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Round 2 Results/Round 3 Matchups


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Round 2 Resutls

Hogan Region

Omaha Subregion

(1) Hulk Hogan b. (16) Jack Brisco 26-0
(8) Goldberg b. (9) Eddie Guerrero 25 -18

Chicago Subregion

(13) Great Muta b. (4) Dusty Rhodes 16-14
(5) Chris Jericho b. (12) Jake Roberts 34-2

Rio de Janeiro Subregion

(2) Bret Hart b. (15) Dory Funk Jr. 23-8
(23) Buddy Rogers b. (7) Edge 13-10

Toronto Subregion

(3) Randy Savage b. (14) Stan Hansen 28-2
(11) Billy Graham b. (27) Antonino Rocca 14-3

Cena Region

Sacramento Subregion

(1) John Cena b. (16) Scott Hall 26-0
(9) Brock Lesnar b. (8) Terry Funk 26-6

Melbourne Subregion

(4) Sting b. (13) Rob Van Dam 24-1
(5) Randy Orton b. (12) Samoa Joe 26-7

Denver Subregion

(2) Undertaker b. (15) Blue Demon 22-1
(10) El Santo b. (7) Ricky Steamboat 11-9

Billings Subregion

(3) Lou Thesz b. (14) Mil Mascaras 17-3
(11) Harley Race b. (6) CM Punk 21-11

Austin Region

Tokyo Subregion

(1) Steve Austin b. (17) Diamond Dallas Page 27-1
(8) Antonio Inoki b. (9) Verne Gagne 18-4

Minneapolis Subregion

(4) Bruno Sammartino b. (13) Jushin Thunder Liger 21-1
(12) Bob Backlund b. (5) Mick Foley 15-13

Portland Subregion

(2) Shawn Michaels b. (15) Chris Benoit 31-7
(7) Ultimate Warrior b. (27) Shinsuke Nakamura 22-18

Lexington Subregion

(3) Triple H b. (14) Lex Luger 31-1
(6) Mitsuharu Misawa b. (11) Kenta Kobashi 14-6

Rock Region

New York Subregion

(1) The Rock b. (16) Rikidozan 19-7
(8) AJ Styles b. (9) Vader 27-15

Las Vegas Subregion

(4) Kurt Angle b. (13) Rick Rude 24-1
(12) Kane b. (5) Roddy Piper 20-8

Leeds Subregion

(2) Ric Flair b. (15) British Bulldog 26-5
(7) Daniel Bryan b. (23) Hiroshi Tanahashi 20-9

Birmingham Subregion

(3) Andre the Giant b. (14) Booker T. 27-2
(11) Batista b. (6) Nick Bockwinkel 16-9

Round 3 Matchups

Hogan Region

(1) Hulk Hogan vs. (8) Goldberg
(5) Chris Jericho vs. (13) Great Muta

(2) Bret Hart vs. (23) Buddy Rogers
(3) Randy Savage vs. (11) Billy Graham

Cena Region

(1) John Cena vs. (9) Brock Lesnar
(4) Sting vs. (5) Randy Orton

(2) Undertaker vs. (10) El Santo
(3) Lou Thesz vs. (11) Harley Race

Austin Region

(1) Steve Austin vs. (8) Antonio Inoki
(4) Bruno Sammartino vs. (12) Bob Backlund

(2) Shawn Michaels vs. (7) Ultimate Warrior
(3) Triple H vs. (6) Mitsuharu Misawa

Rock Region

(1) The Rock vs. (8) AJ Styles
(4) Kurt Angle vs. (12) Kane

(2) Ric Flair vs. (7) Daniel Bryan
(3) Andre the Giant vs. (11) Batista

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