Rumor: Top Diva Leaving WWE


According to, there's a rumor going about that AJ Lee will soon be leaving WWE. The article is in response to several emails received by the site asking as to whether or not the rumor is true. AJ is currently advertised for events through December's TLC ppv, which takes place on December 14, however, she isn't advertised for any events after TLC.

IF, IF, IF AJ is leaving the company before the end of the year, it'll be a huge blow to the Diva roster in WWE. AJ has easily been the most popular and overall relevant Diva on the roster in a good many years. In terms of star power, she's the only one to really be on a level close to that of Trish Stratus, Lita and Mickie James.
Cm punk prob pressuring her to leave. From the way he treats people and has a elitist attitude I wouldnt be surprised.
Maybe she just wants to spend more time at home with her husband and maybe start a family or new life together. They are both huge comic book fans and seem pretty similar in a lot of ways so they could always work on a new project outside of wrestling.

There really isn't anything left to accomplish for a diva if they win the Diva's Championship. Nothing short of Trish or Lita coming out of retirement and wanting a match or something, so I don't blame any of the divas for wanting to leave after they get the title. I mean after that what is there? Theres really no set goal for any of them after accomplishing that other than being a piss break at pay per views or being on Total Divas which AJ has stated publicly she wants no part of at all.

I have no idea what goes on through her life so whatever she wants to do and makes her happy then by all means go do it. She owes us nothing. If it's true then thanks to AJ and best of luck in whatever she decides to do next. No harm no foul.
I hope not but it wouldn't surprise me shes feuded with most of the divas on the female roster now so it does come down to what next for her to keep her relevant without repeating if she stays in wrestling.
I realize it's been done already this year but if this is true they may as well use AJ leaving to give a rub to whichever diva is next to come up from the NXT roster. IF she's still Diva's champion then either have her drop it to this up-and-comer or have her vacate the title and put it up in a tournament and have the new diva win it that way, so at least it'll seem like she's earned it, as opposed to coming up and winning it right away.
Cm punk prob pressuring her to leave. From the way he treats people and has a elitist attitude I wouldnt be surprised.

Too be fair he just treats wrestling fans that way.

On topic, as everyone else has pretty much said, there really isn't anything else for her to accomplish. She's had the Diva's title for most of the last year. Yea she lost it to Paige before her leave of absence, and has been trading it back and forth since.

Seems more like the spotlight is being put squarely on the Bella twins now, and she might have decided that her time was up. Wonder if she was being pressured to do Total Diva's. Just read somewhere that Paige is joining the show, and they might have wanted AJ as well. She's refused to do it since it started.

Anyway this is a blow to the division, as most of the rest of them are shit.
Given that her comeback after marriage has been quite lacklustre,lMO, and she seems to be phoning it in most of the time. I highly doubt this version of AJ is a lost.

As Aeon above mentioned, there isn't anything more to do for her in any case, as she has spent the past couple of years holding the title and being shown as head and shoulders above all others.

Maybe she'll leave, and her and Punk will come back some time down the line for a short run as a new "Power Couple" in the WWE. ;)
The Nikki Bella era appears imminent.

I'm actually interested to see how she does with a big push, heel title run. Would like to see the Stephanie connection re-established though. Hoping the Authority sticks around, and Nikki gets down with them. It seems such an obvious fit.
It doesn't matter... It wouldn't be a blow to the divas division because WWE can create a star out of any of the divas in no time.

Hopefully AJ leaves and we never see her ugly face again.
This if true, will be a huge blow for the diva division. AJ has essentially been the top diva, for quite some time now.

Her feuds with paige has been nothing short of genius. She is a master on the mic and good in the ring. Maybe the rumors of her wanting to start a family with punk are true. She is obviously well off financially, so that is one less worry. Still though, a huge blow if true.
According to, there's a rumor going about that AJ Lee will soon be leaving WWE. The article is in response to several emails received by the site asking as to whether or not the rumor is true. AJ is currently advertised for events through December's TLC ppv, which takes place on December 14, however, she isn't advertised for any events after TLC.

