Rumor: WWE's Action For TNA Going on the Road

Shadow of Darkness

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Hell Yeah... is reporting that while the WWE might say publicly that they do not view TNA as competition, but TNA's recent announcement that they are taking Impact Wrestling on the road has already resulted in action from WWE. WWE has reportedly began contacting a number of mid-sized arenas to put holds on them for future dates, in order to keep TNA from running those venues.

In the event that TNA starts running shows every Thursday, WWE, there is even talk of WWE changing their touring schedule and running shows on Thursday nights as well in similar markets that TNA runs.


WWE uses the mid-size venues for house shows. Many of those venues are cheaper for TV than any other venue. TNA can't use the small house show venues for TV. So WWE is going to try to control the best price venues to stop TNA from running as many big markets as they can so they can push them back to Orlando. If TNA is live every week from different venues around the country, that will give TNA their biggest momentum shift they have ever had. It does not really put WWE at risk but it won't stop them from possibly seeing TNA as a threat down the road.

Hell Yeah...
Don't know if its true or not considering it comes from PWInsider, but oh well. If this is true, this could be bad news for TNA. I also wonder if its legal for WWE to cockblock TNA like this. WWE probably wouldn't be doing this if TNA wouldn't have started that lawsuit bullshit anyway.
Easily one of the silliest things dirtsheets could make up. If it's true, someone slap some sense into the guys who book the house show locations. What the hell would an adult wrestling fan prefer? A house show? Or a double TV taping with the first half being live? And potential VIP deals. TNA loves those. If WWE is really doing this, the only thing they are doing is running the same "risk", if we can call it that, TNA does.

The same way WWE can promote, TNA can too. Imagine guys hired by TNA running around a WWE arena parking lot telling guys "hey, TNA is live, 2 shows. We have Sting Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle". It's not like it hasn't been done before. Plus, TNA wouldn't be saying they're permanently going on the road unless they already have venues set.
Sounds similar to what Vince did in the 80s by blocking the NWA, AWA and other major promotions from large venues and TV outlets if this is true then TNA should take them to court over it this this sort of asshattery that he pulls whenever he feels threatened has got to stop.
Sounds similar to what Vince did in the 80s by blocking the NWA, AWA and other major promotions from large venues and TV outlets if this is true then TNA should take them to court over it this this sort of asshattery that he pulls whenever he feels threatened has got to stop.

Why? There's nothing illegal about it. Dickish, sure, but it's not illegal. Might as well sue the MLB for not allowing independent baseball teams to start up in those markets, or the NFL for essentially killing the USFL a few years ago with the same tactic.

It's a business practice that isn't going away.
Don't know if its true or not considering it comes from PWInsider, but oh well. If this is true, this could be bad news for TNA. I also wonder if its legal for WWE to cockblock TNA like this. WWE probably wouldn't be doing this if TNA wouldn't have started that lawsuit bullshit anyway.
It's completely legal. In fact, it's the foundation of our economic system. Someone who has something to sell (time in a sporting arena) can sell it to whoever they'd like, so long as they are charging a consistent price. For instance, charging TNA $200,000 for the space and the WWE $10,000 would be illegal, provided that everything else about the deal is similar. In reality, the statement "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" covers you from just about every angle you can think of.

There is no law that says someone gets to buy something simply because they want it. Hell, this isn't even playing dirty.

In the WWE's case, I'm struggling to see the sense in the move. They seem to view professional wrestling as a zero-sum game; if one company gains, then the other company has to lose. This is not true. The WWE and WCW were at their biggest right at the same time- when they were fighting each other publicly. This could be a strategy not to defeat TNA, but to keep their growth small and manageable. If the WWE recognizes that professional wrestling isn't zero-sum, then they still want to ensure that they have the dominant position in the industry, and WCW's sudden rise in the '90s, where they (and the WWF themselves) nearly put the WWF out of business surely hasn't been forgotten.

