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Rumor: WWE has resigned Val Venis

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WWE has reportedly resigned Sean 'Van Venis' Morley, according to indy promoters who have attempted to book him in recent weeks.

According to a source, WWE is supposedly flying Morley to Europe on 11/7 to join up with the RAW crew. He may be coming in as an agent/producer but we're not sure about that just yet.

I don't think this is conformation but if he starts wrestling in WWE again I doubt he won't be used any differently than before he was released but now he might be a guy we see on WWE Superstars. If not he sounds like a good guys to bee an agent or backstage producer. That sums it up for me.

I marked out when I first heard this, and I still am now. I am a mark for many wrestlers, but above all of them I am a mark for Val Venis. I also feel from an objective perspective that he could be an asset for WWE, even if he's still likely to be a jobber. For years Val was the go to guy for making sure greenhorns didn't stink up the joint on a big stage, which is an important, if overlooked thing for a company like WWE with a vast reserve of rookies in FCW.

If, however WWE decided that Val isn't someone TV worthy in this day and age, he'd be a great asset in FCW, what with him being someone who can teach the guys a lot about how to work a match (watch his heat matches, they're all the same but that's because his just add opponent matches work), work a gimmick (always useful in the character driven WWE) and work the stick (even more important in WWE). I was never sure why they got rid of him (sure he wasn't a draw, never got TV time and is getting older but still) and I'm happy that WWE's decided to bring him back.
I was never all that much into Val Venis. Just never really saw much of anything special about the guy. When he showed up in TNA earlier this year and went over a guy like Christopher Daniels, someone who'd been in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene a month earlier, I thought it made TNA look like a joke.

If Morley has been resigned by the WWE and they do plan to use him as a wrestler, he'll almost certainly be used as some form of talent enhancement and that's where he should be. Using him as a trainer in FCW or working backstage as an agent might also be a good place for him.
I was never all that much into Val Venis. Just never really saw much of anything special about the guy. When he showed up in TNA earlier this year and went over a guy like Christopher Daniels, someone who'd been in the TNA World Heavyweight Championship scene a month earlier, I thought it made TNA look like a joke.

I don't think nthat would have been too bad if it had lead somewhere, rather than Val winning but then vanishing until he beat Jarrett in a backstage brawl and then leaving the company to go back to CMLL.

If Morley has been resigned by the WWE and they do plan to use him as a wrestler, he'll almost certainly be used as some form of talent enhancement and that's where he should be. Using him as a trainer in FCW or working backstage as an agent might also be a good place for him.

Agreed, that's pretty much what he'd be best used as. He's someone who can go out and make people look better than they are, be a credible obsticle to a newbie that they're trying to get over and lose nothing in his loss. He's like Goldust and William Regal (and to a MUCH lesser degree CM Punk and Chris Jericho) in that he's best served putting people over at this stage of his career.
Val's Adult Film Star gimmick doesn't work with a PG environment. If they thought about doing another Right to Censor thing, i could see it work.
Val is one of those wrestlers who the WWE didn't really give as many chances as they could have compared to various other wrestlers they tried hard to push. I can think of one time they tried to push his as at least an upper card wrestler and that was his match and feud with Mankind.

When he was Chief Morley, he was one of the top heels but nowhere near the title scene. The moment that ended, he was quickly back in the mid cad, and soon out of there save for a match here or there.

This really wasn't Val's fault; he's a decent wrestler and obviously can cut a decent promo. It's just the WWE didn't know how to properly use him.

Unfortunately, his star status has faded to that of slightly above a jobber. Having a reputation like that is hard to get out of once you are there.

That said, his win over Daniels was idiotic. Daniels was in the main event scene just the month prior as was pointed out. Furthermore, Daniel had beaten world champ A.J. Styles. That means in theory, since Val could beat Daniels, he could beat Styles, and therefore was a realistic contender for the world title.

