**Rumor** Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust To Happen Before WrestleMania?


Dark Match Winner
So i just read a rumour stating that wwe don't want cody rhodes vs goldust at wrestlemania as they see it as a step back for cody but there open to having that match/fued before wrestlemania.. So what do you all think? I honestly think it's a leap in the wrong direction for cody as goldust is a jobber and if cody lost to him it would only devalue cody..
I'm fine with this especially if it doesn't happen at Wrestlemania. Goldust can still go in the ring and I see him and Cody putting on a solid match should it happen. The fact that they are brothers can help add interest in their feud. Yeah, we've had some family feuds in the past that ultimately flopped (Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy) but this should be fine as long as it doesn't become a long term thing because Cody should focus on moving up the card and towards a world title. Like I said, as long as this doesn't happen at Wrestlemania, I've got absolutely no problems with this.
The only way i want to see this match happen is as a warm up match for cody so he can take his brother out and go into wrestlemania to massive heat before taking the world title
This isn't actually a setback for Cody. Goldust is his brother and they can create a lot of storyline and drama to this feud. On the other hand, Goldust can close out his career with this one. I hope to see the Goldust of the 90s.
Unfortunatly it's not the 90's so instead it'd be the up and coming cody rhodes who is on his way to resurecting the ic title and winning the world title vs a jobber in goldust

Yeah i want to see that match so badly
I don't see a problem with it being before WM28. Goldust, while a legend in my mind, is currently in jobber status in the WWE. I can't see him having a feud with Cody Rhodes, who is destined for the World Title, to be a 'Mania type match. And like I've read before, it would be crushing for Goldust. At this point, I can't see him getting a reception for his final match at 'Mania. Sure he may get some thank you Goldust chants, but that's about it. It would be akin to Hacksaw Jim Duggan circa 2007 having a final title match at WM.
It doesn't have to be a step back for Cody. The angle isn't doomed to a one-off mid-card battle to give the Golden One one last hurrah. If I've learned anything from being a fan of pro wrestling, it's that anything has the potential to be a WrestleMania classic. If the creative team or management doesn't have faith in the angle to seel Mania-buys, that's on them... It's partly their job to build the story, and mostly the Superstars job to sell it.

It's actually sad that they don't have more faith in their own departments and talents. If they actually took the time to build intriguing angles, they wouldn't have to pray that two guys would get big enough on the Road to Mania to sell a match. There is no doubt in my mind that Cody and Goldust could have a real shot at stealing a show, if given enough time and resources to make it worth watching. It's not even difficult to book! I could probably put together an angle on my macbook in an hour that would convince lots of people to want to watch it!

In short, involved Dusty, put the title on the line against Goldust's career, and allow Cody to really cut loose in his promos. Make him really live the trauma of his childhood. Allow Goldy to really cut loose against Cody and Dusty from casting him away, causing the mental issues that would lead to his Goldust persona. Have Dusty try to play the peace maker, but in the final week before Mania have them brawl and accidentally knock their father down. Dusty is upset, he walks out on both of them, and tells them to settle their differences in a match that turns boys into men... a match he made famous: the Texas Bull Rope match.

See, how hard was that? I'd buy Mania for it if that's how it played out... In the end Dusty could turn on one of them. If he helps Cody they play the whole "I'm sorry, but your time is up son" angle in which Dusty basically retires his son and Cody gets the huge heel rub off it all. If Dusty saves Goldust it could be reconciliation for their family history, and is still a heel rub for Cody if he ends up beating them both down in the end.
Now I like this feud. i mean Cody should've have a bonafide upper mid-card match with Sheamus or anyone,or a legend but this feud should catapault Rhodes to a more hig-profile match.

Maybe the setting here is Rhodes leaves Goldy laying and then goes onto Booker at WM.

