Rumoured Chris Jericho vs Ryback for WM29


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Having read numerous reports on various "spoiler" sites, it appears WWE may be looking at Chris Jericho vs Ryback for Wrestlemania 29.
Now, as we know, Jericho returned at the Rumble and appeared to be over greatly, as a face.
Now, with all of these comparisons Ryback has unfairly been given to Goldberg, it got me thinking, will WWE finally let Jericho have the feud he got over all by himself back in WCW in 1998?
Long time fans will remember the cheeky, arrogant prick Jericho was in WCW in 1997-1998, and months after Goldberg won the WCW Title, he was booked in a mini feud with Jericho. The story goes that guys like Nash got in Goldberg's ear and advied him to veto the feud as he would be burying himself competing against one of the "vanilla midgets". Problem was, Jericho carried this feud brilliantly, such examples of starting his own streak in Jericho vs Goldberg matches by beating midgets look-alikes and count out victories after calling an absent from the building Goldberg out. Jericho was so hot at this stage, it built to a Goldberg killing Jericho match at World War 3 pay per view, but weeks out, Bischoff canned the idea, a move which infuriated Jericho, who was more than happy to have Goldberg burying him in 30 seconds on tv on ppv, as this match had buy rates and money written all over it. The "feud" ended with Goldberg spearing Jericho in the aisle on Nitro, and the nagle was over, a multi gold payday gone due to selfishness and politics, and the reason Jericho ended up taking Goldberg down backstage, then again choking him out backstage in 2003 in WWE.
Now, back to my point, the only way I can see this working as a feud is for Jericho to turn heel and basically rehash the feud the exact way he had planned and got over in 1998 in the angle with Goldberg. So perhaps Jericho is behind the Shield for storyline purposes, explaining why Shield have been attacking Ryback for all of these months. The EC ppv could have the big reveal, then we have 6 weeks of Jericho taunting and cowarding behind the Shield, with Ryback hungry to get his hands on Jericho, and of course the big pay off is Ryback destroying Jericho at Wrestlemania.
We all know Jericho is one of the most selfless guys in the business and always elevates guys and does best for business. So Jericho returning to feud and elevate Ryback to make him meaningful again I think could and would work following this storyline arc Jericho devised for his Goldberg feud 15 years ago. Your thoughts.....
It was inevitable that Ryback would have to come down to Earth. A feud with Jericho gives him his WM spotlight and puts him in a place on the card where he belongs against a talented guy who can get him a lot of attention and carry the feud.

However I am burnt out on heel-Jericho. I think he shouid remain the face that he is and Ryback can just turn in to a vicious heel. Maybe the feud can be playful leading up to WM and the match can get so brutal that the remainder of the audience turns on the overly powerful Ryback beating down the old veteran.

I never considered this match up for Ryback, then again I didn't know until last week Jericho would be back. It has promise and may turn in to one of the most meaningful and emotional matches at WM.
I'm one of the (if not the) biggest Jericho fans actively posting on this forum, for the love of all that is holy do not turn him heel again, especially after that comeback.

Its been so long since we got a good Jericho face run that it's almost fresh. Just let the people chant for him, cause the reaction he got at the Rumble and on Raw is exactly what you'll be looking to receive if they do. I've not seen or read any rumor, report or even a hypothetical situation where Jericho and Ryback feud anyway so that is irrelevant to me, but just in context to this thread, let him be the good guy. Heel Jericho has ran its course.
it has been mentioned on numerous pages, I will post links if you like. I would much prefer my self as a Jericho fan to stay face, but I do remember how entertaining and great Jericho was in baiting the big monster , was thinking that this could be the premise for Vince going down this track with Jericho in his return.

There are two just for example
Why not have Jericho fave Dolph Ziggler at Wrestlemania?

Let's face it, Jericho has become one of the "part-timers" which really means his job is to unselfishly put over others. This way he can stay face and put Ziggler over for a second year...Make the match legendary and have Jericho finally put Ziggler in the walls of Jericho, only for Ziggler to hold on for an extended amount of time until he is forced to tap out or pass out from the pain.

Then later in the night, have Ziggler somehow get it together and cash in his money in the box to win the WHC.
I have no problem with Jericho vs Ziggler, but it appears Vince is going the Jericho vs Ryback way. Ziggler has already gone over Jericho clean, has nothing to gain from yet ANOTHER rematch on the Mania card
I think we should see Jericho and Ziggler at EC, but not Mania. And I personally hate the idea of him turning heel again. He has had so many face/heel turns in his career and he doesn't need another one. He's going to lose to an up-and-comer at Mania, we all know that, but Ryback doesn't feel like the right answer to me. I think Sandow, Rhodes or even Barrett is more logical.

Ryback doesn't really gain much in a win over Jericho because nobody is going to look at that match and think Jericho poses any threat to him. Put Jericho in the ring with someone more his size and stature, where he can put on a show-stealing faster paced match that he's capable of.

