Sacrifice: TNA Knockout Championship- Angelina Love Vs. Awesome Kong


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Sacrifice: TNA Knockout Championship- Angelina Love Vs. Awesome Kong

I hope Angel doesn't drop the belt here. Her reign so far has been a breath of fresh air, and her feud with Kong is one of the few reasons i watch TNA. Kong was growing stale holding the belt for so long, and in my opinion is much more interesting when shes on the chase for the belt. I'm expecting Angel to somehow pick up the win here and retain. With all her lackeys being out due to Kong taking them out. I feel TNA is setting up either her picking up the fluke win, Winning via cheating, or perhaps some surprise interference from a new Beautiful People member. Should be a decent match.
I doubt this match will have a clean finish, i mean c'mon this is TNA theres bound to be interference at some point. Either that or Kong gets frustrated or loses control and gets DQd for annihilating the referee.

I can see angelina retaining tho
Angelina definitely needs to hold the title. The Knockouts were ocne the best thing TNA had but now they're WWE 2.0, save for Kong and the Beautiful People. I've long since said that the reason TNA's Women were better was they had personality and characters instead of just random women. The BP have the best I've seen in a long time. THey're decent in the ring, they're hot and they have a solid character. Kong was fine when she was the dominant champion, but the only time she's really interesting is when someone rises up to challenge her and beats her. She's better as a challenger than a champion, so she should lose Sunday, or at least not get the title. Can you imagine the promos by Love if she beats Kong? Damn those could be fun.
i agree that angelina should retain the title cause kong or porky needs a new look everybody in wrestling has at least had one and this is her time to get one. So if TNA was smart they wuld have Angelina retain cause if they don't then TNA will start to become what my bro calls it "TOTAL NONSTOP A$$CLOWNERY" just look who the TNA champ is and i know that's for another thread so please let ANGELINA LOVE KEEP HER TITLE CAUSE SHES EARNED IT. :smashfreakB:
With the apparent face turn of Kong due to crowd interaction, I see the best possible scenerio for Kong to lose the title. Her mentor Raisha Saeed turns on her bringing us Cheerleader Melissa to the beautiful people. Saeed is too much a heel force to stay with Kong now if the plan is to turn her into a face.

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