Now, had he come in basically saying he was ready to turn the world upside down and prove what he always knew he was, that is one of the best wrestlers around, and then beat Daniels, I would have accepted that win a little bit more as would have several other fans.

That all being said, Val coming in was similar to D-Lo Brown a few years prior. He probably won't be used much, and if so will probably at best have a big win, then quickly go on a losing streak. From there he'd fade away, most likely to be an agent.
If he was indeed resigned, I think he will/should be used as a coach when WWE Tough Enough makes its return.

I've been wondering who the coaches were going to be and I think Val could be one of them.
Well, Val as pointed out is a decent wrestler. And let's not forget he did cut some of the best promos and vignettes ever done. But he can't exactly do any of that in the PG era. Even his name isn't really appropriate. I hope he doesn't come back to job to everyone.
Personally, I doubt that he comes in as an agent, simply based upon the fact that they are flying him out fairly quickly. Then again, it depend son when they re-signed him I guess. Nonetheless, I feel that he'll help build other stars, perhaps on a Superstars level, maybe getting the Goldust treatment or something along those lines.
I always thought Val was very underated and his gimmick destroyed any crediblitity that he had as a potential main event star. He had all the tools to be something: mic skills, decent size, solid wrestling skills but the damn porn thing never got dropped. I really wish he would have been given a serious role and repackaged and feuded with guys liek Stone Cold, Triple H, Rock, etc... Hell if Bradshaw was able to turn into JBL then Val Venis could have easily been given a push as well.

Regarding a return to WWE he is likely to take a backstage role and prolly have an in ring return at the Royal Rumble
I feel fairly apathetic about the potential re-signing of Val Venis by the WWE. Back in the day, Venis was a pretty good character. He had average, or slightly above average, in-ring skills, with pretty good ability on the mic with an interesting and somewhat unique gimmick. However, I feel his better days are well behind him, and as such, a return to the WWE is really no big deal. I felt this way when he re-surfaced in TNA in early 2010, and I feel the same way now about another return to the WWE in late 2010.

I would expect to see fairly limited in-ring action for him. He'll likely be a road agent, or a mentor, or something like this, becoming involved in a future season of NXT or Tough Enough if it re-surfaces. If he is in the ring, he'll likely be enhancement talent only, there to be fed to the guys that WWE are attempting to put over. He'll probably appear in the Royal Rumble, but be one of the first guys tossed out.

If he does spend any time in the ring, I expect he'll keep his same gimmick. The thought that his former persona is not appropriate for the PG world is simply erroneous. He may have to scale it back very slightly, but there's no reason he cannot return to the gimmick which made him a household name in the first place.

So sure, bring him back. Why not? Just don't look for him to be holding any titles any time soon.
Val Venis was an entertaining midcarder back in the day. He was not good for much beyond one-week of nostalgia in TNA earlier this year. He was unable to wrestle well enough to not bury both himself and Daniels in their match he was booked to win for some reason. That makes me wonder how well he would do in a role trying to put over up and comers. I think it is extremely unlikely he has any adult film variants in his gimmick if he wrestles for WWE. The one place I could see some interest in him on tv is with CM Punk.
I have a feeling him being re-signed is much to do with the upcoming old school RAW. I say he'll make an appearence there and then pretty much dissapear after that. He is no real use to WWE, although a good charachter back in the day, times have changed and moved on. If he does stick around for awhile he'll be abit like Jericho, putting over new and upcoming talents. The last thing I'd want to see is a big push of any sorts. As seen earlier in the year while in a short stint with TNA, he was slow and laboured in the ring so I dont see much from Val Venis in the ring, but you never know.
LOL............I can hear the entrance music now.........

"Helloooo Kiddeeeees!!"

