Rules that need to be changed in mma


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So, as I was watching the Brock Larson/Brian Foster fight this past saturday I witnessed a foul that just made me lose all control and scream at my screen, which is not something I do usually. Brock Larson had Brian Fosters head down and was kneeing him in the face which is perfectly fine. All was going well until Foster simple placed his hand on the mat and when Larson connected with another knee the ref broke them up and called a foul for kneeing a downed opponent. I have never seen this call in my life. I have seen people be kicked and kneed in the face when they are actually on the mat but not while both were still standing. I can honestly say I was in disbelief that this call was actually made and I think that it potentially led to Larson losing the fight.

How can you call a hand being on the mat kneeing a downed opponent. I just can not grasp the concept. He could obviously protect himself and it was no more dangerous then when Anderson Silva yanks someone's head down into his knee, if anything it was less effective then that. Maybe someone can shed some light on this call that will make me not so upset, im biased as I am a Brock Larson fan.

Also, I think this rule needs to be changed to solely protect a fighter who is on the ground or their knees from being kicked or kneed to the face. It should not protect a fighter who is still standing and can defend themselves.

In conclusion, I want to know some rules that you would change if you could and why.
I've ALWAYS wanted knees and kicks to the face of a ground-opponent to be legal in the UFC. It's a fucking fight, man, let them fight. If you watch PRIDE, no one ever got seriously injured for knees and stomps. Sure, it looks brutal, but it's no worse than punches and elbows to the face when a fighter is on the ground and helpless.

To me, it would just add more excitement to the fights, and we would get more knock outs and finishes in fights, in a day where most UFC fighters pussy foot around to a decision.

One other thing I would get rid of is the cut rule. It's bullshit. If a fighter wants to continue fighting, then let him. A cut is not all that devastating. I mean, unless his freakin' eyeball is popping out of his head or something like that, I don't see a reason to ever stop a fight due to a cut.

Moreover, I would add in instant replays, but only for early stoppages at the end of the fight, and nothing else.

But I guess that's it. I mean, there aren't really that many rules. I love the no grabbing the fence rule, and of course eye pokes and groin shots should remain illegal. So, I think all I would change, as far as rules are concerned, is what I said above.
Yeah, I could dig them getting rid of the kneeing and kicking to a downed opponent all together as well. I have seen some Pride and they always survive those attacks so why wouldn't the UFC guys? Besides what happened to Jaime Varner I haven't seen a real serious head injury from a knee to a downed opponent. As for the cuts, I can agree about that as well, with the exception of that cut Couture got on his eye. If the cut is going to possible hurt them for the rest of their life then it should be stopped but they are paid fighters who are paid to bleed pretty much. The refs need to let them go at it. I don't know about the instant replay idea though. It seems like it would be hard to institute but in theory is a good idea. I miss the good old days in UFC when they just let the guys go at it and kill each other.
Technically with the fighter having three points of contact with the mat they are considered a downed opponent. I saw a video where Big John was discussing the rule with Frank Shamrock, and if I remember his words correctly he said if the hand goes up and down and he gets kneed, Big John will considered him standing, but if he sets it down for balance and it stays there he will be considered down. The Pride rules were great, but right now the UFC and MMA in general is still trying to break into the mainstream, and with stomps and kicks to the head of a downed opponent most casual fans would think that it is far too "brutal" to watch. They add alot of excitement to a fight yes, but I'd prefer to have MMA break out and get much bigger than it is, than to have stomps and soccer kicks.
Yea while I agree that the knee on the ground should be legal, UFC is trying to go mainstream, and kicks to the face on the ground and knees will severely hurt those chances. I however do agree that the cut rule should go. Like JMT said if the fighter wants to continue let him continue. I can see if the guy had skin peeling off his face to where you can see very deep, but some cuts that cause a stop aren't horrible. That is definitely a rule that should be changed.
I can agree with what all of you are saying, to an extent but I do think that the kneeing/kicking a downed opponent at least needs to be modified. Like I said Brock Larson kneed a standing opponent and was called for a foul. The foul was based on the opponents hand being on the mat. He could still safely protect himself and nothing about the move screamed "thats to brutal." Anderson Silva throws harder knees when he is yanking an opponents head down. I strongly believe that the rule needs to be revised to just cover protecting opponents who are on the mat with both knees touching, not their hand.
Call me a throwback, but I want to see the end of weight classes. I watched when the guys could fight anyone, and it was exciting. Watching guys like Royce Gracie dominate bigger guys was fun, and it's nice to see these older fights on Unleashed.

I'd also get rid of the rounds system. Why not ring the bell, and let them fight until there's a winner? Too many times, there's a brawl going as the bell rings, and it breaks up the best action of the fight.

I know neither of these will ever happen, as they were two major changes made to make the sport more friendly to the fans, and to get them a wider base, but it would still be great to see it again.

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