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RVD - Impressions since return

RVD impessions

  • I'm ecstatic, as I was back in the day!

  • I enjoy him in the ring, but not as much!

  • Not so thrilled anymore, because of reason (1)

  • Not so thrilled anymore, because of reason (2)

  • Not so thrilled, for other reasons.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Getting Noticed By Management
It's been some time since RVD came back to the WWE, and he seems to be getting a lot of tv time, similar to Jericho. He has even been inserted in the WHC program, which helps in giving it some credibility.

Despite all his great in ring talent though, something just doesn't make me all that excited about him anymore. Let me break this down for you:

-I started watching wrestling regularly at 2009, and at that time I was watching the current program, alongside old matches, Attitude Era episodes, and many other classic matches, in which, of course, RVD was a part of at times. He was really exciting and made him stand out.
That being said, his performances since his return still make him stand out with all the kicks and high flying etc, but something in all those moves just doesn't cut it for me anymore. I don't know if that's because:
1) I have seen a lot of that lately (Punk and Bryan using kicks, others using high flying moves), making it not so special anymore OR because:
2) What he does seems forced. What I mean by that? Sometimes he speeds up the pace of the match when, in my opinion, should remain slow and be sped up later on, or sometimes his selection of moves just doesn't fit the current stage of the match. He often seems like he is trying to end the match early, since he uses his signature moves and going on the top rope a lot too often. I don't remember if that was the case back in the day, but right now, it seems like what he does is so forced. Probably he should start off using a kick or two, then use some wrestling grabs like headlocks, neckbreakers or something, and only when around the 75% match timer should he start using singatures and going on the top rope for finishers etc.
I don't know if you guys understand exactly what I mean here, because it isn't clarified in my head even why I don't enjoy RVD as much as I should/liked to. Do you agree with me? Do you feel that way? Or are you impressed with him the way you were back in the day?

P.S.: Me not enjoying him as much might probably be because of his involvement with Del Rio, making those two guys not match up that well. I guess it might just be too early to make such an assumption, but I wanna hear what you guys have to say!
I disagree. I feel like RVD has been fantastic since his return and hasn't had a bad match whatsoever. Maybe it's because I'm comparing him to TNA RVD and you're comparing him to previous WWF/WWE run RVD but this is the best he's been in a LONG time. He should have won the WHC from Del Rio who I believe matches up well with almost anyone (besides Sheamus) it's a shame that his contract status apparently prevents it.
I've enjoyed his return. I was one of the people who wasn't (and still isn't) too thrilled that he's with Ricardo but they seem to be having fun on screen.
His matches haven't been bad.
You have to take into consideration that he's 42 years old. He's going to be a little slower but at his age he still performs very well for his style.
As far as him seeming like he tries to end the match too early wouldn't you do that too if you were in a match? It gets the crowd excited and makes them think that it could end at any time.
He's been "meh" for me.

His matches have been great, I'm not complaining about that. His matches with Jericho and with Orton/Christian were match of the year contenders. However, he has yet to show me that he's entertaining outside of that element. His microphone work has been horrendous. He's never been the best on the mic, we know that, but everything he says sounds like he's reading it right off of a script. And he has not made his feud with Del Rio (who's already boring as is) any more exciting.
Rob Van Dam has been the reason you've been watching the World Heavyweight Championship scene, admit it.

He has been on fire since he has returned, put into a situation that he hasn't been in since ECW came back. And he's up there in age. If anything it's a miracle he can still do all of those crazy spots.

Now as far as the poll, I voted that I do enjoy seeing him in the ring, but not too much. That's because even though I like him, he has a shelf life. So far WWE is selling the notion his contract will end in a short amount of time. He is old, which is obvious. We can't expect him to stick around.
I am kinda lukewarm on him in his return. I was a huge fan of him in his ECW days, and early WWE. Not so much in TNA though. His matches have been great since his return, and I think he is the perfect opponent for ADR right now, but he just doesn't do it for me anymore. I am taking his age into consideration to as I don't expect him to be what he was in ECW. I didn't get excited when it was announced he would return, and to me this return is going to be pretty forgettable.
Maybe the fact that he is a part timer kinda blows off the excitement too, since we know he is not in for a big run. I don't know, it's good to see him, but I'm not as hyped as I thought, since when his return was advertized at Payback, I literally screamed in my room.
In the grand scheme of things, WWE is currently using RVD to the very best they're able to when you consider the terms of the deal he has. In about 2.5 months, RVD turns 43 years old and while he's still in great shape and can still go in the ring, he's not on the same level he once was. One reason he returned to WWE was because they were willing to allow him to work a reduced & part time schedule. As a result, he's able to make decent money while appearing only on television tapings and ppvs.

