Salinas...whats TNA's deal with not showing more of her?

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Dark Match Jobber
Ask me this...why isnt TNA's most attractive woman in TNA snubbed soo damn much? She has been classified as a "knockout" but isnt even posted at all on their website, doesnt have any photos, gets 2 seconds of tv time by standing on the side in a segments of the women griping and complaining, and has only 2 words to say at times? Come on! I cant stand Rhaka Khan or even ODB/Gail Kim....yet they get loads of face time....Who is in agreement that TNA has their heads up their butts on this one? Write with your thoughts....Also, they better not have her be the one getting her head shaved bald in that wierd match they all will be having at Sacrifice....
I have to agree with you on that, but i prefer to keep her as more of a manager like Raisha where she gets to talk more. Like on Impact 3 weeks ago where the only time she got to talk was when she was fighting with Lauren who by the way is really hot. She also needs to get pics up on their website cause she is very beautiful but i don't want her anywhere near the title. Let her have a feud with Velvet Sky over whose hotter while ODB, Gail Kim, or Angelina Love (maybe) can go after the title. Also I hope she doesn't get her head shaved. ODB or Rhaka Khan will probably get their head shaved.
Thank you! Someone who feels the same. I do agree with you on the part that I hope she doesnt go for the title, honestly I could care less when they wrestle...nothing like lack luster clotheslines, and the typical hair grab with an occasional elbow to the head. Salinas needs to have more to do with LAX and just get some good well deserved face time. Nothing like having someone there and have them basically become a wallflower. Anyways, I also agree with the two you brought up for getting their head shaved bald. But I think the "lucky" person will be Rhaka Khan. Since she basically ticked off management by her lack luster autograph signing...she will be the on the brunt end of some punishment. I'm done with TNA if its Salinas
it seems like all tna does it make her come out wit lax and dance around wit the flag she brings wit her and every once in a while get in a scuffle wit a knockout i agree they need to do something with her but shes very hott so i cant complain
Ask me this...why isnt TNA's most attractive woman in TNA snubbed soo damn much? She has been classified as a "knockout" but isnt even posted at all on their website, doesnt have any photos, gets 2 seconds of tv time by standing on the side in a segments of the women griping and complaining, and has only 2 words to say at times? Come on! I cant stand Rhaka Khan or even ODB/Gail Kim....yet they get loads of face time....Who is in agreement that TNA has their heads up their butts on this one? Write with your thoughts....Also, they better not have her be the one getting her head shaved bald in that wierd match they all will be having at Sacrifice....

Because that's not what women's wrestling is about. I couldn't care less about what the divas look like, it's about their wrestling skill, something she probably doesn't have a lot of.
TNA are doing this right, they push stars such as Gail Kim and Awesome Kong, who are definately talented at something other than showing off their bodies. The womens division in WWE gets this all wrong, and TNA should be proud they have something over on them.
Damn it Dragon has screwed me up badly. I agree with Becca about the Knockouts being better due to their ability. It's so refreshing to see the women wrestlers actually having stories and getting decent ring time. There's a women's tag team, how awesome is that? Kong being in the tag tournament is nothing short of awesome (no pun intended). Salinas is decent in the ring, but is really not much more than a body. I'm glad also that ODB, Kim and Kong are getting the push that they deserve. The division is divided well with everyone in the place they deserve to be. Salinas is in the place she should be right now.
I like seeing beautiful looking women in wrestling, And I like to see them wrestle also. And that is what they are focusing on. I am not saying that she can't wrestle since I don't remember seeing her wrestle. They are giving others the time like Gail and Kong. Maybe that will change. Remember in the WWE when Victoria used to have the belt? Then they relegated her to Smackdown and had the Playboy Bunny Michelle have it. Maybe we will see more of Salinas in the future. We shall see.
Well, I think you all have valid points. I will also have to agree that the wrestling on TNA for the womens division is ALOT better than in WWE. But still in lies the case, why have someone on your roster that people would want to see, and then have them be a wallflower? It makes no sense. I also am not implying that they need to just pose and look good, I am saying I want some friggin storylines other than Gail Kim going after Awesome Kong, or Sky and Love not liking Roxxi's fashion sense. I will give one props to TNA on something though....Awesome Kong will be going into the mens tag team division. Thats a nice switch.
So all in all, I am not just some guy wanting someone there to just look good and do nothing....I just feel that they need more exposure than anything.
Good posts by everyone by the way. Thanks. :)
I believe that she is singularly suited for being a manager because i have seen some of her indy matches and she isnt good in the ring. I'm sorry but out of that whole roster of women she might be the least talented in the ring besides christy. I like the directions they have been going with every one of their talents. Kong getting thrown in with the men for a bit won't be bad for her, kim is the babyface who doesnt lose to anyone but Kong, ODB is gail's running buddy and although she gets pops she isnt nearly as good in the ring as people make her out to seem. Angel and Talia (Velvet and Angelina) are getting heat but in order to keep the heat they have to get a win sometime, but Angel is talented and deserves a legit heel push. As for Nikki (Roxi) they messed her up big time, they made her seem like the legit #2 woman in the company for going on a month and then nothing, pushes in TNA need to be sustained. So I like how things are going but the division could be better then it is, its arguably the second most talented women's division in the US behind Shimmer
First of all, the WWE has it right. The Divas need to be hot, i want to look at their bodies, their boobs, etc. I dont care to ses awesome kong wrestle when i can see a match with 2 guys who can do much more in the ring then the women can. If you want to watch women wrestling watch an all womens promotion. What the WWE does is use their women as break in between the wrestling, I dont think they take it seriously. To me, womens wrestling is slow, sloppy. atleast let it be slow and sloppy with nice looking women. The times of the Mae Young and Fabulous Moolah are long gone, lets see some hot women just jump around.
hahah ok guys, now if she didnt have huge pushed up boobs, would you still give a crap about her?
Also, unless LAX only feuded with rock and rave, what would be the point of putting a woman in a situation where she could do stuff, but no one could retaliate? Bottom line, is that if Salinas is in a match, we will only see some knockout on knockout action....fine by me =) but not sticking to their 'not WWE' thing.
=wildcard22583;438907]Ask me this...why isnt TNA's most attractive woman in TNA snubbed soo damn much?

