RVD has more pop than C-4

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Well, the rumors were correct, eh?

RVD has not only signed with TNA, but made what IMO was the biggest iMPACT! (all pun intended) since Kurt Angle when he debuted tonight to what was quite frankly the biggest pop I've ever heard in the iMPACT! Zone – ever. Kurt Angle, Booker T, Christian Cage and even Jeff Hardy himself all paled in comparison to what RVD managed to accomplish in all of about two and a half minutes worth of air-time tonight, and I for one couldn't be happier. I mean, just look at the reaction from Sting when RVD's music hits (seriously, watch it again).

For those who didn't catch the show (shame on you!), RVD made his debut as a surprise opponent for Sting (who turned heel) by mandate of Dixie Carter herself. However, while RVD brought the house down, Sting went bat-crazy on RVD in the post-match celebration, which begs the question – where to now?

We all know how light of a work schedule RVD likes to work, and while the foundation for what would seem like a mega-feud with Sting is there, how does TNA handle the pressure moving forward?

Do you feel RVD's tendency to call it in (so to speak) will hurt this potential blockbuster of a feud? And what of Sting's age? Does his age hurt the potential of the match quality as well, or is Sting still fully capable of Showtime!?
First off, I've always liked you and your posts. You don't ever come out here and say dumb shit. Second of all, Sting versus RVD is going to be a goddam dream feud. Blockbuster is an understatement. Sting can carry it on the mic, and RVD can carry him in the ring. RVD is so fucking over it doesn't even make sense to me. Great thread title by the way.

The feud will be epic for the simple fact that it's a returning RVD versus a returning Sting, in fucking TNA! If TNA doesn't know how to handle the pressure of having a silver platter of a fucking main event level feud that isn't even for the strap in the palm of their hands they need to shut the doors of the company down now and let everyone go to the WWE. They barely have to book anything creatively. Just let them go. The fans will follow regardless. You said it yourself....that pop for RVD was unreal, I forgot it was the Impact Zone for a second.
Personally I think RVD's time in TNA is going to be great, even with the move to Monday's they're still working 1 week on 1 week off. Combine that with the relatively limited house show schedule and I think he'll be fine. I personally see him going after Sting and then moving into the main event as one of the semi-veteran style main eventers similar to Angle. All in all I think his debut was excellent and so long as he's used properly his time in TNA should be great.
As we were saying in the LD Real, I agree with you completely here. I said at the time that was the biggest pop I've ever heard in the Impact zone and I'll stand by that. I may just need to look up all the debuts of the other big stars to just compare more fairly, but that was bigger than Sting, Angle, Jeff Hardy, just about anyone I can possibly think of. Shit it was bigger than the pops for Hogan!

Cannot wait to see how RVD will be used, though obviously it appears it'll be he and Sting feuding to start off, which sounds fucking awesome. If they wrestle at Destination X I'll be definitely buying that PPV (shit I probably am already). Just absolutely stoked to see RVD back on my TV screen in a major wrestling promotion, marked out so hardcore for his debut even though I knew it was coming. Great moment from TNA, and I cannot wait to see how this all plays out.
Rob Van Dam is going to be absolutely awesome fighting agaisnt Sting. We'll get a full month build up of RVD's return against Sting going off and that will further put Sting into the heel position and RVD is going to be a mega face.

Stinger also looked great tonight. I expect him and RVD to have a great match at Lockdown, a co-Main Event with Pope and AJ.
First off, I've always liked you and your posts. You don't ever come out here and say dumb shit. Second of all, Sting versus RVD is going to be a goddam dream feud. Blockbuster is an understatement. Sting can carry it on the mic, and RVD can carry him in the ring. RVD is so fucking over it doesn't even make sense to me. Great thread title by the way.

The feud will be epic for the simple fact that it's a returning RVD versus a returning Sting, in fucking TNA! If TNA doesn't know how to handle the pressure of having a silver platter of a fucking main event level feud that isn't even for the strap in the palm of their hands they need to shut the doors of the company down now and let everyone go to the WWE. They barely have to book anything creatively. Just let them go. The fans will follow regardless. You said it yourself....that pop for RVD was unreal, I forgot it was the Impact Zone for a second.

Well first, I appreciate the compliments, and I'll be sure to repay you in rep once I have some left to give out (gave it all out tonight in the LD, sorry).

As for the thread, while I couldn't agree more that this is a feast of monumental proportions that's been served to TNA on a silver platter in terms of being one of the biggest feuds established in a nano-second since... well, I have no idea, I'm still just a little (and I emphasize little) worried about Sting's incalculable & mysterious heel direction (considering the seeds are planted for the 4 Horsemen a la TNA 2010 with Wolfe, AJ and Flair by his side) and RVD's tendency to really not want to be "the whole fuckin' show", despite the moniker – ya know?

I'd hope TNA would simply let this play itself out, because IMO you've got two of the best veterans in the business set to go head-to-head in a dream feud of the ages, but I'm just worried that in all the chaos and confusion that's being booked in TNA right now that this might suffer a bit from it.
While I agree with everything said in this thread thus far, I figure this may be a good place to express my disapointment in the way that the return was handled.

