Royal Rumble - Randy Orton vs Sheamus - WWE Championship

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner

In a match made tonight due to Orton winning the Triple Threat Match on Raw between John Cena, himself, and Kofi Kingston, Orton has earned the right to take on the WWE Champion Sheamus at the Royal Rumble.

This match is quite intriguing and presents a variety of scenarios on what may take place leading up to the Royal Rumble.

WWE has done Heel vs Heel before and it hasn't been very successful. That leads one to speculate on whether possible one of four things may occur:

1) Will Orton actually turn Babyface before the Rumble


2) Will Sheamus LOSE the WWE title before the Rumble and Orton will face the new Champion


3) WWE will be brazen enough to keep the title on Sheamus and simply have Orton wrestle him as a Tweener or maybe even a Heel. Yikes. Recipe for disaster in my view.


4) Will someone else be inserted into the match making it what I like to call a "Vince Special", his personal favorite ... a Triple Threat Match?

I am hoping Orton is turned babyface if they go ahead with this match.

But discuss the buildup as well as the match itself in here. Who do you forsee winning the match and why?
Orton will not cater to the fans, so a true babyface is out of the question. Its not him right now and he isnt gonna change that quickly being the leader of the biggest heel stable in the E. Now I can totally see him doing the Tweener thing for awhile, and believe the fans will eat it up. As of right now alot of the fans are chanting his name in his matches, so i think it is inevitable.

As far as build up I believe its going to be basically the same as it was with Cena with Sheamus coming out and running his mouth. The only thing different this time is that Orton has backup. Sheamus will get the upper hand a few times before the Rumble. Ultimately I think Orton will have the fans behind him by the time it gets here. I just dont believe he will cater to the fans like a babyface, and if he does I will be shocked.

I also think they will keep the belt on Sheamus, and the winner of the Rumble (HHH) will challenge him for the title at Mania. And on that note.......
It's obvious that Orton will not turn babyface but you can assume that he'll be the one getting cheered. And like what the above poster said, It'll be kinda like how the buildup to Cena vs Sheamus is except this time, Orton has backups. But the thing that keeps bugging me is that where does this leave John Cena or Kofi? I just don't see them entering the rumble match itself cause it'll be kind weird and kinda kill their momentum and it'll be even weirder if one of them wins it when somebody deserves it better. Though you can safely presume that all four of these guys are sure fire to fill their respective spots at the Elimination Chamber and the other two could be filled by either Legacy or DX. So yeah.. i'm kinda excited about this match though bummed out that a fatal four way isn't happening. Oh well :disappointed:

EDIT: what's with the whole ted winning the rumble? Can someone please explain why Ted goes to the rumble and cody doesnt? I mean what exactly sets legacy apart? Werent they teasing a face turn for cody as well before with the whole randy punting or rkoing dusty rhodes? Im sorry but i just fail to see what makes Ted superior over cody except with him being the marine and stuff. Ever considered the fact that MAYBE ted and cody both win the rumble where they both land their feet at the same time??? im sorry but I think the whole ted > cody is just a bit absurd for me and Im not even a fan of legacy :confused:
Naa Orton wont go Face barring a shocking turn of events. It's just gonna be a rare heel vs heel WWE Title Match. Orton will have 98% of the crowd behind him im certain as Sheamus is still very green and many are not familiar with him. It will be Orton's Legacy "no pun actually intended" but his legacy of multiple WWE Championships and success vs The Celtic Warrior. I see Orton talking down on Sheamus and his lack of experience and being green, but Sheamus playing the "I won the title quicker then you did" card. I have no fn idea how he's gonna win but im guessing Sheamus retains, possibly via interference of Kofi Kingston.
You know, after Raw, I personally feel this:

1.) Sheamus is actually starting to get me to like him, like he is a tweener.

2.) I now pity Orton as a talent, the guy is winning, but isn't winning well. He isn't even getting me to hate him, just feel sorry for him.

