RVD and Sabu

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Championship Contender
How do you think the WWE will punish EACH man? I think they will suspend RVD for a long while and send him to drug rehab then make him job or go the HEAT for a while. As for Sabu I sadly see that the WWE will send him to rehab and then after a while release him. I think there even is a chance he can't get his job back in TNA for two reasons, 1) he ditched them for ECW and 2) he is a druggy. But if the WWE releases Rob Van Dam I believe TNA will quickly offer him a job in TNA which I hope that is gonna happen! Any thoughts on the futures of RVD and Sabu?
Well Sabus career is winding down and he is getting old how many years does he have left and well it doesnt really matter what they do with Sabu. But RVD is a different story being 36 he is kind of on the top of his game he does have a little nit left in him. I think that they should keep RVD and maybe fine Sabu.
The WWE wont release RVD if for no other reason than so TNA can't get him. I do think TNA would take Sabu back because of what he brings to the table, if WWE lets him go that is. They would certainly take Sabu back if RVD came with him. The 2 of them would bring alot of excitement into TNA because of their style and their ability to match up with any size apponent.
I heard that RVD and Sabu were stopped by the cops and got arrested
for mary-jane and pain pills:wtf:
mary jane lol ya they got caught with 5 painkillers i think and some unidentifiable pills and the weed
For now they will still be in ECW because they are very important. I don't know the rankings of the ECW wrestlers, but I think RVD and SAbu are two of the biggest. They seriously screwed up and may hurt ECW. The only reason I a care is that there are a couple of wrestlers that I would hate to lose their jobs. One of which is Big Show
It was pot, it wasn't steriods, it wasn't anything seroius. No one will get fired.
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