what's going to come of it though.
Awesome wrestler. Puts on convincing matches that never bore and is just a breath of fresh air. I'd love to see him in TNA in any capacity as I feel he could match up well with anyone.
I think he is an awesome wrestler to. Like the poster above said he is a breath of fresh air, and I think he would be awesome in TNA or ROH. I actually wish there were more threads about wrestlers like this. I went and watched a bunch of his matches after reading this, and am very impressed.
Seen some of Sami's DGUSA work, I feel he has the right gimmick, definitely a different look and he has a wide range of styles (has had some very good technical matches, physical matches and most definitely hardcore) but is he money? It'd be a thing of faith really. I know a lot of Ring of Honor fans want to see him, myself included, he'd be a nice addition, I think it's too soon to talk about TNA or WWE. Sami's only been getting noticed in the last year, like Danielson or McGuinness see if he can stay consistent or even better himself. He's young so he has time. Plus there are still much better options throughout the indy scene to sign and push, Sami's doing well where he's at, only time will tell if he can continue progressing.
Sami is very talented. One of my favorite Indy wrestlers right now actually. Hopefully he will be in the wwe in the future.

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