Rudd and Mann are reprising their roles


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I absolutely love Paul Rudd, I think he is absolutely hilarious. He is awesome in Knocked Up, I Love You Man, Role Models, Anchorman, and in his minor role in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. He is definitely one of the funniest comedy actors out there today, much better than Seth Rogan or Jason Segal.

I think this is great news, Knocked Up was ok but wasnt as good as it could have been. I personally preferred Rudd and Mann's characters to those of Rogen and Heigl so I will look forward to this movie, it could end up being brilliant.
I absolutely loved Knocked Up. It wasn't necessarily because of the comedy in the film, but because of the heart it contained. I just thought it was a wonderful movie.

That said, Rudd and Mann's characters definitely had the most lol moments in it. Rudd is simply brilliant (I think his performance in I Love You, Man was the best comedic performance of anyone in the last decade), and Mann couldn't have been more believable as the jealous, mid-life crisis having wife.

So, yeah... I'll be interested in seeing what Aptow does with these characters and what they're relationship and kids are like today. I just hope Jason Segal reprises his role from Knocked Up and is given more screen time as maybe a guy trying to woo Mann away from Rudd or something like that. I'm sure Rogen will have a cameo, though I doubt Katherine Hegal shows up since from all accounts she's a major bitch to deal with (not to mention she's called Knocked Up sexist since it's release).
Rudd is simply brilliant (I think his performance in I Love You, Man was the best comedic performance of anyone in the last decade), and Mann couldn't have been more believable as the jealous, mid-life crisis having wife.


Rudd is awesome, and finally someone else who appreciates how good "I Love You Man" is...Rudd and Segal work perfectly in that movie, there are so many quotable lines from it and I love how Rudd's character Peter always struggles to give nicknames to Segal's character Sidney and panics whenever he gets a phonecall from him. Brilliant stuff, and a top class bro-mance movie

As soon as I can green rep again, some will be coming your way Broseph Goebbels (That nickname in ILYM cracked me up, most other people in the cinema did not get it at all haha)
Great, looking forward to it.
Thought they were great in Knocked Up, which was also a film I liked. I remember his part in Forgetting Sarah Marshall too, one of my favourite films.

So yeah, overall, looking forward to what should be a good film with some great characters :)
Paul Rudd is probably my favorite comedy actor right now. Everything he touches turns to gold, and he lends his talents to some small roles as well as starring roles, like he did in Year One and Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

And Leslie Mann was probably my favorite actor in Knocked Up. Her character was almost a female version of Woody Allen; neurotic, self-involved, totally ignorant to the feelings of other people, and a totally nervous wreck.

It's interesting to see these two characters getting their own film as their storyline was pretty much wrapped up by the end of Knocked Up, but giving Russell Brand a movie off of Forgetting Sarah Marshall worked well, so I don't doubt this could work well too.

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