[Sacrifice] Kurt Angle v. AJ Styles

Who wins?

  • Kurt Angle

  • AJ Styles

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Sacrifice 2012
Kurt Angle v. AJ Styles






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wait...when was this announced? i was flipping back n forth between tna and nfl draft. All I saw was Anarqia vs kurt...didnt see AJ anywhere around... is this from a spoiler or did I really miss something? Either way this'g be a great match as all of their other matches gimmick or not
wait there gonna have a ppv match just because kaz and daniels interfeared in there last match? :confused: well atleast its 2 damn good athletes who will put on a show no real fued here so its hard to say who will win i guess ill go with styles
TNA likes throwing this kind of match on the card. One which will be a fantastic wrestling match but doesn't really have a back story. I'm not really complaining because Angle vs AJ will be a fantastic wrestling match and they've shown that in the past but it will never be a five star match without a better storyline going into it. You need something to give it that extra element.

I hope AJ goes over here and it's the start of building him up to get him back in the title picture. He's been floundering for too long. Angle's been needing a break so this would be a good way to give both of them what they need.
Styles and Angle never fail to amaze me. Every time they are in the ring together, the match plays out very well. This may seem a bit thrown together, and it is, but I'm sure TNA has somewhere to go with this. I am guessing we will see Kaz and Daniels here somewhere, and probibly costing Styles another win. I think TNA needs to find something better for Angle. Ever since his feud with Double J, Kurt has been lost in the shuffle of things.

As for the winner I am guessing Angle as of now. Although, my Grandma says Styles will do his "flippy thing" to get a big win.
I think it will be a decent match, although Kurt might lose this with him taking time off of TV for a while. I am curious if Daniels and Kaz play a factor in this like last week's Impact.
Sure. It's going to be a decent match. That's ok and I'll admit to that but I just don't get the point in what it's doing on the card. It just got through on at random with no build up or anything.

I'm predicting the win to go to AJ Styles though as Kurt is injured. Cant wait to see the match, even if there is no real story line to it. Hopefully a stipulation that Kaz and Daniels cant interfear should be added.
I usually have a problem with matches being thrown on PPV with little to no backstory. However, I can make an exception in this case. Every time I see AJ and Kurt in the ring together, it's always a damn good match. Despite having virtually no build up, this could very easily be the match of the night. I can't help but think that this is nothing more than a rematch from a couple weeks ago that I think will have some effect on the Styles vs Kaz/Daniels storyline. I do think that despite Angle's warning on Impact, Kaz and Daniels will still make their presence felt in some way and cost AJ the match.
I'm too pumped for this match. I love both Kurt Angle and AJ Styles -- put them together, and you have a potential Match of the Year candidate, don't you think? This will -- and I say this with very little doubt -- be the best wrestling match on the card. Not only are AJ and Kurt consistently good, but they know how to take a match up to that next level. I'm expecting that from them at Sacrifice this Sunday. Sure, the match didn't have the best build on the card (really lacked one, actually), but you'd be hard-pressed to find a single match-up that can provide better wrestling than this one. I still think Aries/Bully will be the most entertaining, but there's no way they'll be able to deal with the action that Angle/Styles can bring. That's what I'm looking forward to most of all.

AJ will probably pull a win here, as Kurt is just perennially one of the top guys in TNA, and AJ could use a big win over him to get back on track. I'm not sure the finish will be all too clean though, and I sense we'll see some involvement from outsiders, maybe even some that we didn't expect. I don't think this is the only match we'll see with Kurt and AJ, either; I'm hoping that this will extend on into Slammiversary and maybe even have some title implications (#1 contendership, possibly). Again, I'm not 100% on this, but I don't see why AJ couldn't/shouldn't win this match. Either way, should be a great thing to watch.

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