IF, IF, IF AJ is leaving the company before the end of the year, it'll be a huge blow to the Diva roster in WWE. AJ has easily been the most popular and overall relevant Diva on the roster in a good many years. In terms of star power, she's the only one to really be on a level close to that of Trish Stratus, Lita and Mickie James.

She's peaked to me. She's dominated the Divas Division the past two years and beat nearly every diva on the roster. She's been a face, she's been a heel and an authority figure. There's nothing left for her to do.
This if true, will be a huge blow for the diva division. AJ has essentially been the top diva, for quite some time now.

Her feuds with paige has been nothing short of genius. She is a master on the mic and good in the ring. Maybe the rumors of her wanting to start a family with punk are true. She is obviously well off financially, so that is one less worry. Still though, a huge blow if true.

Nobody will miss her, so who cares if she's there or not.. The divas division will always suck with or without her.

Thank God she's finally leaving. Get this ugly monkey off my television screen.
Personally, when it comes to these reports of AJ retiring I think its bullshit. She’s in her prime, in the peak of her career, making more money than she probably ever dreamed about getting to do what she always wanted and is in a unique situation in a spot where granted she can really only do as much as the company will give her, has somewhat of a chance to change the way women’s wrestling is looked at in WWE as a whole. Yeah, Punk might be retired and they just married, but Punk made his money, he made a name for himself and he’s probably more than happy with what he’s accomplished. AJ on the other hand, she’s wanted to do this her whole life and is just now really getting the chance to leave her mark, I just have a hard time seeing her wanting to walk away just like that. I really think it’s obvious she’s not in it for the money or the fame but because she has a serious passion for it and she’s pretty awesome at what she does. And think about this, how fucking clingy would she have to be to quit her extremely high paying job at the peak of her career, just so she could spend more time with her husband, who she married SIX MONTHS AGO?!?! Like, talk about a weirdo. Obviously, I have no idea but something tells me that the two of them are cool enough not to give up their lifetime passion for each other’s happiness, six months into marriage. That, yah just sounds stupid and I don’t see it happening.

Maybe now her and Punk can go to some hipster comic com and DIE TOGETHER and I WILL NEVER HAVE TO HEAR THAT GOD AWFUL CM PUNK CHANT AGAIN!!!!!
What is this, the third time we've seen this rumour float around this year? I dunno, she's reiterated in so many interviews that her dream as a little girl was to be in the WWE, and that even right now she still marks out getting to work alongside certain people, or be seen as their peer. Not to mention that she used to struggle a lot for money, would have to sleep in her car etc, and WWE basically took her off the street and made her into something.

I think her marrying Punk and his own walkout just gives some the impression that AJ will soon do the same, that she's basically the female version of him. While everything I've heard and read about AJ backstage is that she's fairly well liked (not so much by some of the Divas but hey, ho) and while she's honest, she's never caused any issues backstage, and that she loves the McMahons. I don't see it. Maybe she'll have some extended time off TV (again) but purely for character development, and to make sure things don't get too stale. But no, I do not believe that she's leaving the company.
This would be a blow for WWE, as AJ is obviously their biggest female star, but it allows opportunities for others to step up- perhaps Charlotte can be promoted from NXT and with the likes of Paige and Natalya still on the roster, there is enough talent available for the Divas division to cope without AJ. She's done it all in the 'E, and with Punk sitting on his ass at home and the couple having no financial worries, I totally understand why she may be thinking of leaving. She'd be welcomed back with open arms any time.

Hell, if TNA end up going under, just bring back Gail Kim and sign Velvet Sky to fill the spot.

Jobs a good'un.
if this is true its best for buisness. She is popular bcoz of her crazy gimmick and her storyline with punk and bryan. Most of adults like that crazy character. She has not that much of wrestling ability. She is the longest divas champion but anything can remember on that reign. She has one good fued bcoz of paige. She is just like punk in character. Both are internet darling. They come, got famous, earn lots of money and gone. They both dont care about their fans.
I just wish they would get rid of the entire Diva division or give it a separate show. Wasting 40 minutes every RAW on womens wrestling is a travesty. Never liked it, but at least back with Molly Holly, Chyna and Lita you have women who were wrestlers first. Now they just hire models and try to make them competent. No interest in any of them.
I can see it if she leaves.