RVD has gotten a good response from fans since his return and seems to be much more energetic now than he was the few years he was with TNA. While I'm sure some would like the idea of him being WHC or even WWE Champion, it's just not feasible under the circumstances. Allegedly, RVD's deal is that he wrestles for 90 days before taking a hiatus of unspecified length, returns to wrestle for another 90 days before taking another hiatus and so on. WWE also no longer plays hot potato with their titles, a good move on Triple H's part in my opinion, which means that RVD really shouldn't be a champion under the terms of his deal. They've kept him as an upper mid-carder and top challenger for the WHC since his return and that's probably the penultimate use for him under the circumstances of his current WWE deal. If he signs another deal or already has signed one, I think he MIGHT wind up winning the WHC tonight at Battleground only to drop it to Sandow upon the cashing in of his MITB contract.
I'm not understanding how his work in WWE 2013 is superior to his TNA stint. He's been equally underwhelming in both promotions thus far.
I suppose the slower WWE pace hides his flaws better..but it's that same unmotivated lazy RVD that has been dialing it in all year.
At this point in his career, it seems Sabu got too much flak for being a non grapling spot monkey and RVD not enough because it seems the only wrestling holds RVD knows or at least uses nowadays are kicks and forearms, aside from his various types monkey flips and back flips.
He's been equally underwhelming in both promotions thus far.

Well, yes. The reasons for it are that in both promotions the past few years, he's older, fatter and slower. It happens to everyone, I guess. He works much slower today, but that's just the ravages of time. Watching his gut sticking out as he does his frog splash also reminds that an athletic career is fleeting.

On the other hand, he seems enthusiastic enough about being back. Honestly, I felt he was frittering away his last years as an active wrestler. The couple years he spent in semi-retirement (2007-10) were totally wasted because he still could have competed at a high level in a major promotion. Similarly, when he came back....now in his 40's.....he went to TNA. Better he should have gone back to WWE for financial reasons. If he wanted to spend the last few years of his career building his retirement fund, he would have been better off in Vince-land.

We all are happy with him now because he's been on our TV screens for 3 months. Let's see how we feel when he takes off on his planned vacation. If that doesn't bother you at all, it might suggest that it doesn't really matter whether he works here or not.

Know what I've been wondering? Whether WWE relaxed it's substance abuse policy for him.....or whether he's no longer one toke over the line.
RVD is inserted into WWE Title Picture in his first PPV and then in his next one he was demoted to US Championship title Picture then suddenly he was inserted into Heavyweight Championship Picture and now we are hearing news that his contract is likely to end. IMO the WWE didn't book RVD the way they should have, they know he's not gonna win any title on here in short time, if they wanna elevate Del Rio or Heavyweight Championship RVD should have started off with that, it would have been better for everyone involved i feel.
We got what we should expect.

RVD is never going to give you an emotional, drama-filled storyline.

He is going to give you a fun 10 minute match.

If you an accept that, which I do, you can enjoy RVD.

From all the interviews and podcasts RVD has given, we know he doesn't care about winning or losing. He cares about a low travel schedule, he cares doing moves that impress people, and believes he has not lost a step even at his age.

The WWE is never going to push him to the sky, but they will market him, because he is so loved and has good merch numbers. He is a solid employee.
I've always loved RVD and was ecstatic when he returned. He has given some very good matches and that was worth his return alone. His match with Jericho was probably top three of the year and he had some great spots at MITB. That being said, I think his feud with Del Rio will have been a waste unless he wins tonight. Their feud has been very average and although their match at NoC was quite good, there has been no story. Neither are great speakers (or at least in the WWE mould) meaning they had to come up with a new way of selling this feud and apparently Ricardo Rodriguez was that way.

There are rumours he will be gone after tonight but I'm sure this match will be 5 stars. Two tough guys, who can wrestle, in hardcore rules. This will only cement that his return was great and I really hope he wins the World Heavyweight Championship even if it is just for a few minutes.

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