RVD Left in a Pool of Blood; Future of the WHC?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you do so, because the graphic was downright brutal. The violence itself was implied that Abyss used "Janice" on him, but RVD left the iMPACT! Zone in an ambulance looking like a victim from a horror movie.

Question is, what does this do for the WHC scene? If RVD is taking time off, and this injury writes him out, how do you handle the title itself?


I'm well aware the spoilers for the "answer" to this are available, but it doesn't mean we can't have a meaningful discussion about this between those of us who don't read them. If you've read the spoilers and you know what happens, keep it to your fucking self. I'm not playing games with anyone here – if you post spoilers, you will be banned outright. Do not ruin this for people who do not want it ruined for them. This is your one and only warning.
just watched the whole show and all i can say is WOW ! TNA creative really stepped their game up. the ending was damn right brutal with all the TNA guys stompin the shit outta the ECW guys. i'm loving this shit right now. i got tickets to the house show in NYC next month. i'm hoping i get to see a show like what i saw tonite. can't wait for next week !!!
I havent seen TNA in a grip so i cant really say too much but its evident RVD will take time off and hopefully at the next ppv or before then we will have a new champ or a method to crown a new one...Angle is probably pumped right now.
I agree, that was some brutal shit.

I really don't know what to about the WHC. My first thought would be to force him into a squash match against someone, probably Abyss. I wouldn't wanna see it, though. Maybe he forfeits it, but I don't really wanna see that either. I do like the angle, but I hate that it seems their forcing RVD out of his championship because I would like to see him lose it fairly. I just don't see it happening. Who knows, though. I'm kind of curious to see where there gonna go with RVD and his title, more so than Fortune/EV2.0.

I know they're similar, but they might be trying to get the title away from the whole angle. If that's where their going, then I don't know who should get it or how.
I do know what's happening with the WHC, so I'll keep tight lipped on that one.

But I thought the visual from this attack was very good. It was a great way to put over the impact of Janice without actually doing it. I'll give them credit for that, I didn't really give any thoughts to anything being done with Janice, so this was a very clever way to use it.
The blood was a little too overboard for me since it looked like RVD was covered in pig's blood from the movie Carrie. It was a great way for Abyss and Fourtune to look strong taking out the extreme guys and the world champion. I don't know if RVD is taking time off or is actually injured, but is weird that this is happening so soon. I think if RVD was taking time off then he should have given the title to Abyss. Maybe they will have him relinquish the title next week. A tournament is really the only thing you can do in this situation. Maybe the top 10 rankings guys will be in a tournament.

I haven't read any spoilers if that is the case, it just seems like that is the best way to do things. Unless they have Abyss come out and demand to be TNA Heavyweight champion.
Perfect ending to a perfect show. With the rumours that RVD would be taking time off in the near future, I see this as the perfect way to do it. Abyss' now looks more psychotic and deranged then ever, Van Dam clearly can't be in a good state. Hopefully this leads to the title being vacated, that way Abyss gets over as a monster, RVD is out of the title picture, but not in a way where he can't come back and demand a match for whoever picks up the belt (provided he is taking this sabbatical). I think it's great, not to mention that Fortune is looking fantastic now, especially that bit with Storm hitting Raven.

Fucking amazing.
That ending was fucking brutal and a awesome end to an awesome show. They also wrote off Rvd perfectly with this beat down and made Abyss look fucking psychotic. Rvd will probably take time off after the beatdown and will have to vacate the title. I dont know how they will go about naming a new champ but it will be interesting to see how the new Tna champ will be crowned
RVD taking time off, why? lol
He's been back for a few months and has done how much wrestling in between that and his WWE run?

so once again TNA threw away money on over pushing someone who was only a bandaid

Typical TNA have no F'ing idea
RVD taking time off, why? lol
He's been back for a few months and has done how much wrestling in between that and his WWE run?

so once again TNA threw away money on over pushing someone who was only a bandaid

Typical TNA have no F'ing idea

RVD taking time off is just a rumour, nobody confirmed it. And EVEN if it is or will be confirmed, how EXACTLY does over-pushing someone "throw money away". Don't tell me "because they pay him more", they'd pay him just as much even if he wasn't champion or over-pushed - he's RVD.

And to answer your question about "how much wrestling" he's done, and believe me I don't want to make you cry all over your Cena merchandise, but he's been having a WWE-like schedule, wrestling his ass off ever since he came back. So that's how much wrestling he's done - more than you think.

Plus, TNA did a wonderful job making this all fit into a storyline and make sense and everything, so no harm done.

He could've taken this time off due to storyline purposes. They write him off TV - dude decides to sit back and enjoy the show, smoke some pot, you know, RVD stuff. I'm sure this was planned for at least a few weeks or a month before it happened.

