RVD gives notice maybe?

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Dark Match Winner
Im surprised that no one has started this yet but ill pop the cherry. What do you all think about this. RVD eventually in TNA could be huge just think of the matches that could be put on. Not exactly sure where to put this thread though.
k who didnt see this coming alnostly ever since him and sabu got busted for possesion he hasnt let them get titles or anything they have just been used as jobbers basicly. But in tna he can use his tables and stuff like that. Im not sure but i think thats called the x division i dont no dont really watch it much
RVD has been cut off at the knees since his debut in a WWF ring years back. He's had to dumb down his entire arsenal wrestling guys who couldn't hold his jock on a good day. The fact is, RVD is not and was never truly designed to function at full capacity in Titan. He needs to be booked in matches without limits, without a cookie-cutter work style, and with credible talent that can actually work past a four-move spot without having a schematic drawn up for them. Even with the restrictions placed on his working and character, he's still stayed over with the WWE fans since day one, regardless of whether or not he's been booked in top angles. I hope he goes to TNA just for the sheer enjoyment of watching one last encounter with Jerry Lynn. That would be worth the entire departure alone. Better to see RVD leave for TNA or someplace else and POTENTIALLY do nothing, as opposed to staying and DEFINITELY doing nothing in ECW/WWE. Besides, the current direction of ECW was anger-inducing as it was...before RVD was de-pushed. Now, I have to try and stomach a series of matches between Test and Lashley? Give me a f**king break, Vince.
If WWE had done what was so obviously the thing to do in 2001, and pushed him to the moon then they would have there next Steve Austin. Like Matt Hardy he's been treated almost like a jobber for the majority of his WWE career. R.V.D. could be absoultley huge, and he will be if he goes to T.N.A. He can be very sloppy in the ring. He was in ECW and he is in WWE. But maybe he's sloppy in WWE becaus ehe does'nt care. In ECW he was sloppy but he still managed to put on awesome match's. If he goes to T.N.A. hopefully he will restart his feud with Jerry Lynn.
I am very skeptic of smark news. Generally speaking, I dont believe in something unless I see it, hear it, or feel it. Perhaps smell. Anyways, I'll believe he is gone when I actually see that he is and not a second before. I wont really miss him though, Im not a big fan of his ring work as I find him boring, repetitive, at times lathargic, and very much lacking in almost any kind of psychology.
I know that RVD isn't happy with his current situation at all, but I think he really should stay where he is.
He finally got his chance awhile back and held the ECW and WWE Championships at the same time, thats unprecidented!
So then he goes and gets caught doing things hes not supposed to, and is paying for that.
I agree he should have been let out of the doghouse by now, but I believe if he toughs it out for long enough, Vince will give him his time again.

I seem to remember a certain "MSG Incident" involving Triple H taking all of the heat for it, being held back for years for his mistake.
He had to job to people like Henry Godwin in mud matches for god sakes!
Now look at Triple H, a 10 time World Champion!

I think if Rob hangs around and works hard he will be the next ECW champion. Possibly going to Wrestlemainia instead of Bob Holly.

So anyways, you know where I stand, what does everybody else think?
That is correct. BUT. Triple H recieved a HUGE push as soon as he got over the jobbing thing. Triple H also had a connection with Vince through The Kliq and it kind of gave him a push faster than they thought. HHH's incident wasn't as big as RVD's. RVD could've gone to jail and then he blamed WWE for everything. Hunter kept his mouth shut the whole time while he was getting his de-pushed. Also, if RVD didn't get punished, HHH would've spoken out and said something about it because he had gotten in trouble before and if RVD doesn't keep getting punished for what he did, nobody will take Vince seriously and they'll think that he's easy and he'll lose all of his credibility.
I seem to remember a certain "MSG Incident" involving Triple H taking all of the heat for it, being held back for years for his mistake.
He had to job to people like Henry Godwin in mud matches for god sakes!
Now look at Triple H, a 10 time World Champion!

