Rumor: Goldust Gone?

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:( lost ma Mayhem Title has officially removed the Goldust/Dustin Rhodes profile page from the Alumni section of the website.

According to a recent report, Goldust has officially been released from World Wrestling Entertainment.

The report states that something went down during the Smackdown tapings this past week that led to his release from the company.

From the main page.

It really sucks. I like goldust and thought he could have had a decent run in the tag division or US/IC division. And to see him released makes me wonder what could have happened backstage. Maybe he didn't want to job to one of the new guys or something. Thoughts on this?
Dustin was a producer at this point, so the fact that they dropped one of their producers is interesting. There had been talks of a match between him and Cody at 'Mania, but that never transpired, so this is definitely interesting. Maybe what happened was him being upset about not getting that match?
Dustin never holds back. He has said some very controversial things over the years about certain people. My guess is he got into it with upper brass, said something he shouldn't have, and that was it.
I think you will find that Dustin Rhodes may have been "released", but Goldust will be returning, to finally have that feud with his brother.
I'm not so sure this is 100% positively true at this time. I just checked the WWE roster page and Goldust is still listed in there. Not saying the report isn't true, but the fact he is still there gives me a little bit of hope that he is still in the company.

He was a producer, yes, but I would have loved one last run against Cody. Hell, team him with Booker T one last time against Cody and a Tag Team partner. I would have liked the feud to be for the Intercontinental Championship, have Goldust lose a Career vs Title Match. Shame.

Goldust has been one of my very favourite superstars ever. He was so funny and is very talented in the ring, thank god, seen as he is a wrestler, but you can't say that for every current WWE performer. I hope he doesn't go to TNA, but, if he wants one last run, which he deserves, I say go for it.
Goldust is potetentially in my book one of the most under-utilised suprstars ever. He had a great, unique gimmick was hilarious on the mic and could go in the ring. It's a sad day if we are never going to see him in a WWE ring again.
And to see him released makes me wonder what could have happened backstage.
My immediate question when I read about the release. I love Goldust, even went back in time and watched some old wrestling videos and couldn't stop laughing at his character's behavior. He was really entertaining to me and I'm sure plenty others.

Hopefully someone will be able to dig up more details about it.
It's being reported that Dustin Runnels, AKA Goldust, has been fired from his position as a backstage producer in the WWE. According to, it's said that "something happened" backstage at the SmackDown! tapings a couple of weeks ago. This "something" apparently led to the release.

I haven't read any sort of official statement from WWE as of yet, so this could all be just a rumor. There's also no word on what this "something" was that landed Goldust in such hot water.

Goldust has been with WWE for a very long time, the better part of 20 years. So if it is true, it's kinda sad. Goldust did always work hard for WWE. At the same time, Goldust is also someone that hasn't been the least bit relevant since the mid 90s, so his departure wouldn't be all that big of a deal.
Um....he hasn't continuously been with the WWE for 20 years...he had time on the independent circuit, as well as time in both TNA and Japan during his career

Total time within WWE must only be about 10 years or so
Yea i read this yesterday to, really suprising to me that he was fired due to a backstage situation, and your right he has not be relevant for a while now, so i always thought thats why he would be let go because they had nothing for him to do, not for a backstage situation, if there is any truth to this story.
Um....he hasn't continuously been with the WWE for 20 years...he had time on the independent circuit, as well as time in both TNA and Japan during his career

Total time within WWE most only be about 10 years or so

Exactly, he has been released from WWE four times now. One of those was for a no-show, which is a big no. He's been very lucky (or you know had a father in a high place) to get so many chances.

Also isn't there a thread already for this?
It's sad to see Dustin Runnel's go, but at the same time, it's not surprising in the least.

Dustin's best WWE days have been behind him for quite some time. His last real bastion of hope for WWE relevance was his dream match against Cody. Once that didn't come to fruition, I think the writing was on the wall.

