Sacrifice: Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Scott Steiner vs. Kurt Angle​

Another Angle & Joe match. TNA is really lacking in ideas. I love Scott Steiner. He's my Ric Flair. He can carry on wrestling badly forever. But is he really going to help sell this PPV? I kinda doubt that. I enjoyed his match with Joe two years ago, but his match with Angle at Destination X was terrible. Both would have been dream matches if Steiner wasn't so broken down. But he is. He can still pull out a decent performance when he wants to. But he's so fragile I half expect Joe to break him.

So I'm calling this match FRAGILE X. It's TNA and they just love to add an X to everything. And it contains to of the most fragile wrestlers in the buisness. Steiner and Angle. Samuel L. Jackson said it best ''They called me Mr. Glass'' Which one will break first?
I was really looking forward to seeing Samoa Joe head-on with Scott Steiner, omitting Kurt Angle from the scene of the TNA World Championship. But an individual match such as Samoa Joe vs. Scott Steiner for the world strap, it truly wouldn't work out to reveal a blockbuster match-up worthy of PPV airing as Steiner is a dilapidated piece of figure. He's slow, yet big and muscular, but no longer has that interesting or dominating factor like once upon a time. He'd probably slow down Joe and just drag the match out. So anyway, Angle is the recipient of yet another opportunity to regain his gold back but I think Joe will obviously retain. There's no need to switch the hands of the strap quite yet. The Triple Threat Match should be a decent viewing though.
Firstly, Kurt Angle is one of my favorite wrestlers ever, so you can take this as totaly unbiased when I say: I think Kurt Angle being in this main event is totally wrong.
Steiner has been given this push, he had to fight to get his breifcase and has earned the right to choose to have the shot at Sacrifice.
TNA putting Angle into the match is taking the limelight away from Steiner. The fact that Angle is in the match clearly shows that they don't believe Steiner could carry the match.
If I was Steiner, I would have been pissed at this decision.
That being said, I love the idea of having these 3 together as they happen to be my 3 favorite guys lol.
I can't wait for this one... I just prey we get a clean finish, however the only way that will happen is if Angle or Joe pin Steiner. Angle won't be pinned as it would give his cred a knock. Joe won't be pinned as he has only just won the belt. It's got to be a pin by Joe on Steiner, that's the only logical option, however how often has TNA been logical lately lol...
I have to admit Im really liking the title picture at the moment and the build up of this match for once I htink TNA has actually done a good job building it up! But then again Im a huge Scott Steiner fan! I dont see why he has to be with Rocka Khan she does absolutly nothing for him, hes strong enough on his own. Anyways I think this will be a half decent match actually, I know its kinda Angle Joe again for the millionth time but it has Steiner in it as well should add a new dimension to it. I know why TNA has got this match and thats because they dont know who else to put in the title pic, they have exhausted Christian, Angle and Sting to be in main events only one would be Booker but I dont think hes ready yet. But yeah I think should be a good match and obviously Joe will retain as they have to show him as strong champion. I hope this match helps Angle turn face again though.
I love how TNA get your money then inform people that the star of the company isn't on the show. This is great. Big Show might have been a poor replacment for Steve Austin at Survivor Series 1999, but he wasn't Kaz poor. Same can even be said about Hardcore Holly at December To Dismember. It might have been acceptable if Kaz was still recieving the push he was around and about Genesis, when Cage was putting him over, and Angle was making him look like a star. But it's 6 months later. In 2008 he's feuded with 10 years past his prime Black Reign, and been lumbered with Super Eric. He's hardly a suitable replacement. Styles, Booker, Cage even somebody like Rhino. But fuckin' Kaz. He'll lose to Rellik on this weeks iMPACT I'm guessing.
"Card is subject to change." Its not their fault that wrestlers get injured or no show. What about all the people that bought the PPV to see Hall Nash and Joe and then Hall no shows? Regardless, they didn't make the decision to pull Angle till last minute. I think TNA did the best they could with what the had.