(sigh) Typical TNA hater having no F'ing idea...
RVD taking time off, why? lol
He's been back for a few months and has done how much wrestling in between that and his WWE run?

so once again TNA threw away money on over pushing someone who was only a bandaid

Typical TNA have no F'ing idea

That post was pointless If you TNA has no idea what they are donig then why post here. Go waste your time somewhere else. Now I begin and say i will now be watching tna weekly again now. Absolutly amazing ending but I just have a question why were the fans chanting this is awesome in the middle of the attack. As to the TNA WHC I dont think RVD will be able to defend it after that so mabye so maybe a tournement. Seems like the only idea that would make sence or just give it to Abyss since he completly destroyed the champ in the first place
Yes, the image of a bloody RVD was fucking brutal. I mean, blood everywhere. Worse than when Team 3D took out Syxx-Pac and left him in a pool of his own blood. Worse.

Obviously, Dixie and Hogan are not going to stand for this, so they won't just "award" the belt to Abyss after attacking the champion. I expect the title to be held up, and it will be a piece of heavy artillery in the upcoming feud between Fourtune and the "TNA Originals" vs. the EV2.0 guys and Hogan / Dixie....if that's the result of the attack on Impact.

I don't see a new champion being crowned until the next PPV or even Bound For Glory if it all pans out...
I don't understand why every thread is turned into a TNA vs WWE debate. I've been watching both recently and it's like comparing apples and oranges. Sure they are in the same group, but they are a variety.
I think recently TNA and WWE have never been further apart in terms of product. One company plays it safe and caters to the safety of their employees, and the other has extreme OMG! moments every week where someone loses a high amount of blood. The WWE is like..Formula 1, and TNA is like demolition derby, they share different beliefs in a form of entertainment.

But back on topic, I think the ending of the show was the best way they could advance this 'They' storyline. For weeks we have been hearing that Abyss has been ordered to take out RVD, and with what happened this week, this gives 'They' a sign of dominance. If a couple more people get taken out, people will begin to worry about the threat of 'They' and TNA will just be 2 hours of paranoia. Nobody will be safe. You have 'They', EV2.0 and Fortune all with their own agenda's.
With the state RVD was in at the end of the show, it's likely the title will be vacated, and a tournament will be held. Or maybe the top two in the rankings will just have a match. That would give the rankings a bit more significance., rather than Kurt Angle just working his way up every week.
Is there a..deadline for how a long person can be out for before they have to vacate the title? Or will they just strip him of his belt straight away, similar to what they attempted to do with Doug Williams?
Not sure what happens with the title. I think I might be leaning towards a tournament of some kind but that has been done a bunch of times. I think the wildcard in the whole thing is Hogan. I just can't get past the whole cryptic "big surprise". Having the EV2 guys get another swan song just doesn't seem big enough. I just can't help feeling that the subsequent beat-down was the surprise Hogan promised.
I became a huge TNA fan in 2005, but in the past year or two, I've lost interest, I still watch, I just havent really seen anything that excites me.... until last night. I have never been so amped for next weeks show.

I'm not sure of the future of the title, I dont see a tournament happening solely because its a guarantee that Angle will win, I dont see him retiring anytime soon, plus that would kill his storyline. I could be wrong, though.
But back on topic, I think the ending of the show was the best way they could advance this 'They' storyline. For weeks we have been hearing that Abyss has been ordered to take out RVD, and with what happened this week, this gives 'They' a sign of dominance. If a couple more people get taken out, people will begin to worry about the threat of 'They' and TNA will just be 2 hours of paranoia. Nobody will be safe.

I agree and if anyone stuck around after Impact and watched ReAction, then you saw Abyss saying that he took out RVD just like "They" wanted and that "They" will give him a new target for next week. I'm interested to see who this target will be. Will it be another EV2.0 guy? Or a TNA guy? With the way TNA ended the show, it shows just how much of a Monster Abyss is, and makes "They" a real threat. I really hope it is a two people or a group that none of us have thought of and not just voices in his head....anyways back to the topic of this thread...

With RVD out, I think the best option would be to have the top two guys in the top 10 rankings face each other for the title at the next PPV, if they are stripping RVD of the title. However, I think TNA will go the tournament route...however if they do, I think they should go more of a world cup style of tournament here and not just a generic tournament. This way the tournament could last until Bound For Glory. Divide all the top 10 guys up into 4 groups and add some "Wild Card" wrestlers that are not in the top 10, into the 4 groups to make 4 groups of 4. Have everyone face each other in each group, then the 4 wrestlers with the most wins advance either to one final group or to a mini standard type of tournament to decide the champion. Probably too complicated, so we'll probably just see a standard 8 man tournament or something like that.
Well like many people I think RVD will vacate the title in a tournament off some what where the final two wrestlers will fight at No Surrender I hope its between Angle and Anderson or A.J Styles but have heard nothing as I like to watch the program instead of reading spoilers.