So are either of these two men pointed towards being a strong heel? I guess with the weeks to come we will see, and I am just happy that it isn't Sheamus versus Cena right now, and we get to see Sheamus fight an array of people, something we don't get to see on Raw.
Sheamus will, without a doubt, be the heel at the Royal Rumble. I say this, not because he's very hated, but because of a strange fan shift that seems to have occurred over the past few months, if not earlier. For Orton seems to have found an almost cult-like fanbase. Take tonight for example, during the match he was booed. But at the same time there was a margin of fans who seemed to cheer Orton simply out of respect. A respect I feel he deserves. He has been THEE guy in the WWE for the past year and has played the heel role to perfection. So much so, that I wouldn't be shocked to see sort of an Austin like shift in his fan base. The bad guy who was so bad that he got actually got cheered. Personally, I like this match. I think it's refreshing to see two guys who really haven't gone at it, go at it for the title. We're always complaining about how the WWE needs to switch it up. And this well...this is a switch. Not to mention that Orton can carry anyone in a match.

And as for Cena and Kofi, put them in the rumble. It's the main event. And why not have them in the main event. It won't matter anyway, for my prediction Mr. Jericho is going to win the rumble, get back on Raw and win the title at Elimination Chamber only to defend it at Wrestlemania against the guy who's return is greatly anticipated, one Adam "Edge" Copeland. I like the card for the rumble. Let the road to Wrestlemania begin!!!
Well Sid, if I can just go completely off of your questions and spit out my own idea here.

I feel Orton gets the cheers just because he is Orton.

So now here's my idea. Over the next few weeks(as the continue to mention the shakiness in Legacy) Dibiase and Orton continue to win and build momentum. The Orton wins AT the Rumble, and Ted wins THE Rumble. Tonight they actually gave Legacy some promo time and I think it is a sign of the very near future of things to come. Ted said he was going to win the rumble. Maybe this boosts the kid right into the light. He has the movie, now maybe he gets the actual face turn. I know this will be very very HHH/Batista-like but still this can be a better match. I am anxious to see Ted on his own and feel he can achieve big things.
I think this feud will keep both playing the heel and Ted Dibiase playing the verging baby face.

What Sheamus needs as Champion right now is a solid victory over a viable contender - enter Randy Orton. We all know Orton is on the cusp of a feud with Dibiase, that will more than likely cultivate in a match at the Biggest Stage of Them All. I think the seeds for the Orton/Dibiase feud have been planted and the feud will be furthered with Dibiase somehow costing Orton his title match with Sheamus; thus giving Sheamus the big win he desperately needs and also launching the Dibiase/Orton feud into full gear heading into 'Mania.

I also think Orton has a knack for bringing out the best in young talents, as seen with Kofi; so it makes sense to have the still green, struggling WWE Champion work opposite the Legend Killer.
Orton turning face BEFORE the Rumble seems completely impossible, because of what a great heel he is. Over the years, he has been one of the most successful heels we have seen to date, and since that makes for a longer transition to face, I do not believe he could turn face in the next three weeks. After WM26, he could probably make a good face [by screwing Sheamus (against a top face like HHH or Cena) out of the title at WM26, or by reuniting Rated RKO (hence joining a newly face Edge).
I highly doubt orton will turn Face. Just dosent seem like it will happen, if he does then raw losses its top heel. Im not quite sure how the build will work but i have a feeling ted or cody or maybe both will turn on orton during the match and cost orton. Setting up Ted vs orton at mania and thus sheamus holds on to the title before losing in at elimination chamber. If i had to guess. still pure speculation at this point tho. We will just have to wait and see what happens
I will echo the sentiment that there is no way in hell this is going to be heel vs heel. That wouldn't make ANY sense for the WWE. Ted has to turn on Orton so I can't see Orton turning face either. In fact, i really don't even see how that plays out.

I think Cena will find his way in and we'll have two triple threat matches for the titles. It makes sense even though I'd like to see just a one-on-one match.

I also want Cena in the title match so he's not guaranteed to win the Rumble. If he wins the Rumble, I'll be so pissed off and bored.
All of the other posts sound good, but it's all wishful thinking. It's not going to be heel vs heel. My prediction, next week something lame like this will occur..

