RR 2014 Kickoff Show: WWE Tag Team Championship - The Brotherhood (c) VS The NAO


WWE.com has announced that The New Age Outlaws will meet Cody Rhodes & Goldust at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Tag Team Championship. After "stealing" a victory over the champs this past Friday on SmackDown!, due to Vickie Guerrero's timely distraction, they've earned a shot at the straps.

Given their win Friday night, it was pretty obvious that this match was coming. Since Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt for the Rumble is off due to Bryan's concussion, they needed another match to add to the card.

I might be wrong, but I think WWE may have moved back the time table of having one of the brothers turn on the other. There've been no signs of tension between them or any build, after all. That is, if they have abandoned the idea of a Rhodes brothers feud altogether. As a result, I could see CM Punk doing something to cause the NAO to lose the match as a little payback for screwing him over last Monday.

Then again, they could be going for a surprise turn that catches everyone off guard, maybe with one of the brothers stabbing the other one in the back due to The Authority making him some sort of offer.

EDIT - This match will be featured on the Royal Rumble Kickoff show rather than part of the main card. As a result, there might be another singles or tag team match added to the main card.
The New Age Outlaws for the win.

Cody and Goldust are running out of places to go as Tag Team Champions. They passed the expatriation date back at TLC, and they're just going through the motions now. The New Age Outlaws are a nostalgia act with a short shelf life, but they can still go in the ring, and they're still over with the fans. The NAO can hold on to the tag titles until Wrestlemania XXX, and that's a good place to drop the titles to The Usos.

Meanwhile, we'll see the finger-pointing and tension between Cody and Goldust, and after they lose the rematch at Elimination Chamber, we'll see the heel turn (leaning towards Cody, because he's a better fit for the heel role) to set up the one on one match at Wrestlemania.
I'm definitely excited to see this. I know there is an argument to be made that these two don't need a tag-team match when there are other teams and superstars doing very little but I'm looking forward to this nonetheless.

I still think the Rhodes brothers win this. Even before last year's Wrestlemania there has been a desire amongst some to see Cody vs Goldust. I, for one, don't want this to happen and view it as completely unnecessary. The tag-team is great and I hope they win and keep on to the belts until Mania.

If the NOA were to win then I'm not sure where they go. Maybe acting as transitional champs so to drop the belts to The Uso's. Anyway, the Rhodes brothers should win this match and I'm sure they will.
I'll say the brothers retain the titles only to lose it the next day or the week after.

quite honestly, I don't think there needs to be a feud between the Rhodes brothers. If they were stale, I could see it, but quite frankly I think it would be force fed. People like Cody and he just turned face recently after splitting with Sandow. People like Goldust too because he's been wrestling better than ever before and returned not too long ago. I think people always are expecting a brother vs brother feud to be awesome, but that's not always the case. I think people want to see something like Bret vs Owen, but if this feud takes off, it will end up being like Hardy vs Hardy.
I think the Outlaws win this one. I had been thinking for a long time they would get one last title run, and I think this is it. I like the idea of them taking the title into Mania and being defeated by the Usos.
Why is this on the Kickoff Show? This would be an exciting opening match for the PPV.

I'm going with the Brothers on this one. I don't think this is the right time for them to lose the belts, plus a big title loss like this should be saved for a major event not a pre-show that nobody cares about. If they lose the titles, they'd have to break up after the Rumble surely. If they keep the belts, they can remain a tag team for a couple more months, and WWE can slowly build up their split in future title defenses by having Cody begin to cheat, steal pinfalls from Goldust, cause DQ's etc. to retain their titles causing tension between the brothers. Also, Goldust can eliminate Cody in the Royal Rumble match, which could start their eventual split.

At Elimination Chamber or the night after on Raw, they could lose the belts to the NAO or The Real Americans and execute the heel turn after the match, with Cody blaming Goldie for the loss and accusing him of being jealous of his younger brother. But like I said, it just doesn't feel like the right time for them to lose the belts.
Feels like a late 90's WWE match.

I couldn't care less who wins. NAO have been around for an eternity. Bringing them back after a decade or so break doesn't change that for me. And Goldust/Cody feel like they've been together for an eternity.
Sort of a nonsense match, since NAO is entirely unecessary, furhermore in a heel role, plus they have had one match, and were given a title shot.

This could well be the catalyst to start friction between Goldust and Cody, though
I wouldn't mind seeing the NAO win and take the titles to Mania to face The Usos, but I am thinking it will be a 4 team match at Mania to get as many guys on the card as possible, and it wouldn't surprise me if Cody and Goldust still had the titles come Mania as I am not sure there is really the interest there for a singles match between the two and it would get lost on a WrestleMania card.
I'd like to see the New Age Outlaws win the Tag Titles tonight, and defend them at WrestleMania 30 in a Fatal 4-Way Match just like they did at WrestleMania XX.

New Age Outlaws vs. The Uso's vs. The Real Americans vs. The Prime Time Players
Brotherhood wins tonight, but a rift is put between Cody and Goldust. There's something that happens that get them to start doubting each other. But Brotherhood goes over.
This is the annoying part about WWE booking to me. You have a potentially historic tag title match tonight, and it is rushed as part of the pre-show with no build. Could have been decent promo work about the history of the tag titles, and the Outlaws fighting for one more run at tag team gold heading into the biggest show in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment.

Instead, it is presented as HHH's buddies getting a title shot because they turned on Punk to further his angle with the Authority. I may be nitpicking, but this match should be a fairly big deal. Clearly, it is not. Hope the Outlaws win but the Brotherhood probably pulls it out. Cringe worthy name for the Rhodes boys, sounds like a cult.
This should be an exciting start to the show. Both of the teams are capable of putting on a good match, so even though it is the kickoff event it should still be pretty good. The Brotherhood can and should get the win, they need it more. The New Age Outlaws gain absolutely nothing from the win. They will be regarded as a legendary tag team no matter what they do. Cody Rhodes & Goldust, on the other hand, can add defeating a team of legends in a championship match to their list of bragging rights if they manage to retain here. The Rhodes Brothers retain and move on to their next challengers.

Cody Rhodes & Goldust will retain the Tag Team Championship.
Its been a while since I looked forward to seeing a Tag Team championship match, But seeing the Greatest team of the Attitude Era get one last run with the Company has got me excited and I fully expect the Outlaws to walk out the the new tag team champions. Both men are in great shape and can still go in the ring so are more then capable of holding the belts until Wrestlemania. As for The Rhodes Brothers I am not expecting either one to turn on the other at the event and I imagine they will Feud with NAO until Elimination chamber where Cody will more then likely Turn on Goldust, Setting up a brother vs Brother match at Wrestlemania where I can see Dusty acting as the Special guest ref for the match.

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