She has a real awkward work situation now that she's married to Punk. Her husband wants nothing to do with her employer, and realistically can't even visit her at work because of his own history with them. I'm sure he does his best to stay out of things and let her pursue her career, but being who he is, and with what he's accomplished in the same industry that she's pursuing a career in, the public makes that difficult as well.

She probably also has her employer in her ear from time to time asking about her husband, trying to coax her into talking to him about coming back. Her employer after all, could really use that guy.

It's a situation where she's stuck in the middle, and she's probably tired of it.

It may be that this career has been her dream since she was a little girl, and that she still gets star struck by it and is grateful to the company for everything they've done for her... but peoples priorities in life do change. She may have decided simply that she's achieved this particular dream, and that the dream of a happy life with her husband is another dream that means more to her.

If AJ is choosing her family over fame and fortune... then I say good for her.
Maybe I am imagining things but she just doesn't seem as into it as she was a year or two ago. I'm sure the "CM Punk" chants are grating from night to night, and the Divas division is more of a trainwreck than it was before since the introduction of Total Divas... AJ seems the opposite of a "Total Divas" girl and I can't see her ever doing that show.

This rumor has been floating around for a while though. I wouldn't be surprised or phased if she did leave... there is really no one there for her to wrestle or feud with (Nikki Bella?), and as someone mentioned before - I'm wondering why they haven't brought someone like Velvet Sky in after all this time... although they probably don't want a "Diva" that hasn't gone through their channels of development and is known as a TNA Knockout.
I don't see what it matters. What else does A.J. have to do in WWE? Nothing that I can think of.

She's good but easily replacable. All of WWE's women are.
Hell, if TNA end up going under, just bring back Gail Kim and sign Velvet Sky to fill the spot.

Please, no. I would honestly rather see Gail Kim go to Japan or work some of the more well-known indie promotions. A talent like Gail is and has been wasted in the WWE. Didn't Gail leave the wwe by choice after her last run anyhow? I don't think she wants to come back.
She is the most over Diva ever since Lita and Trish, hands down. She is good in the ring and very good on the mic. Has a sexy look and all and as you said, it will be a huge blow to the division, especially seeing how Paige will now be "relegated" to Total Divas and Charlotte seems busy with NXT. I just can't find anything interesting in the Divas division, apart from AJ vs Paige.

As far as to why she is leaving, a lot of reason. To me, it is highly unlikely that is has anything to do with Punk demanding anything. If there is one guy in the world who understans passion for this business and going after what you love, it is him and he wouldn't talk AJ otherwise.

It could be that AJ might want to look into her future more, as in family issues, kids. Pregnacy could be a factor, even though it was rumored a while ago too. Maybe she just needs time off to spend with Punk/friends or whoever, even though she had some good 2 months earlier this year.

Could be anything, really, but the thing is we are gonna lose "the wheel" of the Divas division. Not just a spoke. Like it or not, the only reason the wrestling fans still watch the Divas division is because of AJ (and Paige). I hope the rumors of her leaving are untrue, but IF she does leave, I hope it is not forever and that she comes back in like a year later. I don't think she will leave forever, as she is still young enough to work, but if she wants to call her career over, then I'm happy that I was able to watch this woman make the Divas division kinda relevant again.
It would be a shame if she does leave, as others have mentioned she's the most over and popular diva since Trish and Lita. It must be frustrating for the WWE when the invest a great deal into the divas for them to quit once they gain fame and fortune. Eve, Maryse and Kaitlyn were in similar situations where they where given big pushes and given lots of TV time just for them to leave the first chance they got. I hope that she stays and can work some of the up and coming talent in NXT. I also still hope to see AJ Lee vs Stephanie McMahon at Wrestlemania 31!
Well DUH TNA made an offer to Philip Jack Brooks(CM Punk) and AJ Lee to come as a pair and will get paid more and AJ Lee is a fine addition right after the Beautiful People!
Now with Great Khali gone and heading to TNA since he was overshadowed a lot by big slow and was in his shadows poorly treated he can become many times TNA heavyweight champion and Ethan Carter 3 can ditch Tyrus and get Khali as his bodyguard!

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