But don't get pissy over the WWE booking arenas. That's a basic business move to deny space to your competitors. Dirty would be tying TNA to Rob Feinstein in the minds of arena owners; who would want to work with someone who works with child molesters? So far this TNA/WWE battle has barely even been bitter; most of it seems to be the feverish dreams of dirt sheet writers who need a war to write about, because peace is boring.
They seem to view professional wrestling as a zero-sum game; if one company gains, then the other company has to lose. This is not true. The WWE and WCW were at their biggest right at the same time- when they were fighting each other publicly.
I think you're wrong on this. WCW's and WWF's boom periods overlapped somewhat, but WCW was huge in 1996 and 1997, while the WWF really took off in 1998. When WCW was up, the WWF was down; when the WWF took control, WCW's ratings dwindled. They battled for viewers and if you are watching one program that means you aren't watching the other. That doesn't mean a company has to go under like WCW did, but when you're putting two shows up against one another, there will be a winner and there will be a loser. That's pretty much the definition of zero sum.

Now, in regards to TNA, this doesn't really apply because they don't run shows against one another. Impact is on Thursday, while Raw is on Monday and Smackdown is on Friday. The wrestling viewer doesn't really have to make a choice and can watch it all, if they so choose.
Hell Yeah... is reporting that while the WWE might say publicly that they do not view TNA as competition, but TNA's recent announcement that they are taking Impact Wrestling on the road has already resulted in action from WWE. WWE has reportedly began contacting a number of mid-sized arenas to put holds on them for future dates, in order to keep TNA from running those venues.

In the event that TNA starts running shows every Thursday, WWE, there is even talk of WWE changing their touring schedule and running shows on Thursday nights as well in similar markets that TNA runs.


WWE uses the mid-size venues for house shows. Many of those venues are cheaper for TV than any other venue. TNA can't use the small house show venues for TV. So WWE is going to try to control the best price venues to stop TNA from running as many big markets as they can so they can push them back to Orlando. If TNA is live every week from different venues around the country, that will give TNA their biggest momentum shift they have ever had. It does not really put WWE at risk but it won't stop them from possibly seeing TNA as a threat down the road.

Hell Yeah...

i think VKM and co are just covering there base's and trying too keep TNA down in my opinion they should allow TNA too do it as they aint doing WWE no harm and just blocking them getting venues is going too get it in the news and get ppl intrested in it. I see WWE blocking it as they see TNA as a theat and they are just being careful !!!!!!
I think this is a good idea. Competition is good for both the WWE and TNA. I think the WWE and TNA should run shows next to each other, or at least very very close to each other. It’s 2013. It’s time to put their differences aside and make money. Cross promote. Cross brand. Cross the damn line!! Send all of DX over there only for the New Age Outlaws to turn on HBK and HHH. Then have Nash come out and have Tenay say, “but which side is he on!?” So many possibilities!! I would trade the kid friendly Stars of TNA for the edgier Stars of the WWE. All talent would be used to their full potential and no one is squandering in the back waiting for their turn. A. J. Styles teaming or battling John Cena would be just as great as Bad Influence vs. Rhodes Scholars. It’s just a thought.
I think this is a good idea. Competition is good for both the WWE and TNA. I think the WWE and TNA should run shows next to each other, or at least very very close to each other. It’s 2013. It’s time to put their differences aside and make money. Cross promote. Cross brand. Cross the damn line!! Send all of DX over there only for the New Age Outlaws to turn on HBK and HHH. Then have Nash come out and have Tenay say, “but which side is he on!?” So many possibilities!! I would trade the kid friendly Stars of TNA for the edgier Stars of the WWE. All talent would be used to their full potential and no one is squandering in the back waiting for their turn. A. J. Styles teaming or battling John Cena would be just as great as Bad Influence vs. Rhodes Scholars. It’s just a thought.

You sound so stupid thank God your not a writer then again I don't anyway will take a person serious with a Spongbob character as there profile pic....

Now to be serious TNA should do what WCW did when they went on the road and offer free tickets to Impact and do a promotion like bring a recent WWE Ticket Stub and get a free floor seat or premier seats
You sound so stupid thank God your not a writer then again I don't anyway will take a person serious with a Spongbob character as there profile pic....

He sounds so stupid?

Vince is just doing what he's been doing since day one, try and squash the "competition". He did it to all the territories, he eventually did it with WCW, and now it's time to fuck up TNA or Impact Wrestling.
It's perfectly legal, as long as WWE offers a better deal OR gets there first...they can book an arena to block TNA.

