Royal Rumble Stats


the Frog
Well i was going to post this last night before i went to bed, but i decided to wait until i was fully awake. I can see that the front page already has the number of entrants and who they were eliminated by, but here is a list i personally made while watching the rumble.



Super Star who outlasted the most
CM Punk - Outlasting 20 other superstars.

Most Eliminations
CM Punk - Had 7 eliminations (including the ones he helped with Nexus) If you divide the eliminations up between Nexus, then CM Punk had 5.75.
John Cena - Had 6 clean single handed eliminations.

Alex Riley was given a ? on his # out because he was never specified who got him out and if he even was out. Cole was talking like he slid under the rope and was doing a strategy to wait for other competitors to beat each other up while he waited.

I added Miz simply because he eliminated John Cena.

Duplicate names on people who were eliminated means it was a shared elimination. Meaning more than one person helped with the elimination.

This thread was created so people can use this information to hypothesize potential feuds and to further examine the Royal Rumble.
I think Cena and Miz will now feud til Wrestlemania where I hope to god Cena doesn't win, but I am sure I am hoping for nothing. I really like this feud and it would be interesting to see "grown up" Miz vs Cena. I think Miz need a big clean win if Cena is to go over at Mania otherwise there would be no risk/reward for Cena.

I am surprised that Punk and the Nexus will now feud with Orton it seems. I didn't expect that. But then again in the rumble they didn't really got the chance to interact with each other.

But what strike me the most is that Kane got in at 40 and I don't want to talk conspiracy but am I the only one who got the feeling that they added him that late so he wouldn't pass Shawn Michaels, especially after they pointed out that he was about to pass him?
Kane's record was "broken" in a way.. He has 11 eliminations.. Nexus has 16 eliminations.. If you want to count them as one LOL
But what strike me the most is that Kane got in at 40 and I don't want to talk conspiracy but am I the only one who got the feeling that they added him that late so he wouldn't pass Shawn Michaels, especially after they pointed out that he was about to pass him?

Having the record for most eliminations in Royal Rumble just might be something they have planned to discuss for him at the HOF. Who knows? But you may be right
I noticed that you only had 38 people eliminated, then I saw you had a question mark by Alex Riley. I did notice that Alex Riley never seemed to actually be eliminated. He just kind of went outside the ring and who knows what he was doing from the time he left the ring until he distracted Cena. Storyline-wise, I guess he never really intended to win the Rumble in the first place. But you would think Miz would want him to win, so he could guarantee an easy opponent for the Rumble. (Not that the bookers would ever do something like that.)
It's a little sad to see the only person Sheamus eliminated was Hornswoggle. has the stats and gave Kofi the elimination of Alex Riley. And I thought Del Rio eliminated more than 2, guess he made himself look better than he did haha. Good Rumble.
Kane's record is still intact... The record in question is "most eliminations by one superstar in a single rumble match". The Nexus is defined as a group, so you cannot count their 16 eliminations as one person. You would count by the individual.
This is a good thread but there is no direction to it. Thanks for all the effort OP but I am moving this to the spam zone.
On it lists that Kofi & Cena eliminated him together which would give Cena 7 eliminations instead of 6.
But what strike me the most is that Kane got in at 40 and I don't want to talk conspiracy but am I the only one who got the feeling that they added him that late so he wouldn't pass Shawn Michaels, especially after they pointed out that he was about to pass him?

I think you hit the nail on the head. If Kane would have came in at 15 or 20, he could've easily topped his old record. Plus why would you want to make Shawn Micheals look "weak" in his HOF speech at Mania by beating his record. No disrespect to Shawn, but I do smell conspiracy

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