Should be good.
I agree with WWE that it would be a step back for Cody if this match happened at Mania. No offense meant to Goldust, but Cody's nearly at a level that Goldust never was and likely never will be. Most could probably see Cody in a World Title match at Mania this year. Can you say the same for Goldust? Can you say he's even close? This could be a fun little feud, a great moment, and possibly a very good match, but it has no place on the Wrestlemania card. Let them do this match at the Rumble maybe, or even sometime after Mania, but as long as it doesn't hold Cody back for too long. I like Goldust, but I think he may be overestimating his own value here. This would be one of the few things left that could make him relevant again in today's product. It actually seems a bit like one last grasp at doing something important before finishing for good. He'll retire soon and become a road agent, I'm sure. He's got a guaranteed job waiting for him when he decides he's done for good. I doubt he'll get this match at Mania, and I bet that'll just be a disappointment for him, even it the match does happen some other time. I don't mean to be harsh, but sorry Goldie, you don't really deserve it.
I think this match will be good. It does not necessarily have to happen at Mania, and we have lots of time before then to still get a feud out of it which last a month or so.

But Cody is in another league to Goldust at present. He’s working his way up the ladder, and rightfully so. He’s playing the character very well and is getting some major heat at present.

I would see this match as being something simply to bring further heat, much like what is going on with Booker T at present.

At the end of the day, all that seems to be happening is that WWE are trying to get as many fan favourites as possible to line the road for Cody. Orton, Booker T, Goldust, it doesn’t matter who it is, it just needs to be someone the crowd care about enough that when Cody beats them they dislike it.

Goldust has the best options storyline-wise so it makes sense to have him be involved in a feud.
I'm glad this going before WM but am also glad to see it in general. Rhodes is on his way to the main event if he's not there already. Realistically early next year he's going to be competing for the WHC. There is quite a few options for Rhodes at WM (Taker, Orton, Bryan etc.) but Goldust should not be one of them.

I like Goldust, he and Booker were my favorite comedy tag team behind E&C. Bragging Rights last year showed me he still can put up quite the decent match. Goldust deserves a proper final match and Rhodes would be a great one. I wouldn't mind seeing the two feuding before the RR to have Rhodes win and then appear later in the Rumble. Should be a good match but it's right to avoid this at WM.
It need not be a step back for Cody.....just a brief diversion. To that end, it's definitely not a Wrestlemania-level match; they could stick it anywhere before or after WM. Personally, I'd enjoy the spectacle.

The thing is, are we finally going to witness Goldust and Cody being acknowledged as brothers? That hasn't happened before, has it?

The contest itself will probably be a good one technically, if for no other reason than Dustin Runnels works well with everyone. His strange gimmick has often clouded the fact that he's a consummate ring performer. Cody has the bland personality, but he also is a fine in-ring worker.

One thought: Can you imagine if Cody had been given the Goldust character to play? I've been trying to picture it. Oy.
I think it's a smart decision to have the Cody/Goldust angle before Wrestlemania honestly. It's a good idea for a feud due to them being brothers in real life, but it really never was Wrestlemania level and they should have a higher profile feud prepared for Rhodes when it comes time for the biggest show of the year. This will be a good filler feud to run during the Rumble or Elimination Chamber, then Cody can enter his Wrestlemania angle after his brother has put him over. I liked the idea of having it at Wrestlemania when I first heard about it although this is for the best. Goldust is hardly relevant anymore and they should have Rhodes face someone from the current roster at Wrestlemania. The potential ideas there are nearly endless. They could always restart the Ted feud and have Ted go over if he has gotten over enough by that point. That would be better, given the history those two already have.
Before Wrestlemania. At Wrestlemania. After Wrestlemania. Good/bad for Cody. Good/bad for Goldust.

I don't care about any of these things. I just really, really, really want to see this program happen, because the matches are pretty much guaranteed fantastic and seeing two brothers trying to outweird each other would be super fun to watch. I bet they tie it in with the Cody/Booker T story, with Goldust caught between his asshole brother and his favorite tag team partner.

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