As far as putting Kaz in the main event... could've done better but it was the only way this would make sense. To put AJ or Boooker or Sting... How could they explain that? Plus Kaz has never jobbed to Rellik or Reign in the entire feud. And obviously its no secret you aren't impressed with or even like Kazarian, but there are fans that do like him.
"Card is subject to change." Its not their fault that wrestlers get injured or no show.

No it's not.

What about all the people that bought the PPV to see Hall Nash and Joe and then Hall no shows?

Not exactly the same thing. Angle has been injured for a month, Hall just no showed on the day. Hardly the same thing.

Regardless, they didn't make the decision to pull Angle till last minute. I think TNA did the best they could with what the had.

Or what they could have done is not advertise Angle, or had a suitable replacment.

As far as putting Kaz in the main event... could've done better but it was the only way this would make sense. To put AJ or Boooker or Sting... How could they explain that?

There was no need to explain it. Kaz got put in because he won a match. Even though the likes of Booker, Cage & Sting are more credible, higher up on the card, and are wrestlers who you could consider a threat to Joe.

Plus Kaz has never jobbed to Rellik or Reign in the entire feud.

So. It was a mid card feud. With wrestlers who should be an opening card act.

And obviously its no secret you aren't impressed with or even like Kazarian, but there are fans that do like him.

I like Kaz. But he's not main event material, he's not a worthy replacment for Angle. If I paid to see that show I'd be pissed.

Kaz won a title shot at Genesis, yet the match wasn't on PPV. Y'know why that is? Because nobody would have paid to see him in a main event.
No it's not.

Not exactly the same thing. Angle has been injured for a month, Hall just no showed on the day. Hardly the same thing.

Or what they could have done is not advertise Angle, or had a suitable replacment.

There was no need to explain it. Kaz got put in because he won a match. Even though the likes of Booker, Cage & Sting are more credible, higher up on the card, and are wrestlers who you could consider a threat to Joe.

So. It was a mid card feud. With wrestlers who should be an opening card act.

I like Kaz. But he's not main event material, he's not a worthy replacment for Angle. If I paid to see that show I'd be pissed.

Kaz won a title shot at Genesis, yet the match wasn't on PPV. Y'know why that is? Because nobody would have paid to see him in a main event.

Get your facts straight. Angle was injured May 5th in Korea. that gave them 6 days. source:

They didn't know the severity of the injury and wanted to wait till last minute to decide whether to pull him or not to see if Angle could do it or not. Given the situation, they did the best they could to give the fans what they advertised. As a side note, there have been countless times when I was an athlete where I would compete injured and sometimes where you wake up the next morning and you can barely get out of bed let alone compete later on in the day.

Genesis was only the beginning of Kaz's push. How can you expect people to buy a PPV for someone who just started his push? I don't disagree that Kaz wasn't the best option but how else do you explain anyone else randomly in the main event scene. You mention they don't have to explain it but then people complain that TNA don't have a storyline and just put together matches. I think it gives a good rub to Kaz, it made sense, and gives people at least gives some part of a promised triple threat match.

Oh and by the way, check TNA's website. It says Card is subject to change not only on the website but on ticket stubs that they sell to fans.
Get your facts straight. Angle was injured May 5th in Korea. that gave them 6 days. source:

Angle apparently injured himself at lockdown. A neck injury. Considering he's had neck trouples in the past he probably shouldn't have been wrestling in Korea. That will have made the injury worse.

They didn't know the severity of the injury and wanted to wait till last minute to decide whether to pull him or not to see if Angle could do it or not. Given the situation, they did the best they could to give the fans what they advertised.

TNA has a website, they have a TV show late in the week. They can't make an announcment? They can, they just knew that they'd loose money on the show without Angle there. TNA PPV's don't make money with Angle, they sure aren't without him.

Genesis was only the beginning of Kaz's push. How can you expect people to buy a PPV for someone who just started his push?.

No you can't. But you can't expect people to really give a shit about somebody if for the past few months they haven't been near a main event.

I don't disagree that Kaz wasn't the best option but how else do you explain anyone else randomly in the main event scene. .

No need to explain somebody just randomly appearing in the main event scene. Stleys, Cage & Sting have been there for months.

You mention they don't have to explain it but then people complain that TNA don't have a storyline and just put together matches. .