It's like the "exclusivity" deal WWE has with Madison Square Garden where all wrestling events are provided by WWE. TNA can hold a press conference there, but a

I expect this move to be used on larger arenas when TNA feels the can expand their PPV locations. Most big city basketball arenas can all be locked up by Vince beforehand.
One can never tell how true these reports are, we'll just have to wait and see until TNA starts their touring next month for Impact. Here's the way I look at things, I would certainly hope that TNA isn't being blocked from certain arenas, particularly ones close to where I live. I grew up being just as much as WCW fan, as I was a WWF fan. However, I still leaned more towards WWF's product. But just the same, I feel other promotions like WCW had the right to promote in towns like Springfield, Massachusetts which is the area I grew up near.

It was a civic center and nothing more but just the same it was a great venue to watch shows at. In fact, they had held Monday Night RAWs, SmackDowns and even an In Your House at this venue. Jacques Rougeau even beat Bret Hart for the WWF Intercontinental Championship in Springfield. So yes, it's quite a WWF/E identified venue, but I see no harm in letting an organization like TNA promote in that venue.

Time will tell, what the exact circumstances are around this rumor. However, I won't and can't take the perspective of a legal expert and cry any fouling of legality, because I honestly am not an authority on the subject. But knowing what I know from the past, I will admit that I hope reports of these are greatly exaggerated if not entirely fabricated.
No idea if this is true or not. To completely dismiss or believe it is plain stupid so let's take both alternatives.

If this is true: yes, it's legal. Yes, WWE's done it before. Yes, it's douchey. Yes, it's sleazy. But you know what else it is? Smart. It's business. Even though TNA may not be a direct threat, I think WWE learned their lessont here with WCW. WCW wasn't exactly a direct threat but then things unfolded so quick it made WWE's head spin and before they knew it they were the number two company in the country.

Personally, I don't like this. It means TNA will suffer because of it and as a TNA fan this makes me unhappy. However, my biased toward TNA won't cloud my objectivity on the matter. IF this is true, IF WWE can do it then this would be the most logical and business smart tactic they can employ. It's legal, there's no regulation against it and you limit your business competitor.

Hell, even if it wasn't legal they should still do it.

If this is not true: Oh fucking well, another rumor by the scum sheets. In my opinion, this report is completely false. Come on, TNA's been on the road before, how come WWE didn't do anything about it back then? Just because they're doing it for "realz" now?

Give me a break. TNA poses NO threat to the WWE as it is. They draw fucking 5,000 - 7,000 people on their big shows. At best. That's the size of a very good WWE house show.

WWE would be worried if TNA starting taking audiences AWAY from the WWE, be it live or TV. But they're not and they won't be for years to come.

WWE has nothing to worry about and thus TNA has nothing to worry about. Either way, this is a GREAT time to be a TNA fan and an opportunity for WWE fans to give TNA a chance. If this move didn't prove to you assholes that TNA is expanding and improving nothing will.
Any effort by WWE to hinder or hurt TNA's growth is nothing but a waste of time. WWE's product has enough problems on its own, and for them to be concerned with what is going on at another company is counterproductive. In 2013, WWE has had to bring back 3 Attitude Era stars (Y2J, Mark Henry and The Rock) to sustain a Wrestlemania card. If these 3 guys were too busy, injured or simply not interested, the main event scene in WWE would be completely lacking anyone that could appeal to casual wrestling fans.

WWE and TNA have their own problems trying to compete with MMA, football, reality TV and video games (which keep people from watching a lot of TV). WWE should focus on casual fans as well as longtime wrestling fans (Punk vs. Rock addressed both crowds tremendously) while TNA needs to attract NEW fans who DO NOT LIKE WWE. TNA often emulates or attempts to equivocate their company with WWE, but it never works. TNA is smaller, and everyone can tell. TNA needs to be better than WWE, at least in the eyes of the folks who used to like wrestling or hav never given wrestling a chance. I understand this is a hard thing to accomplish, but if TNA gave someone passionate a chance to try something new, they'd be surprised how well it may go.
Well to be honest, I don't think this is going to work...for the WWE.
I doubt they'll throw on house shows every Thursday night or during TNA the tapings, if that's the case, wouldn't they be throwing on that many live events regularly? I'm 100% sure many fans will turn up to a TV taping, rather than a house show. House shows are less important, and less interesting. I hesitate, to say that WWE would put on great house shows consecutively. If they can't do it now, i'm uncertain they can't do it then, it's still the same creative team, and its still the same WWE. Also, these house shows only include wrestling, Impact Wrestling is for wrestling and the stories. More fans would be engrossed by these, as house shows are just something for fans that live in a certain area, to see the action in an arena near them, as opposed to Impact Wrestling, a weekly, global, TV show.