Sheamus will be having a 'heated' conversation with Orton in the middle of the ring, they then look like they're about to come to blows... unfortunately Cena's music starts, he then stands at the top of the ramp, and says he's had a ''discussion with tonights guest hosts'', and it'll be along the lines of that they both agree that last week (tonight) was unfair because Rhodes and DiBiase interrupted the match, so they'll either have a rematch to decide #1 contender, or they'll just make the match at the Rumble a triple threat or fatal four way.

I hope I'm wrong, but I really can't see the title match at the Rumble being one on one, or Orton turning face this fast.
lol are you guys serious? of course none of them are turning babyface for this match. If any of you have been watching WWE for the last several years, you'd be able to predict that OBVIOUSLY Cena will find a way to enter this match. Maybe even Kofi. I can picture a tag match next week...Kofi/Cena vs Sheamus/Orton. If Kofi and Cena win, they enter the match at the Rumble to make it a Fatal 4 Way...If Orton and Sheamus win, the match is just a 1v1 between them.
I would have to agree with a few other posters-Cena will find a way to be in the match. There's no way the match will be Orton/Sheamus. But, on the off chance that it is, this could be the way they set up the Orton/Dibiase feud. Orton wins the title, Dibiase wins the Rumble, there you go. It's obviously been done before, and Vince and the creative crew haven't been too creative lately.

Before tonight, I thought HBK would win the Rumble, setting up the match with the Undertaker. But with HBK demanding an answer from 'Taker next week, I'm not so sure. At this point, there are 3 possibilities to win the Rumble: Dibiase, HBK, and HHH.

If Orton/Sheamus happens, I have no idea what kind of match it'll be. Maybe we'll get a better idea of just what Sheamus can do, since matches with Cena are generally one-dimensional. But I would bet the house on an Orton win.

BTW, off topic, but did anyone else see Orton's behavior near the end of the match tonight? Clearly Kofi got up too soon from being knocked off the turnbuckle, and Orton visibly rolled his eyes before he delivered the RKO. Then before the pin, he yelled "stupid" at Kifi three times, then again after the pin. That was total bush league. Do that in the back-there's no need to show up Kofi in the ring like that.
During the whole hoopla which was Sheamus winning the WWE Title at TLC, I turned to my friend and made my case that it made a lot of sense. I am a big Orton mark, and I pointed out that Orton could challenge for the title again, since Cena was no longer champion. WWE actually has sort of continued a stip from months ago. And we thought they had short-term memory...

Barring any involvement or addition of John Cena and/or Kofi Kingston, I predict this match to be solid. Orton has brought out the main-event potential in Kingston, now it's time for him to do the same with Sheamus. Or perhaps this is a feud to tide him over until Wrestlemania and the rumored feud with Dibiase.

To me, there are three possible outcomes: Sheamus retains, and drops the title to Cena or whomever at Elimination Chamber. I can't personally see him holding the title until Mania. Or, Orton regains the title and Dibiase wins the Royal Rumble, setting up their match at Mania. Outcome number three: Orton comes up short, Dibiase wins the Rumble, Orton gets jealous, sets up the feud.
I think the match could be heel heel and still be good, I hope Cena doesn't get his way in, he gets way too many chances anyway. I expect Orton to take the strap here but im not exactly sure where the E will go from there, guess we have to wait and see, all i know is i am very excited about wrestling right now.
I guess I am one of the few that is actually EXCITED about this match. I didn't watch all of Raw, cause frankly I hardly ever do, but I was hoping Orton would win. If this stays Orton vs Sheman, I might have to order this PPV. It's something new, fresh, and it can have a million outcomes especially if Ted wins the rumble.

But as people have posted, Cena will find a way to enter this match, and I will catch Royal Rumble at a torrent site.
I think they keep Orton heel for this. Here is why. You still need Orton heel long enough for the eventual breakup of Legacy. At THAT moment, they may decide to turn him, and it would make sense to do so. Another reason I believe he stays heel is I truly believe they are going to let Sheamus get over on him. This accomplishes something. It allows Sheamus to add some much needed padding to his resume. It solidifies him as a monstrous heel and in the process of staying heel gives Orton some wiggle room to turn face down the road.