Even though it'd be interesting to see him go up against Barrett since he does have more IC title reigns than anyone in WWE history, I think the right answer is Sandow. Rhodes is a close second, but I'm hopeful he works a program with Goldust.
I agree with consensus of Jericho needing to stay a face. Jericho as a good guy feels fresh, but his heel persona has been stale since his last return. It was painfully obvious during the rivalry with Punk. Punk and Jericho's amazing work in the ring was the saving grace for that feud. But yeah, we really don't need to see the superior and condescending jerk, who uses big words with a slow and monotone delivery again.

But building a feud with Ryback? I honestly don't see how that could work out. I can understand WWE wanting to maintain Ryback's push by giving him an opponent with some real name value at Mania, but Jericho is such an odd choice for Ryback. A program between the two would just feel rushed and underdeveloped, because they have absolutely no history together. I'm not against a Ryback/Jericho match, but this rumored paring sounds very random and unusual.
Why not have Chris Jericho vs Ziggler in a MITB Ladder Match? Jericho would want a rematch after his loss at SS. Dolph says no numerous times until Jericho gets to him. Then Jericho offers to have the ladder match, and Dolph accepts to put his case on the line. That way you can bring back the MITB at Wrestlemania andJericho can put Dolph over in his type of match. It'll be almost like Edge and Foley from WM22.
I agree with wanting to see Jericho remain a babyface. I believe there's a way WWE can forge a rivalry between Jericho & Ryback for WM without resorting to a heel turn.

At the same time, if this match goes down, WWE will want Ryback to come out looking strong. If Jericho is a face, then it's most likely that more people will be cheering for him instead of Ryback. From an overall perspective, Chris Jericho is one of the best wrestlers of his generation that's earned the admiration of fans for decades. Ryback, on the other hand, is basically just the "latest thing". He's really over and fans have accepted him but he just doesn't have the built up credibility of Chris Jericho.

Personally, I could see WWE just having Jericho portray himself as someone that simply wants to see if Ryback is really the force that WWE has portrayed him to be. In the build, Jericho could simply say that he never put much stock into reputations and preferred a first hand account of what's what while being his energetic, charismatic babyface self. If he has a match with Ryback, which he'd almost certainly lose, Jericho could do the gentlemanly thing and shake Ryback's hand like a good sportsman. That in and of itself would help elevate Ryback in the eyes of fans because, as I said, Jericho is heavily respected for his ability.

My little idea doesn't sound epic, of course. But, in all honesty, it's probably not going to be an epic feud. I believe it could be a very entertaining match but it's not really a major money match. The top money matches on this year's card will probably be Cena vs. Rock II for the WWE Championship, a SummerSlam return match between Triple H & Brock Lesnar and Undertaker vs. CM Punk if Taker does indeed decide to work WM this year. Those will be the matches that garner most of the attention & build. Those will be the biggest moneymakers on the card. WWE has done a masterful job of protecting Ryback during his feud with CM Punk. He's looked like a beast against both Punk & Cena but ultimately has failed to capture the gold. Jericho is a major name and a big star. Ryback earning a decisive win over Jericho at the biggest show of the year after solid build up to a strong match would further elevate Ryback by giving him a big win over a still relevant star and future Hall of Famer.
I would enjoy this. Jericho can turn heel and get Ryback over on Wrestlemania, it is really a win-win. Jericho isn't going to be around for long so him winning means very little. Ryback has had a very solid time in the WWE so far and this good be a big step to beat Jericho at WM.

I still feel that a match against the shield is more likely. They have been building it for months and him teaming with Orton and Sheamus would be a very good match.
Personally not a fan of this.

Chris Jericho should have a match at WrestleMania with a man to his caliber. Ziggler would be perfect for this.

Ryback, while I think Jericho could help him, needs a WrestleMania moment that would solidify him. Perfect solution would be Big Show. Short and sweet match with Ryback somehow being able to do his finisher? I'm sold.

Neither are credible sources, both also contain spelling errors so the person that reported it isn't exactly competent as a reporter to begin with, which isn't a first impression, considering no source was given I'll stick to what I know having worked for other wrestling reporting sites on the net and will view it as simply a hypothetical rumor.