Granted, this is being nitpicky, but how can TNA throw out a surprise like this after not only having it leaked online, but also having Taz, who was "apparently" supposed to be surprised when RVD showed up, drop a line like "What were you doing at 4:20"

As I said nitpicky, but it's just a huge pet peeve of mine.

As for RVD going forward. Obviously a fued with Sting would be an absolutely huge draw. However, the main event is so crowded right now I cannot comprehend where he would go afterwards.

Lots of fresh match ups is a positive, but with the names TNA are throwing out right off the bat, it could get very crowded at the top.
It was great seeing RVD tonight! I love the guy, and the crowd popped HUGE! They also popped huge for Jeff Hardy, who is apparently a big singles star these days, but I'd say RVD got the bigger pop. Good lord, I never would have ever guessed this would happen when I was watching RVD in the 90's tearing up the ECW arena with Jerry Lynn. Wrestling is a crazy business!
While I agree with everything said in this thread thus far, I figure this may be a good place to express my disapointment in the way that the return was handled.

Granted, this is being nitpicky, but how can TNA throw out a surprise like this after not only having it leaked online, but also having Taz, who was "apparently" supposed to be surprised when RVD showed up, drop a line like "What were you doing at 4:20"

As I said nitpicky, but it's just a huge pet peeve of mine.

As for RVD going forward. Obviously a fued with Sting would be an absolutely huge draw. However, the main event is so crowded right now I cannot comprehend where he would go afterwards.

Lots of fresh match ups is a positive, but with the names TNA are throwing out right off the bat, it could get very crowded at the top.

I have to agree with you there. There is so much Mainevent Feuds going on, its like there isn't a need for a Mid or Lower Card.

TNA is so smoking right now, things are happening and Sting V RVD is as much a dream match for me as Sting V Undertaker ever was. Sting my all time favorite up against RVD has the potential that none of Stings feuds in TNA have had.

Both great on the mic and can get it done well in the ring. Welcome to the era of TNA. Great stuff!
Ok I originally wanted to write this is the TNA vs WWE review section but since there's a thread up about RVDs debut what the hell.

Frankly RVD was gonna be over no matter what happened unless he tried killing hulk I mean he's got the natural fanbase wherever he goes so no shock value there

I thought it was interesting to see RVD get put with Sting as he was turning heel but the match was so short and then followed by a long beatdown by sting? 1+1 ain't equalling 2 to me. Sting has always IMO been good at carrying the long term feuds but this one started out rough to me
I loved RVD's debut. I know some may not since his match was so short, but I think that was the point of it. If Kennedy would of had a short match, maybe the Impact Zone wouldn't of chanted overrated at him. Maybe they would of still though. Anyways, I would love to see RVD against Sting too. Who would of thought RVD getting a victory over Sting!?

I think Hogan might have one last match with Sting at Lockdown though. He says he is done, but I bet we will see Hogan fight against Sting sooner than later. You could put RVD against Jesse Neal or Rob Terry and I would still pop for it. I would love to see him mix it up with AJ Styles and some X Division wrestlers. I think Rob is too big of a name in TNA to be in the X Division though, but he could have some great matches with Daniels or Wolfe.

TNA did a great job tonight of not rushing any segments or debuts like they did last time. RVD vs. Sting at Destination X would be phenomenal. Of course RVD in an Ultimate X match would be sweet too.
what amazed me most about rvd's debut wasnt just his initial pop, which was incredible. if i was imagining this please correct me, but when sting came out for his match he was still getting some cheers and even bows. then after he was beating rvd with the bat sting got what seemed to me as more heat than his first attack on hogan and abyss. this to me makes it seem like rvd was more over than hulkamania. i cant wait to see whats in store for rvd and can only hope he gets a title fued with aj.
I also loved the POP RVD received! It is up to TNA to make the feud between RVD and Sting a success. I hope they treat it similar to how they are building up Angle Vs Kennedy. Sting got the best of RVD first, which is a great way to start! It's the Legend/Icon vs a fan-favorite phenom! I can see a great contrast of styles resulting in a dream match!

I don't like Sting, I thought he should have retired years ago. He doesn't draw, has only drawn a dime once in his career and he was highly overrated in the ring.

RVD, I love. I watched him ECW tear the fucking roof down every time he stepped foot in the ring.

Now, I know RVD and Sting aren't going to have good matches, so I don't understand that part. But Sting's turn on RVD tonight I thought was really...REALLY...good. Sting needs to be more ruthless.