Because she can't wrestle worth a shit, If she'd improve her in ring skills she'd probably get more air time. For now, though, I think she gets the appropriate amount of air time each week, especially considering that she's only being used as eye candy

She has been classified as a "knockout" but isnt even posted at all on their website, doesnt have any photos

That is something that TNA could change, I agree with you there, but even if that were to happen, ratings for Impact wouldn't go up any higher, but I suspect traffic to the main TNA website would increase

I cant stand Rhaka Khan or even ODB/Gail Kim....yet they get loads of face time....

Rhaka gets face time because she's the valet for Steiner and Petey Williams. Williams is the X Division Champ and Steiner could be a future TNA World Champ.

Women like ODB, Gail Kim, and Awesome Kong get air time because their good wrestlers and performers, they're the ones carrying the knockout division. The fans don't cough up their hard earned money each week so that they can see Salinas or Christy Hemme. The fans paid to see great wrestling (not eye candy parade around the ring) so its only natural that the best women wrestlers are going to get the air time, regardless of looks.

Besides, whens the last time you heard an arena of fans cheer for Salinas or Christy Hemme? Never... But yet ODB, Gail Kim, Roxxi, Awesome Kong etc.. have their names chanted on a weekly basis

That should tell you that the fans don't want to see eye candy shoved down their throats each week, they want to see wrestling

Also, they better not have her be the one getting her head shaved bald in that wierd match they all will be having at Sacrifice....

Odds are she probably won't even be in the match at Sacrifice, and if she is, I would bet that she's one of the very first people eliminated.

First of all, the WWE has it right. The Divas need to be hot, i want to look at their bodies, their boobs, etc. I dont care to ses awesome kong wrestle when i can see a match with 2 guys who can do much more in the ring then the women can.


Not only is this one of the sexist things I've every read, but its also incredibly stupid. Seriously, your in the minority of people that seriously want to see eye candy pushed down their throats every week. Fans pay to see great wrestling and to be entertained, and when their needs aren't being catered to, the majority tend to stop paying attention. Take WM 24 as an example, when literally half the crowd just got up and left during the women's match, it really showed me just how much the fans don't give a shit about eye candy.

If you want to watch women wrestling watch an all womens promotion.

Watch out, because if you did you might actually see some talented performers wrestle some great matches

What the WWE does is use their women as break in between the wrestling, I dont think they take it seriously.

they don't

To me, womens wrestling is slow, sloppy.

Probably because I bet you've only watched the WWE women's division, which is eye candy dominant, where a good majority of the girls don't even have proper training. And its ironic you feel that way because so far you've bitched and moaned about women's wrestling being "sloppy" but yet you prefer to see more women with model type looks in wrestling, which doesn't make any fucking sense at all

atleast let it be slow and sloppy with nice looking women.

If the women were better wrestlers then the matches wouldn't be so sloppy now would they? Thats what TNA is doing, putting the women with the best technique on the air because they know the women's matches are a big draw

The times of the Mae Young and Fabulous Moolah are long gone, lets see some hot women just jump around.

this last statement is redundant because Mae Young was primarily eye candy for most of her career (and I just showed you how a eye candy dominant women's division doesn't work) and Moolah's wrestling technique would have been outdated against most of the women wrestling today.
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