I think if Rob hangs around and works hard he will be the next ECW champion. Possibly going to Wrestlemainia instead of Bob Holly.

yes but that was years ago and triple h was younger and wasn't a main eventer yet. rvd has always been at the very least a solid mid-upper carder.Also Rvd isnt an old man but he's not in his 20's either and i think that if rvd is punished for years to come he will be older and unable to be the performer he has shown himself to be in the original ecw and to the best of what he is allowed to do under vinnie mac .

Giving his notice and presumably jumping to tna right now is the best thing for rvd to do.No more limits on his moves.Feud with Lynn some more.Be in the xdivision..etc.. theres too many pro's to con's about him going to tna.
I am very skeptic of smark news. Generally speaking, I dont believe in something unless I see it, hear it, or feel it. Perhaps smell. Anyways, I'll believe he is gone when I actually see that he is and not a second before. I wont really miss him though, Im not a big fan of his ring work as I find him boring, repetitive, at times lathargic, and very much lacking in almost any kind of psychology.
Well, look at the Wrestlemania main events which people (yourself included) wrote off as fallacy just a handful of days back. That news doesn't look so crazy now does it? Considering that it's now become fact. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't feel he was entertaining. His luster only lasted for so long before the WWE working style neutered his talent because he was never designed to function in a limited capacity like McMahon enjoys. They also crippled his original character and toned him down so that he was a cluster**ck of Bill, Ted, Wayne, and Garth all in one lame package.

Watch any of his old ECW matches for an indicator as to what he can actually accomplish. The WWF/E matches are goddamn joke, with a few minor exceptions. RVD will be gone. If he's not, I'd be beyond amazed and would stake a shade more than five dollars on it considering his clean loss to Handjob Holly recently when RVD had handily beaten his ass only a while back.
If WWE had done what was so obviously the thing to do in 2001, and pushed him to the moon then they would have there next Steve Austin. Like Matt Hardy he's been treated almost like a jobber for the majority of his WWE career. R.V.D. could be absoultley huge, and he will be if he goes to T.N.A. He can be very sloppy in the ring. He was in ECW and he is in WWE. But maybe he's sloppy in WWE becaus ehe does'nt care. In ECW he was sloppy but he still managed to put on awesome match's. If he goes to T.N.A. hopefully he will restart his feud with Jerry Lynn.
Would you care if one of their brightest strategies of 2003 was to have you in a tag-team with Kane wrestling a Wrestlemania pre-show match? I would much rather have seen RVD placed into a 3-way dance with Jericho and Michaels towards the end of the show, but I only like good wrestling, so what do I know? You know, Jakester, I like the Odd Couple as much as the next guy, but that angle with RVD and Kane was f**king stupid and hurt both of their characters. In his early Smackdown tenure RVD had some definitely solid encounters with Kurt Angle that were very noteworthy, but alas, that was one of the last signs of brilliance in the ring we would see from RVD except sparingly throughout the remainder of his stint (which I hope will end soon). RVD just doesn't and never really has fit into the WWF/E scheme of things. He's a square peg they've been trying to push into a round hole. The problem isn't the peg, either.
RVD should get out. He's on the worst WWE brand and is jobbing left and right to perennial curtain jerkers like Hardcore Holly and steroid-enhanced doofuses like Bobby Lashley. From the start all of the ECW Originals have been pissed on and embarrassed, being used as little more than enhancement talent to put over scrubs that couldn't get over on other brands and unimpressive call-ups from the minor leagues. The sky would be the limit for him in TNA - he would have a lot more freedom in the ring and with his character. Hopefully he will get out while he can.
That is correct. BUT. Triple H recieved a HUGE push as soon as he got over the jobbing thing. Triple H also had a connection with Vince through The Kliq and it kind of gave him a push faster than they thought. HHH's incident wasn't as big as RVD's. RVD could've gone to jail and then he blamed WWE for everything. Hunter kept his mouth shut the whole time while he was getting his de-pushed. Also, if RVD didn't get punished, HHH would've spoken out and said something about it because he had gotten in trouble before and if RVD doesn't keep getting punished for what he did, nobody will take Vince seriously and they'll think that he's easy and he'll lose all of his credibility.