Still voicing the same opinion however in the context of a Jericho heel turn; it isn't needed. Heel Jericho has became a tired character, hes more fitting of a face run especially considering his popularity.
I think Jericho should stay face as well, and I think they need to start build the Ryback feud now if that is the direction they are going in. They have no history together at all. I think Ryback would be good as a dominant heel, and I think him coming out and just destroying Jericho would be a good way to start the feud. Ryback could say he is tired of not getting his spot light because of guys like Jericho coming back. It would sound a lot like what Punk was doing, but I think it could work. I think working with Jericho would be good for Ryback as Jericho had decades of knowledge he could pass on to Ryback. I am not a fan of Ryback, but I am not close minded to him either. A big win against Jericho at Mania would do wonders for him right now.
I think they just find a way for Jericho to use some playful humor against Ryback. Let's face it, Ryback is a pretty silly gimmick with the chants and the snarling. Let them (tag 'em up, backstage sketch, debate) have a friendly rivalry with Ryback challenging Jericho at WM (Ryback can ask to be fed some Canadian bacon). At WM, the fans will clearly be against Ryback and he can use it to completely turn heel and obliterate Jericho.
I don't know why WWE have bought Jericho back to be honest. I appreciate that he could probably get a half-decent match out of Ryback, but it'd be a mid-card match that wouldn't mean a thing.

Jericho is a popular wrestler, but he isn't a wrestler that you'd miss if he wasn't on a Mania card. The show could survive without him. A three month return is utterly worthless.

Have Ryback face Big Show. The sight of him performing his signature moves on Show would have far more impact than the solid/unspectacular match he'd have with Jericho.
The fuck? I never believe rumors and this is why. Pretty awful idea. Both are babyfaces. Both will likely get cheered as babyfaces. Don't like the style matchup either.

I'd rather see Ryback vs Lesnar, Ryback being "the monster it takes to beat a monster".

I am not to keen on this idea either. I like both Ryback and Jericho enough. Jericho's match with Punk last night was absolutely a thing a beauty while Ryback is certainly an up and comer in the company; his future looks promising. They just don't mesh up very well and I cannot see how a match between the two can be any kind of memorable. I would much rather see Ryback face a bigger opponent to really show the audience what kind of monster he is; Mark Henry or Big Show fit that role to perfection. Leave Jericho for someone like Ziggler who could honestly have a phenomenal Wrestlemania worthy match with. It's certainly not a knock against Ryback, but a match with Jericho is something I would expect to see on a Raw 10:00pm slot, not a Wrestlemania card.
I wish there was a way I could have my cake and eat it too. Jericho is hot right now, and honestly, he's performing better than ever. I want him to stay face for the remainder of this run. BUT, I also agree that a match with Ryback at WrestleMania would not only be intriguing.. but would probably be the BEST match Ryback would have to date. But as mentioned, a face Jericho would probably be more over than Ryback.

I briefly had the idea of Dolph Ziggler & Big E Langston vs Chris Jericho & Ryback, but I would only resort to that if the card got really crowded and they needed to fit everybody in. At this point it may be better for Ryback to conquer somebody like Big Show or Mark Henry, and maybe have Jericho challenge Alberto Del Rio for the World Title. I'd love to see Jericho and Ziggler's feud pick back up over the World Title.
I am not to keen on this idea either. I like both Ryback and Jericho enough. Jericho's match with Punk last night was absolutely a thing a beauty while Ryback is certainly an up and comer in the company; his future looks promising. They just don't mesh up very well and I cannot see how a match between the two can be any kind of memorable. I would much rather see Ryback face a bigger opponent to really show the audience what kind of monster he is; Mark Henry or Big Show fit that role to perfection. Leave Jericho for someone like Ziggler who could honestly have a phenomenal Wrestlemania worthy match with. It's certainly not a knock against Ryback, but a match with Jericho is something I would expect to see on a Raw 10:00pm slot, not a Wrestlemania card.

My thoughts exactly also Jericho has done a great job putting people over the years but it just seems wrong that he returns to the WWE just to be "fed" to Ryback. Jericho has a huge fan base and Jerichoholics and he deserves better.

If they don't want to do Jericho vs. Ziggler that's fine. But what about guys like The Miz, Undertaker (if healthy I mean seriously why haven't these two had a feud yet?), Randy Orton?
If I were WWE creative, I would rather build towards Ryback vs. Mark Henry or the rumored Big Show vs. Ryback. While I feel like Jericho could put on a decent match with Ryback, their styles of wrestling are very different. I also feel like it should be Jericho vs one or all three members of the Shield. That way, we keep Jericho as a face, and he gets to put over three other budding young stars in the company.
Im thinking that Jericho/Ryback will only happen if Taker is fit to wrestle Punk. I'm starting to think that Punk/Ryback is the fall back option if Taker is out.
I want Jericho to stay face this time around also. I liked him as a heel, but he has been that way for too long now. A feud between he and Ryback could be interesting I guess. I like Jack Hammer's idea of Jericho wanting to see if Ryback really has it. Ryback could learn a lot from Jericho, and Ryback could also use a big win at Wrestlemania.
Don't think ryback vs jericho would be a spotlight stealer which imo is something jericho deserves to have at this point of his career. Why not have ziggler win the WHC from ADR at EC and defending it against Jericho or maybe vs Jericho n ADR in a triple threat at WM. That would be a treat to watch with three decent workers going at it

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