Second of all, how do the WWE know where TNA are going? I'm certain they won't book all of the mid-size arenas in the U.S as it would be pointless and risky, not to mention ridiculous; now what if, they don't make a reasonable profit? What if they don't have the time? What if they book the wrong arena(s)?
The schedule for the WWE stars at the moment is already hectic, I don't think can Vince afford to make it even more profound for them. It's one of the reasons some a few of the WWE stars leaped to TNA. Their schedule is much more basic, easier to get along with; as there aren't many places to travel, and their are a fair amount of house shows throughout the weeks, unlike the frenzied amount on the WWE's rota.

Now Dixie Carter can just book other arenas around the States, before the WWE can. That's the logical comeback. It depends on who gets what first. That's business for you.

Now like The Killjoy pointed out, this is just another rumor, we don't know if this is what Vince McMahon is planning out to do, it's just something a dirt sheet inscribed. Now if this is true and is what Vince McMahon, or whoever (perhaps) brought up the idea wants to accomplish, fair enough. Let them compete. TNA are their rivals. TNA are their competition. TNA is their alternative. Yet again, it's business. They have to compete, they contend for ratings, buy-rates, fans and the Superstars themselves. It's a natural cycle, the company with the most of these features is doing the best, and is the most likely to succeed.

In the past, McMahon targeted his competition, when they were seen as "equal" competitors. At the moment, the WWE acquires a majority of the fans, ratings, market and media attention. TNA is far off at the moment, they have a long way to go. However what seems to be happening, or is possible to happen, is that the WWE is targeting or will target, TNA. I imagine that this is because of how TNA (unlike the older promotions like AWA and ECW), has been doing the same to the WWE in the past, and the WWE is now ready for their retribution. If so, this is the time to compete, the WWE has to do what they need to do, and TNA has to do what they need to do.

We can expect this a lot more in the future, both companies should be prepared, prepare to retaliate and do what they can, to stay on top. WWE can do this, and so can TNA. It depends on which company is drived the most, and which one is situating the most effort. That's what wins over the fans, and will put one company, over the other.
This reminds me of that rumor that WWE tried to shut down a TNA house show in Hartford that was total BS.

I don't buy it. WWE and WCW both ran events in the same venues for years. WWE isnt threatened by TNA enough to put holds on every venue in a given metropolitan area.

Stupid rumor, don't believe it.
That's par for the course for Vince. He wants to be the only game in town. In the 80's, he signed many arenas to exclusive contracts. He would lure away the biggest stars of a territory, then run a show in that town to take away the audience. He created the Survivor Series just to run against Starrcade 87. He told cable companies companies that if they ran Starrcade 87, he wouldn't let give them WrestleMania 4. He aired the original Royal Rumble on cable to go against WCW's Bunkhouse Stampede PPV. He played serious hardball against his competitors, to the point where Bill Watts nearly sued him for predatory business practices.
I don't buy it. WWE and WCW both ran events in the same venues for years. WWE isnt threatened by TNA enough to put holds on every venue in a given metropolitan area.

Stupid rumor, don't believe it.

While there were arenas that held out against Vince's powerplays and ran both company's shows in the 90s, there were also plenty of arenas that Vince made sure were WWF exclusive during that time as well. This would not be an unheard of practice for the WWE.

