Rumor: Vince Not Happy About Chyna Joining TNA?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Outspoken celebrity blogger Perez Hilton posted an article on concerning Chyna's return to the squared circle.

"The Ninth Wonder of The World" debuted for TNA Wrestling at last Tuesday's iMPACT! taping in Orlando, Florida. The former WWE Diva was revealed as Kurt Angle's "mistress" and will be competing in a mixed tag team match with Kurt Angle against Jeff and Karen Jarrett at TNA Sacrifice this Sunday.

According to Hilton, Vince McMahon was considering placing Chyna in the WWE Hall of Fame, but has since dismissed the idea due to her association with the rival promotion. Hilton adds McMahon is furious with her decision to join TNA. reported last week that Chyna has not signed a contract with TNA Wrestling as she is currently working on a "handshake deal" with a "very, very short leash."

Chyna is off to a good start so far as sources within TNA Wrestling say she exceeded expectations in regards to how she handled herself backstage at the event.

"Chyna was very well liked," said one TNA source. Another source added, "She was great." It was also noted that she has mellowed out.

Chyna made a second wrestling related appearance at last Saturday's "Legends of the Ring" convention in Monroe, New Jersey. She appeared healthy and in good spirits.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was 100% true. McMahon can be a very stubborn, so it wouldn't surprise me if Chyna has become another member in Vince's dog house. As far as the Hall Of Fame stuff goes, I do think Chyna is a worthy candidate. Chyna was something different in women's wrestling. She was the hulking chick who could kick the shit out of you, and the fans ate this up. Chyna was pretty popular, and she did have an impact during her time in the wrestling world.

I'd buy it more if it wasn't Perez Hilton putting it out. Man's a dumbass who lives on creating controversy.

I wouldn't doubt he'd be a bit upset, but the woman's been out of his company for eleven years, so I'd say he should get the fuck over it. Also, did Vince ever help her in rehab like he did a lot of WWE wrestlers and talents? :confused:
I highly doubt Vince is furious about this. Chyna hasn't been in WWE in ten years. She hasn't been mentioned at all. She hasn't been at any of the numerous reunion or anniversary shows. In order for Vince to be furious I would think she would have had to had at least some minor thing to do with WWE in the last decade. Maybe she was being considered for the HOF but it's not like she was going to headline. If anything she was probably considered for HOF and now is not and no one in WWE has given it a second thought.
Chyna is a connection to Hollywood that TNA just gained.. got them TMZ exposure apparently..

TNA just plugged ... no... they basically turned their company into Impact Wrestling now right at the same time as her debut. So you know what, that just got Impact WRESTLING... "Wrestling Matters!" Into Hollywood a little bit, because you know the TMZ people watching Chyna also seen Foley moments later go nuts on what I grew up on.

Bottom Line.. Chyna showing up in Impact Wrestling.. just got them a little bit of exposure.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
TNA has been on TMZ before.... *confused*

I think it will be interesting to note if we do see some sort of sign in the near future that Chyna was suppose to be showing up or in a hall of fame. Like if WWE puts out a Women of The WWE DVD or if she ends up in SVR12 or other signs like that.

I am sure he would be upset if he offered her to come back and she said no before but again its one of those things I feel we shouldnt say "Vince doesnt care about TNA blah blah" at the same time we dont really have any facts (yet) to prove what effect if any this is has on TNA.

Obviously, Vince knew about this a head of time and I am sure wrestlers have told Vince they were going to TNA or choosing to stay in TNA over his company..
You have to remember than Vince put alot of effort into building Chyna up back in the day, so it's understandable that he's mad over her going to his rival after everything he did to make her a star. Although I do think it sucks that she wont be in the HOF now, she really was impressive in her prime.
Chyna hasn't done shit in 10 years besides be on a sex tape with Sean Waltman and was on a VH1 Reality Show getting in fights with Mini-Me. Chyna has DEFINITELY lost her once extremely rugged build and doesn't look anything like she used to, except in the face. I'm skeptical about how this TNA thing is even going to work out. She has some serious ring rust and I'm hoping she is in performing shape for this match because I might actually watch the PPV this weekend just to see Chyna again. Seeing Jarrett vs Chyna again would be great and I'd probably tune into iMPACT Wrestling and not just read spoilers.

As for Vince being angry. This definitely created a lot of buzz for TNA and I think it's the buzz it generated that made him pissed. Who wants the main rival company to gain interest when your product is the popular one out there. Any buzz this creates takes away from WWE. I'm sorry to say this, but Chyna is a much bigger name than Kharma/Awesome Kong. Chyna draws. She's the 9th Wonder of the World, a former playboy model, former reality television star and has created plenty of controversy. TNA made a very ballsy move getting Chyna and she may have just spat in Vince's face by joining the rivals. This move could end either way for Chyna. She could get back into ring shape and then bolt for WWE and get even more money and publicity or she could remain in TNA and start a career there and be blacklisted by WWE.
You know, as much as I don't like TNA, I gotta admit, bringing Chyna in was pretty dang slick. I think they just took a small (very small) step forward into competing with WWE. (not that I think they will EVER get into that competitive state with WWE like WCW did), but it was prettynsmart. Even though Chyna has been away for 10 years, the name Chyna can draw some attention. So props to TNA. and if Vince is furious, OH WELL VINCE...They caught ya sleepin man! Deal with it, its business! and I honestly think that if Vince turns ppl away from the HOF just for going to the "competition", then that really sux, so what now, Mick Foley isn't going to the HOF either for going to TNA??? C'mon Vince, you're better than this.
Vince probably had to wikipedia Chyna to make sure that Joanie Lauer hadn't died and been replaced.