Well I think the Ecw guys got what they deserved but that is just me. Anyone else think that attack was like the Nexus but with credible wrestlers and blood but good ending.
It's gonna go to Abyss or Anderson. I don't think anybody else has a shot. That was a brutal beatdown on RVD, and I actually kind of though it was decent. If Abyss wins the belt it'll be ******ed though, I just don't think he's good enough... AT ALL. He can't even play a good monster heel anymore. I hope Anderson gets it, he is so good on the mic and great in the ring. Mr. Anderson FTW.
The thing I hate about the whole Janice angle is that you'll never see it being used anywhere, or on anyone, on camera; unless they do a cut-away backstage where you presume Abyss used it. If TNA is going to build Abyss as a monster heel with a weapon prop, they should at least have it be something where it'll play a factor in his matches. At least when Kane was setting people on fire, they actually were on fire for a bit.
They can't just give the title away to the #1 ranked challenger (who wouldn't be Abyss. More than likely Jeff Hardy) because that makes for bad tv.

No, TNA will do something it loves to do, it will have a tournament. I'm not sure how they'll structure it, but the rankings will come into play with #10 taking on #1 or something lika that to keep the seeding correct. Van Damn will take a month off or wait until after BFG to come back and start a feud with the champion right away.

The most important thing here though, is how it impacts the story telling.

Abyss is doing exactly what They wanted him to by taking out RVD and removing him from the picture.

If They are actually disgruntled TNA talent as they appear to be by their distaste of RVD coming in and stealing the show, they'll likely go after either Mr. Anderson or Jeff Hardy, since they are the biggest names to come from other companies besides Kurt Angle.

As I stated earlier, the championship itself will be resolved by a tournament or something, the real impact this has on TNA is how they use Abyss from here on and who he is working for.
I was in the audience for the Whole F'n Show and next weeks Impact. The whole show was great & the beatdown by Fortune was amazing. The part we didn't get to see (on the video wall) was the aftermath of Abyss using Janice on RVD. When that segment showed up on Impact it blew me away, even knowing what will happen on next weeks Impact. It just goes to show you that being there live doesn't insure you will know everything that is going on. The story line just keeps building and I think we will be in for a couple months of really good shows. My only hope is that this angle doesn't drag on forever. TNA has too much good young talent to let the old ECDub guys over shadow them for too long.

The blood was definitely a little over the top, and I distinctly remember seeing a piece of "flesh" on Janice as Abyss was going apeshit over what he had just done to RVD. But still, it was dramatic, and it made you go "Damn, what the fuck". So it succeeded at what it set out to do, and it made Abyss look like a true monster. I think it's the perfect way to write RVD off TV, and it makes him not have to lose to drop the title.

Whether it's a tournament, the top 10 rankings, or whatever, I think we will see a new TNA Champion in the very near future.
RVD taking time off is just a rumour, nobody confirmed it. And EVEN if it is or will be confirmed, how EXACTLY does over-pushing someone "throw money away". Don't tell me "because they pay him more", they'd pay him just as much even if he wasn't champion or over-pushed - he's RVD.

And to answer your question about "how much wrestling" he's done, and believe me I don't want to make you cry all over your Cena merchandise, but he's been having a WWE-like schedule, wrestling his ass off ever since he came back. So that's how much wrestling he's done - more than you think.

Plus, TNA did a wonderful job making this all fit into a storyline and make sense and everything, so no harm done.

He could've taken this time off due to storyline purposes. They write him off TV - dude decides to sit back and enjoy the show, smoke some pot, you know, RVD stuff. I'm sure this was planned for at least a few weeks or a month before it happened.

(sigh) Typical TNA hater having no F'ing idea...

He actually has a point, though it may not have been the most well articulated.

He may have been working a "WWE-like schedule" but he hasn't even been working that schedule for six months, I know people have a right to take time off but when you're the face of the company you kind of have to work through it.

As far as him being "overpushed" I'm not exactly sure what that means, but in my opinion they did make him look a little Cena-ish at times. The way they booked him over Styles made AJ look like a bitch. I think RVD, at this point in his career, should be doing the job a little more to make some TNA originals look good, but that's one man's opinion.

But I will say the angle was done very well, and as much as I would like to see RVD legitimately drop the title (instead of either vacating or losing because he's "injured") I really can't complain about the way they did it, as it did put Abyss over as a monster... whether or not Abyss should be the one to be put over is another topic for another time
I like this idea, myself.

Presumably, RVD will take a little time off, after this bloodbath to "recuperate." Makes for the perfect setup for an interesting title hunt if you ask me. Whether they hold a tournament, or have a top two match or whatever. That sets it up for RVD to return after BFG and proclaim himself the legitimate champion, and start a feud with whoever is there.

My take: This is the perfect opportunity to capitalize on the whole top ten angle with Kurt Angle and give him the strap, followed by a returning tweener RVD feud. Those two could, I'm sure, provide some top notch matches for the title, while being able to easily shake away some of the poor stuff with Abyss.

This, I think, would add a little more prestige to the title, and give us some very interesting matches along the way.

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