Actually, HHH did not have a connection to Vince through the Kliq at the time because there was no Kliq. Hall, Nash, and Waltman were all in WCW and HBK was a part-time guy that showed up as rarely as Stone Cold Steve Austin does today just to do short Special Guest Referee storylines and such. HHH had no such connections. And HHH's incident wasn't "as big as RVD's"? First of all, there's no way that RVD could have blamed WWE for him getting caught with marijuana in his car, that's on him. Ric Flair had a recent run-in with the law too that he could have went to jail for....but did WWE make as big of a deal out of that? No, they didn't....

What HHH and The Kliq did in their "Curtain Call" incident would be like if John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, HBK, and Umaga all hugged in the middle of a WWE ring in front of an audience. They threw all characters that they're supposed to be, all storylines out the window when they weren't supposed to. What HHH did could have gotten him fired just as quickly as what RVD did could get him fired. Rather then that though and since WWE didn't want to fire him, they punished him by de-pushing him and forcing him to job for an extended period of time. The same is being done right now with RVD.....if WWE just didn't give a shit about him, they would have friggin fired his ass by now. Remember that RVD's run-in with the law and de-pushing all happened BEFORE Kurt Angle left WWE for TNA so besides the whole Angle thing happening the way it happened, we could've seen RVD doing it instead.

We didn't see it happen that way though and things happened the way they did for a reason. The WWE still wants RVD and over time, he will be pushed again. I guarantee it....but he has to be willing to man up and stick it out. The person that started this thread is absolutely right in what he's saying and I actually applaud him for making the point because I believe it's something that goes overlooked by the casual wrestling fan.

About the whole "RVD going to TNA" debate, the fact of the matter is that TNA doesn't have enough room for RVD to use him in the way that fans would like to see him used. TNA fans usually pray for all of these good, "under-appreciated" WWE workers to leave so they could be hired to TNA and be "used better". With everyone that's jumped ship so far, I think TNA has actually used most of them worse. TNA wouldn't know how to use RVD. Some may say that WWE doesn't know how to properly use him either and they may be right.....but they'd use him better then TNA would, I assure you because they have more room for a guy like him. Don't think of me as a TNA hater because i'm not at all...but I just don't think that RVD leaving WWE to go to TNA would be a right move.

RVD needs to stay with WWE and ECW....there's actually more room for growth with him right where he is. Kudos to the thread starter for starting a good thread.
Vince hates RVD and the way this ECW is going. Hell will freeze over to the point where the NHL can play in it before that ever happens. He sure is never going to give him that cheap piece of crap that they have the nerve to call the ECW title. He's being held down, he's going to be just as this ECW is going to fail. He needs to get out of there while he still can like Christian and like Angle did
RVD however has no one but himself to blame for the situation he is in now, WWE and ECW champ with plans to drop the WWE title at SNME the Edge and keep the ECW to at least the new year, then gets arrested for possession of an illegal drug, what did he expect? to be give a slap on the wrist and nothing more? No, he was the figure head and brought his demise on himself and now is struggling to work his way back up, you reap what you sow, to quote the bible "The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction" (Galatians 6:8 NIV) RVD had the drugs and destroyed the trust Vince had in him, so Vince did not screw up, RVD did and going to TNA will not make Vince think that he screwed up using RVD in ECW.
Giving his notice and presumably jumping to tna right now is the best thing for rvd to do.No more limits on his moves.Feud with Lynn some more.Be in the xdivision..etc.. theres too many pro's to con's about him going to tna.