I think the big difference is that when WCW was at height it was able to play to arenas the same size as the ones the WWF were booking. It was easy then for Vince to go into major metro areas and seal up the couple largest arenas for his company to run its TV and house shows. It could lock up a 17,000-20,000 seat NBA arena as well as a 9,000-13,000 seat college basketball arena for example. Where the difference comes in is that all large city areas in the US have multiple arenas that can house these types of events but many are seen as too small for the WWE. What is left as a result are those secondary arenas, the ones built to hold 5,000-7,500 fans for example. Before their popularity really started dwindling, playing those size arenas would make WCW look more minor league. That was a problem. For TNA that is no problem. WWE can't possibly keep tabs on every 5,000-plus seat arena in every large metro area in the country. To prevent TNA from playing arenas that fit its needs WWE would have to be responsible for securing exclusive wrestling rights to literally hundreds of arenas at all times.
I think the big difference is that when WCW was at height it was able to play to arenas the same size as the ones the WWF were booking. It was easy then for Vince to go into major metro areas and seal up the couple largest arenas for his company to run its TV and house shows. It could lock up a 17,000-20,000 seat NBA arena as well as a 9,000-13,000 seat college basketball arena for example. Where the difference comes in is that all large city areas in the US have multiple arenas that can house these types of events but many are seen as too small for the WWE. What is left as a result are those secondary arenas, the ones built to hold 5,000-7,500 fans for example. Before their popularity really started dwindling, playing those size arenas would make WCW look more minor league. That was a problem. For TNA that is no problem. WWE can't possibly keep tabs on every 5,000-plus seat arena in every large metro area in the country. To prevent TNA from playing arenas that fit its needs WWE would have to be responsible for securing exclusive wrestling rights to literally hundreds of arenas at all times.
That's why I think this report is silly and crap. We're supposed to believe WWE is going out of it's way to book smaller venues, butt-heads with them everything Thursday, re-scramble their house show schedule and such, just because TNA is filming their show on the road now. Just how different is it from TNA holding a bigger house show on a Thursday? Yeah, cameras. But anything else? WWE wants money. Trying to be dicks to TNA is not going to make them money. And it's not really going to do much of anything. TNA's shows will be far longer and on TV opposed to WWE's untelevised, dark and somewhat damp house show.
seems every time there is some other type of wrestling around WWE has to do something to hurt it, WWE bought ECW time slot and shortly after ECW went under, now TNA is around so now they want to block them from being able to perform at places what is next, Ring of Honour they are on TV, will they be next for WWE.

I know once WWE kills off any type of wrestling that is on TV they will go back to really stupid skits because there will be nothing else to watch, seem they are actually doing decent stuff because there are other promotions.

Does WWE like to be the only thing around, its like having a race and your the only one running
On one hand...this is a really obnoxious move from WWE. What threat does TNA pose to WWE at this juncture? They have barely, if at all, shown any interest in them at any point in the last 10 years. They didn't even bat an eyelash the last time they tried to reenact the Monday Night Wars. I want to see TNA succeed; it's stupid that they're going to have to play this game with WWE.

On the other hand, the last time a company made some bold moves and WWE did nothing to counter-act their progress (they actually helped by running off so many of their talents to the competitor), WCW mopped the floor with them. SO I could understand why they want to be proactive about this, and make sure it doesn't happen again. Not that it will, but touring is the #1 way to make it happen.

I hope this results in TNA having to go outside the regular wrestling regions. The West coast doesn't get a whole lot of love, outside of LA. Portland has a really old wrestling community, with Roddy Piper living within 20 minutes of my house. Seattle has a pretty large population. But I've never seen TNA travel out this far. It's just not been financially viable.
TNA should be ok for now... at least... on the road was genius, let the games begin! It's about to get epic through out! looking forward to the battles at hand....
The thing is, is that regardless TNA can find a building, and sure a mid-size venue would be nice, ECW and ROH did and do just fine in even the small 1000 seat arenas for shows. I personally believe that TNA is going to capitalize on TV show time by hitting markets WWE didn't think of hitting because they are building around the monster cities, sure TNA will be in Chicago, but its different when you find a different arena in a different area of the city your giving a different area a chance, and it helps build. I personally think running these events if they do it right will be them hitting an arena just outside WWEs normal arena venues to build a base and in a few years time will be either hitting those arenas based WWE hits based on good attendance and by striking when WWE can't.
It's Vince being Vince.

Now as far as how this could affect TNA, they just have to be smart about it. Already their first four live shows have already been booked so it's not a problem in the imidiate futur.

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