RVD & Sabu

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
If the rumours are true and one or both of Rvd and Sabu head to TNA in the next year, who do you reckon there first matches will be against...?

RVD.... I think they will throw him straight to a A.j Styles feud or maybe a christopher daniels feud. which would be great either way. Love to see him enter a program with Senshi/Jay lethal though.

Sabu....Abyss again probably, personally i see abyss as average not World Champ. so i wouldnt like it too much and i would must prefere a Sabu, rhino feud, or Sabu to make some kind of stand against Serotonin.

Or the third consideration in my opinion, they leave WWE at the same time, and debut as a tag team, to feud with LAX!!!, i would absolutley love it.
i dont understand how people like Sabu... he's one of those 1 dimensional wrestlers... without the hardcore element he's useless... give him a mic and he's got less draw than Lex Lugar... Sabu had his time in TNA and he didn't do anything for the company...

even RVD probably wouldn't be much without a push in the X Division but I think pushing RVD would make TNA's guys look less, which hurts the company... so, either way, it's pointless to higher either guy...

and I'm sure there are like 5 other threads on this same topic...
RVD would add a different dimension to the X Div. He has a different look, feel and style. He would be great. And Sabu was awesome in TNA. Again he added a different element to the show. Its all about giving the product variety to make it more appealing to more people.
i dont understand how people like Sabu... he's one of those 1 dimensional wrestlers... without the hardcore element he's useless... give him a mic and he's got less draw than Lex Lugar... Sabu had his time in TNA and he didn't do anything for the company...

even RVD probably wouldn't be much without a push in the X Division but I think pushing RVD would make TNA's guys look less, which hurts the company... so, either way, it's pointless to higher either guy...

and I'm sure there are like 5 other threads on this same topic...

Pointless to hire either? TNA could use one more hardcore wrestler to mix up the matches a little bit, and Sabu's one of the first, so he's got that going for him. And part of his character was that he didn't really talk, which WWE ruined. As for RVD, he'd do fine in the X Division or the Heavyweight (way more talented than Rhino) and the fact that he'd bring a ton of fans with him is one reason alone for TNA to pick him up. RVD has an undeniable draw that would only benefit TNA. It might even give them a push on Spike for a 2-hour show, which would negate the argument about RVD taking away screen time from the guys TNA already has. And while their ratings are slowly on the climb, having Kurt Angle AND RVD would give them the fast push to give ECW a run for its money.
While T.N.A. is popular it still is'nt in the same league as WWE. Some people might think that having WWE rejects is a bad idea but people who have'nt seen any wrestling other than WWE are'nt going to know any wrestler's in the X-Division or most of the roster for that fact. Any former WWE name is a bonus for T.N.A. For example if somebody is channel surfing and they spot a former WWE wrestler who they recognise they might be more inclined to continue watching.
sabu and rvd would be great for tna
yeah sabu had his time but he could still have great fueds
christian vs. sabu vs. rvd vs. ron killings in a king of the mountain match???? would be amazing
I do think that sabu needs to be used sparingly but he is a good draw, and RVD is a great name to add to any roster.

less draw than Lex Luger...
No one can have less draw than Lex or Buff Bagwell for that matter.

I do reckon Robbie V would be better in the Heavyweight division, He is a little big to compete with people like Senshi, sonjay and sabin. Because in my opinion RVD is more of a High flying heavyweight than a pure 'Cruiserweight'/'Lightweight'(or whatever :s).
Sabu one dimensional? No, in fact he is one of the most talented guys in the WWE right now. He can wrestle without using weapons. Watch his match with Mankind from the Terry Funk Wrestlefest show. That match didn't have weapons and Sabu still showed that he is a great wrestler. His style though is more hardcore and in WWE he can't do much. I suggest watching old ECW matches to see Sabu's true brilliance in the ring. And part of his gimmick is that he doesn't talk. He doesn't like to talk so therefore there is no need for him to go babbling on and on. Sabu = one of the best in the business.
Sabu is still a main-eventer IMO. He's a draw all over the world. I think TNA held him back a little last time he was there because all he did was hardcore matches and fought Aybss every PPV.

I think TNA is def. the better place for both guys but I still think TNA doesn't use their wrestles all that well either.
RVD in the long run and last minute will re-sign with WWE. Here's why:
1)TNA will stick him in the X-Division.
2)He wont get near the TNA WORLD Title due to the fact that strap runs have been promised to just about everyone on the roster lol. (Case and point the 2 day Rhino title run).
3)All his WWE/ECW base will not follow him to TNA. Just asked Kurt Angle how many of his WWE fans jumped to TNA. It hasnt happened.
4)Sabu has a 2 year contract that he will not be released from. RVD and SABU need to be around each other.
5)RVD is about $$$, TNA wont offer him what WWE will.
6)He will still the be the guy to eventually beat Bobby Lashley for the ECW title, once Vince gets over the fact that he didnt go to Iraq.
Sabu one dimensional? No, in fact he is one of the most talented guys in the WWE right now. He can wrestle without using weapons. Watch his match with Mankind from the Terry Funk Wrestlefest show. That match didn't have weapons and Sabu still showed that he is a great wrestler. His style though is more hardcore and in WWE he can't do much. I suggest watching old ECW matches to see Sabu's true brilliance in the ring. And part of his gimmick is that he doesn't talk. He doesn't like to talk so therefore there is no need for him to go babbling on and on. Sabu = one of the best in the business.

finally someone agrees with the fact that sabu is 1 of the most talented in the wwe/ecw roster, but to be honest i think ecw is destroying sabus carreer. HE isnt used to storylines or matches without extreme rules, put him in some of tohse matches. i think its bs if he doesnt win back the title soon, i honsetly think he would be better off in tna.
I hate to say it but I don't want these guys to go to TNA even though they are being underused in WWECW. The reason is that TNA needs to be there own thing with there own home grown roster, and I want ECW to be awesome has it has the potential to be but RVD and Sabu need to be there to give it legitimacy. Bobby Lashley vs Test will not be ECW to me but RVD vs Lashley and Test vs Sabu is closer.
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