I also contend that whomever faces Sheamus at Wrestlemania has a decent chance of losing that match. If they are truly trying to push this kid, that would be a surefire way of doing it. It would dispell the notion that just because its Wrestlemania, it does not guarantee a win over 'the new kid'.
In a match made tonight due to Orton winning the Triple Threat Match on Raw between John Cena, himself, and Kofi Kingston, Orton has earned the right to take on the WWE Champion Sheamus at the Royal Rumble.

This match is quite intriguing and presents a variety of scenarios on what may take place leading up to the Royal Rumble.

WWE has done Heel vs Heel before and it hasn't been very successful. That leads one to speculate on whether possible one of four things may occur:

1) Will Orton actually turn Babyface before the Rumble

This seems very possible, but somewhat stupid. They have been teasing Orton turning face with DX during dark matches and such, so it is feasable, but why get rid of one of the top heels, when there are so few good heels already? It would be a big mistake, but it wouldn't be the first time creative made a bad decision with Orton.


2) Will Sheamus LOSE the WWE title before the Rumble and Orton will face the new Champion

I doubt it actually, i bet they put Orton in to put Sheamus over because Cena won't put him over. Cena really pisses me off, look at the people that put him over when he was a new star, and he refuses, or creative refuses, to put him over, at least Orton is probably willing to do the job. I think they need to keep the title on Sheamus and have him get clean wins to give him credibility.


3) WWE will be brazen enough to keep the title on Sheamus and simply have Orton wrestle him as a Tweener or maybe even a Heel. Yikes. Recipe for disaster in my view.

I dunno, i think it would work, and it would be interesting to see how the crowd reacts. WWE is putting alot of stock in Sheamus, and if they want to do this right, they need to put him through the fire, and come out on top. I think having him hold on to the title till EC, or even Wrestlemania and having him Drop to HHH, and maybe have HHH take on a mentor role either before or after then, would do wonders for sheamus, as Evolution did for Batista and Orton.


4) Will someone else be inserted into the match making it what I like to call a "Vince Special", his personal favorite ... a Triple Threat Match?

Very likely, and if they do put Cena in, then expect Sheamus to retain beyond a shadow of a doubt. It would be an awful idea though, because it once again makes sheamus look weak, and they need to make him look dominant.

I think they should have DX drop their titles, and have HHH take Sheamus under his wing in a type of worked shoot, they need to do something to get Sheamus looking dominant, because creative is making him look like a lame duck, like Punk or Hardy during their first reigns.
well I think it will stay heel vs heel which I like it havent seen one in awhile the build up will probably be trash talking mostly maybe a tag match between them idk all I know is I see sheamus winning st the Rumble which sucks and hhh winning the Rumble whos wants to see that at Mania? I would really like to see ted win the Rumble and orton win the title sure it is hhh/batista type but it puts a great feel for Mania and I can see it being a really good match and epic if ted gose over but I think orton is just someone for sheamus to beat so they can show that he is a dominate champ cause not to many ppl believe he deserves it not that we got anything to do with it that scenario sucks to me I love the so far planed Mania card except that one srry I got off subject a little (OFF Subject too but I even heard they were going to do rey vs punk hair vs mask at Mania) but I see sheamus going over as for cena and kofi they will be in the Rumble
In a match made tonight due to Orton winning the Triple Threat Match on Raw between John Cena, himself, and Kofi Kingston, Orton has earned the right to take on the WWE Champion Sheamus at the Royal Rumble.

This match is quite intriguing and presents a variety of scenarios on what may take place leading up to the Royal Rumble.

WWE has done Heel vs Heel before and it hasn't been very successful. That leads one to speculate on whether possible one of four things may occur:

1) Will Orton actually turn Babyface before the Rumble


2) Will Sheamus LOSE the WWE title before the Rumble and Orton will face the new Champion


3) WWE will be brazen enough to keep the title on Sheamus and simply have Orton wrestle him as a Tweener or maybe even a Heel. Yikes. Recipe for disaster in my view.


4) Will someone else be inserted into the match making it what I like to call a "Vince Special", his personal favorite ... a Triple Threat Match?

I am hoping Orton is turned babyface if they go ahead with this match.

But discuss the buildup as well as the match itself in here. Who do you forsee winning the match and why?