WWE creative probably doesn't really care that much. Snookie probably has more ring authority than Chyna at this point, TNA's is just keeping the stereotype going by signing more wrestlers 10+ years past their shelf life.

Is anyone going to seriously turn on their TV and watch because Chyna is going to wrestle against................. Karen Angle Jarret? Even if Chyna was in here prime, she wouldn't be able to pull off anything worth watching against a non-wrestling woman.

And denying people from 'his' Hall Of Fame for working for other companies is Vince and creative's decision, why promote a rival company? Mick Foley and Chyna will make the HoF, just not while they're working for WCW 2.0

Nothing TNA does at the level it's at right now is going to upset the WWE

It wouldn't surprise me if this was 100% true. McMahon can be a very stubborn, so it wouldn't surprise me if Chyna has become another member in Vince's dog house. As far as the Hall Of Fame stuff goes, I do think Chyna is a worthy candidate. Chyna was something different in women's wrestling. She was the hulking chick who could kick the shit out of you, and the fans ate this up. Chyna was pretty popular, and she did have an impact during her time in the wrestling world.


I doubt Vince is angry, seriously Chyna is no threat to WWE. You gathered this from Wrestlezone and Wrestle Inc posts? Well Wrestlezone last week said WWE owns the Chyna name and will have to change it but guess what, she's still Chyna. Don't always belive what you read
I'd buy it more if it wasn't Perez Hilton putting it out. Man's a dumbass who lives on creating controversy.

I wouldn't doubt he'd be a bit upset, but the woman's been out of his company for eleven years, so I'd say he should get the fuck over it. Also, did Vince ever help her in rehab like he did a lot of WWE wrestlers and talents? :confused:

The WWE has an open offer to fully fund rehab for any and all former wrestlers and their families at any time. They paid for Scott Hall's rehab last year, for example, along with numerous others that aren't named publically. If they didn't help her, it was her choice, not his.

But yeah, good point on Perez Hilton. This guy's a wrestling expert all of a sudden? I give this story no credibility and I highly doubt there's a grain of truth to it. It makes it sound like Trish Stratus went to TNA or something.
Let me get this straight.. It's a "Awesome" move by TNA to grab chyna because she has name recognition and she's a "draw"? WTF???? You bash hogan; rick flair; Kurt Angle and the other ex-wwe employes that was part of TNA - But neither of those have name recognition.

I Swear to god, half of this forum is just plain idiots. Most of you don't know sh*t about the wrestling business. You just repeat "slang" that is used by people that is in the business (or heard from someone else) and magically, you're smarter then Vince McMahon!
you think that TNa having Chyna is a good move? Maybe, maybe not..


it is clearly another shot at the WWE.. You guys tell me, what is the purpose of Chyna in TNA? Hollywood recognition? give me a break.. not at all!!! probably a little but in BUSINESS TERMS - NOT AT ALL!!!

it is a shot at WWE - obviously!!! because of AWESOME KONG.. she was a talent of TNA and a monster (guy-like in fact).. and who in the whole wrestling industry is monster-like aside from Kharma,Awesome Kong.. CHYNA!!!

TNA wants to retaliate obviously.. remember.... ERIC BISCHOFF is there!!! and you what ERIC BISCHOFF is capable of doing during the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars - thinking of ways to react rather than concentrate on the product itself..
Chyna hasn't been WWE exclusive for more than a decade...I doubt Vince is as pissed as Perez Hilton is making him out to be. It's just more gossip talk that TMZ likes to do, that's all. Now whether or not Chyna was being thought of for the Hall Of Fame is anyone's guess, because frankly let's be honest, we don't know. For all we know McMahon will induct her himself. :shrug: But one thing I won't buy into is hot-sheet talk.

Now if I were McMahon, I would ponder not putting her in. Why I say this is because he might have caught wind about how a certain superstar that he promoted and inducted had used said HoF ring as part of a storyline in another promotion...
Hilton adds McMahon is furious with her decision to join TNA.

Y'know, clinically speaking, a person of Vince McMahon's age shouldn't be indulging in rage as much as it's reported he does. If this man breaks into a fury as frequently as we keep reading, he must have an ulcer large enough to drive a truck through.

But of all the things he might get mad about, I don't know why he would concern himself with Chyna. It's not as if he tried to get her to come back these many years (as far as we know) and he surely would have realized that someone else might pick her up in the meantime.

After all, if she's anything like she was in her WWF days, she'll soon start demanding to be among the highest paid performers in the company. Isn't that what she did to Vince before? And wasn't she demanding top billing with people like Steve Austin and the Rock? Her demands were unreasonable....they were refused....and she left.

Besides, hiring Joanie Laurer is like hiring Scott Hall or Jeff Hardy; you never know from one minute to the next what self-destructive behavior they'll engage in that louses up your program planning.
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