Overall I'm happy RVD joined TNA, but get to the meat and potatoes, give me RVD vs Hardy, give me RVD vs Wolfe. RVD vs Pope. RVD vs Sting was WAY down on my top matches lists.
Without wishing to piss on everybody's fire, yes it was a big pop, but the Impact Zone audience are precisely the kinds of guys that will cheer for Rob Van Dam. The proof of the pudding will come as to how much the casual fan can relate to him. That being said, it was an excellent debut, getting him over as a top competitor, entering him into a storyline and establishing him as a true babyface, as if he'd be anything else, immediately. I'm not a member of the RVD cockriders association, but that was as solid a debut as I have seen for a long long time.
Without wishing to piss on everybody's fire, yes it was a big pop, but the Impact Zone audience are precisely the kinds of guys that will cheer for Rob Van Dam. The proof of the pudding will come as to how much the casual fan can relate to him. That being said, it was an excellent debut, getting him over as a top competitor, entering him into a storyline and establishing him as a true babyface, as if he'd be anything else, immediately. I'm not a member of the RVD cockriders association, but that was as solid a debut as I have seen for a long long time.

True, Tastycles, but you also have to keep in mind that the majority of casual fans are the ones who watch from home, and they're often influenced by just how "over" a guy gets in terms of crowd reaction when he's actually live and in person. If the pop RVD got was any indication to how well RVD will sell, I doubt TNA is worried about cutting costs anywhere anytime soon.

Couple that with the fact he's about to feud with Sting, who IMO is one of the most historic names in professional wrestling history, and it's not as though you're trying to sell Shark Boy v. Curry Man here, eh?
What an amazing debut for RVD. This was probably the my favorite debut with the most positives I have seen in the last decade. This was booked very well for what they were trying to do with these two icons and it had me marking out like a schoolgirl over twilight.

Sting enters as a man who seems to be a lone wolf-not quite heel yet and still gets decent pop from the crowd only to leave to what seemed like nothing but mega-heat. What a great way to give Sting some real fucking heat from everyone and push RVD as a mega-face. This sets up 5 star feud for RVD right out of the gate that just can't be fucked up by TNA.
Did anyone else notice they never called him him Rob Van Dam? I remember reading in a interview that he gave WWE that name. I remembered that interview right before he came out last night. Does anyone else remember that? Or did I just miss them saying Rob Van Dam?

I just remember people being up in arms because he gave them the name. I guess I am wrong even though I remember people questioning him why he would..
Did anyone else notice they never called him him Rob Van Dam? I remember reading in a interview that he gave WWE that name. I remembered that interview right before he came out last night. Does anyone else remember that? Or did I just miss them saying Rob Van Dam?

I don't believe the WWE own's a patent on "Rob Van Dam". I believe RVD owns that himself, which is why he can perform in other companies/indies/wherever he likes as "Rob Van Dam" or as "RVD" without a necessity to change his character name.

Tenay and Taz referred to him as "RVD", but the announcement when he won his match was "Rob Van Dam", so I'm not really sure how that would be treated by the company.
Great debut for Rob! Kinda suprised he beat Sting in 10 seconds. But I guess that was just so the beatdown Sting gave him & Hogan afterwards could last longer & look more brutal. I wish RVD didnt have to get beatdown like that on his 1st night in TNA- but RVD sells like no other- so it makes sense. Also helped Sting seem more heel.

Kinda funny that The Impact Zone was chanting RVD while Stings music was still playing. You think they knew what was coming? HAHA!
Last night's RVD reveal was pretty damn good, to be honest. In the time that has transpired between him officially signing with TNA and then making his début, I racked my brain trying to come up with an angle for him to be inserted into. So did many people around here but I bet that no one thought for a second that it would be a feud with Sting. For me, this is a master stroke. I had no idea that Sting would turn heel and even less of an idea that his initial feud as a heel would be against RVD. The reception that RVD got was amazing. I know that the Impact Zone is just a small place, with a very small capacity but they tore the roof off of that arena last night when RVD flashed up on the tron.

However, I don't feel that either man is going to call it in or have a lacklustre feud. To my mind, this just screams "epic feud" and I think it comes down to TNA management to make sure that it all goes down. One thing I will say though is that this feud is in danger of just becoming another feud in TNA. At the moment, they seem to be wanting to push every single person at the once and it is getting to a point where it will result in a complete clusterfuck if they don't slow it down. That being said, I have high hopes for this feud and I definitely think that both men can still perform and make this feud memorable.
The key to this feud however will be if Sting can work his heel personality fully this time. Doesn't make much sense to beat him senseless with a bat only to play to the crowd the next week.
rvd got the pop of the night but as we saw the show revolved around hogan flair aj and abyss but mostly hogan. jeff wasnt advertised rvd kinda was but then used badly and didnt really sell the bat shots from sting. beer money vs jeff yawn the band please dont get me started on them. we had hogan starting the show sting attacks followed by dixie setting up a match between sting and rvd great then its a squash so sting beats rvd with the bat hogan again comes out gets hit a few times then the main event rolls around and what do we get more hogan with a 30 sec sprinkle of jeff hardy
and after all that the get a 0.98 which is rounded off to a 1.0 if they wanted to make an impact they should have had the x division champ go down with an injury in the week and then advertised as a double main event the tag match between hogan abyss flair and aj
plus an x division title match rvd vs jeff hardy but that would have took the spotlight away from hogan

i am not a tna fan iam not a wwe fan i am a wrestling fan

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