Out of all your options, I hope the fourth one doesn't happen but I'm leaning towards the second one is the most probable it will happen. If Kofi had won, I would have seen Sheamus with the title until the Elimination Chamber. However, I see Orton beating him for the title and I can't see him in a tweener role. A larger question looming is if Orton wins, who would be the #1 contender. Cena, HHH, and HBK are likely options and they may go with the safe route with Cena but I would like to see HBK in this role because they haven't fought very much recently.

All in all, I see Orton winning this match ending the unspectacular reign of Sheamus which I don't blame entirely on him.
{Off topic comments eliminated}

As for the title match at the rumble I think its going to be either botched interference by legacy to cause a split after the rumble followed by dibiase getting his receipt from Orton, or something stupid like Cena wins the rumble wants Sheamus now beats him in 13.4 seconds and another future main eventer is squashed by the "Hogan" of the new era.
This is a joke for the main event. Sheamus is too green to go up against Randy Orton . Randy will carry the whole match and Sheamus will win do to Cena interfering. Simple prediction .
Orton will get cheered just because everyone knows just who the hell he is. The guy will be a tweener at best and he's not going to welcome the fans one bit. He's been the leader of Legacy for well over a year now and I really hope this won't become a Triple Threat Match. If Sheamus wins, I really hope they are really trying to get him over. His win over Cena was nothing too special. It is a nice breath of fresh air to see someone else in the title picture, let alone be the WWE Champion.

I'm going with Sheamus. He's younger, stronger, hungrier and I just don't see Orton pulling it off, at least the first time around.
I'm not surprised that everyone is knocking the new main event for the Rumble. After all, a heel vs. heel main event is the end of the world, right? I mean, God forbid the WWE leaves John Cena out of the main event and gives us something different for a change.

Even though heel vs. heel feuds haven't been overly successful in the past, I just have a weird feeling that this one might generate a lot of interest. First of all, Randy Orton (as much as people say he's boring, stale, etc) is a great psycological wrestler and really knows how to tell a story in a matchup. Now, pair him against Sheamus (a guy who still has a ton to prove and even more shit to talk) and you've got two evil bastards that are going to stop at nothing to be the WWE champion going into Wrestlemania.

I can see lots of staredowns and pissing matches on the microphone in the near future, as well as involvement from the Legacy. But I think we can all see where this is going... Sheamus does not currently have the drawing power to be a co-headliner of the biggest WWE event of the year. I think this is going to be an opportunity for Orton to win the title back. I'm not much for fantasy booking, but I can see the Legacy getting involved in the match and giving Orton the advantage. But as they go to the back after their distraction, John Cena will come out and distract Sheamus to give Orton the win. As a result, this will set up a Sheamus vs. John Cena match at Wrestlemania and leave Orton to get a new #1 contender in the upcoming weeks on Raw.

You all scream, bitch, moan and cry that you want to see something different and the WWE is spoon-feeding it to you. Instead of John Cena vs SOMEBODY in a main event, you have two unthinkables going at it. For me, this is a breath of fresh air and allows more focus to be where it should be... on the Royal Rumble itself. After all, that's the name of the PPV, isn't it?? It would be a shame for an undercard match to outshine the entire concept of the second biggest drawing PPV of the year. (And yes, the WWE title match would be considered undercard during this PPV because it takes a back seat to the Rumble.)

And enough about Sheamus being too "green" to face Randy Orton. It's a total bullshit argument. If you do your research, you'll see that Sheamus is a guy who has gained TONS of experience throughout the years. He began in 2002 in Irish and British promotions (same as William Regal) and was picked up by the WWE in 2006 where he spent the next FOUR year in developmental - two more years than the average developmental talent. The guy is only "green" in the eyes of the ignorant viewer who hasn't seen him on WWE television for a long period of time. So stop complaining.

I believe this match is exactly what it's meant to be... intriguing. We'll all shift our main focus to the Royal Rumble event. And while it may be obvious that a babyface will win this year, we're ALL going to be curious as to which heel the winner will be facing at Wrestlemania. I wouldn't doubt if the WWE decided to swerve the shit out of us (again) and raise Sheamus's hand in victory after a botched interference by Legacy, finally causing the breakup and igniting the long-awaited feud between Orton and DiBiase.

Don't count your chickens, people. This can go in a million directions.
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