Sad News

If that's true it's very sad and I'm sure heartbreaking for karma

Perhaps that's why she didn't make it back for mania
That is absolutely terrible news. I feel bad for her that she felt the need to lie about it to friends, depriving herself of an additional support structure to help her go through such a hard time. I'm glad she finally came out with it though, as keeping it a secret probably wasn't doing her emotional state any favors. It's debatable whether the world needed to know, but I suppose we all would've found out anyway eventually.

Truthfully, I'm not sure she needs to start a "foundation" over it though. I mean, that's probably the knee jerk reaction to what has happened. I will say though that the part about miscarriages being "a bigger club than people think" is absolutely true.

In hindsight, I can't believe she came out after such a tragic thing and performed the way she did at the Royal Rumble. I mean that in the most positive way imaginable. That speaks volumes about what kind of professional, what kind of wrestler she truly is.

I can't wait to see her back full time, but she needs to take sufficient time to deal with the situation the best way possible. God bless her.
Speaking from experience I can say that losing a child is just about the hardest thing that a person can go through. Words just can't describe the pain that it causes.

All of my prayers and thoughts are with Kia Stevens, her family and friends.
Wow if that's the case that is probably the worst thing that could happen to a person anywhere. My condolences go to her and her husband.

Just hearing that is truly heartbreaking. They say time heals all wounds but I would think this would be an exception to that rule. I hope she takes as much time off as she needs and my prayers go to her and her family.
Wow, that's horrible news if true.

Can't even imagine how she and her family must be feeling, all thoughts and condolences to them.

Glad she was able to share the truth with her family eventually. Hopefully this will begin the healing process for her.

Hope she takes all the time she needs before coming back full time, and kudos for coming back at the Rumble for even a small spot.
Wow, truly a shame. Can't imagine the pain Kia Stevens is suffering after her tragedy. Almost lost my son to an illness and I'm very fortunate to have him alive, but I can't put myself in their shoes. My best wishes to her and her family...
That's some very tragic news. I couldn't imagine losing a child and hope I nor anybody else every has to.

I wish the family nothing but the best
That is absolutely terrible news. I feel bad for her that she felt the need to lie about it to friends, depriving herself of an additional support structure to help her go through such a hard time. I'm glad she finally came out with it though, as keeping it a secret probably wasn't doing her emotional state any favors. It's debatable whether the world needed to know, but I suppose we all would've found out anyway eventually.

Truthfully, I'm not sure she needs to start a "foundation" over it though. I mean, that's probably the knee jerk reaction to what has happened. I will say though that the part about miscarriages being "a bigger club than people think" is absolutely true.

In hindsight, I can't believe she came out after such a tragic thing and performed the way she did at the Royal Rumble. I mean that in the most positive way imaginable. That speaks volumes about what kind of professional, what kind of wrestler she truly is.

I can't wait to see her back full time, but she needs to take sufficient time to deal with the situation the best way possible. God bless her.

I know what you mean, it'd be almost similar to hearing one of your parents or siblings died and needing to go to work the next day.

I have no experience with anything like this and can only imagine how horrible it must be.

Maybe doing the rumble was a positive thing, hearing the crowd going crazy and the energy in the building must have felt incredible if only for a single night.
Wow, that is terrible news :( I am very sorry for Kia Stevens, and hope she takes all the time she needs to recover from the pain of losing her baby :(

It definitely does have an long term effect on you. I only found out recently that my Mum lost a baby towards to end of a pregnancy before I was born, its the first time she has ever mentioned it in my entire 25 years of life.
That's horrible and it's something after reading I hope is just not true. That has to be awful losing a child and my condolences to her and her family. I can't even imagine that she'd come back at Royal Rumble more less Wrestlemania with that news. My thoughts and prayers to her and her family.
Terrible news. When she came out and cut that kayfabe breaking promo before she left I was genuinely excited for her. Now I just feel shit.
That's a shame. Kharma is of course an amazing wrestler and she always struck me as a nice person. I hope she's okay and gets everything she needs and, when she's ready, gets back in the ring 100%.

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