Wasn't adding Kaz at last minute just putting together a match?

I think it gives a good rub to Kaz, it made sense, and gives people at least gives some part of a promised triple threat match.

It gives Kaz a rub sure. It also gives fans a triple threat. It just doesn't give them a triple threat they want to pay for.

Oh and by the way, check TNA's website. It says Card is subject to change not only on the website but on ticket stubs that they sell to fans.

Kurt Angle not wrestle in Korea? Are you Kurt Angles Doctor? How do you know Angle's neck was injured at Lockdown? Just because he didn't sign autographs afterwards? Perhaps it was just time to recooperate from the stiff match he had with Joe that night. Kurt Angle wrestled 3 matches on TV and seemed fine. He re-aggravated a neck injury in Korea 6 days before the PPV. Does that mean he shouldn't have been wrestling in Korea? WTF logic is that? People have injuries, they recover, and they keep doing what they were doing. Theres no logic behind your argument. Also, no one knew how severe the injury was. It could've been a day thing or as we are learning puts him out for a month. They wanted to wait and see.

Also, they have been trying to build Kaz up. Just cause he didn't go straight into a 6 month feud with a main-eventer doesn't mean he isn't being built up. Putting Kaz over Rellik and Black Reign is still putting Kaz over. It takes him away from the X-division (so he won't be an opener or buried like the rest of the X-division is) and gives him a program to get some wins under his belt before he can move into a bigger program.

People were going to buy this (or not) regardless of whether 1 person wrestles. There was enough on the undercard to sell the PPV: Deuce's Wild, Knockout Ladder match, Terrordome. I have never bought a PPV to see one person wrestler or fight. Maybe thats me though.
Kurt Angle not wrestle in Korea? Are you Kurt Angles Doctor? How do you know Angle's neck was injured at Lockdown? Just because he didn't sign autographs afterwards? Perhaps it was just time to recooperate from the stiff match he had with Joe that night. Kurt Angle wrestled 3 matches on TV and seemed fine. He re-aggravated a neck injury in Korea 6 days before the PPV. Does that mean he shouldn't have been wrestling in Korea? WTF logic is that? People have injuries, they recover, and they keep doing what they were doing. Theres no logic behind your argument. Also, no one knew how severe the injury was. It could've been a day thing or as we are learning puts him out for a month. They wanted to wait and see.

Angle has had a history of neck problems. He aggrivated it at Lockdown. It said so on the main site. The same site you got the news about him being injured in Korea. If somebody like Angle complains about having a bad neck, you rest him. It's that simple. He's not some wrestler complaining about a bad neck for the first time. it's something that's been happeneing to him for years. He's had multiple lay offs because of the injury.

Also, they have been trying to build Kaz up. Just cause he didn't go straight into a 6 month feud with a main-eventer doesn't mean he isn't being built up. Putting Kaz over Rellik and Black Reign is still putting Kaz over. It takes him away from the X-division (so he won't be an opener or buried like the rest of the X-division is) and gives him a program to get some wins under his belt before he can move into a bigger program.

Going over Rellik & Black reign doesn't mean shit. That's like somebody beathing Hardcore Holly. Yeah, great way to raise his profile.

He was then put with Comedy Eric. If they wanted to make him a credible main eventer then they would have put him in feuds with wrestlers higher up the card after Genesis.

People were going to buy this (or not) regardless of whether 1 person wrestles. There was enough on the undercard to sell the PPV: Deuce's Wild, Knockout Ladder match, Terrordome. I have never bought a PPV to see one person wrestler or fight. Maybe thats me though.

The main event sells the show. Nobody bought the first couple of Mania's for the mid card matches.
I really don't blame Kurt for resting and TNA shouldn't be blamed for resting the guy that is their moneymaker. Ok, so they may have pissed a few fans off because they didn't get the angle/joe feud continuing, but I think having angle for longer is a better substitute than risking him suffering a worse injury.

Add to that the fact that he wasn't expected to win the match and there's no real reason to bitch too much. Kaz is solid enough. badly used maybe and Sting could have been a better option to add name value, but it did make terrordome more important match.

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