Rumble Spam Thoughts

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
- Ending to the Steel Cage Match was silly, but worked with Daniel's heel persona, making it look as though he was just lucky.

- John Cena vs Kane interested me a lot and I still think it should've gone down as this; Cena realises that he cannot overpower Kane, so resorts to using some sort of weapon, disqualifying himself and then beating down Kane, thus "Embracing the hate"

- The little bit where Kane attacked Ryder had some of the WORST acting from Ryder, but Kane standing tall was quite nice to see.

- Diva's match was longer than I expected, which is decent and the right team won.

- How Drew McIntyre's match went down was disappointing. I would've liked to see Regal's music hit, to distract Brodus and Drew walking away with a roll-up victory, then leading to Regal mentoring Drew in the future.

- WWE Title Match was good. Punk/Ziggler put a great match on and Johnny Ace was confusing, but obviously doing the "Sucking up" thing that the announcers were talking about. Everytime Punk "won" made me believe more than Punk was going to lose, but to see him retain was nice.

Royal Rumble

So, thoughts on the big one.

- Miz at first with Riley & Truth following? Argh. It looked so set-up it was stupid. Then Rhodes/Gabriel gave me the same thoughts. Some very unneeded entries in the form of Lawler & Cole, which could've been used by maybe Kane or Mark Henry etc.

- Kofi Kingston's handstand was fucking awesome.

- Kharma's back! That was good.

- Jericho came out and there was nothing from him. No happy Y2J, no high fives, no nothing. He looked angry like this was his match. It wasn't.

- Big Show at 30 was nice to see, it was a way to give him a short time in. No Kane as well was a shame, no doubt about it. No Christian also annoyed me.

- Finally, the last four were an interesting set. Orton eliminating Show on his own got me in & I thought Orton was eliminated by Jericho too soon. Jericho & Sheamus though put on just under 10 minutes of a great show. Then Sheamus won.

- "End of the world as we know it" it certainly wasn't.

- Everything I had enjoyed was ruined there. Tonight's RAW needs a big payoff

Feel free to add any little thoughts you had.
Jericho's end of the world as we know it made me anticipate the rumble as hell but nothing happened like that actually. that's why i'm so disappointed.

and no surprise entrants either. Randy Orton could have been if he didn't appear on smackdown before the rumble.
What I don't seem to get is this; people are complaining there wasn't enough star power in the match. The same people are also complaining that the surprise entrnats took younger guys spots...except the surprise people are far bigger stars than the likes of Titus O'Neil or Mason fucking Ryan. Perhpas I missed the point there? Or maybe, just maybe, people are major fucking morons.
I'm saying that instead of Lawler/Cole, we could easily have had Kane & John Cena. Both men technically didn't win their match, so it made them eligible for the Rumble. What about Drew McIntyre, maybe it would've been a chance for him to show he's got it?
What happened to the report of Ryback making his debut at the Rumble?

Disappointed we didn't see Christian.

I'm glad my early prediction of Sheamus came true, because what I assume only leads to a feud of him and Bryan could be a good one and finally leads Bryan away from Show and Henry. However, I was quite surprised it did come true since really, as everyone's been saying, where's the "end of the world as you know it" payoff at the Rumble?

Kharma returns. That was cool. Maybe now Beth Phoenix will actually APPEAR on Raw or Smackdown!

Sort of a side note that was furthered at the Rumble, remember when they copywrighted Mr. Future Endeavor? Is that where this Drew McIntyre angle is leading?
I'm saying that instead of Lawler/Cole, we could easily have had Kane & John Cena. Both men technically didn't win their match, so it made them eligible for the Rumble. What about Drew McIntyre, maybe it would've been a chance for him to show he's got it?
What would any of those guys have added to the match?

Cena has a match at Mania. Kane's dominated enough Rumbles. Drew would have just gotten eliminated instantly.
I keep reading people wondering how Jericho being eliminated was the end of the world as we know it. Then I wonder if these people realize it was his way of saying he would win the Rumble, just like every other guy does. Then I assume that they are just stupid.
What would any of those guys have added to the match?

Cena has a match at Mania. Kane's dominated enough Rumbles. Drew would have just gotten eliminated instantly.

Well excusing Cena, Kane could've gone after HBK's elimination record at to be honest, it would've made him look even more of a beast. Drew could've gone in and actually proved something. I'd have liked that.

I keep reading people wondering how Jericho being eliminated was the end of the world as we know it. Then I wonder if these people realize it was his way of saying he would win the Rumble, just like every other guy does. Then I assume that they are just stupid.

I think that Jericho still has something. All these promos cannot amount to Sheamus kicking him off of the apron.
Well excusing Cena, Kane could've gone after HBK's elimination record at to be honest, it would've made him look even more of a beast. Drew could've gone in and actually proved something. I'd have liked that.
He also could have proved something in all these weeks on SD when he's been jobbing.

And how do you have Kane get eliminated without starting a feud between him and someone else?
He also could have proved something in all these weeks on SD when he's been jobbing.

And how do you have Kane get eliminated without starting a feud between him and someone else?

It's called a "Group Elimination". He's a beast right now, how would he possibly be eliminated by one person? He wouldn't. Everyone would gang up on him, maybe including a big guy like Show or Khali. Simple and unless Kane wanted to start a feud with 5/6/7 of the roster, he just wouldn't do it.

I agree with that. I also think that anyone who thinks those promos were wasted because Jericho didn't win the Rumble are mentally challenged.

It's called a "Group Elimination". He's a beast right now, how would he possibly be eliminated by one person? He wouldn't. Everyone would gang up on him, maybe including a big guy like Show or Khali. Simple and unless Kane wanted to start a feud with 5/6/7 of the roster, he just wouldn't do it.
Kane's character at the moment just doesn't seem like the type who would just let the Rumble continue after being eliminated.
Kane's character at the moment just doesn't seem like the type who would just let the Rumble continue after being eliminated.

Well maybe he does an R-Truth like last night, pulls someone under the ropes, chokeslams them and does it to a couple of people, 'cos he's Kane. Either way, the WWE could've made it work.
I agree with that. I also think that anyone who thinks those promos were wasted because Jericho didn't win the Rumble are mentally challenged.

Completely agree. I had actually hoped he wouldn't win the Rumble. However, he didn't do anything else to signify "the end of the world as we know it." That's the issue I think.
It amazes me how needy you people are for entertainment. I thought the Rumble was awesome on it's own and I wouldn't have changed a thing.

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