Don't you have to be under 220 to compete in the X-division? Either way, I'm sure they would be more tempted to push him in main event status, from which there are too many performers already (Samoa Joe, Christian, Angle, Sting, Abyss, Jarrett) RVD would just be another big fish in a small pond. I know it may seem like he is getting the shaft now, but I would give it time, I don't think his WWE world title days are over.
there is no weight limit in the xdivision afaik. wasnt Samoa Joe a xdivision champ at some point? he dont look under 220..maybe its just his build.

I don't think they would push RVD main event right away.Just stick him in the xdivision and feud with Lynn.Maybe start a hardcore division if they get Sabu or any more of the ecw originals.

I don't think his WWE world title days are over.

I do. I think the only reason they didnt fire him with he was busted with pot was a fear of him going to tna.Same with Sabu. Sabu didn't de-pushed as RVD did but then again imo Sabu hasn't had anything going for him since ecw relaunched

Vince hates RVD

I don't believe that.Maybe disappointed in him or maybe mad because RVD embarassed mcmahon and his company by being the 'top' star as both wwe and ecw champ then getting busted with pot.Rvd is the one who gave mcmahon the idea for the first ecw ONS which eventually led to ecw being its own brand and that has to be making mcmahon some $$$.

On a side i read the fine rvd had to pay on wikipedia and he got off a lot easier than people i ve known getting busted around here where i live.140 dollar fine and he had a half ounce. i ve known people caught with a half smoked joint that had at least a 500 dollar fine,year and half probation and a weekend in jail.He got off sooooo easy.
Good riddance, its not like TNA will use him any better, Sure he will have some good matches when he first arrives in TNA, but with that horrible booking team they have,he will get lost in the shuffle. TNA has a whole roster they still have no idea how to use. only good thing I see coming from this, is him getting to spend more time with his family.

************PUSH ALEX SHELLEY*************************
Rob Van Dam's current WWE contract includes a $250,000 downside guarantee, but obviously he makes more with merchandise. Dave Meltzer is reporting that RVD has a standing offer from All Japan. RVD has said he will make his decision based on money.

If it's based on money then I guess he's staying in WWE. They'll offer him more just to keep him from T.N.A.
If it's based on money then I guess he's staying in WWE. They'll offer him more just to keep him from T.N.A.

I feel the same way that if its really about Money then RVD will lure WWE into a good money size contract as he be like well I have TNA and theres Japan so i feel RVD has a good negotions groudns with WWE as Jake said they will not wnat him in TNA
Vince hates RVD and the way this ECW is going. Hell will freeze over to the point where the NHL can play in it before that ever happens. He sure is never going to give him that cheap piece of crap that they have the nerve to call the ECW title. He's being held down, he's going to be just as this ECW is going to fail. He needs to get out of there while he still can like Christian and like Angle did

What makes you think Vince hates RVD? Vince had nothing to do with RVD getting high and getting caught. He had to punish him because that's just the way it is. Most superstars would have SOMETHING happen to them if they get in trouble with the law. I doubt Vince hates any of the guys in the back. He might dislike them, but hate is such a strong word and just remember that it's not Vince's fault RVD got in trouble. RVD was on top of the world when he won at ONS. He won in ECW's arena. On an ECW PPV. He beat the most hated man in ECW, John Cena. RVD had it made so you can't say that he is under-used because he's not. If RVD hadn't gotten caught smoking, he'd at least be in title contention right now. Hell, he'd probably be going for the title at 'Mania, but that's not the case is it?
I agree Vince does'nt have a problem with R.V.D. He gave him an oppertunity not just with the ECW title but with the WWE Title. Remember they let him defeat WWE's goldenboy John Cena for the title. The fact is that if R.V.D. had'nt been caught stoned off his face he would more than likley still be ECW Champ.
Source: PWInsider

Rob Van Dam has turned down WWE's latest contract offer. His current contract is set to expire over the summer; possibly in late July, but it hasn't been confirmed. However, until the deal expires, there's always a chance that the two sides could come to an agreement.