Dustin has a great mind for the business, and for character development. He could be an asset to any promotion out there, be it as an agent, or as someone with creative input.

For those of you that follow Chikara Pro, it's the type of place that embraces the over the top gimmicks that Dustin has embodied for much of the past 20 years, and it's somewhere he could really help the younger talent develop and create some memorable characters, in an atmosphere that loves their characters as over the top as possible.

All that aside though, I wish him nothing but the best of luck, and hope his contributions to pro wrestling are still far from over.
There's already a thread about this open, so I'm assuming this will be closed. Anyways, there hasn't been any further details released yet, so for all we know it could all be a work. Personally, I think Dustin is very underated, and I hope that this is just storyline.
I think Dustin Rhodes is useless hack with a lot of daddy issues. I have a personal bias here, I went to a show many years ago here in Edmonton, Alberta. He purposely no-showed the event and cashed in the plane ticket that was sent for him. I used to be a fan of Dustin Rhodes in WCW, but whatever he has done after that has been terrible. Even including when he was funny in 2003/2004. I would be glad if he lost his job with the 'E" follwed by his father.

Keep the only good Rhodes, Cody. And then take out the trash.
I know he's long since been past his prime, but Goldust has popped up a few times since his last big run as part of the comic gold tag team of he and Booker T. which has certainly been one of the most entertaining teams of its kind. From what I have seen since then, Goldust could still go when he needed to...he's always been a solid in-ring performer and solid on the mic and the WWE used him in strategic places as a way to get others over which he was perfect for.

It'll be interesting to see what exactly went down to lead to his release and if he'll be able to make a return one day in an agent capacity similar to other legends and WWE alumni.

One thing I really would have wanted to see though was a Cody Rhodes/Goldust feud. Sure he's over the hill, but the story is already in place and it would've been a fun 1-2 month program to get Cody more over. Lord knows he could use it since WWE has been jobbing him out to Big Show and Khali at every turn the last several weeks. I would have liked to have seen Goldust get one more good run and feud for the IC title, only for Cody to defeat him in a retirement would've been a good sendoff and served a great purpose. It's too bad we'll likely never get that now
While I don't know if Goldust was truly released or not, his profile is still up in WWE. com's Alumni section, contrary to reports I've been seeing for the past day.
I call bullshit as usual like most of these "backstage incidents" and "backstage sources" yapping about whatever. Remember after Extreme Rules when the WWE was trying to get the dirtsheets to say that Lesnar had "quit", but then backtracked? Same deal. We know nothing, just another rumor. Don't get me wrong, he could very well have been let go, but we don't know that for sure. People need to start taking things with a grain of salt instead of hearing something and going off like it actually happened.
ok then if goldie is gone, which i hope he isnt. who is gonna look after the divas. i heard he was was a trainer and booker for the divas after finly left. now if goldie is gone, totally kiss that division goodbye
If it happens to be that this is more than just a rumor, this truly is disappointing.

Goldust has been with the WWE for years and very rarely has he been used to his true potential. For the last several years he could have been very useful in WWE's mid-card, had he been used as something more than just a comedy act.

I'm interested to hear more on this. Specifically what the incident was that put him on such bad terms so suddenly.
Goldie should have been being used as a jobber to the up and coming heels. Someone could have injured him and taken him out. And yes, the Cody/Goldie feud would have been some great TV and even better promos.

However, the last cool thing he ever did was get electrocuted by Evolution and that was what '03? So if this is truly the end of Shattered Dreams Productions what are we really losing here?
sad if true indeed!! He has been with the company for over 20 years and well he has never mixed words when something he has to say he says it. Not a good idea to piss off the upper brass but i hope to see him return as goldust to feud with his brother.

He has been a loyal worker and really has been asked there is to ask of him! Hope its not true
I loved the costume, the character, mic skills and skits......but goldust is horrible in the ring. I hated watching him wrestle because all he did was that uppercut and kick people in the nuts. If he could actually wrestle he wouldve achieved alot more.

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