The better have him come in as a Road Agent or something because if they intend to have him ressurect Val Venis, it'll go over like a lead balloon in the PG era.
Good, Sean has a great mind for wrestling and was one of the long-term employee's with 10+ years which is a great feat in WWE, he's wrestled all over the world (different promotions I'm refering to) he had great sucess with his porn star gimmick and in general is a pretty intelligent guy who could serve as an producer and do WWE the world of good, if he's being brought back as a talent, awesome. I don't see him doing anything drastic but he's a good guy who WWE could benifit having as a talent and producer like Noble & Finlay and Regal.
I always thought Val was very underated and his gimmick destroyed any crediblitity that he had as a potential main event star. He had all the tools to be something: mic skills, decent size, solid wrestling skills but the damn porn thing never got dropped. I really wish he would have been given a serious role and repackaged and feuded with guys liek Stone Cold, Triple H, Rock, etc... Hell if Bradshaw was able to turn into JBL then Val Venis could have easily been given a push as well.

Regarding a return to WWE he is likely to take a backstage role and prolly have an in ring return at the Royal Rumble

His gimmick was essentially a more graphic version of Rick Rude's. So I don't think it was that. I think it came to a matter of there were too many people in the spotlight, he just got the short end of it. Plus during the Attitude Era, they actually wrote interesting storylines for everyone on the show. So they could keep him in as a midcarder and keep the show interesting.
Sean Morely has been re-sdigned by WWE, to be a trainer for the talent in Florida. He is not back to be an active superstar on tv, though Im sure he will pop up here and there
I really doubt he'll be an active wrestler. WWE doesn't have Heat anymore and Superstars is interpromotional. He'll just be in the bench. Not to mention his infamous porn star gimmick is totally restricted. I'm gonna say he'll just work backstage. Because I seriously doubt WWE would re-hire a guy with a gimmick not suitable for their programming and has low value. Unless you have Michael Cole yelling "this guy beat Christopher Daniels once" every day like if it meant something.

Yeah, he'll just be a road agent. Or... Hey! Remember D' Lo Brown's return to WWE? Yeah, I don't either.
I see him coming back for the 'Old School' RAW. Which is probably why they are preventing him from taking indy booking as of now, assures his availability. After that then he will most likely go to FCW to be a trainer or used as a road agent. A 'Tough Enough' trainer is also possible.

I think Val the character can't play well in the PG enviroment, but Sean Morley can cut promos so he is a good get and an asset to the younger talent on the rosters right now. I also think that despite his in and outs with the company he is highly regarded backstage where he never burned any bridges. So if WWE wants to freshen up the agent pool, he could get a look no problem.

Not big news really, but nice to hear.
Val Venis is very entertaining! When I think of the attitude era, I think of Val Venis. He has great MIC skills, and a total superstar. Vince needs to bring back the Attitude Era again, WWE really sux right now, and that is why everyone is all on MMA.
Maybe him or Bradshaw are the leaders of NEXUS! Since the NEXUS angle is crappy, just like when NWO came to WWE, Vince's days are over! He doesn't know what the people want to see anymore! WE want SEX, and Humour, and "REAL WRESTLING" like back in the 80's and early 90's, not this washed out crap the guys do now! Again that is why MMA is big! We want pile drivers, and scientifice matches! We want big character managers, and HALLOWEEN HAVOC, THe ELEMENT OF SURPRISE at MANIA, Bring STING TO WWE for WM27!
Because his gimmick isnt for PG, I can see him either as an agent and lets face it anyway, Val isnt all that good anymore gimmick & wrestling wise, he got stale over time or I can see him returning to the ring as Chief Morley and being involved in this storyline with the anonymous Raw GM.
Val is a great wrestler and knows how to make noobs look like a million bucks. One of the best enhancement talents they've ever had. I'm glad about it, hopefully he wrestles on air.
I for one would love to see Val Venis come back. I have been a fan of Val for a long time. Ever since I began watching wrestling in 2005 I have enjoyed his work. Whether he was Val Venis or Sean Morley he always ended up entertaining me. His name might have to be changed to Sean Morley permenantly with the PG era but I would love to see him with other WWE greats like Goldust and William Regal helping the younger guys.

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