The creative team has been instructed to focus their attention on CM Punk and Elijah Burke so that if RVD does indeed leave the company, it won't be too strong of a blow to the ECW storylines.

Let the speculation begin. Is this just a powerplay move by RVD, or is he going to Orlando for the summer. Very interesting to see him doing this, especially since he has been getting somewhat of a modest push. It's no suprise that the WWE has labeled CM Punk and Burke as the guys to go to in the WWECW.

And to further the interest Partial Source: The Pro Wrestling Torch

As reported earlier, Rob Van Dam has decided not to accept WWE's renewal offer, so the presumption is he is leaving when his contract expires at the end of August. Anything can still happen though.

The breaking point was when they began to waffle on how much time off they'd be giving him. He wanted a chunk of time off this year - six-plus months - and a limited schedule otherwise. He may be jobbed out soon to try to lower his value to TNA if he signs there, which is likely.
The funny thing with RVD is that he wants this and that and it all goes back to what Jake said and that is RVD has no real leverage in my eyes. Vince gave him the opportunity of the world in betting Cena and being both the ECW and WWE Champion. You have to think there was no way that RVD ever be the WWE Champion and beat Cena for it.

RVD will not make what WWE can offer him in TNA and he has no one to blame but himself for this situation he is in. I mean if he wasn't a stoned to death that day he would still the main guy ECW is built around.

If RVD never got stopped that day he would be able to have all the leverage in his new deal but he doesn't so i believe he could have given his notice as he knows WWE will never completely go with the deal he wants.
If the reports are accurate about RVD asking for that much time off, then it's obvious that he never had any intention of staying, but is rather stringing them along by pushing as many of the "demand" buttons as he can possibly press on his renegotiations. Think about it this way. He has only a few more months left and he hasn't been buried yet. Keep the negotiations going and actually have it look like you have the intent to stay. This way, you're credibility isn't damaged on the way out the door because the front office is still fighting to keep you in their pocket. For RVD, I'll say that this is good business sense and I personally think it'll be All Japan or TNA for him by the end of the summer. I might be wrong and he may have the intention to stay, but I think he knows that they'll pull a Benoit and re-sign him, then keep him riding the pine in the midcard.

As for those who say that RVD was allowed to beat Cena and that was McMahon being nice to him...dream on. It was only allowed at ONS (Not in front of a real WWE crowd) and it wasn't clean (rather a by-product of a storyline between Edge and Cena). Regardless of what had happened in the past, McMahon did nothing more than set RVD up as the golden boy to help relaunch ECW. If that company hadn't have been restarted, I highly doubt RVD would've smelled anything beyond Intercontinental gold. Besides, I've heard it at least twice commented ON RAW, BY J.R. himself, that he never thought RVD would get to the level of World Champ. Face it, RVD would've never held that belt (WWE Championship) for long, regardless of his pot bust. The only thing that did happen after that that probably wouldn't have went down due to the bust, was his removal of the ECW title. What really has to irk Vince is that despite his best efforts to under-push or in some cases (Bob Holly?) downright bury RVD, the crowd still loves him. Yes, even the WWE crowd. Eat that, Vince. You bald asswipe.

Also, does anyone in their right mind think that RVD would ever be allowed to get a clean win over Lashley for the ECW strap? HELL NO. I'd see him getting a clean win over HHH the same time I'd see him winning against Vince's new talentless, one-note wonder. RVD's best option is to keep his character protected and get the f*ck out of Dodge come August. Realistically, he has ZERO options of advancement in the WWE at this point. He won't get a win over Taker, Lashley, and damn sure not over Cena. He's dead if he stays.
The way TNA is currently I think he'll stay. The booking is terrible at the moment. And as he's in his late 30's I think WWE is the better option. He can work there with finacial security, wheras if Panda Energy were to withdraw funding TNA would probably close within a matter of weeks.
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